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Posts posted by crochetcruise

  1. We oftentimes bring individually wrapped snacks onboard so we have something small in our bag when we go on an excursion, since you are not allowed to take food from the ship onshore.

    Sometimes we just take snacks for our room stewards. In the past, we've asked them what they get onshore when they visit a grocery store or Walmart. Most have said they love Doritos and another big vote for candies such as chocolate covered almonds. Many have mentioned they love to have such items for their crew parties or just to have in their cabins.


    THANK YOUfor being so specific about what is liked by the crew. I can buy both Doritos and chocolate covered almonds in my local supermarket. Although I will be staying with my cousins before embarking, they have the same supermarket, and I have already informed them I am contributing to the food budget while I'm staying with them! They are "saving" me over $500USD on the cost of a Hotel room near Circular Quay, so am delighted to be able to contribute while staying with them and their 5 dogs pre-cruise.


    I think Doritos come in Original and Cheese, possibly Barbecue? Not sure on the last, I have eaten them, but I'm more fond of another snack food. Does anyone know if a specific flavour of Doritos is preferred please? If I know, I will try and get it.


    Chocolate covered almonds are NOT something I'd actually put on my Snack List-more an assortment of different packets of nuts and some Prawn Crackers that I learnt totally by accident-used a coloured mug when pouring an alcoholic drink-are VERY good at absorbing alcohol. Despite a DOUBLE measure of alcohol, no headache after eating a full packet of Prawn Crackers. I was amazed, and you get such a lot in the packet so very good value! Now you've got me wondering about substituting chocolate covered peanuts and almonds for salted peanuts and almonds! You devil! :D:D

  2. Hi, I'm trying to find some up to date information. Do Princess still put out a cook book and if so, how much is it? Thanks


    I bought one on Sun Princess last Christmas. It was AU $ 42.25.


    They were selling them on Dawn on our last cruise three weeks ago but I don't know if the price had changed.


    It's a lovely memento, both for the recipes and for the gorgeous photos in it.


    Lovedcruise, my Cruise Personalizer, in Australia, shows the Cookbook available for AUD$35. I think the equivalent in NZD$ is about $38.73. HTH. If you can, I'd reserve a copy through your Personalizer.

  3. There are only three ships in the fleet that have window suites. F303 is the smallest of them all (at the end of the row) with a little less real estate. I have stayed in several of them and prefer a higher number (F311). Push comes to shove, I'll take any window suite since I am not a particular balcony person.


    Great location. Great Perks. Lots of cabin space and storage.


    If the price is right, go for it. Then book a higher cabin number "the next time".


    F301 is the smallest Window Suite

    F303-F311 are regular Window Suites

    F315 is the Handicapped Accessible Window Suite



  4. Hi Jim- We loved our suite and know that we will have a hard time booking an interior ever again. We had completely splurged on the suite and it was worth it for our honeymoon. Loved Sabatini's for breakfast. We were sad on days that we could not go because of early ports. We were always sat at the same table each morning and the food & service were perfect. We also used the in-room tea service twice. First time, we let them bring the whole set up. The second time, we asked for less food because we felt like it was too wasteful with all they brought the first time. We also loved the Elite lounge in skywalkers. At most, there would be 4 couples in there. We tried most of the drink specials and really enjoyed the snacks - favorite was herbed goat cheese bruchetta. The music was the best on the ship and we got to know Raheesh, our favorite waiter, very well. We sent out laundry twice. The charge shows up on your bill and then also as a credit. So, we know that it was worth about $100. We wouldn't have sent out laundry if we had to pay for it. But, it was nice being able to bring home some clean clothes. We traded our minibar for 2 coffee cards. We didn't even use up one whole card, but the alcohol in the set up was nothing that we liked and we don't drink soda. The Thermal Suite was awesome. We went 3 or 4 times. The most people we ever had in there was 4 besides us. Some times, it was only us. I liked the gentle sauna and hubby liked the steam room, so we would go our separate ways and then meet on the heated stone loungers when we were each done. Then, we would go out to the hot tub in the sanctuary, which you don't need a sanctuary pass to access. Again, we would not have paid for the thermal suite, but it was a luxurious perk. Knowing what it is now, we will still not pay for it on future cruises. I have read that it is different on different ships. On the Crown, it's just 3 steam/sauna rooms and 2 multi-jet showers (one of which was broken for the whole cruise).


    Other perks:

    - priority boarding: WONDERFUL. We were around the first 20 or so to board and it made for a great and stress-free start to the trip. (Not a suite perk, but is easier to do if you have priority boarding: Go to your room and read the patter about dining options. One dining room will be listed for lunch service but only until about 1:30 or so. No one mentions this and if you ask stewards and crew, them will tell you that lunch is in the buffet only. Having a quiet and non-crowded first lunch was great. We were sat at the window watching all the "minions" board. :p)

    - disembarkation lounge: We were only there for 5 minutes but it was a very relaxing place to wait to be called. Best part was that they had an elevator reserved for you.

