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Everything posted by Happily@Sea

  1. The raindrops aren't too big and the camera is stationary. But very dreary-looking after the last two days.
  2. NA about halfway between Tracy Arm and Grand Island moving at 19.6 knots.
  3. It's never good when the stadium goes that quiet. I did watch all the sail-in - didn't try to post while watching game. I hunt and peck. NA tomorrow - should be 10 am AST / 2 pm EDT Thanks all.
  4. Westy not backing in? Maybe it's the itinerary change for this year.
  5. Clear weather - and only one ship blocker at AJ pier.
  6. Westy is already partway up the Gastineau Channel. Still early in softball game.
  7. Softball game is scheduled in the timeframe just before sail-in. If the game is completed in the expected time - I should have no trouble watching the sail-in - Tracking updates may be spotty during gametime. 😄
  8. I got busy watching softball - Women's College World Series and forgot it was Monday - they do have a whacky schedule. So I missed everything - never thought of it being Monday at all. Another game tomorrow [my team is playing and was today too] and maybe this one won't be at the same time as sail-in for Westy -.the normal afternoon timeframe. We'll see.
  9. And she is gone - Eurodam and Kdam on Monday - same sail-in timeframe. Thanks, John and Roy, and for the short close-up we did get. Thanks to Leanne for the thread - have a nice weekend - y'all.
  10. Volendam and Amsterdam and Rotterdam VI - all in the R class.
  11. And now a close-up on Quantum - we may not see Zaandam at all except for when she first was sighted.
  12. It's almost 1 pm in Juneau. Zaandam is just entering the basin - looks like shooting for 1:30 pm AST.
  13. We've had quite a few ships this season, sitting away from the dock - not moving. Maybe lack of dock workers?
  14. I don't ever have it turned up - leftover from their static-y days. Several years in fact.
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