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  1. Seems fairly current...boarding in Venice May 13...
  2. Thanks Sharon…dress code is not my issue. Ability to dine when I feel like it and where I want without reservations was my query
  3. Caribbean on Avria in 2 weeks from Bridgetown. My first cruise on a large ship. 50+ Azamara cruises with 600 pax, free drinks and easy access dining for all meals. Am I being naive to think I can just go to a civil buffett breakfast and casual buffett lunch at any time and have a no reservation dinner experience in the non-speciality restaurants?? Should I make advance dinner reservations for the included restaurants. I'm sailing on Arvia from Bridgetown in 2 weeks. Please some advice for a Mega=Ship newbie. thanks
  4. Caribbean on Avria in 2 weeks from Bridgetown. My first cruise on a large ship. 50+ Azamara cruises with 600 pax, free drinks and easy access dining for all meals. Am I being naive to think I can just go to a civil buffett breakfast and casual buffett lunch at any time and have a no reservation dinner experience in the non-speciality restaurants?? Should I make advance dinner reservations for the included restaurants. I'm sailing on Arvia from Bridgetown in 2 weeks. Please some advice for a Mega=Ship newbie. thanks
  5. My first cruise on a large ship. 50+ Azamara cruises with 600 pax, free drinks and easy access dining for all meals. Am I being naive to think I can just go to a civil buffett breakfast and casual buffett lunch at any time and have a no reservation dinner experience in the non-speciality restaurants?? Should I make advance dinner reservations for the included restaurants. I'm sailing on Arvia from Bridgetown in 2 weeks. Please some advice for a Mega=Ship newbie. thanks
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