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Cathy p

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Posts posted by Cathy p

  1. Good morning, Breeze buddies,

    Dave, I am so sad to hear about your Mom. Yes, it is rough being so far away. My thoughts and prayers are going out to you and the family.

    Sue, oh no you were so close to being done. I am sorry to hear the baler broke and hopefully DH will find the parts to get it fixed.

    I have a 12-5 day today which I hate. It kind of ruins the whole day.

  2. Hi everyone!

    Went to the Craft Show and half way thru it I thought I was going to pass out. So that was it for that. We sat in the shade a bit and Kenny brought a bottle of water that was nice and cool so that helped. We then walked back to the car which was not far and put the air on. I felt much better. Kenny went in to get our Powerball tickets and I stayed in the car. He bought a few of the scratch off lottery tickets and won $106.00. I then felt much better.lol We went to the American Legion and were home by 1:30.

    I have since opened up all the space bags and went thru all the stuff to donate. I hate to see my water bill and I have to wash everything. I refuse to give them stuff that has sat in the closet since last year. Lots more room on the top shelf. Next is the linen stuff. Kenny kept saying we can do it tomorrow. Nope I am on a roll and since he does it all most of the time, I want to get it all done today. Tomorrow we will hit the pool in the am and then watch In the Kitchen with David on QVC.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!

    Heidi, glad the weather is getting cooler. Our coolest day this next week is Wed when it will be 89.:eek:

  3. Happy Saturday, Breeze buddies!

    Kenny and I got up this morning and turned off the air to enjoy the fresh air on the Lanai with our morning coffee. Ok read the paper, came in the house, sat at the computer and it is hot as he double LL so air back on.:eek: I can handle the heat when I am outside but in the house I have to be cool. I know I am a whimp.:(


    We are heading off to the Craft Show at Lake Sumpter about 5 minutes from where I live. The only thing we every buy it seems is food, dips, sauces, etc. I buy alot of those things for my DS. I gave him all the stuff I had been saving in my pantry when he was here so I need to start over.lol Then off to the American Legion for my 2 Sat beers.

    Char, I am sorry you have to put up with those triple digits along with a bunch of my buddies from the Breeze. I look at the weather and know that so many of you all are under that spell. I hope it is better for you when you go to your BBQ.

    Heidi, God Bless your DS for all he is doing. I think our young people should have to do that or something like that to really understand how good they have it.

    Robin, what a gem of a dauther in law you are to move and help your DH's parents. You must love them and hubby alot to do that. I can't imagine living with my Dad that I love so very much and already lived with my MIL. :eek:

    Sue, so glad that you are swathering (is that even a word) in comfort.lol I know that you are so happy with DS back even for 3 weeks.

    OK Kenny is ringing the breakfast bell. Chat later.

  4. Good afternoon, Breeze buddies! Happy Friday to you all!

    I only had a short shift from 7-12 today and now I am off until 12PM on Monday. YEA!!!

    My DS called from Aruba at 11:30 last night. It was a terrible connection but the gest of it was having a super time. My dad talked to him today and he said they were on their way to go windsurfing. He has never done that so :eek::eek:.

    Sue, our Girls night out was a success. We had a table of girls at Dockside and then there were 2 more tables of women behind us. Needless to say we all went to the movies. Our show was packed with old ladies and about 4 men. Wow it was great. Some parts I did not care for but the majority of it was super. Especially the dancing and naked part.:o No not really.lol When we got out one of the women says, hey Cat there is your stripper so I went running over there and gave him a big lip lock and put my one leg up. He was 10 shades of red and everyone just laughed. He was almost asleep last night and I said I wonder how you would look in a thong? You have a nice butt. He turned over and said WHAT???

    Mimi, welcome home. It is always nice to go away and nicer to come home.

    Dave 100, whew only 93 here today with a nice breeze.

    Heidi, Love the Chick-Fil-A promo. Can you imagine a cow walking into a restaurant after being out in 100 degree weather.:eek:

    Char, I was worried about you, glad that you had a great 4th.

    Rick, so the rain is going all around your house. We have that in The Villages it is called the bubble and we are in it alot of times.

