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Everything posted by PinkSandGirl

  1. I liked it. Yes, you do have to be careful while walking in there. 😉 🍹
  2. Hi! Just off of the Beyond yesterday and they were missing things. Brand new ship. Didn't matter. Woodford for example, it was always ordered and on it's way up or they just said they were out. If they did get it, it seemed to be one bottle. Evian. No little bottles anywhere on the ship. They had the big bottles, thankfully though. I think it varies ship by ship and home port by home port. Have a wonderful honeymoon cruise! 🍹
  3. Hmm... I have been thinking about this. I don't know if I have the answer yet. I think from just getting off yesterday, the Beyond is still fresh in my mind so because you want to be back on (it always seems to go by so quickly) I want to say the Beyond but I don't know if that would be a fully accurate answer after the excitement and anticipation of the cruise wears off. There were things that I loved. Things, not so much or maybe more that I missed. I will say this, for how hesitant I always was about E-class and never really cared to sail on the Edge or Apex, the Beyond did convert me and changed my mind. I would stick with the Beyond for an E-class ship because of the changes they made. I think they could combine aspects of the S-class and the Beyond and make the perfect ship class, in my opinion, and call it C-Class. 😉 I know you asked a simple question. I have a hard time giving simple answers. 😂 Let me think about it a little more and I'll be sure to let you know. 😃 🍹
  4. My dad said he took it off so then I did. It was easy enough to do but with constantly being off, you would have thought the Cabin Steward would have left it like that. 😉 🍹
  5. Con't...from above. I had this typed twice and lost it so the above post was missing some things ● Air Conditioning. For the most part, the room was cool enough for us. There were times it would get warmer in there though. ● The balcony door being unlocked and the Air Conditioning getting shut off. Did not like that, at all. The sensor should be for the door being open, if they prefer a sensor, not the door being unlocked. At times I would be sitting out there and with the air conditioning shutting off the room would get warm, the glass window to the bathroom would fog up and then once in, it would take awhile for it to kick back on. This is especially a problem when one person is on the balcony and the other in the room. I think that was all. If I think of more, I'll be sure to post. 😉 🍹
  6. Cabin Thoughts. Sky Suite on the Beyond. Bed Facing the Water. Cabin 9170 - Walk in and everything is on the Right Cabin 9168 - Walk in and everything is on the Left I loved it. Well, except for the overflow issue. A few tweaks and it would be 100% perfect...in my opinion. Everyone has likes and dislikes, some the same, some not etc...What annoys you, may be something I love and vice versa so here's what I thought about my Beyond Sky Suite. I'll end on a good note so I'll start here: Additions/Changes/Critiques No particular order. Some of these may seem like I'm nitpicking but I believe a review should have it all. 😉 ● Hooks or knobs in Cabin. I did bring some but the only two are on the inside of the bathroom door. There is also one inside the shower. ● Trash Can in bathroom. Who thought to put it there? Bad in my opinion. We would take the top off because to push the 'door/flap' was a pain. I would take the top rim off but when our cabin steward would empty it, he would always put it back on. It is small and under the sink area on the shelf where the towels are. ● Lights in bathroom over sink and vanity area. They need to be larger or positioned different. When you stood back, it was darker. For better light you had to get right up close to the mirrors. It's not that there wasn't light, but they needed to be larger or positioned further back towards whoever is standing there. ● Announcements. The only one heard in the room was on embarkation day when Captain Dimitrios said for people to complete the Muster Station Drill. There should be a way to listen to the announcements in the room if you'd like. You would have to open the door to the hallway or be in a public space. ● TV Channels. The Navigation Channel used to have music. I like to have it on but this time it was complete silence. Slim pickins' for channels and movies. It's not like I go on a cruise to watch TV but the selection was less than what it used to be. I found myself putting on Channel 5, Celebrity Entertainment, and listened to the band Nu Image many times. They were enjoyable but it's basically the only Channel I had on, except Navigation to see where we were. My boyfriend watches sports so he had those couple channels on. ● Ceiling Height seemed lower. I got used to it but it was noticeable when we entered for the first time. I'd be curious if it actually is or just seemed that way. I should have measured it. 