    - nice robes in the room: Used them daily and loved them.

    - extended room service: Sometimes if we were too full for dessert after dinner, we would later call for it to be delivered around 9. It was nice to have it out on the balcony.

    - nightly canapes: Ordered once - not that good in our opinion.

    - Chef's welcome goodies: these were the same as the nightly canapes we discovered - see above

    - Chocolate strawberries: Never saw them. We might have needed to ask for them.


    Let me know if you have any other specific questions. I am in cruise withdrawal and wouldn't mind at all.


    THANK YOU! I'm in a Suite myself in November 2016, and have noted about the extended RoomService tip for dessert.


    Glad you enjoyed your cruise.

  5. Just got off the Star Princess and there were numerous people diagnosed with flu. Enough people were diagnosed with flu or having positive flu antibodies that ship dr was sending reports to Canadian health authorities. Had multiple critical patients. I ended up with pneumonia, but as an asthmatic that can happen after a viral cold, and generally respond well to antibiotics and prednisone. Hubs however I fear has the flu.


    Ship never went to code red, although there were days there was no silverware on the buffet tables.


    Anyway, if there is a cruise in your future get your flu shot, both pneumonia shots, and any shots pertinent to where you are going. Being sick on a cruise is noo fun.


    We are currently in Vancouver for a few days. Visiting a walkin clinic as we speak. Hopefully they will help him turn the corner on this.


    THANK YOU FOR THE ALERT! Sorry to hear you and hubbie are sick, but glad to be reminded to check re flu and pneumonia shots for me for next year. Have questioned the Dr as I've have a pneumonia shot before and thought I was due for another, but will double-check. I also am asthmatic, and paranoid about having my cruise spoilt by overlooking something essential! Have noted to ask about carrying an antibiotic with me, and prednisone-I loathe the taste and find swallowing it hard, but it sure clobbers the infection hard! :D


    Hope you're both soon on the road to full recovery.

  6. My wife and I always bring an extra $100 or $200 in singles.

    We always have singles ready for room service and servers in the buffet getting us drinks or clearing tables for us. Also you never know who you might meet that deserves an extra buck or two for going above and beyond.

    To each his own when it comes to tipping but my wife and I feel so blessed every time we cruise that we want to reward others for helping make our cruise such a wonderful experience.

    Room service is a separate department from your room steward.


    The Australian $1 and $2 are coins, but I have noted to bring a supply in a designated coin purse so I can acknowledge extra service, on the spot. THANK YOU for discreetly reminding me of this-I'm not used to tipping on a regular basis here in Australia-certainly have rounded up the taxi fare many times, but nothing in hotels or restaurants.

  7. Thank you all for your input - it is most appreciated.


    Caribill - all the photos I have seen have been distance views so it was hard to see if there was indeed a hoist. Your photo is most helpful.


    Now to buy some togs (Swimsuit in kiwi speak)


    I got my new bathers (aussie speak :D ) on special at Best & Less, a variety store in a shopping centre near me. Under half-price compared to Target or Kmart, not the colour I would have preferred but it fitted AND was a size smaller than what I'd worn previously! Due to disability, exercise is mainly walking with my Rollator, so I was VERY surprised and pleased to find out I had to buy the smaller size! It's a one-piece, don't have the figure for a bikini. :D

  8. I was just on the Golden last month and I did not see a hoist, nor have I ever seen one on a Princess Cruise. The Lotus Spa Pool is a good choice as I can say with 100% certainty that it has steps and a rail for entry. Also it is not as deep as the other pools. It is an adults only pool, and sometimes few people use it as they assume it is part of the Sanctuary and has a cost, but it is free. My mother likes this pool due to the easy entry as she cannot really or easily do the ladders as well. Access this pool via the Lotus Spa, and there are a few steps to go up to the pool level from the Spa.


    Also the Aft Terrace pool has steps to get into it, but it is a bit steeper if I remember correctly, also it is deeper.


    Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I have attached a picture so you can really visualize the Lotus Spa Pool with its entry steps. It was netted off as the seas were a little rougher. It was drained a bit because of this as well. Look on the left of the photo and you can see a splash I caught in the picture!


    Same story for the attached picture of the Aft Terrace Pool... Netted off and drained some for sea conditions. Also caught a splash too! One note for this pool as there are stairs (about 7 or 8) that you need to go down from the Lido deck to get to the pool area so people are aware. Alternatively you could access it from the end of the Aloha deck passenger hallway via a couple less stair steps that you have to go up. Just FYI.


