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Posts posted by crochetcruise

  1. Princess gives you a little card holder if you are in a suite. I keep it in there with my coffee card and some cash for tips.



    THANK YOU! The reminder about the card holder is most timely for me-26 weeks today and I'll be boarding! :D


    I've also written down the reminder about the Consumate Host Cards-think you get them from the Passenger Services Desk, and noted to put an extra pen in my handbag! I'm a TERROR for loosing my pen! Only 5 more Cruise Fare Payments, then On Board Purchases for 6 payments, and everything will be organised. Collect my Cruise Documents by 10/11/2016, a calendar month before embarkation.

  2. Since this is the Princess board, lets assume the OP is asking specifically about Princess and not all cruise lines in general.


    There are no single occupancy cabins on any Princess ship.

    The vast, vast majority of the time the single occupancy rate will be 200% of the double occupancy rate.

    For inside and oceanview cabins priced at full rack rate, you may find single occupancy prices in the 170-175% of double occupancy range. But 200% of the current promotional price will always be less than 170% of full rack rate.


    Be aware that you will get some responses that under certain promotions Princess has refused single bookings even at the 200% rate. Those claims are not credible.


    I'm sailing solo occupancy in a Window Suite on the Golden Princess. I'm paying double occupancy and single taxes. HTH.

  3. I got a bunch of credit card RDIF sleeves from Amazon and keep my cruise card in one, even when using a lanyard. I have a Kindle with an origami magnetic cover that has accidentally demagnetized my cruise card quite a few times. The RFID sleeve has made a huge difference.


    THANK YOU Pam! You've just clarified my next purchase for my cruise. My local branch of the State Motoring organisation has RFID card you place in your purse/wallet in front of your card to protect it. I have a small zipped purse that will fit the cards nicely and has a ring so I can clip it on my lanyard-use 1 for my house key and have NEVER locked myself out, unlike other family members who won't use a lanyard!

  4. Not every soda comes from the fountain tap. With the "Sodas and More" package; Coke, Diet, Tonic, Sprite, and usually orange and grape will only come from a fountain. Root beer, cream soda and others are poured into a glass from a can. You can not have the can but your drink may come from a can depending on the flavor of soda you choose. If you want the whole can so you can drink from the can you will need the AIDP.


    Or, specifically request the bar person to charge your Cruise card for the cost of a can of soda, if you haven't brought cans aboard with you.

  5. They didn't when they first brought out the package but it is available to pre-purchase now. However the Princess website usually screws up the pricing as it assumes it's a USD price and adds gratuities and/or tries to convert it to AUD or something.


    My next cruise shows it for AU $73.75 but I'm certain I will be able to buy it onboard for AU $59. Apparently they do refund the difference in the end though. It only takes a minute or two to buy onboard so we'll wait until we board. If you want to prepay, just buy OBC - but ring Princess to do so because I think the website is showing a wrong price for that too. It's showing AU $125 for what is presumably US $100 and I guess they reconvert it back to AUD - who knows what you'll end up with - AU $125 or US $100 converted back to AU at the current exchange rate.


    That price of USD$100 costing AUD$125 is correct, my Cruise Personalizer is showing that price for both On Board and Casino Credits. I'm within 10 weeks of making my final Cruise Fare Payment, then will concentrate on On Board Credit; Casino Credit; Welcome Aboard Photo Package; Culinary Delights and Soda and More Package-will probably buy this aboard, have read it may be cheaper, and it's an excuse to explore the ship anyway! :D

  6. There is a lift on the right next to the glass entrance doors. Immediatly after the entrance there is an escalator taking you up to the mezzanine level.


    In you case, probably best to take the lift.


    THANK YOU! I most certainly will, nearly had a fall trying to get OFF an escalator in a supermarket over 2 levels in Adelaide-very scary! A staff member came hurrying to check I was all right, and personally took me round the corner to show me where the-then unmarked- lift was. Next visit, the lift was VERY prominently marked!


    If I have any trouble, I will politely ask someone for assistance. I am also organising myself a badge identifying me as a Visually Impaired Person.


