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Everything posted by Denversail

  1. I’ve enjoyed doing it. This is my first solo trip. Doing the review really subs in the travel partner. It gives me an outlet to talk about my trip. We all like to share our experiences and this lets me share with all of you! I’m glad you are enjoying it.
  2. Personally I thought it was overpriced but I think that about most things these days. I only splurged cause I was solo. I might do it again if I was solo but I wouldn’t with a group. My experience was a little diminished with the weather. Really you are getting a nice pool, decent restaurant, and more spaced out seating. Depends what those things are worth to you. When we go to CocoCay next week I think we will be going to south beach.
  3. I got the surf and turf. Both were way over cooked. No biggie. I still managed to fill my belly.
  4. Got seated for lunch right away. They immediately brought a bunch of food out. They bring you all the appetizers and you pick your entree.
  5. My balcony is kissing the ship. I’ll try and get some more pics for you when I get back to the ship. If the weather cooperates. It is pouring now.
  6. Made it to the beach club. It is nice with plenty of seating options on the beach. The only seats by the pool are beach beds. These get taken pretty early. I’ve seen a few open up since I got here. I arrived about 9:45. I’m wearing a thin sweatshirt. It got a little warm on the way over and I had to take it off. I just put it back on and noticed a lot of folks adding clothing in the last few minutes. We had a mist type rain since I got off the ship. I don’t think the sun will be making an appearance. I was very much looking forward to the infinity pool and it looks lovely. I doubt I’ll get in it in this weather. Still a very nice relaxing day. Service has been good. The loungers have flags on them that you can put up if you want service. Lunch in about 45 minutes.
  7. So it was eggs Benedict for breakfast. Eggs were perfect as you can see here since I tore into before taking the pic. I only ate 1/2 my breakfast since I have lunch scheduled for noon. Was in and out in 30 minutes. I stepped outside and it is still a little chilly and windy. The sun hasn’t made an appearance yet. i will check back in later from the beach club.
  8. Good morning, the ship woke me up while docking in CocoCay. We got here around 6 am. Skies are a little cloudy and it was windy a little bit ago. I’m sure it will get nicer as the morning gets later. I headed to the MDR for breakfast about 8 am and no problem getting seated right away. I did manage to catch the Exployer docking next to us. We will be the two ships here today.
  9. A few notes: 1. If you have an excursion @ coco Kay you won’t get normal tickets in your stateroom like the other excursions booked. I did end up getting a letter with details. I was told by an employee that because Royal owns it they don’t do tickets. 2. Voom. You can set this up immediately when you board. You put your phone in airplane mode and join Royal - guest wi-FI. From there just follow the steps.
  10. That red eye wiped me out. I’ve decided to have a successful red eye the flight needs to be at least 6 hours. It might not be great rest but rest is rest. I’m running on fumes. After dinner I spent a few hours in the casino and now I’m ready for bed. About dinner… I’ve seen all the complaints and honestly because of them I was slightly horrified about what I’d be served. Would I be able to cut my meat? Would I have to go to the kitchen myself to retrieve food? Am I going to starve on my cruise? My experience today was the same as I always remembered. Did they scrap my breadcrumbs off the table? No. Was I offered pepper on my salad? No. Did I feel like my server gave me special attention? No. Did any of these things ruin my experience? No. It all seemed pretty much the same other than the staff seemed a little more spread thin. The food tasted the same to me. A lot of folks have talked about the amount of time it took for their meal. I chose to skip dessert for two reasons. 1. I don’t need the extra sugar when consuming all this liquor. 2. It gave me the freedom to leave when I was ready. I was in and out in an hour. I had 4 appetizers and one entree. It was a fabulous first day. The weather was gorgeous and comfortable. The food and drinks were plentiful and good. The service so far has been great. Tomorrow is the beach club. Sweet dreams y’all 😴
  11. I don’t agree with you. It is not fact. I assure you that two different people can prepare the same meal with very different results.
  12. That is like saying food taste the same regardless of who is eating it.
  13. Next was Caesar salad and shrimp cocktail. Both of these were fine and unremarkable just as I remember them. I realized when I was almost done with the salad that it was missing ground pepper. They used to come by and offer it after they served the salads. No big deal just a difference I noticed. If I order another I will be sure to request the pepper.
  14. First served was the crab cakes and spinach artichoke dip. The crab cake was decent and served slightly warm. It had good flavor but less crab than you would normally see in that dish. The dip had a good amount of artichokes and was served hot. The chips were stale. I solved that by just using bread. Overall both were good.
  15. Sail away was a little wet. As I mentioned they moved the events inside. I was able to go out on the balcony and get a few pics. Outside of the rainy sail away the weather was gorgeous. Just sat down for dinner. Ordered some apps and the prime rib. Found my table earlier so was able to just walk in and sit down.
  16. I haven’t been outside in the last 30 minutes. I saw this morning that we were expecting a thunderstorm around sail away. They announced a few minutes ago that the sail away party is being moved to the royal promenade. We had amazing weather all day so no biggie.
  17. My room steward Shawn came by and offered me my morning or evening service. He is very nice and I told him whatever balances his schedule. I’m just one person, how much of a mess can I make? He also agreed to bring in a mattress topper for the brick. I did have a problem with my safe which was addressed within 2 minutes of me mentioning it. So I enjoy a good red bull & vodka. I’ve noticed when ordering this at the lime & coconut and the solarium pool that it is served in a shooter sized glass. I ordered from the pub and boleros and those were in a normal short drink glasses. I don’t care cause I have the drink package so I can keep ordering. If I was paying for individual drinks I’d be annoyed. I’ve been to almost all the bars on the ship today and haven’t had delayed service in any of them. sail away is soon and dinner @ 5:30. Food porn coming up…..
  18. It is blueberry jam, mint, vodka, and I think club soda. It was not too sweet in my opinion. I can’t drink a bunch of the sweet drinks and I found this refreshing. I’ll be repeating this one a few times.
  19. Stumbled to my stateroom at 1:30. I’m forward starboard. I will have to get used to that fast since you can’t cross aft to forward on deck 7. Room is as expected. No smells and toilet seems to flush fine. I have an ocean view balcony. Not a fan of the tiny table and little chairs on the balcony but it will be fine. Bed is very solid like I’ll be bruised after one night solid. I can feel the ac running so that is a good sign. Saw my luggage on my way to the room so grabbed it. Time to settle in.
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