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Everything posted by Happily@Sea

  1. Kdam appears to be docked. Now waiting for our brief sighting of Eurodam..
  2. Eurodam just entering Gastineau Channel - probably 25-30 minutes yet. Kdam still docking.
  3. Eurodam - just below the channel - with Kdam in first today, she will block the view of Eurodam docking. Usually Eurodam is first.
  4. I will try to remember there is a Tuesday sail-in. 🙂
  5. Kdam in view but still has to sail behind X Solstice before entering the harbor basin. We have gained some raindrops - but so far - not blocking the viewing.
  6. Eurodam still down by Tracy Arm - no idea of the timing for her.
  7. Koningsdam is just below Gastineau Channel - maybe 30-45 minutes away from the harbor cam. Cam still panning - but NO raindrops to look through.
  8. Thanks, Kathi. I hope the camera is NOT still panning, looking through raindrops with a moving cam - double frustrating. We'll see.
  9. And we are done, next pan should have Zuidy completely hidden. Double sail-in Monday, same sail-in timeframe. Have a nice weekend. Thanks, Kathi, for the thread.
  10. Zuidy just south of channel - about 30-45 minutes away. Camera still panning today too.
  11. So, the iceberg incident - has stopped the AJ dock - jockeying for awhile. Still, we are back to regular time for Zuidy. I plan to be here. Thanks. Kathi. .
  12. Noordam's 180 degree spin in the basin - has brought her pretty close to the cam and with more camera time in the panning cycle.
  13. Noordam just outside harbor basin, maybe 10 minutes to be in the clear. Cam still panning.
  14. NA almost docked - I doubt the cam view will be back to see anymore movement. We have Noordam tomorrow. Anytime between 5 am- 8 am AST - with the usual time between 6-6:30 am AST. Thanks, Kathi.
  15. NA taking her time just crossing the basin area.
  16. At least no ships already docked - to block our view, just having to wait for the camera to pan back.
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