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Everything posted by canderson

  1. They can be very tasty. Correctly pronounced poh-keh, same as you'd pronounce it as Japanese in Romanji.
  2. You're told correctly. Problem is that it's going to be a while before the first generation that didn't incorporate that feature aren't leaving the odd holes in coverage, though that shouldn't be too bad of a hit. They maintain a usable orbit for ~5 years. Came out of retirement 2-1/2 years ago in part to support the upgrade of our GEODSS network - the optical side of US space situational awareness. Might prove to be an interesting Google for the 'nerdy' types here. This gives a good overview of the larger system: https://www.spacebasedelta1.spaceforce.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/3103121/15th-space-surveillance-squadron/ Take the "Deep Space" part of the GEODSS acronym with a grain of salt. If an object is not within an Earth or cislunar orbit, it's not on the menu.
  3. That would certainly be nice. A TA (our next voyage) is kind of a 'dark' experience right now when it comes to Starlink. Hard to find those ground stations in the middle of the Atlantic. 😉
  4. Bring what you like! One of the SS advantages.
  5. Looks a lot more 'symmetrical' in some ways than the previous generation design. My wife still comments on the odd look of the of profile of the Muse class.
  6. Appreciate the attempt. Nice to see that many of these are going for 'home town retail' prices, or if not, very close to them.
  7. Or Annie Green Springs?
  8. Our cabin class for our Nov 23 TA has been sold out for months, so even with D2D, no chance of seeing prices move ... even though they have for other classes.
  9. You can't ask directly here, and we are 1st timers ourselves anyway, but on the line we travel frequently, we are able to compose a few questions for others that they can use to screen for an agency that is particularly knowledgeable about that line. Only those closest to a particular line are, for example, able to accurately and without research answer certain kinds of questions about shipboard specifics re anomolous cabin layouts, procedures, etc. I'll bet there are SS veterans here who could compile a short list that might reveal this.
  10. That sporting event didn't used to include an American fellow by the name Akebono, did it? 😁 I was there when he made yokozuna back in early '93. Poor guy is in pretty rough shape these days.
  11. Never would have guessed. At a minimum, I had problems at THIS IS A CROSSWORD PUZZLE TO HELP YOU WASTE TIME ☺️
  12. canderson

    Crew Fund

    Since Silversea only came into being in 1994, you might consider a ship more early-70's for that attire for your next cruise. Wow ... just realized that RCCL launched their first ship, Song of Norway, in 1970. Has it really been so long? Then again, we still have a few spots here in Colorado where you would go completely unnoticed!
  13. So do they draw names out of a hat, offer to some number of upper suites, loyalty points, or ??? Would be fun to query the Engineering Officer on a couple of electrical topics if that's acceptable dinner behavior.
  14. Sounds like not much has changed since I was there in 2018! Speaking of which... Stayed in the Aldgate area and had a couple of good meals at a Halal restaurant serving Indian cuisine on St. Mark St. https://www.halalrest.co.uk/menu
  15. And some of us wear them (outdoors) because we got tired of the liquid nitrogen treatments and the lectures by our dermatologists. @Silver Spectre So what's the head covering du jour in the UK these days? Haven't been there since 2018.
  16. To further clarify... First, you must select "ACTIVITIES" from the "MY BOOKINGS" page. Once you have selected "TOUR PROGRAMME", it is necessary to select "ASHORE". THEN select "Download tour Programme" to received the PDF file. Note that the download will NOT work if you have pop-ups disabled in your browser settings, or have not made an exception for the my.silversea site.
  17. Ah, right. Wonder is SS has restarted that? As of our last cruise in November 22, Celebrity was still avoiding that practice as a leftover from their pandemic policy.
  18. For SS first timers ... what are "hosted tables"?
  19. Aargh. Indeed it is great stuff, but I remember when Bin 95 was affordable!
  20. So you're saying that if we can't come to terms on flights, it's actually $2,348 pp that would be discounted? Or that we can chip in to make up the difference between preferred flights and the $2,348, which amounts to the same thing?
  21. Yes, I believe so. We're on the Dawn TA in November. Here's the relevant piece of the invoice from SS. The air promotion is priced separately, so if we don't take them, the price of the cruise would come down by $1,598 pp.
  22. Granted, we're still a ways out (7 months), but all that shows up in our booking are the transfers to/from airports, but no flights. Do those just normally populate in "My Bookings" at the my.silversea.com site once they are established? Should I make contact and preemptively suggest my own preferred flights, or wait until Silversea comes up with something, and counter that if necessary? This is our first time with SS for any of this planning stuff. VERY different from other lines we've worked with in the past.
  23. Which Illy machine am I likely to find in a Silver Suite on Dawn? Do they take the iperEspresso capsules? I ask because I have my own morning blend that I particularly prefer and want to be sure to bring a compatible refillable capsule.
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