    Happy Cruising!




    If the picture is too small (because CC limits the size) I would be happy to email the larger originals if anyone wants, just get me an email address. (Be sure to space it out so that the computer bots cannot read it! For example... JoeCruiser AT gmail dot com *** THIS IS NOT MY EMAIL ADDRESS, I JUST MADE IT UP! LOL)


    THANK YOU! Using my smaller Telescopic Magnifying Monocular Lens, which can be adjusted to give me sight of 2 lines BELOW the defined line for Legal Blindness in Australia, I was able to get a good, clear look at both pools. I hadn't realised the Lotus Spa Pool is open to the sun-stern note to bring a rashie vest for sun protection with me! Another friend on another forum of which I am a member, suggested I wear a rashie vest for sun protection as I cannot accurately apply sunblock to my own back, not that much of a contortionist! :D

  9. Always a good practice and it's surprising how many folks don't bother to even look at the Personalizer until it's time to print boarding passes and tags.


    I went in yesterday, to find Gift Services was now available-partly, no Robes and some prices still in USD$ but I located 4 new souvenirs with AUD$ prices, and 2, from 2 different people, have already been voted for. The 50th Anniversary Mug and the Ship-Specific Mum were earmarked for my cousins-he's had an unfortunate run of Fumble Fingers resulting in smashed mugs, so new ones will be much appreciated!


    Was advised by my Chartered Accountant friend to take ALLthe Speciality Dining, Culinary Delights, Cocktail money, and 3/4 of the planned Souvenir Spending in On Board Credit with your budgeted Casino, taxis in Melbourne and airport to home, and 1/4 of your planned Souvenir Spend in Casino Credit which can be cashed out, the taxi money reserved in separate coin purses, and your On Board Account topped up with cash if necessary. She'll be surprised if my calculations are too inaccurate, but did warn me, "Unless you've got to spend a certain amount to qualify for a Discount voucher, I'd pre-order your Photography Credits and the chocolates for gifts to the TA and her staff. Talk to her about ordering your 50th Anniversary purchases now as well to be sure you'll get them next year as well.


    Must go check my Cruise Personalizer, I haven't, as yet, looked at it today, been busy with other things.

  10. I also frequently check my Cruise Personalizer for assignment and movement of assignment. Truth be told, I might stalk my Cruise Personalizer...:eek:


    Me too TracieABD!


    After being reassigned from F315 with Handicapped Bathroom to F311 with a Regular Bathroom, when the TA had MOST specifically, when she rang Princess to change my original booking due to them cancelling "For Operational Reasons" specifically reconfirmed with them I DID need the grab rails in the Bathroom. She was told by 1 of the Call Centre operators, that if a person who is wheelchair dependent wants to cruise in a Suite on my cruise, they will have priority, but it's unlikely. I've already had to change my plans once, and am NOT happy at the thought of having to miss the cruise, as there is no other Handicapped Suite on the Golden Princess. The TA says not to worry, I AM! She did say she has a good contact at Princess so calm down-not helping much.

  11. Hi all


    I am hoping someone may have cruised on the Golden Princess and have first hand knowledge regarding whether there is a hoist for pool access? I would love to have a swim as we will spend most of our cruise on-board rather than going ashore as we are travelling in familiar territory.




    I have posted on the Disabled Cruiser forum also.


    Not to my knowledge, but it looks like the Lotus Pool has steps with a handrail going down into the water if you are able to manage steps. I'm judging from the deck plans and photos only, no direct personal knowledge until 11/11/2016 when I sail on the Golden Princess myself. I was specifically looking for steps with handrail access as me and ladders do NOT get on at all!

  12. Yes, it's very convenient. We have traditional dining, but I understand it works just as well in Anytime.


    He's VERY pleased and has nicknamed me "Squirrel" for all the "nuts" of information I keep finding on Cruise Critic and passing to him! He's still working full time, whereas I "retired on Medical grounds" eight years ago, so have the time to research. WHAT a hardship! :rolleyes:

  13. don't say overboard. LOL


    Yipes, that might be an omen of a nasty fall aboard ship for me!


    I am PLANNING to be careful to work within a budget when buying souvenirs, but if there's a discount for buying X amount of $$$ and I can do meet the requirement of-this I'm not sure on-having to spend X amount in a particular shop, I sure will have a good go, and S-T-R-E-T-C-H my money even further!


    Thanks for the polite warning to be careful how I type things-I completely missed that point that "overboard" on a cruise ship is not very nice! :eek:

  14. THANK YOU to those who answered my question. I was interested as the Caribbean Princess has the Handicapped Accessible Window Suite, so is an option should I be lucky enough to win Lotto and be able to travel overseas, of COURSE after sensibly investing to provide funds for future cruises. I have a Bucket List-Alaska, this cruise which I hadn't previously thought about, but am now VERY interested in, and the Caribbean. Europe, I was told by a friend who also has mobility issues, can be challenging and I would need someone with me.

