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Everything posted by Selbourne

  1. Quite possibly, but even if we had azure blue skies and 100% visibility at present we would have no scenic views as we are so far from where the scenery is! We are currently using a lot of fuel going nowhere, hence my theory that they are doing some trials. If they just had time to kill then lingering around the scenic parts would be far more preferable from a passenger perspective.
  2. Back on topic, what we had hoped would be a highlight of the cruise (scenic cruising around the Scottish Isles for 2 days) has become quite an anti climax. Yesterday we cruised past the Isle of Lewis during the day but it was quite a distant view for all but an hour. The captain said that we would spend 4 hours cruising past the Isle of Skye between 6 and 10pm but we were so far from it and the visibility at that time of day had worsened so we didn’t even get 4 minutes, let alone 4 hours! Today we should be doing scenic Scottish isles cruising but have headed some way out to sea with no land for miles and it will take us some time to return. My sense is that they are doing some sea tests on the ship. Hopefully by the time we return to the Scottish Isles the visibility won’t have faded again!
  3. Thank you. I will ask if he is still onboard. I raised these issues at the Pursers Desk on the day we embarked when asking for a raised toilet seat, and also twice with our deck manager when he called to follow up our concerns. However, I have no confidence whatsoever that anything will be done about them, so will try this route.
  4. Yes, a week in to the cruise and we are still quite shocked about this and in fact have just been discussing this very subject with another wheelchair user. We really like the ship (other than the truly awful Promenade deck - see below) but our supposedly accessible cabin has proved to be a major challenge for my wife, so much so that we are going to have to think very carefully whether we go ahead with our second QA cruise in November or cancel. I am now in discomfort myself from having to lift my wife, due to the fact that there are only grab rails on one side of both our toilet and shower seat, which is inexcusable. We looked at an accessible bathroom on one of the public decks and it was the same, so my wife couldn’t have used that either without me lifting her. My wife can only access the cabin and the balcony if I am with her, due to there being no automation on any of the doors The poor and easy to miss signage in the theatre has been moved from in front of the wheelchair companion seats and placed on the seat backs, where they are even more impossible to see. Consequently these seats are still being taken by those who shouldn’t be using them, meaning that we have to turn up half an hour early to be able to sit next to each other. The Britannia Club dining experience has been excellent and has been our saving grace, which is just as well as the poor accessibility aspects have resulted in this being far from a relaxing holiday for us.
  5. I must confess that whilst we always register for assistance, I tend not to use it, particularly with disembarkation, as it really irritates me how many people who have coped perfectly adequately around the ship and in ports all cruise suddenly need a wheelchair when they perceive that there is some time advantage to be gained by doing so. As a result, it causes long delays for those who genuinely need it. We are never in a rush to get off, but I tend to just push my wife off when our time comes (or after if we are still having breakfast) and then grab a porter to assist in the luggage hall. Hopefully the disembarkation process will be better this cruise than yours, but if the luggage distribution on the day that we embarked was anything to go by, perhaps it won’t!
  6. Thanks for clarifying. I still think they should only charge the additional cost above the price cap though. Yet another irritant is both occupants having to buy the package, which is an issue when one barely drinks any alcohol!
  7. Whilst we would never buy a drinks package, as it just wouldn’t be even remotely cost effective for us, I would also find all the restrictions to be infuriating, especially as many of the drinks we’d like are invariably excluded. However, for those who do buy them, I’ve never understood why you can’t order what you like and just pay the additional cost over and above any price cap. To make people pay the full price (as I believe happens) seems outrageous to me, and results in either restricted choice or effectively paying twice.
  8. Whilst the price drop post balance due date has already proved our point (although, to be fair, it was you who first alerted me to the price drops post balance due - and in particular a week or two after - so I won’t claim the credit for that), an August cruise on Aurora is one that I personally wouldn’t be expecting late bargains on. Just a thought, but as the bid to upgrade prices rarely seem to be very cheap, might it be worth you enquiring about a normal upgrade that you pay normal price for? You mention that the prices when you booked were cheaper than launch prices and, as we know, P&O base upgrade prices on the price difference that applied at the time you booked. You’ve probably already considered this.
  9. Whilst pinning all your hopes on a last minute bargain is always a high risk strategy, especially if it’s a cruise that you particularly want to go on, the fact remains that even on a sold out cruise there will always be some people, out of the thousands booked, who for health, financial or other issues, will cancel around balance due date. As previously mentioned, we were offered a choice of cabins after balance due date on a cruise that had been sold out for months before.
  10. Even though I am currently on a round UK cruise, as @exlondoner says you really need to travel by road to see the best of the UK. To take Scotland as an example, none of the cruise ports are within reach of the most scenic parts. Even as an Englishman I have no qualms in saying that Scotland is the highlight of the UK, but to do it properly you need at least 2 weeks there alone. Interesting that you enjoy driving in the UK as most of us Brits don’t as our roads are now so overcrowded. Scotland is less problematic though, especially away from the big cities. London can occupy a week on its own but it sounds as though you have done that. I also agree that York is a must see.
  11. Apologies ICF. Ignore my last post. That was for Venturas 35 night Caribbean cruise in Jan 25. I’d missed the word Iona in your thread title, and I haven’t kept any notes on Iona or Arvia prices as neither interest us. Interesting if there’s been a price drop already but, as with many Iona and Arvia cruises, it’s a very ‘port lite’ itinerary so won’t suit everyone.
