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Cathy p

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Posts posted by Cathy p

  1. Good morning, Breeze buddies!


    Last day off before 3 in a row. I know whew!:D Tomorrow is 7-5, Friday 8-5 and then Sat 7-11. Then I only have 3 days off.

    Yesterday was the final Diabetes class. I really loved it as it was meal planning. I think we are on the right tract.

    Today I have PT and then we are going to have dinner with our friend that is here from Virginia. We spent Tues with him and had a blast.

    Time for a shower so will chat later.

    OH Dave I love the picture, it brings back many memories. Not happy times with the strike but meeting so many wonderful people.. I hope the contract goes smoothly today and back to work you go.

  2. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    We had a great day yesterday and as expected our friend has not changed the same ole Joe. We laughed and laughed.

    Today is my last Diabetes class and it is suppose to be meal planning.. I hope we get some really good recipes that Kenny can try. YUM!

    Dave, so sorry to hear about the negotiations in one sentence and then looking further down and seeing they have a mediator. Great to hear that. When you picket you should have a cool rag on your head with a hat so you don't get so hot.

    Heidi, glad to hear you got some much needed rain. We had that week of rain which helped up, however, we have not had but a sprinkle since.

    I am sorry to hear that Staci is on the 3rd floor for you, however, the best place to be for a young woman.

    Char, triple digits already, OMG cqn you imagine what it will be in August. We are thinking the same thing as we had a very warm winter so the bugs will really be out now.:eek:

    Rick, we had a girl with talent I might add that made us all name tags with the magnets on them. The had our screen name and real one. Of course you won't have a problem with mine.:D

    Kathy, how scary for you and the family waiting for that surgery. Who would have thought it was an infection and everyone was happy. I have never heard of that until now. It just was not his time yet.:)

    Sue, I loved your short stories on the animals, my hero. I love deer ( not to eat( to look at. My Kenny use to be a hunter and I told him no meat in this house. If you want it go to someone's else' house.

    I love Jimmie Johnson as well, however, my heart belongs to Jr. I was biting my fingers and holding my breath. Geeze I thought Kenny was going to have to call the paramedics.lol

    Ky Kathy, I hope you have a wonderful few days with your family. A Pontoon and flowing beverages what more do you need.

    Check back later and have a super day!!!


    We had a great day as we went to see my Dad in Kissimmee which is 1 3/4 hours away. We had a nice brunch at his club and then went and saw the new house he bought. Brand spanking new 3 bedrooms with a kitchen and master bath to die for. He said he wants to keep busy and of course it is mine when he goes. Well like I told him I don't want the house I want him. He said no worries I am not going anywhere anytime soon.lol The other house is beautiful and this one tops it.


    We came home and got to see the last 121 laps of the Nascar race. OMG was I excited when Jr won. I jumped up and down and was crying. Geez you would have thought he was my child. It had been 4 years since he won so it was great.

    Kenny cooked fish and mac and cheese. Neither one of us liked the fish so I guess we will snack tonight.lol

    Tomorrow we are spending the day with some friends that are here from Virginia. He is a pistol so it should be a bunch of laughs.

    Everyone have a super evening. Chat later.


    I bought Kenny some undies that they had on sale at Belks for $4.00 a pair. I don't expect anything as cruising is the best present anyone could get. Besides I needed that $8.00 to use my coupon I had.lol:D


    I hope everyone has a super day, Kenny and I went to the American Legion and had a couple of beers and now I have one in my RED SOLO CUP THAT IS YELLOW.LOL I never drink expect for Sat when I have my 2 beers and today is 3.


    Chat later!!

  5. Good afternoon, Breeze buddies and happy hump day!:)

    Busy day today, I had to go to work for a meeting only to find out there is an extra check that they gave me in 2011 that I never cashed so I get another one. Now I dont think they gave it to me as I alway cash checks. My reg check is direct deposit so maybe I thought they were giving me a receipt. As long as I get the right amount that normally is all I care about. Yea!! Free lunch!

    Just got back from Super Walmart, Publix, CVS and getting gas. We have a program at our Winn Dixie that gives us fuel perks so we had 70 cents off per gallon today when we got gas and it was only $2.53 per gallon. I was so excited. I saved a bunch in coupons at the store so it was a really great day. Now my back is killing me as I just held onto the cart. Walking is a bit of an obsticle for me. Around the house I hold on to things and can't stand still to do anything. The scooter store is coming over this afternoon to measure my place for a scooter. That will be so much help.

    I did get a dip in the pool as they lied and opened it around 2. We road up there and of course they give you this run around and we did not lie, blah blah and blah. I walked some laps and floated a bit. We were there around 2 hours.

