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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily and maps Rich. I would like a root beer float with low carb ice cream and sugar free root beer. I like crows and especially Ravens if they are today's bird. Hooray for the late Coco Chanel. The quote is shallow. I have not been to Japan. I'll pass on the burger, I like gin in my Martini and I guess today's is a red from Spain which I would enjoy. Thanks for researching these for us each day. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports Vanessa. Prayers for Tana and Terry, I hope you got some rest this weekend and had a good visit with your family. Prayers for Melissa, Ann, Bonnie, Chuck and Annie, and Jim and Terri. Good luck Jacqui as you discover the perfect bid and move out date. Prayers for all who are ailing and in war zones. The day starts dingy again with 53 degrees and a high of 66. Some sun please. My laundry hamper is really full and I need sun to dry it. Have a lovely Monday. Nancy
  2. @JazzyVprayers for you with all of your problems with dizziness, nausea and eye troubles. @grapau27 beautiful table setting!
  3. The final part of our tour was a Paso Fino horse farm on the outskirts of Lima accompanied by a lovely lunch. The Peruvian wines were very good. This tour gave a lot of bang for the buck.
  4. Part two of our long Lima tour took us through the Miraflores District to a ruins right outside of the city. Sandi's photos are from the top of the cliffs. Her photo of close vehicles reminded me we had an accident on our tour when a little red cat tried to squeeze in between the bus and parked cars. That was a 20 minute delay while they worked it out. I can't recall the name of the ruins that continue to be excavated. Right up against the ruins was a neighborhood of shacks and other homes built on top of the other. The guys with cart are trash pickup. The building with the pillars is an abandoned Catholic mission.
  5. Day 2 in Lima we went to three places on our extended HA tour. Part one we went to Museo Larco in the suburbs of Lima. It was packed to the rafters with Pre-Columbian pottery in the middle of beautiful gardens. Almost all the pottery was gathered by one man.
  6. We were in Lima on the Volendam Grand South America. The drive into the city is long with traffic in both directions. Our first day in Callao we took a HA tour to the Plaza de las Armas and for a dinner at Casa Aliaga, the oldest home in South America. It was a fun time and a great way to meet people we would be with on our long cruise.
  7. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily Rich. I'll celebrate birth control pills what a life changer that was for women. I'll celebrate Pinot Noir day with a Littoral Hirsch that is an open bottle from last night. Good quote from Old Blue Eyes. The Battle of Britain was one of the notable battles of WWII. We have been to Callao/Lima. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. Prayers for healing and less pain for Sandi's DS and DB. Prayers for Chuck and Annie, Tana and Terry, Ann, Bonnie, Melissa and everyone else who are ailing or grieving. Prayers for a smooth day of home showings and a perfect offer with a good closing date Jacqui. Great photo of your church Graham. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own. It is another rainy and windy morning here. I am ready for some real sunshine, this system over Canada is not moving out like predicted. A good day to clean the house. Have a great Sunday. Nancy
  8. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily Rich. I'll celebrate birth control pills what a life changer that was for women. I'll celebrate Pinot Noir day with a Littoral Hirsch that is an open bottle from last night. Good quote from Old Blue Eyes. The Battle of Britain was one of the notable battles of WWII. We have been to Callao/Lima. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. Prayers for healing and less pain for Sandi's DS and DB. Prayers for Chuck and Annie, Tana and Terry, Ann, Bonnie, Melissa and everyone else who are ailing or grieving. Prayers for a smooth day of home showings and a perfect offer with a good closing date Jacqui. Great photo of your church Graham. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own. It is another rainy and windy morning here. I am ready for some real sunshine, this system over Canada is not moving out like predicted. A good day to clean the house. Have a great Sunday. Nancy