  12. MB is currently on a Cunard cruise. I know this because we are also on the same cruise 😂 7 or 8 months prior to a cruise is usually a very expensive time to book. Last time I looked at that cruise (March) it was £3,999 per person for a balcony cabin on a Saver. It was over £5k per person Select last October. I don’t have launch prices.
  13. I’ve always driven and still thoroughly enjoyed the views, but I appreciate that’s not for everyone. I’ve noticed over the last few decades that the amount of greenery alongside those railway lines (that is no longer removed) has really compromised the views compared to when I first travelled those lines over 40 years ago.
  14. I didn’t go to the museum but I have travelled by train to Thurso and Wick several times since the 1970s. It’s a nice journey but not a patch on the rail journeys to Oban, Mallaig and Kyle of Lochalsh. Much as I am a railway fan (and have travelled all those rail routes several times), by far the best way to see the Western Highlands is by car, as you can stop at your leisure to take in the ever changing views - all of which are breathtaking.
  15. How lovely. I have been lucky enough to tour all of the Western Higlands at length multiple times and I can honestly say that the whole area west of Loch Lomond out to the coast (Oban, Mallaig, Kyle of Lochalsh etc) is, in my opinion, the most stunning part of the world that I have ever visited. Mile after mile after mile of the most stunning vistas that I could never tire of. Sadly, it’s not possible to see the best of it from the sea but hopefully this cruise will give those who’ve never been there an appetite to return for a land based holiday.
  16. Yes, that very thought had crossed my mind too. When returning to the ship, I stopped to thank the lady who’d given me the town map and told me about the station mural, and she said that they advise people not to use the trains as they are too unreliable. That must come as a shock to the Japanese passengers on board, as over there they consider a train to be delayed if ot leaves 30 seconds after the scheduled time!
  17. Well I’ve just returned from a wander around Invergordon, a place that I have driven through a few times but never stopped. There are some fabulous murals on a number of buildings. The best was the railway station entrance but I couldn’t photograph it due to the position of the sun (yes, the sun was out and it was a quite warm 16 degrees). Originally I intended to catch the 1131 train to Inverness but had decided against it due to the weather forecast (and it’s a place I have been countless times). Just as well that I did, as the train was cancelled and the next one was at 1610 😂 The one in the photo is going north to Wick. I don’t have a religious bone in my body, but I was quite touched by the sign in the church and the sight of loads of the ships crew huddled in a corner of the church on free WiFi whilst some lovely ladies gave them free drinks. Having wished that I’d left my coat on the ship as I was so warm, it started raining just as I walked back up the gangway of the ship, so my timing had been perfect 😅
  18. No. Massive queues to get off yesterday and today - both when docked. However, all tours have now gone and I’ve just walked off with no difficulty.
  19. Absolutely. This is only our second Cunard cruise, but we’ve done well over 20 other cruises and we have never seen queues like we’ve seen on Queen Anne at present. It’s understandable that tender operations can result in delays, but this is the second day in a row where we have been in port and yet there were massive queues snaking through the ship just to walk off both days, and then once ashore another queue well over half the length of the ship for the tours. I presume this isn’t normal?
  20. Scotland is stunning in all weathers IMHO. You loved Orkney and the scenery there, whilst lovely, isn’t a patch on the West Highlands. Not even remotely. I doubt we will see much other than distant (murky) views over the next 2 days and by far the best views are inland, so I’d venture to suggest that what you see today may be the most scenic of the cruise - even in poor weather. You won’t go as far as the most scenic parts of Scotland, but Loch Ness is still beautiful and you won’t regret going on the tour. As they say, there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing! Enjoy.
  21. @Megabear2 We have discussed Britannia Club dining prior to this cruise and I wanted to share some info with you prior to your cruise in BC with your husband. Regarding tables for 2, there are plenty and no banquettes that I’ve noticed. There are rows of four table for 2 in places but they are well spaced. I get the distinct impression that the only people sharing tables are those travelling with family and friends and those who opted for sharing tables (as many do). The restaurant layout and table spacing is far better than Princess Grill on QM2. It’s a really lovely restaurant and service is as good as we had in PG. Whilst the a la carte additions are similar to PG, these items come out plated and aren’t finished table side as they were in PG, so as a result aren’t as good. However, they are nice to have as additions. The daily flambé is table side theatre though (and very nice). They really do want to please, so you can rest assured that you will be able to get a table that you are happy with. We asked to see our allocated table when we boarded and whilst it was a table for 2 we weren’t keen on it. This was changed immediately to one that we were happy with and there was no issue whatsoever. Finally, as we like our table we mentioned to the maitre d’ that we’d love the same table when we are due back in November. He said that he would ensure that we were allocated it. I can’t remember when your cruise is, but if it’s later this year it might be worth you popping down at some time and making a request. You may be able to pick a table that you like. As I say, nothing seems to be too much trouble. We have been very impressed.
  22. None that we saw Damian, although very few passengers on this cruise would be able to run - us included 😂
  23. Yes we thoroughly enjoyed both the welcome and the send off.
  24. An excellent and balanced review. Thanks for taking the time to write it. We can relate to many of your comments as we are currently on board QA, although our challenges have been more to do with accessibility issues (my wife is a full time wheelchair user).
  25. And we now have a 16 person pipe band!
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