    Sue, thanks for letting us know how much work you all do with that hay. I read it to Kenny and he said he did not realize it was so much hard work. Congrats on having the strength to do all that. Maybe you or your hubby could take turns carrying me around the ship.lol

    I always wanted to own a farm, however, my story is with all the cowboys that go with it. I think I read to many love stories.lol


    Donna, congrats on the Anniversary. Was your hubby in the store with Sue's buying all that good stuff. Our anniversary is Monday 6/18. We will be married 14 years. If you add my 3 marriages together it would be 43.lol


    Rick, I hope that Jann and Ken come and chat with me. My hubby goes by either Ken or Kenny.


    Valor2005, did I miss you? I don't have your names on my list that I keep track of as at my age I need to do that.HEE HEE


    Well that is about it from beautiful Florida. Chat later.

  6. Renee, I am so sorry to hear about Grandma, however, she is now at peace and in no pain. God Bless you and your family at this time.

    Char, I keep looking at their sales so far no good. Maybe next Feb when I get my first Social Security check (if it is still there) I can book another one.


    Well pool is CLOSED FOR THE DAY. Oh Chit it never fails every time I want to go something goes on with it. So now I am sitting here typing and drinking my Glucerna Snack Shake and thinking that it really is a real shake. So far it still does not taste that way. Oh well I guess I will pout a bit.:(

  7. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    Well here I am sitting in my bathing suit as the pool is closed until noon for cleaning. Chit....we go early to avoid the hot as he double ll sun in Florida. So I guess we shall bake for a couple of hours. I will do my walking in the pool which always feels great.

    Mimi, I can go to my gym but would never get a workout like I did yesterday with my PT guy. :eek: I thought I was going to die as he kept saying PERFECT. I finally said perfect my azz, geez.!!!! Now today everything hurts. Some more muscles I have not used in 30 years.

    Char, I use to get those bottles of red wine (those fat things) and add ginger ale and a splash of grenadine. OMG that was super. That is when my ex and I quit beer drinking. Somehow I don't thing it made a difference.lol

    Donna, Yes Chef Ramsey was on last night and great as usual. Plus to top off the cake Master Chef and they are both on tonight again. Yea!!!

    Dave, we are still praying they get that strike settled for you soon. Our Carnival days sailed is correct for both of us but I do miss that little red box with the days sailed in it. Just something else to whine about.lol

    Sue, so it is time for haying. That really sounds like a 4 letter word to me WORK. I guess you have a machine that rolls the stuff, right? Then you store it for when the animals need it or do you sell it?


    Well back to looking at the CC site and read all about the bit......chu....ing. lol


    Oh, I forgot my first cruise was with Hal the Zuiderdam. What a beautiful ship and the best service I have ever had. Our little cabin guy was outstanding. I would love to go on them again when I win the lottery.lol


    I have been on 3 Princess cruises and really only cared for the Star. We had issues with the other 2 so I don't think we will go on any of them again. The only reason we did the Star is because Carnival gave us a really nice credit to try them.

  8. Welcome to a Sunny day in Florida, Breeze buddies, we have our 2nd day in a row.:)

    Off today with a stop at the Physical Therapist for more pain and suffering while Kenny just smiles. I wonder about his smiing at my pain.:eek:

    I think I will help him clean today. I don't normally do that but we will get it done faster if we both do it. I don't think I forgot how.lol

    I hope everyone has a great week and will pop on here later.

  9. Good afternoon, Breeze buddies!

    The movie was great! I could not belleve we have lived here since 2010 and this was our first movie. What a beautiful theater. The seats were so comfortable you could almost go to sleep.

    We have just got home and the clouds are rolling in with it being hot as he double ll out I bet we get some monster storms. Just what we need.

    Mimi, one slurpee just for you.

    Rick, congrata on getting Mom to give up the char. As for the sh*t list, I always stay on somebodies list.

    Sue, glad that you now have the kids close to you.

    Char, thanks for the HB from Kenny. He has had a good day I think and he is making homemade BBQ for dinner. YUM

    Heidi, I am one that is so tired of hearing about the loalty program. Carnival is a cheap cruise and that should be all that matters. It helps more families the ability to cruise. I have 23 points and I am listed as Red, oh well a different color to add to my others.

    Sue, so happy your have a healthy calf. How special that is. Congrats.

    Barbara, so sorry to read about your loss. Prayers going out to you and her family.


    Heidi, hope you are having a good time at the BBQ.


    Well time to watch the end of the race. Chat later.

