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Cathy p

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Posts posted by Cathy p

  1. Good morning, Breeze buddies and happy Thursday!

    Mimi, are you still working with special needs kids. I keep noticing that you are going to the gym. How much weight have you lost?


    Sue, I work for the newspaper in Circulation so people call me to either get a subscription, put their paper on vacation, pay a bill or general questions. I do not telemarket. The only way I call a customer is if their is a problem with their paper or to ask if they received their first paper they signed up for. We also have people that show up. Our City has mainly people older than 55 so some of them are called snowbirds. They leave in May and come back in September as they don't like the heat.

    Please call me Cat as all my friends do so that will seperate me from the other Cathy's or Kathy's.

    Heidi, I hope that you have a wonderful girls weekend. I did that several times back home and it was fun.

    Dave, that is more of a paycheck than Kenny got. I think it was more like a pack of cigs (I don't smoke anymore and neither do he) and McDonalds.

    Char, we have the lovebugs that show up every May and September just like the snowbirds.lol


    Chat later!

  2. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    Char, what a beautiful family, horses and that view. Do you live there in a house at the other end of the pasture. I told my son if he ever wins the lottery he could put us on the other side of the lake in a beautiful log cabin.lol


    Heidi, I am so sorry Eric did not get in until right before you went to work. At least he was not driving with that bumb foot.

    Renee, OMG I hate spiders. We had one the half the size of my hand in the bathroom. There I was sitting on the toilet looked over by the door and there it was with his eyes staring right at me and those hairy legs. I jumped up and stood on the stop of the tub screaming for Kenny. Well he was out with the dogs so that did not good. Finally I got up the nerve to run thru the door and out in the llvingroom. He came in and I was out of breath with my inhaler in the hand Telling him to get it. He peaked around the corner and came back looking for his big shoe. As he went to hit it that thing he start running in the living room and under the bed. I was scream OMG look at the size of that thing and all that hair. It gave my legs a run for their money when I don't shave.lol I told him I was not going to bed until he found it. He got on the floor and started moving my Christmas paper out and looking inside them. He finally saw him next to him running up the wall. Finally with a splat he was gone.:eek: I was told it was a wood spider that comes from the wood behind me. So I had the place sprayed only to fine out it would not matter as they don't lick their feet .:confused:

    Dave, good luck with the strike.

    Off to work, have a super day.



  3. Kathy...with a "K"...thanks for the links...I added them to my favorites. Love the look of Bayside Marketplace...and hoping that we can get a special rate at the Holiday Inn across the street.



    I am sure they will give us a really good rate depending on how many rooms we will need. I can't wait to get started on that.

    We did not go and see Rockey and the Rollers as it is miserable out. They are still having it but I don't want to sit in the rain. So Kenny made me a wonderful pinnapple, splash of cranberry with a touch of Vodka. Cheers. It will bring my sugar down and then I will eat the Spagetti that I have had cooking since 10 this morning and it will be just right .lol

  4. Kathy, thanks for that info on Bayside and the Holiday Inn. I will see what I can fine out when I go on my cruise in Sept. We will be driving so it should be pretty easy to go from one hotel to another. South Beach is a place many tourist and locals like to go. It is filled with bar after bar along the beach. I have never been there may also check that out for us.


    Mimi, I love min. golf. We had a tournament at work and My supervisor and I won. We got a gift cert. for the melting pot. Now they are all after us so I guess I need to get practacing. It is across the street from us next to our American Legion.


    Off to cruise around a bit, chat later, super day to all.

  5. Good morning, Breeze buddies and God Bless our Men and Women that have lost their lives so that we may be free!

    Renee, thanks for the info on Netflix. I only want to watch new movies as we have Comcast Cable. It has a section called On Demand where we get all kinds of free old movies and TV shows. I watch some of them as my remote will only tape 2 shows and sometimes there are 3 and 4 that are on at the same time.Sometimes we tape in the living room and trot to the bedroom and watch something else. But my bedroom is not hooked up to HD so the picture is not that great.

    Char, beautiful pictures and it looks so very peaceful. How many horses do you have and what other animals and such do you have? How about a picture of the ranch so I can drool.lol

    Sue, I can't even imagine how many times me and my Jammies have come together for an all day experience. Sometime I will go 1/2 a day then get a new pair out after I take my shower and then cuddle up in my chair with the snuggie and both my puppies. Poor Kenny gets the whole couch all by himself.:D

    Rick, good luck with the computer. I hope you don't take after Heidi's hubby and put it in the garage or we will never get to chat.lol Sorry, Hiedi, I could not miss that opportunity.