  9. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily and map @richwmn. I agree with @MISTER 67 meh on the days and quote. No to broccoli and the cocktail but an interesting gray German wine coming. I look forward to today's port. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports @JazzyV. Prayers for healing for Sandi's DS. Prayers for Melissa, Chuck and Annie, Bonnie, Ann and everyone else who are ailing or grieving. Prayers for Tana and Terry and happy to read reinforcements have arrived for the weekend. Thanks for the update on the home sale Jacqui and the lovely photo of Ivan. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the Innocents in Gaza. We are starting the day with rain. I have a guy from Iron River who restores and stains cabins. We will talk about doing mine two years from now including stripping the west end of the cabin where I sand the peeling stain each summer. My DBIL whose daughter was married in Wyoming last week had come home sick from the trip. He has COVID and influenza A. They are having a large reception for my DN locally and obviously he will miss it. Nothing like air travel these days. Have a lovely Saturday! Nancy
  10. @TiogaCruiser the black capes must have been for a graduation. We arrived on the plaza in front of the cathedral and the young people with black capes appeared from every direction until there were almost 50. To be discreet I only got those on the church stairs. They were quite striking. We left before they did. @StLouisCruisers happy to read your DS surgery went well. I hope she can stay on top of the pain. @marshhawk sounds like a successful visit to the endocrinologist. Unless the cap on drug prices loses in court it should happen. This year I had a cap on my out of pocket for meds was $3500 which I hit in May. Boy was that a shocker. Next year it will be $2000. I take Enbrel which is also on of the 10 negotiated drugs. Instead of $42,000 without insurance it will be $2000 for those on Medicare. @kazubeautiful hydrangeas! We had a lot of rain but we had a couple hours of sunlight so no worry that the generator will start up tonight.
  11. AwwI do have a few photos from Leixos in September 2018. Most are on my computer but I did a few with my phone. We did a HA tour to the Burmester Port House for a tour and tasting, a stock market building and a church. I have the same picture of the statue that Sandi posted. It was a lovely day in a charming city.
  12. Thanks Rich. I think my drive is still good according to the tech that worked on it. It is the motherboard. He did try it in one of his Dells and it wouldn't work but perhaps the external drive would. He said my hard drive was good and if I invested $280 I could get running. Thankfully before we headed to the cabin I backed everything up on a Toshiba external storage device.
  13. Good Friday morning. Thanks for the daily @richwmn. The Airborne was a key part of the Normandy invasion, clearing the way for inland movement for the beach landing progress. I used to like roller coasters just haven't been in decades, my favorite the wooden one at King's Island in Ohio. I'll celebrate rum day with diet Pepsi with Plantation Barbados Rum. The Darwin Society of stupid activities sums up today's quote, there are always people with do stupid things. I have been to Leixos in 2018 on the Konigsdam Iberian Adventure. Sadly my photos are on the hard drive of my computer that will not start. I'll pass on the pesto dish and Bahama Mama, give me lime daiquiri. I love Lynch Bages and we visited the winery in 1996. Still have some old bottles in the cellar. Thanks for researching these for us each day. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports Vanessa. @StLouisCruisersprayers for your twin sister today. Prayers for Melissa as she goes through treatment of lymphoma and caring for her DH. Annie I hope you get a better experience at your endocrinologist, prayers for Chuck. Prayers for Tana and Terry, Bonnie and Ann, Sandi's DB and everyone else who are ailing or grieving. @Haljo1935 welcome home. A rainy few days ahead. We fished yesterday and I caught a grab bag of fish but no keeper Walleye. I will work on the Environmental School speaker project. I am sure I will be hearing from the lady about the scholarships for two UP colleges, probably at the worst time. Have a great Friday! Nancy
  14. @JazzyV Vanessa I am sorry you are still dealing with dizziness and it gets worse when you lay down. When I first started injecting Enbrel 25 years ago for my RA I got red welts but over time they were insignificant. Not so my younger sister, she had to stop using the auto- injector because of latex and injected with a small syringe. The first photo is the river we cross to go to town. Hard to see there are two geese perched on the rock in the middle of the river. Second is a picture of my DN and DN last wedding weekend.