  15. Then that was the reason for having to disembark with the luggage.


    Princess should have made this clear.


    If they issued no notice, then they dropped the ball.


    However, notice may have been given in a small paragraph in the disembarkation notice that had all the disembarkation times or in the Patter.


    THANK YOU! I am now aware this might be a possibility on my cruise, arriving in Melbourne. I have a luggage cart which I will bring with me-an extra suitcase of presents for my cousins to bring from my home town. Some practise in managing my walker with 1 hand and the luggage cart with the other is indicated for everyone's safety! :D I've over 415 days of possible practice, so should be quite accustomed to managing independently if I need to use the luggage cart for 2 suitcases.

  16. The mini-bar setup - alcohol - is for the elite pax in mini-suit and lower class rooms only and is gratis the first time. Refills of bottles will end in a charge to your folio.


    However when you get into your cabin, the small refrigerator under the counter will have 2 cans of beer, 2 cans of coke, 2 cans of diet coke, 2 cans sprite and 2 larger bottles of water if my memory serves me. As you use them, the room steward will replace them and report that you used one or more which will have a cost added onto your folio.


    I understood that the occupant of a Full Suite also received the Mini-Bar set-up. Your description of the contents of the small refrigerator seems to be what is provided in the Mini Bar set up. I think 2 cans of Tonic water is also provided, from what I've read here on Cruise Critic. I might have misunderstood what I read too, newbie cruiser here and not ashamed to admit I'm a learner. :D

  17. Totally agree since I'd be out of commission without my glasses! Every time I get new glasses I put my old pair in a case and put it in the suitcase where it will remain for all trips. Even though the prescription may have changed some it is still better than no glasses at all!


    Oh dear to losing a lens, but THANK YOU for reminding me to check I have spare sets of both regular and sunglasses packed in the case and the spare pair-probably regular glasses as it should be sunny travelling to the ship for me, my Spring season, in my handbag. I've 2 mismatched frames from an earlier prescription, I could get the prescription updated using those frames as the "Travel Back Up Pairs." Sorry for your bad luck, but thankful for the early reminder to protect myself by organising a Back Up Set.


    Am thoroughly enjoying the Live From. Back to reading (and drooling-it's a Bucket List Cruise).

  18. For some reason some people worry about mixing different types of booze being a problem. The same people may order a Long Island Iced Tea and not realize there are 4 different types of liquor in the single drink!


    I can't see an issue with following a rum drink up with a straight up bourbon or something else. It's booze. Maybe I'm a weirdo but I've never seen an issue with needing to have some type of special delineation between types of liquor. Why should there need to be a special "time frame" between one type of liquor and another?


    I rarely drink alcohol but plan to sample those Cocktails that appeal to me, when I cruise. I'm travelling alone, so need to remain clear-headed enough to manage independently. A former work colleague is also sailing on the cruise, he's a trained First Aider, and has already cheekily laughed, "Don't worry if you get tipsy from Cocktails, I can put you to bed!" In His Dreams! That's EXACTLY the situation I want to avoid. The friendship isn't that close that we'd even consider sharing a stateroom-a hot tub out in public view's different. Yes, I am rather strait-laced!


    Found out more AUD$ Souvenir Prices last night, and 3 new options, 1 of which will suit my cousins very nicely-hubby's had an attack of the "dropsies" and smashed quite a few mugs with his clumsiness. No medical reason known, just misjudging his distance or grip. He "wore" a cup of hot soup, so learnt the hard way not to be so clumsy.

  19. As to timing, keep your colors together: Clear spirits (vodka rum) _or_ Colored spirits (Bourbon, Scotch, etc) can generally be mixed during a given drinking session.


    If I recall, it is 1 shot of spirits per 100 pounds (body weight) per hour will keep you well below the legal limit in the US (.8 % blood alcohol). 1 shot or 1 beer, or 1 glass of wine.


    Strive not to mix the grain and the grape!


    THANK YOU! Your suggestion of vodka and rum, or bourbon and Scotch are eagerly noted on my Cruise Notepad. My knowledge has been increased, I hadn't known about clear or coloured spirits.

  20. You cannot get the 6 cans for the price of 5 using the AIBP because the cost of 5 is more than $10 and because you can only get one drink at a time, not 5 or 6.


    But, with the AIBP there is no charge for six cans if you get them one at a time.


    THANK YOU! I missed that point, written down for future reference.


    I learn something every time I come on Cruise Critic.

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