  10. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    Rick, prayers with you as you try to help mom even though she does not realize it. God Bless you, I hate the thought of having to do that.

    Sue, how was the graduation? My ex made it thru his daughter's thank goodness. He had car trouble and made it by 1/2 hour. Whew!

    Donna, my son loves his coffee pot also. Kenny and I have one that gives out 1 pot at a time but holds 8 cups. We each have a mug and get 2 cups. Plenty for us.

    Hang in their before you know it, you will be sitting on the beach in the rain.lol

    Char, how was the party? I am sure that was just great.

    Sue, how exciting the Brian and Stacie will be getting their first home. Big ole party coming up in July I can see it now.

    Mimi, 80's and humid with a 60% chance of rain, again. Kenny just said yep it is raining.

    Well off to work 7-11 and since it is the slow season at our place I have the next 4 days off.:D Hard on the paycheck though.:(

    Have a super day and chat later!

  11. Hi, Breeze buddies!

    Good luck, Dave with all of that and hopefully you can retire before they change to much on you.

    Barb and Heidi, I will look at my paper for yesterday when I go to work on Sat. I know I saw it in there and I can't find anything online. Hopefully everything is fine.:eek:

    Rain and more rain in Florida. We have received close to 2 inches today and before it is all said and done tomorrow up to 4 inches. We need rain but this is rediculous.

    Well I shall look around a bit and chat later.

  12. Good evening, Breeze buddies!


    Long 5 hour day for me. I am learning another girl's job as she is having surgery next month. Whew so much to do.


    My DS is going to Aruba in July so he will check out everything and fill me in. I will let you know what he says.


    Donna, oh yea I love that Chef and he is on tonight also.


    Dave, my heart goes out to you and your family with this stupid strike. They just hate to give up a couple of bucks.


    Sue, sorry you were not feeling well and hope you are bette soon.


    Mimi, congrats on the end of school. How did Andy like the buffet?


    Heidi, yep the ole toothe is feeling better and I am progratinating to see if I can make it maybe 2 weeks. I need a bunch of stuff done and not looking forward to it. I am glad that you had a good time. I love B & B's. Kenny and I went from Va Beach all the way to Bath Maine for my class reunion and stayed at all B & B's. OMG some beautiful ones.

    Got to go and help Kenny so I will chat later. Hi to chat later to all I have missed. Just remember I am :):)thinking about you all.

  13. Good afternoon , Breeze buddies!

    Thank you for all your well wishes on my tooth. So far it is not bothering me since I have the antibiotics. I will try and get in on Thursday when I am off unless it really hurts.

    No I don't work full time. Only about 26 hours a week which is fine with me.

    Congrats to Stacie and Brian and I am sorry I am not looking back to see who said what as I am so tired for not sleeping good for 3 nights. I am trying to hold off and go to bed early....Oh man no I can't do that as my Chef Ramsey is on tonight with Hell's Kitchen and MasterChef. I don't want to tape it as I have been waiting a long time to watch it again. I love that chef.;)

    I don't work until 12 tomorrow until 5 pm. I hate that shift. I would rather work 7-12 in the morning.

    Ok enough babbling, Dave I hope you end that strike really soon.... not you but them.:eek:


    Kathi, God Bless your FIL and prayers for your family.

    Sue, tonight we are having Mac & Cheese and then in the morning more COW.HAHA I never realized what it spelled.lol

    OK gang, by!!:D

  14. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    I have sit in my chair with the head and then a tooth ache. OMG my face is like a balloon. The dentist was going to take me today but he would charge like forget type fees for a Sunday. So I am on antibiotics for my sinuses and the pain has dulled. I shall wait until tomorrow or if I can squeeze it to Tuesday when I am off. I slept in my chair with one puppy in the chair next to me, one in my chair on the side and DH on the couch. What a family I have. They all just want to take care of me.

    Rick, I hope you had a good trip. I moved to Florida to be near my Daddy even though he does not know it. I am also an only child. We are an hour apart. He is going to be 84 in July and does not take a pill and is Diamond Plus Plus on Royal Carribbean. He went on 1 Carnival cruise when the Dream was new with me and that was it. He went back to RC.lol He is the picture of health.I am so blessed.

    Sue, thanks for the well wishes.

    Mimi, I know that you love those slides. I remember you were on them all the time on the Liberty. We use to go to Great Wolf Lodge in Virginia which is an indoor water park with a hotel together. I use to bring the grandchildren and while they were there Kenny and I would either hit the Lazy River or sit and drink some

    brews.lol We got a special discount because Kenny worked at the Shipyard so instead of $300 a night it was half the price. Food was so expensive.:eek:

    Char, I am so glad you made it thru the 2nd roughest day you will ever have and had that great lunch.