  15. Happy to read your travel went smoothly and looking forward to your journey.
  16. @HAL Sailer prayers going up for you right away that your cancer has not spread. Prayers for you and your DH as you both go through this journey. 🙏🙏
  17. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily and maps Rich. I'll celebrate relaxation day, thanks @GTVCRUISER. I promise not to write you many run on sentences in my posts. I'll celebrate Woodstock and all that great music that came from that era. I haven't been to today's port. I'll pass on the avocados and cucumbers and the wine seems to be a Portuguese wine from Austria. @cat shepard will have to get her decoder ring out. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. Prayers for Tana and Terry, Chuck and Annie, Ann and Bonnie. Prayers for everyone else who needs them, either ailing or grieving. Thanks for the photos Jacqui and the update on your home sale process. So cool Ivan has picked up on the drill so fast. Prayers for all in war zones. Our day 2 in town was a mess. John missed the start time of our dinner 2 hours away. He thought 4 o clock was the time. Dinner was at seven. He called and confirmed time when we were 45 minutes on the road. Since we had time to kill we went to a movie, only one that fit our schedule was a Minions movie. I cannot recall the last time I saw an animated movie in a theater, maybe Fantasia re release in the 60s. Then the dinner was a disappointment. Few people signed up so the food was not to their usual standards. Oh well. It was in the high 80s yesterday so not bad going on a wild goose chase after all. Have a great day! Nancy
  18. Good morning everyone. A cool morning here this morning with it at 53, cabin cooled off well for another hot day ahead. Thanks for the daily and maps @richwmn. I'll celebrate the Navajo Code Talkers and a funny one from Clint Eastwood. Thanks for the reminder of today's date in history with the SS Act enacted and important safety net for the working poor and others who have had companies drop their promised pensions. I have not been to today's port so look forward to Road Town. I like caprese salad minus the pasta, love a good Mai Tai and the Daou Cabernet should be good. Thanks for researching these for us each day @summer slope @dfish and at @cat shepard. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports @JazzyV. Chuck and Annie I was sorry to read Chuck's immunotherapy had to be delayed and your friend's pool was damaged. Prayers for Tana and Terry and that you have had the aide during the week. Sounds like the teenager loved his first football practice. Safe travels today Sandi. @kochleffel Paul I hope you are feeling better today. Prayers for Bonnie, Ann and whoever else who are ailing or grieving. Good luck with the interest in your home Jacqui, I hope many offers come in. We had a nice visit to town and it was 87 in Iron Mountain. We head right back out again this afternoon. John won a call in contest from our local radio station. Someone won the prize last week and called that they couldn't attend the dinner tonight. First veteran to call the restaurant wins tonight's dinner for two. He was killing time waiting for me in the truck. It is a chef's special dinner at a tavern where they specialize in BBQ. The chef likes to be creative so comes up with a special four course menu that is not BBQ once a week during the summer. We we went last year and it was worth the drive to " the fun bar in Dunbar" Wisconsin. Have a wonderful Wednesday. Nancy
  19. Good morning. Thanks for the daily and maps Rich. My DS is left handed, no chance for filet for dinner today as we are heading to town, no one stocks it. Pass on the Prosecco. The quote is true for some lucky people who meet their perfect person. I just wrote a sympathy card note to a friend who lost her husband, they were such a couple. I have been to Seattle for business and instead of seeing the city we drove out of town to see a fabulous waterfall and dined at the restaurant above. Thanks for researching all of our comestibles ladies. I'll pass on the zucchini and the minty cocktail but would enjoy the Reisling from Oregon on a hot day. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. Happy birthday to your DH Dennis @StLouisCruisers. Prayers for you as you go through your cataract surgery today @summer slope. Prayers for Tana and Terry and for Annie and Chuck. Prayers for Ann, Bonnie and everyone else suffering that we are unaware. Prayers for those in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the Innocents in Gaza. Prayers for the hostages who were injured and the family of the one that was killed yesterday. We are heading to town today, out of some staples like bread and salad supplies. My tomatoes are ripening so we are eating a lot of BLTs. Have a lovely day! Nancy
  20. Lost another long post when I read two new posts. Note to finger do not touch that option. Have a lovely day everyone and prayers for everyone needing them! Nancy
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