    Robin, glad to see you found your way over here. Welcome again!!!

    Well I shall lurk and then off to PT. Chat later!!!:)

  5. Rick, I hope that you and Kay are feeling better soon. I am the queen of a bad back. My last PT is Friday and I have to admit it really has helped me. I am doing really great with the pelvic tilt that helps my degenerative discs open up a bit. Of course standing in line at the store people kind of stare at me.:eek: Have some chocolate for me.:( I shall have a few carbs for you and maybe they won't count toward me.lol


    Take care off to the Legion.

  6. First of all we have a newpid on our cruise. Roe95695...Robin and her hubby Jim.:) They signed up on the Member cruise section and I saw them today. I told her to come on over here. I was going to copy and paste the link but I could not get it to work.:( Did you say work...oh don't care for that 4 letter word much..lol

    Sue, I read all your stories to Kenny and loves it as much as I do. I was so sorry to hear that your baler broke. My main job that I had when I was young was selling power transmission supplies. Bearings were my specialty. I use to be great with calipers.lol Now I am not so sure.lol I use to be the Inside Sales Manager. I had all men under me and loved it.lol

    Well off to Publix for the other half of our grocery trip before the American Legion. Chat later.

  7. Good morning, Breeze buddies and Happy 4th of July!!!

    Rick, yep us old folks are sure a Patriotic bunch for sure. The guy across the street has bought out all the flags from the store. It reminds me of the Flamingos people put in there yard when someone turns 40 or up.lol

    Heidi, there are fireworks everywhere in Florida except here. We don't have the room. Someone called me at work the other day and wanted to know if we were having fireworks at Lake Sumpter.:eek:It is like a 20x12 lake or pond. I laughed my azz off.

    I am so glad you have heard from Eric. I know that made you feel better. I am waiting for my son to call as he is running a 10K in Atlanta. He has done 5Ks before but this is his first 10k.

    We had our coffee on the Lanai and read the paper so now I am at the ole computer lurking around.

    Everyone has a super safe and happy 4th. Chat later.

  8. Hey, Breeze buddies!

    Dave, I had the shrimp with garlic sauce. OMG was it wonderful. It was the best I have ever eaten and I ate all but the pea pods. My mouth and peas do not belong together. YUCK! I am so full but I am sure in the next hour or 2 it will be gone.lol

    As I was walking out I spotted a rack of clothes at the Bealls Outlet so Pat and I scooted on down there. I got 2 tops and it was $13 total. Kenny and Don were in the van parked outside the store looking in. It was so funny.

    Rick, we are going to the American Legion as they are having free hamburgers and hot dogs. So we will have to have a couple of beer while we are at it.

    They have a golf cart parade several times a year at our place. It goes down Main St and I work upstairs and get a great view in the air conditioning..lol

    Well shall lurk a bit. Chat later.

  9. Good afternoon, Breeze buddies!

    Just got back from the grocery store and Sams. Now I am pooped. We are going at 2 for lunch with our neighbors and have Chinese? YUM!! I only had yogurt so I can pig out. I know shame on me.:eek:


    Heidi, take a deep breath and just remember Eric is doing a wonderful thing for some children that probably would not have the education he will provide. I know when they are in the air I am the same way. Sometimes I just watch CNN until I hear from them. Mine has a 4 hour flight on Thursday to Aruba and I will be like OMG come on email MOMMMY!!lol


    Sue, Glad that you are feeling better and the haying is almost over. So what is next on the farming agenda. I really love to hear your stories. That is on my bucket list to visit a farm before I die. They have alot of those you can do with the cowboys helping out.:o:D


    Rick, I know you worry so much about your mom, I do the same every day with my dad and he is only 1 and 1/2 hours away and in great health.


    The sorry that children can put you thru is amazing. I am so sorry about your foster son. Maybe one day he will realize what he has done to you both.


    Welcome, Jennifer and John. I will add you to my list of chatters.lol I hope we get to her from you often. By 2014 we will all be family for sure.


    My prayers are out to all that are dealing with those triple digit heat issues and no power. Mother Nature is sure not loving everyone lately. We are in the mid 90's and humid but we are use to it. I do love the 80's and a breeze.