😉 ● Bathroom Shower. My boyfriend is 6' 2" and he only had 3/4" clearance from the top of his head to the bottom of the rain shower 🚿 ● Outlets: ~ There should be an outlet on both sides of the bed, not just on one side. ~ One by the couch would be nice. ~ Bathroom. Great to have one in there but it would take 7 or 8 times to get it to stay on and sometimes would 'pop' back off. ● Couch: Hard. Could definitely be cozier. ● Bathroom Door would rarely stay open. When it would swing, it would slam shut so we had to keep it closed. The ship was definitely rocking though at times. My mom and dad's door didn't do that. ● Faucets. They weren't centered on the short side. I don't know why. They were closer to the back. They also could have been extended out more. This is an issue with other faucets out there. It's like the people who design them have never used one. 😆 ● Balcony Chairs. Need to go. They need comfortable high backs and foot rests. I used the table for a leg/foot rest. The thick cushion when wet, takes a long time to dry. What I liked/loved about my Sky Suite on the Beyond ☆ It is the smallest suite but the size was good for the two of us. We had plenty of room to walk around and not get in each others way. At first when we walked in, it wasn't as long as I thought it would be but quickly got used to it. When four of us were in there talking/sitting, it was fine as well. ☆ The bed facing the water is wonderful!!! ☆ Glass window from bathroom to cabin. Love it. ☆ The bed is on the firm side but I slept well each night. I prefer softer but I didn't have any problems sleeping. ☆ King size bed is nice ☆ Pillows were comfortable. You could ask for different and/or additional ones if you wanted to. ☆ The carpet feels good to walk on. Tile floors in the bathroom. ☆ The real balcony is nice. There is just something about going out there to sit or stand at the railing and watch the water. ☆ Balcony Divider able to be opened. Great to walk from one to another. ~ !!! I had a solid wall on the right so if you are booking with other people, take note. I'll show what to look for on the Deck Plans. ☆ Nice size TV that swivels out. ☆ Closet, Drawers and Storage worked out just fine for the two of us. I had two large Checked bags and a carry-on to unpack. I did have things doubled up on hangers. If I asked for more, I'm sure we would have gotten them. ☆ Bathroom and Storage were nice. Shower. I wish all water features would work at the same time. 😉 The knob to turn the water on, you needed some muscle to turn it. ☆ Shower size. Roomy. ☆ Control Panel and App. It was neat to control things from both. I would turn the lights off from the app when I was in bed. I would sometimes open the curtains from the app in the morning. ☆ Lighting is nice and a lot of it...I like that. It was nice to be able to have different lighting settings as well. The long light up mirror in the cabin was nice to do make-up at. I found it better there than in the bathroom just due to some of the bathroom lights. ☆ The cabin had a nice feel to it. It was comfortable. It was nice to walk back in there. ☆ Decor. Nice. Pictures, colors, accents. ☆ Refrigerator was cold. Some people say they are coolers and barely get things cold but ours had things as cold as a regular refrigerator. ☆ The sink. I easily washed my bathing suits in there. ☆ Two faucets were a nice addition. ☆ Outlet box worked well for our phone chargers and my hairdryer plug. Only two things at the same time. ☆ It definitely felt new. 😃 Other observations ■ Creaking. I've never been in a cabin that creaked, let alone creaked like this one. It didn't bother me but it was very noticeable and more creaks came as the cruise progressed and some were even louder. My mom and dad's cabin was the same. Someone else I talked to, same issue and that was a different location and deck. ■ Tub/Shower. It was better in person than from videos I've seen. We didn't have any issues getting in or out. You do have to be careful. It may be an issue if you have mobility concerns. I didn't use the tub but the size is decent. ■ The table size was fine. The room service tray fit. We would take off what we wanted and put the plates on the table. ■ Clothes Line. If you want one, there isn't one. ■ Hairdryer. There is one but I bring my own. I feel they are never powerful enough. ■ I bring all of my own toiletries. Here is what there was. The shampoo, conditioner, body wash and Lotion are C.O. Bigelow Lavendar Mint in those big refillable bottles. Same scent for one bar of boxed soap. The products are Made in China, as were the Lip Balm, Hand Sanitizer and Face Wash. I won't buy/use beauty products made in China due to safety concerns and also possible animal testing. The big bottles say Cruelty Free but still, I just stay away. ■ Lip Balm - Two ■ Hand Sanitizer - Two ■ Face wash/scrub Packets - Two ■ No paper. There was 1 pen. ■ Tote Bag. One. Seems heavier than previous tote bags. ■ Slippers. Two pairs. ■ Robes. Two Gray Retreat Robes ■ Umbrellas. Two. A big one. A small one. The small one was junk. ■ Binoculars. One pair. ■ Safe. Size is fine for passports, wallets and a few small items. It did have to be re-set one night. Same night, my mom and dad as well. The Chief Engineer had to come. ■ Refrigerator: Our Butler asked what we wanted it stocked with. We said water was fine. My boyfriend said pineapple juice when she asked about juices. She left a glass every night. We could have had alcohol too but we had the Premium Beverage Package and it was easy to just bring a cocktail back. ■ Kettle. There was an electric hot water tea kettle, tea bags, two cups & saucers with spoons. ■ Evian (Big Bottles) and canned water replenished. ■ Champagne on embarkation day. It was Brut. Our Butler did get me a bottle of Prosecco but it wasn't sweet, it was Brut. Nice of her to do that even though I didn't drink it. She got my dad a bottle of red wine. ■ No afternoon canapés which was fine. The Retreat Lounge was nice to visit to see what they had. ■ Turn down service with Celebrity Chocolate Squares ■ 2nd Chic Night - Box of Retreat Chocolate (2 pieces) ■ Paper Copy of Celebrity Today ■ Room Service. The phone # is nowhere to be found. I had to call Guest Services to get the #. There was not a late night charge. ■ USB chargers. Two in the white box and one on the side of the phone. Did I like it? Would I book one again? Yes! I loved it. We all did. I would book it again in a minute, even with the little things I noted for improvement. 😉 I would book the Beyond just for the cabin. Seriously. 😉 I love S-class but those Sky Suites aren't the same, based on videos and pictures. 😆 The cabin really was great. We all enjoyed our cabin choice. After all of my research, videos I watched and pictures I looked at, to walk in for first time and then live there for 9 nights and almost 10 full days, it was wonderful. I definitely enjoyed it! 🥰 Pictures to follow... 🍹
  7. Deck 9 - Welcome Home 🍹 Picture when you exit elevator and walk to hallway for cabins. The same theme for the floor. Hallway to cabins Cabin Doors
  8. Cabin # 9170 and 9168 - Location I always like to book a cabin more forward and be on the part that sticks out the most, not an indented cabin. However, when I booked my aunt was supposed to go so I needed three cabins together and I couldn't get them on Deck 10 where I usually prefer and that section I like. I did a lot of research but had to take into account the Beyond would be longer and cabin #'s from the Edge and Apex would not be the same in the area I was looking at. I wanted to make sure the balcony divider could be open. I knew I would have a solid wall on one side of my cabin, which was fine. My research was spot on based on Edge reviews, deck plans and proposed Beyond deck plans. 😉 I know there was a whole discussion of poles on the Edge on some balconies. I didn't have the pole but my mom and dad did. It seems the poles on the Beyond follow the same pattern. For every four cabins, the outer two don't have a pole, the inner two have that pole that extends from floor to ceiling. They didn't complain about it. If I had to pick again, I would say no pole for me. Turns out the location was great. The Magic Carpet did not interfere with the views. It was mostly on Deck 14. A few times on Deck 5 at night but I never saw it move. There was always some kind of light at night but not bothersome when sitting on the balcony. You could also look to the left and see the bridge. View from the balcony - left, right, up and down was good. You could see the stars at night (when it wasn't cloudy). It was close to the forward elevators. It wasn't noisy. Well, except for the cabin creaking but it didn't bother me. The view down was lifeboats. Something else I always avoided but turns out they weren't really bad and the water was right there. Our cabins had the doors right next to each other. Something else I planned and hoped for. When you exit the cabin to the left, a few steps away on the right is a door to an inside cabin. Not at all an issue. The next set of cabins walking aft have an access door across the hall, glad we weren't there. I don't know if that would be an issue, but I prefer nothing across from my door. Except for the 'plumbing' issue in the cabin, the location was great. It seems this plumbing issue could happen in every cabin. The grate was off and my dad could see a ridge around the drain. The drain was higher so it would take a rise of liquid to accumulate before it goes down the drain. That doesn't seem like a good design. I don't know if there was a back-up somewhere else down the hall and it backed up and then an overflow in our cabin or what. Honestly, a new ship with unpleasant smells coming from a drain and then 'gunk' and liquid all over, is a bit concerning. 🍹 Pictures to follow...