    Oh, must write that down on my list of appointments to make, my cousin offered to take me out to the Eye Specialist, and while I'm seeing him, the local Royal Society for the Blind of South Australia office is in the same building, so I could give her the money for any shopping, and double-task!

  7. We docked in Burnie and they provided shuttle buses into the visitor centre. Everyone tenders at Kangaroo Island and there is not much in town so you need to either reserve one of the few rent a cars or book a ships tour.




    So if I do the Southern Getaway for 4 nights January 2018, I should plan to stay aboard that day? I'm on a walking frame, so tendering could be er "interesting!" I checked a guide book at the library, there seemed nothing in Penneshaw that I'm interested in, so a quiet day aboard shall be planned if I book the cruise. Still to do my first cruise, the booking will depend on my tolerance for the ship's movement.

  8. This is the approach to the entrance at Sydney OPT. At this stage, the location of the Baggage Drop is not clear. An overhead sign or a sign beliw the blue "Quay" restaurant sign pointing the way would help.



    As you get closer to the entrance you can see a baggage drop sign indicating to keep going straight ahead whereas in fact the baggage drop area is tucked away to the right.



    Newbie cruiser here, and I'm also Legally Blind and on a walking frame.


    In the photo above, showing the entrance, there seems to be a steep ramp between the 2 supports at the far right of the picture. If I am right, does this go up to where I would need to go please? I will have my cousin with me until I need to go into a "secure access" area, so she'll help with sign reading.

  9. Walk right in. Hubby always uses the spa facilities. He gets out of my way, can take as long as he wants showering and shaving and use as many towels as he wants. Win-win!


    THANK YOU! That's an option for me in November then.

  10. I'd recommend everyone trying it at least once or even twice though. I'm sure this is just a phase and a short-term contract between Princess and Curtis as I don't want this to become the norm.


    Personally not interested in any of the food at Share, would choose the Crown Grill or Crab Shack if it's offered. Or a nice Pub Lunch!

  11. Hi Crochetcruise. I brought those photos as a package. 6 for $39.99AU but I think they were all under $10.00. There were two different sizes


    THANK YOU! I've been calculating the number I'd need, probably 2 packages, so that's been added to the budget-the 6 for $39.99 is great value. By buying 2 packages, seems like I'd get 1 package "effectively free!"


    In 30 weeks time, I should be ashore in Melbourne, having finished the cruise. Will be meeting up with friends, still to work out getting the luggage stored at the hotel-I'd rather NOT have to lug it with me while we're having lunch and exploring the Spencer Outlet Mall-lots of shops to explore I'm told!


    Hopefully Thursday, the 2017-2018 Australian Cruising Schedule is released! I have a choice of 3 for my 2nd cruise-just depends on the pricing. Another poster kindly clarified the access at Port Lincoln for me, with a useful point about how a family member had problems, have noted to make sure I have a rest before trying to return to the ship-stamina IS a weak point of mine.

  12. Can someone direct me to where I can look at what services are offered and at what price?


    A link would be fine.




    Here's a post listing Australian Prices posted by another cruiser that I found today. I found it most helpful re pricing. Re converting to Canadian currency, the only suggestion I have is to find out what Australian Dollars convert to in your currency and work out the equivalent. I'm really not much good at currency conversion. HTH


    GRR-lost the post, so will post this and go looking-I at least know what I'm looking for now.


    Hope this works now.


    http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2322939&page=13 post 241 has a listing of services and AUD$ pricing. HTH.

  13. I have attached the Lotus Spa Favourites price list. In my planning, I could never find any prices to the Lotus Spa. Hope this helps someone.










    THANK YOU IT DOES! I've been looking for the Lotus Spa pricing, and am delighted to find it! This 1st trip will be too busy exploring the ship's venues, but I will certainly use this information for my next Big Birthday Cruise-allowing for an increase of 20% on the current prices.


    I intend to start a Savings Account towards the Big Cruise, even $5 a fortnight, builds up over time.


