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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. Agreed. My comments weren’t meant to be personal, only to share information as OP requested.
  2. Just a heads up, you need to be accredited to attend the film festival. Our DS had a great time, and the yacht parties😍
  3. Best advice wear a money belt under your clothes for your valuables. Otherwise it’s just a matter of time. DH was the victim but all they got was his throwaway wallet with a few euros. He grabbed the guy so they even dropped that, but our real $ and credit cards were tucked safely under our clothes. We have seen too many bags that were stolen and discarded. We saw an expert that was brought onboard one ship, he could even take a person’s belt, watch and/or glasses using distraction. Even after this, eleven people on our ship had their passports stolen. One lady lost her 22k necklace to nice young women who helped her clean off bird droppings. Please don’t think it won’t happen to you. echoing @marazul about the ATM, we once had a withdrawal that was aborted not cancelled. The problem is our bank thought we had the funds, and we were in Deep South Italy where English was extremely limited. We actually had to go and get the local carabinieri to attest to this as the bank manager refused to even meet with us while they took apart the machine.
  4. Good morning and thanks all! Love the roast lamb, and I swear I had a Pinot Blanc years ago. We love our maple syrup, but hearing it will be in very short supply next year due to weather so I will stock up. @0106 thank you for the attribution as it was missing from where I encountered the poem. Grief is such a difficult emotion, and one that is so often ignored in our world. Particularly difficult at this time of year as many have a blue Christmas. And our daily family has suffered so many losses, I thought it important to acknowledge. @grapau27My condolences to Pauline’s friend. I thought I would share our neighbourhood Griswalds.
  5. I’ll throw in my two cents. Crete is huge and has many amazing sites. Knossos is just one, Phaistos, is also an important one and then the ancient Malia Palace. There are many more. Highly recommend you allow more time than a few days, and fly into Heraklion. There is a good museum there with some of the artifacts from Knossos. We very much enjoyed a private overnight excursion to Delphi and Meteora. Hydra is nice but not really much in the way of sites. If you’ve been to Ephesus before, highly recommend Priene, Didyma and Miletus.
  6. Good morning and thanks all, the wine sounds great! I love how if a toy is truly loved it becomes real, AKA the velveteen rabbit! @0106 loved the Wolf Hall trilogy, certainly gives you insight into politics! Have you read all three? Two won the Booker Prize. @rafinmdused to have my career groups do this so they could think of what was important in their lives to accomplish. No one wanted “here lies x who worked themselves to death!” While I prefer dark chocolate, the caramel in Banoffee pie is heavenly! thinking of so many here who are making loved ones! You Don’t Just Lose Someone Once You lose them over and over, sometimes many times a day. When the loss, momentarily forgotten, creeps up, and attacks you from behind. Fresh waves of grief as the realisation hits home, they are gone. Again. You don’t just lose someone once, you lose them every time you open your eyes to a new dawn, and as you awaken, so does your memory, so does the jolting bolt of lightning that rips into your heart, they are gone. Again. Losing someone is a journey, not a one-off. There is no end to the loss, there is only a learned skill on how to stay afloat, when it washes over. Be kind to those who are sailing this stormy sea, they have a journey ahead of them, and a daily shock to the system each time they realise, they are gone, Again. You don’t just lose someone once, you lose them every day, for a lifetime. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
  7. @Cruzin Terri yikes on the biopsies, glad you insisted! I can relate as I found both my DHs melanomas. Good news is squamous is easily treatable if caught early, I had to have another excision after the biopsy when I had one, but all is good now. Praying yours is easy to deal with. Sorry you have so much right now! I am chuckling about Otto, but at times i could wring his neck! so happy I can actually still comment!
  8. @rafinmd glad the cardiologist went well! My condolences to @StLouisCruisers Love banoffee pie! If you get to Ireland treat yourself! Fun hearing about all the packing!