  9. Why can't I post this?! 😂 3rd attempt... it doesn't even save it. Day 10 - Disembarkation We were out of the cabin by 7:30am. Breakfast in Luminae. Both cabins had missing OBC that wasn't applied so we gave our order to the other two and two of us went down to the Retreat Lounge to see if they could help. They did! We went back to Luminae and they hadn't ordered yet. Staff were friendly but you could tell some of them were nervous/anxious. They said it was going to be a very, very busy day. Food was good except I had a sliced banana that was way over ripe, mushy that shouldn't have been served. (The ship has a banana room if you didn't already know) I didn't need it, I ate my watermelon, so I didn't say anything. They seemed too frazzled. We watched as the sun was rising over a blue Fort Lauderdale sky with some big white puffy clouds dispersed throughout. We didn't even get to see our Butler or Stateroom Attendant before we left. We didn't see any other ones either which was odd. After breakfast, at 8:30am, we went to the Retreat Lounge to wait until we were 'kicked off'. It was packed but we found two big chairs with big square ottomans over by the floor to ceiling windows. They had two large TV's that had been rolled in (I heard to watch the festivities today) An announcement came just before 9:00am that all guests that hadn't disembarked, were kindly asked to leave. Off we went. The staff standing in the halls weren't very friendly or had those smiling faces as we made our way off of the Beyond. The orange carpet wasn't rolled out for us like when we boarded either. 😂 The guy at the podium as we scanned our Sea Pass, he was friendly. The walk from the ship to terminal had sights of tractor trailers lined up ready to unload pallets (hopefully stock up things that weren't on), a boom lift near the bow, forklifts going back and forth and a German Shepherd smelling pallets of boxes 📦 checking for drugs I'd assume. Once in the terminal there was a line that was stopped and forming. We didn't wait very long and then we were allowed to start moving and down the escalator we went. When we entered the 'baggage hall' there was luggage scattered throughout and various #'d signs. We found our #5 area right near the exit into the Custom/Immigration area. Thankfully all of our luggage was there. 😃 🧳🧳🧳🧳🧳 Customs/Immigration Very quick and easy. Facial Recognition. Uber Pick-up What a fiasco today. Last year was so easy. This morning...another story. There were people all over and cars coming and slowly going. Our navy blue Suburban shows up. The driver was told to stop in the left lane so she does and opens the lift gate. Then a police officer starts yelling at people and told our driver and others she was going to start giving tickets. The driver had to get in the right lane (understandable but she was told to stop in the left lane) and go all the way forward. Off we go with our suitcases to load. As they are getting put in she said we had to call a second Uber because not everything was going to fit. We knew they would. She stopped them from being loaded. She walks away, gets in and starts driving with only 2 people in, 2 doors wide open and luggage still on the road. She tells them inside she is going to cancel the ride because a ticket will cost more. We finally get her to let us load the rest of the luggage and the other 2 of us. Off we went. I started to get nervous thinking luggage was left but I was counting and we were good. We arrive to FLL and then she kept saying I broke a back latch. I didn't. I said she had to move a handle. My dad tells her too. Finally she listens. 😂 It was like, really? We arrived at FLL @ 10:10am. We couldn't check in until 10:45am so we found a spot to wait. The agents at the counter weren't very friendly. This one lady wanted us to go to one counter. We said, we had priority. She said no and go to another counter. The guy wouldn't put the priority tags on. I asked again and again. Nicely. Then he was laying them on top (um, they'll fall off). We get that all fixed. I have my passport out ready to show. Nope. He didn't ask for ID. Then he says, to show it. Two of us do. My mom goes to show her ID and he said, nah you're good. That's reassuring. TSA was pretty quick. Not much of a line. They were pulling more people over than usual and then they got my mom's carry-on and went completely through it. The TSA agent kept saying he saw little pliers. Nope. No pliers in here. After searching he said she was good to go. We found our gate and then went to eat. Boarding was @ 2:15pm. There were many of us from the Beyond on that flight. 