    Eagerly waiting for the 2017-2018 schedule to be released, possibly Thursday-I have 3 possible cruises I need to price. Did find out the accessibility information re 1 port from another forum which has a cruising section, delightedly thanked the lady who provided the detailed information to me! Tossing up between a repeat of my 1st cruise; a 4 night choice or a 6 night choice. It's possible that the 4 night will be a necessity price-wise, then I need to do a yearly Melbourne-Sydney 2 night cruise to work towards qualifying as a Captain's Circle Elite member by the time of the Big Birthday Cruise.

  14. Lol a bit rich to report it as round trip voyages to NZ, you might give people the impression there is more than one............... At least we are starting to appear on the map :)


    Another Cruise Critic member posted the "Northern Summer" schedule for Australia/New Zealand. From memory, there's a New Zealand RT from Adelaide, where the last 2 nights from Melbourne form part of the 6 night round trip including the 4 night Adelaide-Kangaroo Island-Port Lincoln-Melbourne cruise.


    Sorry I don't remember the name of the thread, it was a couple of days ago.

  15. We will be tempted to train to Adelaide and do the one that includes KI.


    will be watching closely.


    That's the 1I'm hoping for as my 2nd cruise! Preferably from Melbourne, but if necessary, will fly to and sail from Adelaide to Melbourne and fly back to my hometown.


    Would like to see how I tolerate 6 nights aboard, but if the budget's tight-4 nights is better than 2 or 3!

  16. No, Full Suite and Elite complimentary service only includes in-by-9-on-Monday, out-by-5pm-Tuesday service, not the Presto same-day.


    THANK YOU! Once again, a Cruise Critic poster has provided the VERY information I was seeking, in a clear and easy to understand format. :D


    From your information, if I put my Embarkation outfit in by 9am Saturday (embark Friday afternoon), it should be returned to my Suite by Sunday night, ready to be hung in the wardrobe for use the next day. I'm going to meet some other friends at a shopping centre after I disembark, so wanted to dress smartly.

  17. Coral


    I read on another thread on the Princess Cruises forum that Majestic Princess will be based in Australia & New Zealand in late 2017 / early 2018 - Do you know if this is true or not




    Hope the Golden Princess isn't redeployed-the Majestic Princess only has a Handicapped Accessible Penthouse Suite, and it's out of my price range, if she's sailing from Melbourne. If it's true, she may be replacing the Emerald Princess who is homeported in Sydney to my knowledge.

  18. Cruise credits are another way to progress in the Captain's Circle program.


    I will be sailing solo in a Suite and paying for Sole Occupancy. I will earn-


    1st Cruise-0 cruise credits-Blue Card

    2nd Cruise-3 cruise credits-Gold Card

    3rd Cruise-6 cruise credits-Ruby Card

    4th Cruise-9 Cruise credits-Platinum Card

    5th Cruise-12 Cruise credits-no change in Status

    5th Cruise-15 Cruise credits-Black Card signalling I have achieved Elite status in the Captain's Circle Loyalty program.


    If I've got the information wrong, someone more experienced will kindly clarify my confusion, and I gladly learn from the more experienced cruisers. And I am still learning!


    My 1st cruise is a 3 night Sydney-Melbourne cruise. The current favourite for my 2nd cruise is a 6 night Round Trip Melbourne-Adelaide-Port Lincoln-Kangaroo Island-Melbourne, then probably 3 separate 2 night cruises between Melbourne-Sydney or vice versa. Cruise credits are not counted on days sailed, so I can do the shorter cruises, and earn the credits to sail for my BIG birthday as an Elite card holder.


    Hope I've been helpful. It can be very confusing, understanding the difference between days sailed, and cruise credits. I'm sailing on the Golden Princess, and need the Handicapped Accessible facilities. A friend told me of the Handicapped Accessible Window Suite, which has some extra Special Perks-I'm sailing as a Belated 50th Birthday Present to myself, so upgraded from a Premium Balcony Stateroom.

  19. We always get the drink package, we do not drink nearly as heavily as what you've suggested, and I think we at least break even.


