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Posts posted by apietros

  1. To the op: while my suggestion will not go over well with posters....if it were me I would do something to bring Ncl's attention to your plight



    There isn't much you can do but you can remove the dsc


    Yes I know all the arguments against it...but it will get Ncl's attention and you basically didn't get the use or service from the ship you had paid for



    To other posters: I know you will debate this tactic but I'm offering it as probably the only way the op can get Ncl's attention regarding this matter



    The op is on to something here...trust me,..the ships air is awlful and Ncl needs to figure this out soon



    If they would just realize that the casino is probably most of the problem they would be on the right track



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    Thank you for your suggestion. I luckily brought prednisone I had in my medicine cabinet from the last time he was prescribed it and gave him a 5 day course (called his pedi to confirm when we were in Port Canaveral). My husband also took an uber to CVS while there and picked up a cool mist humidifier. I will never travel without one again. Luckily, I also packed his nebulizer and both inhalers. Never thought I would actually have to use them [emoji20]



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  2. Did you notice other people in the ship with similar symptoms as your son?

    If the issue is the ship's air, then more people would be affected too, no?

    I have allergies and a tendency to asthma too and am hoping not to have any issues in June on the Epic. I am scared now :-(



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    To be honest, we didn't venture out much. I did notice some people with colds but nothing like the fits he was having.



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  3. I first thought of allergies to detergents used to wash the bedding but this would not affect him when he wasn't in the cabin. The other thought I had was of particles from the engine, I recently had problems in London due to air pollution, a large part of it is from diesel engines. I've never had a problem on a cruise ship myself, I generally find my asthma improves at sea.



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    Sea air is usually fine for him as well. Thank you



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  4. Hi all. It's 3 AM here aboard the BA and I'm sitting up in bed praying for the minutes to fly by so we can disembark. I will do a full review in the next few days, but wanted to write this quick note first. Let me preface by saying we have cruised BA 5 previous times and love her. Granted, we stay in the Haven, but I think its important to know we never have any complaints aboard - we are on a cruise after all!


    Last Sunday, my family of 4 embarked the BA in clean health - not one sniffle to be found! Monday morning at 5 AM I was awoken to my 6 year old son barking like a seal and crying he could not breath. He has asthma, however he hasn't had an attack or any issues in over a year and is not on a daily inhaler regimen. However, I did pack an arsenal of medicine "just in case". Thank God I did - turns out he would spend the ENTIRE WEEK wheezing and coughing non stop. This has never, ever been a problem for him before and we have sailed at various times of the year. Let me point out, he wasn't sick - no other symptoms other than asthma attacks. I believe there is something different/drier/something with the air on the BA this time around. Monday night we ended up having him sleep right beside the open balcony door - it offered a tiny amount of relief. Let me tell you why I think it was the ships air. When we reached Nassau, we struggled with deciding if we should get off the ship to at least take a 20 minute walk - we had barely left the room all cruise at this point. We decided yes, let's take a quick walk. We were not off the ship for 10 minutes - 10 MINUTES- when he stopped wheezing and coughing, his color came back, he was his normal self. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it!! We ended up having a great day and he was 100% symptom free all day .... until we went back on the ship and it instantly came back.


    Needless to say, we are happy to be disembarking in a few hours (never thought I'd ever say that). It is beyond scary and anyone's worst nightmare to watch your child struggle to breath.



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