    Also prayers out to all those with Wild Fires in the West.

    Well that is about it from sunny Florida!

  10. Good afternoon, Breeze buddies!

    Well my children have left and gone home so I am sad. We had a really great weekend and I am quite a bit poorer but a happy Mom and Granny.:D

    Sue, I am glad you are feeling better today. Poor thing, I had that stomach thing last weekend and it knocked me for a loop. Don't do too much too soon. A big hug from me to get you going.:)


    Heidi, I remember when I had to see my son off to the Air Force boot camp. I was a mess. Just let the tears flow and clean out those ducts. At least you have the internet so should be able to keep in touch some that way. Hang in there! Hug to you as well.

    Mark, you mentioned ordered that pizza also so I am going to check it out.lol

    Rick, congrats on the no surgery news. Now between the arteries and the diabetes you really need to watch what you eat. Hug to you as well.


    Gosh I am just in a hugging mood today. :)


    Off to PT so shall chat later.

  11. Good morning, Breeze buddies and sorry about it being another Monday.:(

    We had a great time at the Red Lobster and my Dad was so surprised to see DS and DGD. He then took them over to see the new house he just bought. Wow what a kitchen and they don't even cook.:eek: We are going to lunch today and then off they go back to Georgia. I always love to see my babies.:)

    Heidi, glad everything worked out just fine for Staci and she got home safe and sound.

    Dave, we need to do grocery shopping also but I am off tomorrow and Wed so I guess that will be a good day. Not sure which one yet.

    Rick, I laughed when I read you story about Mass. When I got married the Priest said Amen and there was silence. He turned around and said, hello I said Amen and you are suppose to say Amen. Are there no Catholics in the audience. I thought I would die. :eek:

    You'll have a super day and will chat later.

  12. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    Today will be 93 and I don't think we will have the decent breeze we had yesterday so I do believe it will be HOT!


    Yesterday we went and got a pizza (a treat now and then for me) then we went to the pool and walked it off. I was a so afraid to take my sugar but it was only 122. Yea the walking helped plus the water was wonderful.

    Today is Red Lobster day with my Daddy. He had a party in the complex he lives in yesterday. They had surprised him several weeks ago with all wearing a I am a friend of Bernies tee shirt. They got him one that said I am Bernie. So now he got a bunch of pens made to pass out that say the same thing. He is a hoot!!:D He has a super personality and everyone loves him, including me!

    I got the Powerball number when I looked today and I always get it with the Power Play so I won $12 instead of $4. Yea!!!!

    Well I guess I shall lurk a bit!

  13. Happy Satuarday to all!

    Rick, you are too funny, congrats on the win that is great. I have friends that gave it up but my Dad not that guy. He plays almost everyday in this Florida heat. Alot of his balls go in the drink and become allegator bait.lol. He now uses yellow ball so he can at least see where they go. He will be 84 tomorrow and does not take even 1 pill. He has more energy than I ever thought of having. God Bless him.

    We will be heading over to the Legion in a bit but I thought I would check in.

    Chat later.:)

  14. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    Well here it is the BCOD and I am up ready for work.lol I only work until 11 so that is not too bad and then American Legion for my 2 beers.

    Dave, we have alot of people that THINK they are golfers. The Villages is over 55 only and I think it is something like 40 sq miles. They have 504 holes of golf and I guess you get some prize if you do them all in a certain amount of time.lol

    Sue, I am sorry for you baler problems, however, glad to hear you are getting a break. I love hearing all about your ranch. You are the first person I have ever known that lives on one. Mrs City Girl here.:)

    Char, yes everything is normally great for my diabetes except last night. I had a bowl of mac and cheese and did not go for a walk. Tested my sugar and it was 311. Holy chit that was not good. :eek: Tested it this morning and thank God it is down to 122.


    Time to call in my Starbucks sandwiches for the girls at work so chat later.