    Look at this alternative to yours, which is much easier on the liver;):


    2 coffees at cafe $6

    Fresh squeezed OJ $3

    Bottle of water to take on excursion $3

    1 Glass of wine with lunch $8

    Afternoon coffee $3

    2 bottles of soda $5

    Pre-dinner cocktail $14

    1 glass of wine with diner $8

    Cocktail watching show $14

    Specialty tea before bed $3

    Bottle of water for beside bed overnight $3


    That's $70. Without the lunch wine, you're still at $62 and way ahead. ;)We drink lots of cappuccinos, lots of water (we'll each drink 2 on an excursion that involves much walking), and not an inordinate amount of alcohol. I think what lots of people overlook is the cost of sodas, waters, and coffees. You don't have to be a big alcohol drinker to make this package at least a break even proposition. :cool:If you're a teetotaler or you're satisfied with tap water and the standard coffees and teas, you should not get it. Otherwise you might want to run the numbers on what you're actually going to get.


    THANK YOU! With your post and Gut's, I have been able to work out that the Soda and More Package, and calculating 1 full price and 1 $1 drink at Happy Hour in the morning, a Cocktail at the PES function, a Cocktail with Dinner-plan 8.30 pm dining, I have Anytime Dining, and 1 full price and 1 $1 drink at Happy Hour in the evening, I need to organise On Board Credit for 12 Cocktail-over 3 nights with Mocktails and Sodas in between. It could easily happen that I find I don't tolerate alcohol very well, my preferred choice isn't available, although Vodka is-I like Crème de Menthe, a liqueur based on Vodka. That's the guesstimated consumption, but if I don't feel ok, I'm sticking to Mocktails and Sodas!


    Thanks to another Cruise Critic poster, who posted the "Northern Winter" schedule for Australia based cruises, I now have my next cruise selected. I want the 6 night Melbourne-Adelaide-Port Lincoln, Kangaroo Island-Melbourne cruise. Will pick the TA's brains re access at Adelaide, so I have the option of the 4 night if my budget won't co-operate! The TA's already told me, "Once you're SURE you want to cruise again, buy a Future Cruise Deposit aboard, and also BOOK YOU CRUISE and ask for the booking to be transferred to me. I promptly said, "I'd better take your card with me," and she promised I'd have several in my Documents Pack.


    If I find out on the Friday the combination of a Cocktail for Sailaway; a Pre-Dinner Cocktail, 1 with my Dinner and a Nightcap and refill at the Happy Hour is too much, I will slow my consumption. I could cut the Pre-Dinner and 2nd Nightcap without too much concern, just keep a record of what I've tried-noting Likes or Dislikes. There's sure enough variety to choose from.


    My balance is also a possible limiting factor, I daren't risk ruining my cruise by stupidly getting tipsy and having a fall. Sodas and Mocktails should do no more damage than a visit to the Ladies Room at more frequent intervals-a sneaky way to get me exploring the ship too!


    Must get in on the Princess website, and see if I can locate tours for Port Lincoln and Kangaroo Island, found the Adelaide tour the other day.

  20. In my not so humble opinion;), smoking shouldn't be allowed on the ship, period. If one needed a quick fix, they're more than welcome to light up in the space provided - about 5 feet off either the port or starboard sides of the ship.:)


    Hear, Hear!


    I'm a Fireman's daughter, and I've seen the devastation of a house-abandoned, and used as a Training Exercise by the Fire Brigade with the delighted co-operation of the property owner, he'd actually ASKED the Fire Chief if the crew could burn the house down as a Training Exercise. It suited everyone, so arrangements were made. New equipment being tested by the firemen, help in demolishing the property for the owner.


    Mum and I walked down-2 blocks from our home-quite a number of people were gathered to watch in the "roped off" area, and comments were made when Mum and I were called to come closer to the house by the Fire Chief. They didn't know Dad WANTED me to experience the heat of a house fire under controlled conditions with the intention of "scaring" me off smoking! It jolly well WORKED too! We were invited back the next day by the property owner so I could SEE for myself the devastation a fire could cause. Even one that was consciously lit and carefully controlled by the Fire Brigade, still destroyed the old house completely.

  21. THANK YOU Aussie Cruiser IT DOES!


    Thanks to your research and generosity in sharing the information, I now have 3 different cruises to price, ALL of which I could use a Future Cruise Deposit for, so I REALLY must do some very careful calculating BEFORE I choose my cruise/s!