    Donna, party on your balcony for sure. I shall bring the tooters.lol

    Renee, congrats on the big win.

    Heidi, I hope you are feeling better and have a super time.

    Kathy, how wonderful 100 year old granny. God Bless her. It was nice that you got to spend some time with the family.

    Mark, take your time with your family and remember the good times with your MIL. I am so happy that your graduation went well. I remeber when my DS graduated as he was walking down the isle I started yelling YEA THAT'S MY SON. The person behind him said I wonder who that is and he said my mom.lol Then when he graduated from Air Force Boot Camp in San Antonia I was there and he was standing at attention and I told him to turn around so I could take his picture about 3 times. Finally the CO walked over and said if he does he will get in trouble. So I sat down. Then when he got his diploma the CO said ok mom come on down for that picture. He was laughing and I looked at my son and he was not. I took the picture and said I love you. The CO said tell you mother you love her also. Everybody clapped.

    Mimi, great buy on the chess set. I bought one of those for my DGS and he just looked at it. Oh well it looked pretty.:D

    Time to eat my Cream of Wheat that DH made for me so will chat later. Have a super day. Sunny and 92 here.

  15. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    Char, my thoughts and prayers are with you today. Birthdays are still hard for me even after 15 years. If you need to talk you have my number.

    I have hard hardly any sleep last night as I think I am getting a sinus infection. My head was screaming at me. Thank God I only have 4 hours today. After work is the Blackberry Festival at the American Legion. Hopefully I can do that and if nothing else maybe my 2 beers there will help.lol

    I hope everyone has a great day and will chat later.

  16. Wow all the tragedy happening to all my wonderful Breeze buddies. This is why I like group cruises. You really get to know everyone so much that they are like sibs and bros before you even meet them.

    My Dream cruise peeps helped me so much when I had my DGS and he was giving me so many problems. If it wasn't for them I don't think I could have made it.

    I only wish I was in to cruising back in 1996 when I lost my daughter. That is something you never get over and it has taken me a long time to start living again.

    I am here for everyone that may need me good or bad. I may be know as Chatty Cathy or Cat but I am a hell of a listener also.

    So on that note.....just came back from PT and I was pulled and prodded into positions I did not know I could go.:eek::eek:


    Well just cruising the boards for now, chat later!!!

  17. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    WOW, 2 and 1/2 pages from yesterday morning. My eyes were tired.lol

    I am off today with PT this afternoon for my back. It seems to be working so hopefully it will continue. Today Kenny gets to learn how to properly massage my back. Oh ya I am waiting for that. If he gets good enough maybe we can set up appointment for our Cupids and pay for our cruise.:D

    Mimi, I am so glad that your project came to life and you get to work with those famlies.. Also glad to see you are going back to the gym. Kenny went to ours this morning and learned how to use all the machines. So I will ask my PT guy if I can use them as well. I am also starting the walking in our pool which is suppose to be good for me.

    Sue, how sad about that man. You just never know when your life will end.

    Heidi, burrrrr we are 85 and rain. We had 4 inches with Byrl the beginning of the week and more today. We have really needed it to fill our ponds as I was ready to plant some tomatoes.lol


    Donna, glad to hear you got to spend time with your cousins. That will be fun.


    Char, in Virginia the heat use to really bother me, however, being in Florida I love it. Sorry to hear about Jim's leg and I hope the PT really helps him. I have had the shoulder surgery and now the back which seems to be working great. It hurts like hell but worth it in the longrun.

    Roe, I am also one that switched group cruises so come on over.

    Heidi, you and I could have our own comedy show on the cruise with all our stores, I loved that one for sure! :D

    Rick, congrats on all those backpacks you filled up for the homeless. In Virginia I worked for Lillian Vernon catalog company and every year we had an employee sale. the Last year I was there I bought a case of backpacks and filled them with school supplies. Gosh it makes you feel so good.

    Renee, sorry about the phone. I have my Dad's old blackberry. The only new phone I had was when I got my first phone.lol My dad saves his so I have the pick when mine bites the dust. Now my grandson has all the bells and whistles. My son has the newest one out and so does my dad, however, poor dad does not know who to use it. He keeps going back to the store.lol

    Mark, thoughts and prayers for you and your family. I am so sorry for that news. Please give your wife a hug for me and tell her she is in my prayers. Congrats on your daughter and I am sure that will be a happy event in your life. Is she going to college?

    Well time for a shower and then off to PT. Will check back later so have a super day!!!!

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