😉 As we took off, I spotted the Beyond. (Pictures above) Smooth flight. Take-off was a little rocky I thought. I get nervous at take-off so any little thing makes me more anxious. Service was great. 4 Woodford and Gingers later with warm nuts, a salad and brownie and before we knew it, we were getting ready to land in Philadelphia. I had time for one word search. I have a book I bring and do while flying and write my name, when, flight info etc... I then gave it to my mom and she did one. Luggage all arrived on the carousel. Yay! It's always nerve wracking waiting. 😉 I did have a guy take one of my suitcases off for a lady he was with but I ran over and got it. Woo. Glad I have eagle eyes. 🦅 I have my big custom luggage tags and ribbon on the handles of all of our suitcases. It makes them hard to confuse with other suitcases. Car service and driver were great. Some crazy tidbits here and there today but all is well. We made it home safe, all is good here, we had a wonderful time, met some nice people (especially after conversing over the Roll Call for so long) and we have some stories we can laugh about. 😆 Back home. It's always nice to go away but it's also nice to come home. 🥰 I will be updating throughout the weekend as I said earlier. Thanks for following along so far and I hope you'll like what else I have to add even though it won't be a 'Live'. I will post day by day as it happened. 😉 🍹
  10. Luggage all accounted for! Yay! Car service picked us up and on our way home. It's funny to see the leaves changing, especially after palm trees recently. They were before we left but after not seeing them for awhile, it is a change. 😉 🍹
  11. We landed safely in Philadelphia! 🍹 The Beyond from the friendly skies! Aww, I miss her already. 😉 I will be updating this thread with a lot of context over the next few days. 😉
  12. My whole post disappeared! I can't blame Celebrity internet. 😆 I will re-type it and post when we land. For now. Pre-boarding Woodford & Ginger. Safe flights for all! There are many Beyond passengers on this flight to PHL!✈️ 🍹
  13. Luggage has been taken. Everything is packed for carry-on and will finish after I get ready in the morning. I feel like I just boarded. We have to be out of the cabin by 7:30am (ugh) and then we'll go to Luminae for breakfast and hang out in the Retreat Lounge until they kick us off of the ship. 😆 They shorted us OBC so I get to deal with that in the morning. Fun. Our flight isn't until 2:45pm. 🍹
  14. I posted about the Grand Plaza last night. I'm sitting here now at Cafe al Bacio looking over the Grand Plaza and came to listen to Nu Image, one of the bands. They are good. It has a good vibe right now. Definitely feels like I'm on a cruise. I may have been too harsh with my initial thoughts about the feel of this area but your mindset has to be it's a new ship, a different class than S-class. I made the move years ago from Royal Caribbean to Celebrity and haven't looked back, as far as going back to Royal Caribbean. There were things about their ships that I liked but I quickly grew a fondness for Celebrity. I have a fondness for S-class and now the Beyond. 🥰 I've been pleasantly surprised about some (many) aspects of the Beyond. I will give my overall thoughts when I get home but wanted to share my thoughts about the Grand Plaza and current feelings. 😉 The sun is shining. We are sailing through blue water. People are happy (well, except the fact we have to get off tomorrow but we go back home and that's always nice too). 🍹
  15. Perfect Day at Sea. Sun. Some big white clouds. A breeze. Pool. Frozen Cocktails. The Retreat Pool Deck is the busiest it's been during the cruise but it's the perfect day to be out here which is why. We found a spot at the bar to order drinks then found some lounge chairs and room in the pool without it feeling crowded. I ate lunch at the buffet but my mom and dad ordered food out here. Some things like the chicken sandwich and burger take about 25 minutes, which is perfectly fine. There seem to be plenty of people working out here and people walking through checking on things. All staff are friendly and work hard. I never did get to swim in the main pool, Solarium or plunge pools. I will admit having access to the Retreat Pool/Sundeck is the reason. I did want to get to those, but just didn't have time. I guess that means I need another cruise to do those things. 😉 🍹
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