    Getaway 3 SYDNEY, MELBOURNE 28 Nov 17 Golden Princess


    Getaway 4 ADELAIDE, Port Lincoln, Kangaroo Island, MELBOURNE 25 Jan 18 Golden Princess


    Southern Explorer 6 MELBOURNE, Adelaide, Port Lincoln, Kangaroo Island, MELBOURNE 23 Jan 18 Golden Princess.


    I was confused by the last two choices, but I've worked it out. The Golden Princess sails on the Southern Explorer 6 day from Melbourne, and those passengers boarding in Adelaide are on the 4 day Getaway!


    I will be sailing the Getaway 3 day in November this year, so budget-wise my gut feeling is to pick the Getaway 4-Adelaide (although my State Capitol), Port Lincoln and Kangaroo Island are all new ports for me! A nice cruise and 3 new ports? I can sure "endure" that! :rolleyes:


    Off for a look on Princess website. I didn't expect the new schedule to be out for another 3 weeks at least.


    Just back from the Princess website. The Golden Princess January sailings aren't yet on the website. I can approximately calculate what a base fare might be for me by dividing my current cruise fare by 3 and multiplying by 4 or 6. Yes, I'm thinking of being a greedy little piggy and not cruising in 2017 and waiting IMPATIENTLY for January 2018! I am planning to sail to Tasmania in 2022, as a Birthday Present to myself for an important birthday, so am considering the Southern Explorer as a trial run to see how I cope with the time at sea. Will talk to the TA about whether I should put a deposit down on the cruise to secure the 1 Window Suite that is suitable for me, as I need the Handicapped Accessibility, or trust to getting the Suite in November 2016, when I come back from my cruise with a Future Cruise Certificate, which would make the initial booking for me, a bit cheaper, and longer to save up for the essential International Travel Insurance!


    I'm not sure if I can delay buying my International Travel Insurance, and whether I could email her, from the Melbourne hotel to initiate the booking, using the details she'd already have about the Future Cruise Certificate. Aussie Cruiser, I think you've started something here! Be prepared to be CURSED by my TA on Thursday, when she gets all these questions thrown at her, and she's only expecting me to have the next Cruise Payment for her!

  22. Hi All ,


    Below is the schedule for the Northern Winter Schedule for 2017-18 to Australia and New Zealand


    Hope this helps anybody


    For me I like the 11JAN 2018 on the Diamond Princess around Fiji.




    Itinerary Nights Ports 2017/2018 Dates Ship


    Hawaii, Tahiti & South Pacific 35

    SYDNEY, Brisbane, Suva (Fiji), Apia (Samoa), Honolulu, Maui (Lahaina), Kona, Hilo, Kauai (Nawiliwili), Tahiti (Papeete), Moorea, Bora Bora, CROSS INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE, Auckland, Bay Of Islands, SYDNEY

    12 Apr 18 Sun Princess


    Round Australia 28

    SYDNEY, Hobart, Burnie, Melbourne, Adelaide, Albany, Margaret River (Busselton), Perth (Fremantle), Broome, Kimberley Coast scenic cruising, Darwin, Cairns, Alotau, Brisbane, SYDNEY

    8 Oct 17 Sun Princess

    24 Mar 18 Sea Princess


    Papua New Guinea 15

    SYDNEY, Alotau, Doini Island, Kawanasausau Strait & Milne Bay scenic cruising, Kiriwina Island, Kitava, Rabaul, Honiara (Guadalcanal), Brisbane, SYDNEY

    11 Nov 17 Sun Princess



    Fiji & South Pacific 14

    SYDNEY, Lifou, Vila, Dravuni Island, Suva (Fiji), Savusavu, Lautoka, Noumea, SYDNEY + Itinerary varies.