  6. Hey, Breeze buddies!


    Sue, how does the Netflix work? I have gotten them out of the box before and brought them home but is this something you pay for and just bring it up on the TV? Everytime they show a new preview on TV, I say I want to go and see it. I guess Kenny got tired of hearing me last night. He said ok we have not been to a movie since we lived in Virginia. Well that is 2010. Then he said we went with Kevin to see a cartoon. Well Kevin is 21 so I guess it has been awhile.:eek:


    Renee, I got up at 5:00 to pee and then back to bed until 8:30. Sorry you could not do the same thing. Not pee just sleep.lol


    Heidi, I love new restaurants. We have a new square opening up in The Villages and they will have alot of new restaurants in that. Don't know what yet and hope they are good.


    I laughed my azz off when I heard Dave's projects story. All I could think of was Tom Hanks and the Money Pit movie. It brought me to tears and I had a hard time reading your story to Kenny. Oh how I can relate. We got home today from the store and I looked at my stove with the aluminum over the pans. If I did not know it was alum. I would not have ever guessed. Now Kenny does everything so I have to tread lightly. While he was getting the stuff out of the car, I quickly grabbed all of them, tossed the pans in the sink and then continued putting stuff in the fridge. He came in and looked at me and I just smiled. Well he is now putting new aluminum on the pans.;)


    Donna, don't forget age is just a number, however, I seem to have a high one.lol


    Rick, I thought about you and the partying at the Elks convention. I remember my bar days that I can no longer do anymore. 9:00 to bed for me, 8:00 if I have to get up at 5.:)


    We got alot of nice shirts for Kenny today. He will be styling on our cruise in September. I hope he find somebody to hang around with cause this ole lady really needs some clothes. I can see the Outlet Mall in my future.;)



    Oh I almost forgot, we went to Winn Dixie grocery store and they have fuel perks at the local shell station. If you guy certain products you can get 5 cents a gallon off. Well my bill was $80 and after my coupons my bill was $68. Then I got 55 cents off per gallon. We went and got gas for $2.84 a gal. I was so excited you would have thought I won the lottery.:D


    Ok that is about it for now, chat later!

  7. Good morning and happy Sunday, Breeze buddies!!!


    Beautiful day in sunny Florida for a while anyway. I think we may get the outskirts of TS Byrle, hopefully a soaking of rain tonight. Until then around 90 and not a cloud in the sky.


    Thanks for all the input on hotels, I have them all written down. It will most like end up being the LaQuinta, Holiday Inn, Hilton and Marriott. However, we shall see when it gets closer.


    I am munching on some toast and then off to the grocery store and then shopping at Lake Sumpter Landing with lots of great deals going on. That's one thing great about The Villages we have our own little town.:)

    Have a super day and will chat later.

  8. Donna, no problem will working on the hotels. I will love it for sure.

    I have to admit Kenny and I left when we read that also. It is a shame you did not have a video going. It would have been worth $10,000 for sure. I am glad DH got it up and is all set. Now what about another store, change of it blowing away?:eek:

    I have talked to my son and daughter in law and they are checking out this cruise. That would be so much fun. I have only been on one cruise with them.

    Well time to get my jammies on at 5:15. Nothing like doing nothing, I love it.

  9. Cathy - Crazy story about the guy with your ex's names. That reminded me that just lately I have been seeing my ex husbands name around and it's a very unusual name. At the OG we have a computer showing the floor plan. After we page someone and seat them at a table their name shows up at that table. One night when I first got to work I saw that someone with my husbands same last name was sitting at a table. It was the first time in years I had seen that last name. Thankfully, it wasn't him sitting at the table. Then just a few days later I saw the same last name in our call ahead book. It was a large party coming to the OG for a communion party or something like that. I wasn't scheduled to work that day though so I have no idea if it was his family. Then just this morning I read in the newspaper about someone with the same last name being in trouble for something like his 3rd DUI. I don't believe he is any relation to my ex though. As far as I know my ex is still around the Chicago area but I haven't seen him in over 25 years. We had no children together so there was no reason for us to keep in touch after the divorce. We were only married 2 1/2 years. I have been married to Dave for just over 25 years now.


    It would be great if you could check out the hotels for us. We were in Miami in July and stayed at a nice Marriott by the airport but the Bayside Marketplace area sounds good. We would want to be somewhere where we could get together for dinner at a nice restaurant the night before. We need to remember too that that night will be Valentines day so a reservation well in advance would probably be a good idea. I have always felt that I should have been a travel agent too. In fact, I have been looking into the possibility again just lately. I don't know how much longer I can stand working a host. My body just hurts too much now, especially my feet. They hurt all the time, even when I'm not working.


