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Everything posted by grapau27

  1. Thank you Jim I appreciate it Good to read your posts too. Graham.
  2. We drive on the left hand side of the road OB. My car is only 1 month old and of course it has AC just like all the new cars for the last 15 years. We have been to Florida 30 times since 1992 and feel comfortable driving any car and I have hired a car every time we have been there.
  3. Yes it does have AC. It is only 1 month old. What I meant was the outside temperature on the car temperature gauge stayed the same.
  4. Take care Bonnie. Good luck at your surgeon appointment and sending you our prayers for your recovery and for you to be pain free. Graham.
  5. The runway had melted and some railway lines were buckling with the heat so trains were traveling at half their normal speed.
  6. When I went to pick Pauline up from work it was 40Β°C 104Β°F in the car and was that temperature for the 15 minutes drive to her office.
  7. Thank you for your kind comments Sandi. That is fantastic news about your grandson Ren who sounds like he could go far and be excellent for the Jaguars. Apparently only 1Β°of homes in London have AC I don't think anyone has AC further North as our weather does not warrant it except for last night and tonight. It was 104Β°F in the car on the 15 minutes drive to Pauline's office tonight. Our house is 47 years old and we have lived here over 40 years next door to Paulines sister. Our Sarah is 40 years old. Graham.
  8. Thank you Sandi. Our Sarah does not like her mam and dad too after 7 years of no contact by them. Ruth was extremely kind to them as she was for us especially after we both were married making dinners every night,doing our washing and ironing giving money etc for all 4 of us. There are givers and Takers in this world. This thread is full of givers and lovely people and why I love being here even though I sometimes post too much. Graham.
  9. Thank you Sandi. Paulines late lovely dad died of prostate cancer after 11 years in remission as it spread into his bones in July 2008. Paulines dear mam lived another 10 years sharing 6 cruises in our cabin before Dementia took her aged 96 in October 2018. Paulines sister never saw her mam for 4 years before she died. They went to the church funeral service where her husband was making sarcastic comments while Father David was reading Ruth's life story. They did not come to the crematorium or the lovely hotel lunch which was laid on for all the mourners.
  10. I enjoyed your photos Laura. Thank you for posting them. Graham
  11. Thank you Sandi. My dear mam died of Metastatic cancer within 2 months of the doctor telling her. My dad gave up even though I called 3 times a day and Pauline came with me every night. He was admitted to hospital and wouldn't wear a catheter. He went to the toilet during the night and fell hitting his head. The hospital rang me and we rushed there and he died seconds after we got to his bedside. Graham.
  12. I used to pay Pauline's sister who lives next door to take care of our garden but now Pauline likes to do most of the work.
  13. Yes. Blackbirds,thrushes,blue tits, chaffinches, greenfinches, gold finches, robins,wrens, sparrows,wood pigeons, magpies, seagulls,owls, woodpeckers and sometimes birds of prey like sparrowhawks.
  14. Sorry to hear that Carol. Prayers πŸ™ he is a lot better for his birthday. Graham.
  15. Thank you Sandi. We usually get a lot of rain days and cooler weather here so normally the hydrangea's look after themselves until I need to do some pruning. The hydrangea's and Golden rods in my parents memory garden came from their garden in March 2012 when my dad died. My dear mam died in November 2011 only 4 months earlier. My dad specifically grew the White hydrangea for us and we planted it a year before he died. Prayers non of us die soon but the love on here and uniquely on CC where almost everyone likes each others post shows the fondness and friendship on here for each other which I hope will be a comfort for anyone of us who has to go through what @kazu is currently going through. I hope your leg is a lot better. Graham.
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