    11 Jan 18 Diamond Princess 30 Jan 18+ Sun Princess 1 Nov 17+ Golden Princess


    New Zealand 13

    SYDNEY, Fiordland National Park scenic cruising, Dunedin (Port Chalmers), Akaroa, Wellington, Napier, Tauranga, Auckland, Bay Of Islands, SYDNEY

    26 Nov 17, 9 Dec 17, 4 Jan 18, 17 Jan 18, 19 Feb 18, 4 Mar 18, 17 Mar 18, 30 Mar 18

    Sun Princess

    2 Oct 17, 15 Nov 17 Golden Princess


    New Caledonia & Vanuatu 13 SYDNEY, Vila, Champagne Bay, Luganville, Mystery Island, Lifou, Isle Of Pines, SYDNEY 22 Dec 17 Sun Princess


    New Zealand 12

    SYDNEY, Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Akaroa, Dunedin (Port Chalmers), Fiordland National Park scenic cruising, SYDNEY

    25 Jan 18, 10 Mar 18 Diamond Princess


    New Zealand 12

    SYDNEY, Melbourne, Hobart, Fiordland National Park scenic cruising, Dunedin (Port Chalmers), Akaroa, Tauranga, AUCKLAND

    6 Feb 18 Diamond Princess


    Southern Explorer 11 SYDNEY, Hobart, Burnie, Melbourne, Adelaide, Albany, Margaret River (Busselton), PERTH (FREMANTLE)

    8 Oct 17 Sun Princess 24 Mar 18 Sea Princess


    New Zealand 11

    SYDNEY, Hobart, Fiordland National Park scenic cruising, Dunedin (Port Chalmers), Akaroa, Picton, Napier, Tauranga, AUCKLAND

    19 Dec 17 Diamond Princess


    New Caledonia & Vanuatu 10 SYDNEY, Lifou, Vila, Mystery Island, Mare, Noumea, SYDNEY 15 Oct 17 Golden Princess


    Queensland 10

    SYDNEY, Airlie Beach (for the Whitsundays), Cairns, Port Douglas (for the Great Barrier Reef), Willis Island scenic cruising, Brisbane, SYDNEY

    14 Mar 18 Sea Princess


    New Zealand 9

    SYDNEY, Fiordland National Park scenic cruising, Dunedin (Port Chalmers), Akaroa, Wellington, Napier, Tauranga, AUCKLAND

    4 Jan 18, 19 Feb 18 Sun Princess


    Tasmania 8

    SYDNEY, Melbourne (overnight), Wineglass Bay & Oyster Bay Scenic Cruising, Port Arthur, Hobart (overnight), SYDNEY

    11 Dec 17, 2 Mar 18 Diamond Princess


    Tasmania 7 SYDNEY, Melbourne, Wineglass Bay & Oyster Bay Scenic Cruising, Port Arthur, Hobart, SYDNEY 25 Oct 17 Golden Princess Tasmania 6 SYDNEY, Burnie, Port Arthur, Hobart, SYDNEY 5 Nov 17, 13 Feb 18 Sun Princess


    Getaway 3 SYDNEY, MELBOURNE 28 Nov 17 Golden Princess


    Asia & Australia 22

    TOKYO (YOKOHAMA), Shimizu, Osaka (for Kyoto), Hong Kong, Nha Trang, Ho Chi Minh City (Phu My), Bali (Benoa), Darwin, SYDNEY

    19 Nov 17 Diamond Princess


    Australia & Asia 22

    SYDNEY, Darwin, Kota Kinabalu, Ho Chi Minh City (Phu My), Nha Trang, Hong Kong, Osaka (for Kyoto), Shimizu, TOKYO (YOKOHAMA)

    22 Mar 18 Diamond Princess


    Australia & Asia 19

    SYDNEY, Brisbane, Airlie Beach (for the Whitsundays), Port Douglas (for the Great Barrier Reef & Cairns), Darwin, Bali (Benoa), Nha Trang, Ho Chi Minh City (Phu My), SINGAPORE

    31 Mar 18 Golden Princess






    Itinerary Nights Ports 2017/2018 Dates Ship


    New Caledonia & Vanuatu 14

    MELBOURNE, Mare, Noumea, Mystery Island, Vila, Champagne Bay, Luganville, MELBOURNE +Itinerary varies