  9. Good morning and thanks all! I think the drink the wine and the dinner look good! It’s always good to try different things, you may be surprised. Special thanks to @dfish @summer slope and @cat shepard I so agree with you Anne, humour or if you can’t say something nice! So appreciate @richwmn who works so hard to make this thread happen! And all those who post regularly, occasionally or just read. Ravenna is a stunning place, some of the world’s best mosaics, @sailingdutchy and @Quartzsite Cruiserhas shown theirwonderful photos. Highly recommend a stay there, we will forever remember the wonderful risotto we had. @kazuyikes! On the storm, kudos to the maritime ingenuity! @JazzyV hope you get some relief soon!
  10. @Mr. Boston my condolences on the loss of your aunt, so tough to lose this generation. @XBGuy I love primitivo, thanks for the info! We’ve had some fabulous ones! @57redbird glad it’s behind you, let the healing begin!
  11. Sending big hugs! Day by day! You have been through so much, and it’s only later that it hits!
  12. Good morning and thanks all! @Cruising-along happy birthday Henry! @Nickelpenny and @Haljo1935 welcome home! can’t believe it’s over already! @LAFFNVEGAS @dobiemom@POA1 @lindaler Bon voyage!
  13. lol, ain’t that the truth! Best appreciated at a distance.
  14. Good morning and thanks all! I really appreciate all the beautiful photos of Madeira. I had a Portuguese colleague who said it was her favourite, I would love to visit! @kazu glad you didn’t hurt yourself too badly! I hate the ice! The snow is beautiful and we are now in a winter wonderland.
  15. We’ve enjoyed Rhodes a few times, last time we went to a beautiful beach for lunch.
  16. The first one is the cellphone, it’s impossible to get a good shot even with the new zoom and better iPhone pro. The Nikon professional with the serious telephoto is my DH’s I can barely lift the thing, lol! I am hoping your DH feels better soon! You two deserve a break! @Nickelpenny @kazu@puppycanducruise@marshhawkThanks for the nice comments, we sometimes spend hours looking for these birds so it was such a gift to find one on our way home, glad we had the big camera with us.
  17. @cunnorlcongratulations! Welcome to a beautiful new baby! Our DGD has the same middle name! Love my blue jeans, black…. It’s part of the Cowboy tuxedo here in the west. my niece even had a wrangler wedding, lol! We’re having a lovely day today. So sorry for the east and the west, but we have no snow and plus 16 Celsius! We visited our DGD dog rescue adoption event. It was interesting to see this tiny but strong girl wrangling the creatures, one a nine month old Cane Corso that definitely outweighed her. After several hours of looking a week ago, and hundreds of kilometres driven we were lucky this week to see a snowy owl on our way home from the pet adoption. I’ll show you my Iphone 15 pro, compared with the Nikon Pro.
  18. So happy to hear @57redbird and @dfish have surgery dates! good for you @JazzyV getting what’s needed, @ger_77 great news that Wayne’s cardioversion worked! @rafinmd glad you are home! @seagarsmoker yay on the interviews!
  19. @Nickelpenny thanks for the great photos! Hope you had a malasada at Punaluu bake shops. They’re my favourite! Agree about Honolulu, we love the big island! Hope to visit again in the new year!
  20. We enjoyed our visit to Puerto Limon with a visit to a nature sanctuary
  21. @StLouisCruisers congratulations! No wonder you are so proud! I once had a student who went on to play for Bayern and Man U. I think Ted Lasso has helped us North Americans understand about soccer! @JazzyV hope you get some answers soon! @dfish yikes on the Hollywood set, so wrong when people need those drugs for medical reasons Thanks for all the kind puppy comments, we’re having fun! I think she’s A bit of a princess, lol!
  22. White rabbit, rabbit rabbit! Good news are furnace is repaired! Phew! prayers for @superoma dear friend and for @ger_77 Wayne! yay on the surgery date @57redbird @grapau27 yikes on the mess! Sorry so many are not feeling well! Hope things improve quickly. @0106 I too am following the grand South America as my cousin’s on board who we sailed with in Japan. Ok one more puppy photo, for those who wondered what a Kong was.
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