    Holy Moly, I forgot about Valentines Day. Burger King may be good.lol We will have to see if we get enough people maybe we can reserve a place for us with a credit card hold or deposit. We will be getting in around noon as we are staying the night before at Port St Lucie just to have an extra day. We can work it out. Also alot of people stay at hotels on that heart day so I will check on long before someone would have to book to guarantee our rate.

    Let me know if you find anything on the TA bit.

    Mimi, I have never heard of the rest. but I bet it is good if you have been there.

    Off to check on ports.

  10. Char, first of all I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I know what you are going thru. I lost my Tina at 23 back in 1996 the day after Christmas. My email is cpeele1@comcast.net if you ever want to talk. I will give you my phone number.

    As for being a home based TA I would love to do that. How did you get started? I was a Mystery Shopper for a couple of years but got tired of that.

    Chat soon!:)

  11. Char, on our Looney cruise several people stayed that the Holiday Inn Bayside market. It looks great and if I did not get a free room at the Hilton like this year I would have stayed there. The Bayside Market is wonderful. All kind of shops and we sent as a group to Bubba Gumps Shrimp Restaurant. We had a great time and they treated us really good. Their is a Best Western not far from the pier, however, it is a dump. A couple of our people stayed there and it was in a bad part of town. We took a taxie and dropped them off before we went to our hotel.


    I will be happy to check prices when we get close to there and find out how many will be coming in the night before. I love to do that. I should have been a travel agent.We have stayed at the Embassy Suites which is nice. I could call all their group department and ask how much once we get closer. Maybe we could pick like 2 or 3 and go from there.


    I am about 4 hours from Miami and will be their the night before as well. That Hilton we are staying at is on the same street as Bayside.


    Here I go rambling on and on. OOPS!:o

  12. Good afternoon, Breeze buddies!


    Donna, wow some storms you all had. We are really looking for rain. The sunshine state is really our name. We have ole TS Byrle coming this way, however, they are saying just some below TS force winds and heavy rain. Being from Virginia Beach that would not even make the news.lol I have been thru my share of Tropical weather. Sorry about the Gazebo, that really sucks.

    Renee, oh sweetie God Bless you and your family and I also hope that Grandma goes peacefully.

    Sue, I am so sorry about those little guys. What a shame.

    Char, I work for The Villages Daily Sun Newspaper. I am in Circulation so I take care of new accounts, vacation stops and just plain ole whitching about something.lol

    My DH is watching the war movies and would gladly do whatever I want to do but I feel he does all the housework, cooking and laundry while I work so he deserves to watch the stuff he loves.


    I am off until Tuesday so shall be on here chatting. Tomorrow they have a big sale at Izod, VanHusen and Bass so will be there for sure. A few groceries and that is it.


    Oh speaking of groceries, I stopped at Publix to get some lunch meat and while I was there I chatted with 3 other people. So we started getting samples of different stuff and then one guy says where is the beer. I told him I was going to the American Legion today for my 2 beers of the week. He said can I be your friend and I said oh no you are not getting mr in trouble. He introduced himself as Kenny..// well that is my DH name so I said no. He then said Kenny Alter. Ok now he is kidding me.....my ex husband's last name. As I was leaving he said well if you don't like either one of those how about my middle name Charles. $%#%%^^%%$##^^& My 1st husband's first name. Holy Moley can you believe that. I left in a hurry as I thought it was a sign.:eek::eek: I have only had 3 hubbies so no more stores about the 4th.:D

    Chat later!!!!

  13. Good morning, Breeze buddies and happy weekend to all!!

    Barbara, I have been on this sight since 2002 so anything you need to know I can probably get you there.


    Renee, ok that is a start.lol Age is but a number and as long as you enjoy each other that is all that matters. Fingers and toes crossed it works out for you.

    Well I guess I have try and motivate for my next 4 hour shift. I have to pick up breakfast for the girls at Starbucks so will chat later.


    Dave, What is picket duty?

  14. Good evening Breeze buddies!!!

    It was a long day for me 7-5 and most of my calls were in the morning so this afternoon I was looking for something to read.:eek:

    Heidi, I hope that Eric gets home soon so he can get some of Mom's TLC. I know how you can worry about that.

    We went to the Olive Garden the other day for lunch and OMG I love the bread sticks. YUM!!

    I just told Kenny about your DH and he said yep lots to talk about over a few drinks I bet.lol

    Sue, SNOW, OMG:eek: you need to move. I wish I could some you some of my heat.

    I owned that Chatty Cathy doll. My mom said they named it after me. All my reports cards said Cathy is so social at times a bit much. Now what the heck is that about. I use to ask my mom I thought I was suppose to be social. She would yes but not so much chatting.;)

    Renee, now you just don't say you met a guy and then say nothin else. What the heck....details, please!!:)

    Dave, I sure know what you are going thru. I hope they get it settled and maybe back to work next week. Fingers & toes crossed with a few prayers thrown in for good measure.