    1 Dec 17, 24 Feb 18+ Golden Princess


    New Zealand 13

    MELBOURNE, Fiordland National Park scenic cruising, Dunedin (Port Chalmers), Akaroa, Wellington, Gisborne, Tauranga, Auckland, MELBOURNE +Operates in reverse order

    21 Dec 17+, 10 Jan 18, 29 Jan 18, 11 Feb 18, 10 Mar 18

    Golden Princess


    Tasmania 7 MELBOURNE, Wineglass Bay & Oyster Bay Scenic Cruising, Port Arthur, Hobart, Adelaide, MELBOURNE 3 Jan 18 Golden Princess


    Southern Explorer 6 MELBOURNE, Adelaide, Port Lincoln, Kangaroo Island, MELBOURNE 23 Jan 18 Golden Princess


    Tasmania 6 MELBOURNE, Wineglass Bay & Oyster Bay Scenic Cruising, Port Arthur, Hobart, Phillip Island, MELBOURNE 15 Dec 17, 23 Mar 18 Golden Princess



    Tasmania 5 MELBOURNE, Wineglass Bay & Oyster Bay Scenic Cruising, Port Arthur, Hobart, ADELAIDE 3 Jan 18 Golden Princess


    Getaway 2 MELBOURNE, SYDNEY 29 Mar 18 Golden Princess


    Australia & Asia 21

    MELBOURNE, Sydney, Brisbane, Airlie Beach (for the Whitsundays), Port Douglas (for the Great Barrier Reef & Cairns), Darwin, Bali (Benoa), Nha Trang, Ho Chi Minh City (Phu My), SINGAPORE

    29 Mar 18 Golden Princess




    Itinerary Nights Ports 2017/2018 Dates Ship


    Round Australia 29

    BRISBANE, Newcastle, Sydney, Hobart, Burnie, Melbourne, Adelaide, Albany, Margaret River (Busselton), Perth (Fremantle), Broome, Kimberley Coast scenic cruising, Darwin, Alotau, Yorkey's Knob (for Cairns), BRISBANE

    5 Oct 17 Sun Princess


    Round Australia 28

    BRISBANE, Sydney, Hobart, Burnie, Melbourne, Adelaide, Albany, Margaret River (Busselton), Perth (Fremantle), Broome, Kimberley Coast scenic cruising, Darwin, Yorkey's Knob (for Cairns), Alotau, BRISBANE

    22 Mar 18 Sea Princess


    New Zealand 14

    BRISBANE, Fiordland National Park scenic cruising, Dunedin (Port Chalmers), Akaroa, Wellington, Napier, Tauranga, Auckland, BRISBANE

    3 Dec 17, 21 Dec 17, 11 Feb 18 Sea Princess


    Papua New Guinea 11

    BRISBANE, Alotau, Kitava, Rabaul, Kiriwina Island, Doini Island, Kawanasausau Strait & Milne Bay scenic cruising, BRISBANE

    14 Jan 18, 25 Feb 18 Sea Princess


    New Caledonia & Vanuatu 10

    BRISBANE, Luganville, Champagne Bay, Mystery Island, Lifou, Noumea, BRISBANE +Itinerary varies

    4 Jan 18, 25 Jan 18+ Sea Princess


    Queensland 10

    BRISBANE, Sydney, Airlie Beach (for the Whitsundays), Cairns, Port Douglas (for the Great Barrier Reef), Willis Island scenic cruising, Brisbane, SYDNEY

    12 Mar 18 Sea Princes


    Queensland 7

    BRISBANE, Airlie Beach (for the Whitsundays), Cairns, Port Douglas (for the Great Barrier Reef), Willis Island scenic cruising, BRISBANE

    4 Feb 18 Sea Princess


    Getaway 4 BRISBANE, Airlie Beach (for the Whitsundays), BRISBANE 17 Dec 17, 8 Mar 18 Sea Princess