  15. Good morning, Breeze buddies! Happy Friday to everyone!

    My exercising and diet seem to be working with my Diabetes. I got into a shirt yesterday that was too tight and now is loose. YEA!!! I was hoping all around at work going see, check this out and pulling on my shirt. Not that I was to big anyway, however, I had the middle that was showing up.lol

    Dave, congrats on that job. I know that is a big relief for you. So will you retire soon?lol Yea, you are calling Erin I hope she has some really good cabins for you to pick from.

    The Villages people are as crazy as the ones from the 70's at times. I would like to ship them off to the YMCA. lol

    Well time to motivate to work so will check back later.

  16. Good morning!


    It's only 10:30 AM and it's already 89 degrees. they are saying it could be 101 today. If we get into triple digits it will be the 1st time since 2005.


    Dave - I hope the vote goes the way you want it to.


    Cathy - Eric got home Monday afternoon and we went to dinner Monday night. We're probably going out to dinner tonight too. Saturday night one of his friends is throwing a going away party for him. Staci will be coming home tomorrow.


    I better go water my flowers before it gets too hot.


    Have a great day.


    Heidi, at least you got to spend some time with him. Give him lots of kisses and hugs. Glad to hear that Staci is coming home tomorrow.

  17. OMG! Noooooooo! Crabby old people who can't play golf because the courses are under water LOL......

    We did just fine although there was a lot of flooding around us. The Myakka River flooded East of us releasing a bunch of water moccasins and alligators who ended up in people's front yards. (You try playing golf around an upset alligator and they are complaining about a little water on the course.....Oh well, some people are just hard to please!)

    Dave, here's hoping for the best on the contract vote. Cancelling insurance the first day of the strike sounds like a company I would seriously consider retiring from very quickly.

    Isn't that the truth. I tell you what these Village people are one of a kind and spoiled rotten.:D I can't even imagine going out and seeing an alligator in my front yard. Holy chit!!

  18. Good morning, Breeze buddies!! OK I am really back this time. Yesterday my grandson Kevin found out that he is having a little girl. Her name will be Laila Marie. The Marie is after his mom's and her mom's middle name. I am so excited I just cried. I have 3 grandson's and 1 granddaugher so now I will have 2. OMG I love to shop for baby stuff.

    Sue, did you finally get the new horse. As you can see I am trying to catch up.

    Renee, congrats on only the 3 jobs and fingers crossed for the health insurance. I don't know what I would do without mine.

    Heidi, I didn't get to read the troll responses so glad our moderator took it off. Some people are never happy. Not like us anyway.:)

    Mimi, I was so sorry to hear about Andy's stone. I had 7 of those about 15 years ago and my doctor told me to drink beer to flush them out. I told him I already did and he said not good.lol I hope he is feeling better.

    Char, my company has left and they had a super time. He can't wait to move here. Next is the Red Lobster for my Dad's 84th birthday on Sunday. Glad you had a great reunion.

    Kathy, so glad to read you are OFFICIAL!!!! YEA!!!

    Rick, how did you get on with the TS. Anything besides the leaking bathroom? We did fine except the golf courses in the Villages did not fair too good. Several were under water so I am not sure when they will open. A bunch of crabby old people that can't play golf.:D

    Heidi, I am sorry that Eric did not get to come home. Did he make it to the party. Congrats on the Miss Indiana.

    Candi, congrats on the new baby boy. I know you are excited. How are you feeling?

    Dave, fingers are crossed that you have a new contract today. Then make sure you call Erin right away.lol Sorry about that heat, we will have about 87 today and finally not a cloud in the sky. YEA!!!

    OK, whew! I think I caught up so I will chat later.:D

  19. I'M BACK!! Good afternoon, Breeze buddies!

    I have been sick as a dog with a belly flu. OMG I could not keep anything in my body for 3 days. I stayed on the couch and watched our heavy rain from TS Debby.

    The last day we have not had much rain at all. So far we had around 9 inches and they are saying maybe 1-2 inches today and tomorrow. This afternoon is suppose to be rain according to the radar I just saw.

    I am feeling so weak and thank God I have a wonderful hubby who has really taken care of me. He made some wonderful Chicken soup and I ate mostly liquids. Today is my first solid stuff and I started with yogurt so we shall see.

    I will get back to reading all the post that I missed and let you all know I am still alive.lol

    Chat later!

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