    Welcome, Barbara and Jerry. Have you booked yet?

    Candi, I hope that you and your baby are feeling better and that the DH is waiting on both of you when he gets home.

    Renee, no problem with a roommate for sure. You still have plenty of time. Just tell them the final payment does not have to be paid until the end of next year, almost.

    Well that is about it for me, time to check my sugar before dinner. If I don't make it back on here tonight will chat in the am before my 7-11 shift.

    Have a super weekend everyone and please be safe. I can never have enough Breeze buddies!!!:D

  15. Cathy p - I just realized you said your husband is retired from the shipyards at Newport News. Did he work for Northrop Grumman? According to my husband they own the shipyards there. My husband works for Northrop Grumman here.



    Good morning, Breeze buddies!!!


    Hi, Heidi, yes he did work for Northrop Grumman. He retired after 46 years. He was a Nuclear Pipefitter. It was Newport News Shipyard for a while and then Northrup bought them out. He was on strike for a while but then quit the Union as they were not helping the people much. I was so glad to read that Eric does not have a broken foot.


    Mimi, you sweet girl. I could be Sue's assistant in the chat department. I think I still have that banner Marie made me to wear.lol


    Char, I try to have fun and love people. I cannot wait to meet all of you as well.


    Today is my long day of 7-5 and then only 7-11 tomorrow and off until Tuesday. Yea!!! Nice long weekend. We have nothing really planned except the American Legion on Sat afternoon for our 2 beers and chatting with the guys. We are then going to a big sale they are having at Lake Sumpter, hopefully for some new clothes. How about you all? Anything fun planned?

    Well time for breakfast and cruising the boards before work. Have a safe and Memorial Day weekend. Will Chat later.:)

  16. Hi Cathy ! We were on the Liberty Looney cruise with you Jan 2011 !

    Mimi & Andy too! Although I think I brought my husband Kevin, not Dave


    :oOK Lisa yes you brought Kevin. Geez I kept seeing all the Dave's listed plus I had my eyes dialated not to mention getting old. Sooooo how is Kevin. Give him a hug for me.:)

    Good morning to all my new Breeze buddies! It is suppose to be hot and humid today and we are going to see my softball team from work play at 5:30 tonight.

    Dave, we shall see if we can come up with a few more Kathy's or Cathy's to keep everyone confused.


    Hi, Kathy, I did the spa package on the Dream and that pool they had for therapy was wonderful. We have done several inside cabins and love them. For as much time as you spend in there the price is great.


    We are doing our first Port Hole on the Imagination in September. I am sure we will enjoy that.


    Well will read the boards a bit and then off to work. I hope everyone has a super day.

  17. That was so fun!! It really did make my day for all of you to come say goodbye to me. I was feeling so sad not to get to see everyone on the last day of the cruise.


    Welcome, Rick!


    Cathy P ~ if you book, we will have 3 Cathy's (or Kathy's)! We already have 3 Dave's...with 2 more planning to book. On Cupid's 2, we had "The Five Daves" and it was funny. Last cruise, 1 of those Daves did not make it, but 4 did.


    I guess we now have 3 Cathy's(Kathy). I have only shared a group cruise with one other Kathy. I wonder how many we will end up with.

  18. Good Afternoon! What a great day. I just got home from work and it 82 degrees and sunny. I'm taking a little break right now (I'm on my feet constantly at work) and then I have a couple more flowers I want to plant so I'll go outside and do that.






    Just to clarify, the 8C's aren't actually sold out, just the 8C's guarantees with the $25.00 deposit that they allocated for the group. If you really want an 8C you can still get one, you'll just have to put a full deposit down. I don't want anyone to be confused. Thanks for letting us know that Erin will be out of the office.

    Sorry, Heidi, I was only interested in the $25 deposit:o She did offer me the other one if I wanted to pay the whole deposit. I have been in both and it doesn't matter as long as I can have the balcony.



    Mimi - don't worry. When we first became official Johna said she'd be available to answer any of our questions. If she doesn't have time to get back to you she can just pass your message on to Catherine.




    Char - thanks for re-posting the link. I was thinking that I will have to re-post it occasionally


    I am up to page 8 reading so I shall continue.:)

  19. WE ARE BOOKED, YEA!!!!!

    I talked to Erin and she is leaving on vacation and will be back on the 6th of June. While she is gone Catherine will take over for her. Now we booked an 8B cabin which they still had available and the 8c are sold out.

    Mimi, we are fine and you have plenty of time to save for this cruise so put that $50 and say you are booked. Say hi to Andy for us and you owe me an email.lol

    Will chat later, dinner is ready!

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