    Getaway 2 BRISBANE, SYDNEY

    3 Nov 17 Sun Princess 12 Mar 18, 19 Apr 18 Sea Princess




    Itinerary Nights Ports 2017/2018 Dates Ship


    Treasures of Asia 12 SINGAPORE, Phuket, Langkawi, Penang, Kuala Lumpur (Port Kelang), Bali (Benoa), PERTH (FREMANTLE) 6 Nov 17 Sea Princess Northern Explorer 17 PERTH (FREMANTLE), Broome, Kimberley Coast scenic cruising, Darwin, Cairns, Alotau, Brisbane, SYDNEY 19 Oct 17 Sun Princess 4 Apr 18 Sea Princess


    Northern Explorer 15

    PERTH (FREMANTLE), Broome, Kimberley Coast scenic cruising, Darwin, Port Douglas (for the Great Barrier Reef), Yorkey's Knob (for Cairns), Alotau, BRISBANE

    18 Nov 17 Sea Princess






    Itinerary Nights Ports 2017/2018 Dates Ship


    New Zealand 17

    ADELAIDE, Melbourne, Fiordland National Park scenic cruising, Dunedin (Port Chalmers), Akaroa, Wellington, Gisborne, Tauranga, Auckland, Melbourne, ADELAIDE

    8 Jan 18 Golden Princess


    Getaway 4 ADELAIDE, Port Lincoln, Kangaroo Island, MELBOURNE 25 Jan 18 Golden Princess





    Itinerary Nights Ports 2017/2018 Dates Ship


    Hawaii, Tahiti & South Pacific 35

    AUCKLAND, Bay Of Islands, Sydney, Suva (Fiji), Apia (Samoa), Honolulu, Maui (Lahaina), Kona, Hilo, Kauai (Nawiliwili), Tahiti (Papeete), Moorea, Bora Bora, CROSS INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE, Auckland, Bay of Islands, SYDNEY

    8 Apr 18 Sun Princess


    Australia & New Zealand 13

    AUCKLAND, Sydney, Fiordland National Park scenic cruising, Dunedin (Port Chalmers), Akaroa, Wellington, Napier, Tauranga, Auckland, Bay Of Islands, SYDNEY

    13 Jan 18 Sun Princess


    Australia & New Zealand 13

    AUCKLAND, Bay of Islands, Sydney, Fiordland National Park scenic cruising, Dunedin (Port Chalmers), Akaroa, Wellington, Napier, Tauranga, AUCKLAND + Itinerary varies

    28 Feb 18+, 13 Mar 18, 26 Mar 18 Sun Princess


    New Zealand 12

    AUCKLAND (overnight), Wellington, Picton, Akaroa, Dunedin (Port Chalmers), Fiordland National Park scenic cruising, Hobart, SYDNEY

    30 Dec 17 Diamond Princess


    New Zealand 12

    AUCKLAND, Tauranga, Akaroa, Dunedin (Port Chalmers), Fiordland National Park scenic cruising, Hobart, Melbourne, SYDNEY

    18 Feb 18 Diamond Princess


    Getaway 4 AUCKLAND, Bay of Islands, SYDNEY 26 Jan 18, 13 May 18 Sun Princess


    THANK YOU Aussie Cruiser IT DOES!


    Thanks to your research and generosity in sharing the information, I now have 3 different cruises to price, ALL of which I could use a Future Cruise Deposit for, so I REALLY must do some very careful calculating BEFORE I choose my cruise/s!



    Getaway 3 SYDNEY, MELBOURNE 28 Nov 17 Golden Princess


    Getaway 4 ADELAIDE, Port Lincoln, Kangaroo Island, MELBOURNE 25 Jan 18 Golden Princess


    Southern Explorer 6 MELBOURNE, Adelaide, Port Lincoln, Kangaroo Island, MELBOURNE 23 Jan 18 Golden Princess.


    I was confused by the last two choices, but I've worked it out. The Golden Princess sails on the Southern Explorer 6 day from Melbourne, and those passengers boarding in Adelaide are on the 4 day Getaway!


    I will be sailing the Getaway 3 day in November this year, so budget-wise my gut feeling is to pick the Getaway 4-Adelaide (although my State Capitol), Port Lincoln and Kangaroo Island are all new ports for me! A nice cruise and 3 new ports? I can sure "endure" that! :rolleyes:


    Off for a look on Princess website. I didn't expect the new schedule to be out for another 3 weeks at least.

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