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Posts posted by ozdevil

  1. Anything you are not certain of dont click it


    Ad blockers do very well to block these nasties but not all the time though


    I still get an email atleast once a day saying inhertited 1 billion dollars or i have won the us lotteries


    I currently using adguard 6.1 and its very good and simple to use


    just ignore these to good to be true comps etc

  2. Tie me kangaroo down, sport

    Tie me kangaroo down

    Tie me kangaroo down, sport

    Tie me kangaroo down

    'n' take me koala back, Jack

    Take me koala back

    He lives somewhere out on the track, Mac


    So take me koala back

    Tie me kangaroo down, sport

    Tie me kangaroo down

    Tie me kangaroo down, sport

    Tie me kangaroo down

    Sorry cobber you didnt get to see what you wanted in this beaut country of ours its not like Kangaroos or koalas are tame pets in our great country..... but strike me array next time you come down under cobber make sure ya pack a six pack and a vegemite sandwhich and head out into the boondocks and we maysee some of Australias great wildlife in the wild



    Seriously though to not have done your research ad i suppose its not entirely your own fault if you had ports changed on you, but surely before the start of your cruise ya would have done your research on our great country...



    anyway sorry about ya cruise but please dont blame Australia becuase you had to tender and you couldnt ffind anything to do to relate to your likes

  3. It would be the best if they swapped Burnie & Melbourne around. X-mas in Burnie Different. But Melbourne Boxing Day incredible. Cricket & party atmosphere all around city...


    if the ship departs from Sydney it doesnt make sense to head to burnie then back to melbourne as ya back tracking


    i agree that boxing day is better to be in Melbourne as there is a world more to do and see with cricket and sales etc


    but it would cost more to back track

  4. i think that is a win win situation gives you more oppurtunity to spend in New Zealand.


    Like most places in Australia Xmas day stop over is going to be a quite affair and waste of a good port unless you have family or friends that you are planning festivities with . and i would dare say most will be with their own families spending xmas if it is only friends that you planned on.


    Boxing Day in Burnie is pretty well going to be a bit quite as well, Shops maybe open but ya will be competing to get a bargin and ya may strike it lucky with shore excursions around Burnie.


    So i think its a win win for those that are choosing this cruise for New Zealand and not necessarily the melbourne and Burnie stop overs

  5. Thank goodness CC doesn't seem to have any Collingwood fans.


    Thank goodness about that, but i dont think collingwood supporters know what a computer is yet


    I think my mother and father l is a collingwood supporter i havent spoken to them for 46 years

    i can remember hearing them when i was just fresh out of the womb saying welcome to the world son

    mum and dad a collingwood supporters, and ever since then i have ignored them and gone for the blues and boy are they giving me the blues these days

  6. Now Don't get 2 carried away with the bringing in stuff there is some cheeky ways of doing thing


    boil ya kettle of the morning and just pour the water into the thermos place a hot dog in the thermos as well (you will require a couple of thermos's for a couple .....


    Bread rolls are ok to take in and when half time comes get ya thermos out pull the sausage out and place in ya bread roll and enjoy watch auskick in the middle with ahot cuppa


    just remember 1 cardinel rule and that is to give the umpires are hard time and make them earn their quid


    if you are people that like a bit of shananagans like letting flares of in a stadium, that will not be tolerated


    Now it is like a 5000 dollar fine if ya do a nudie run on the crowd, a great way to get yaself on tv and well known for 15 minutes of fame along with high hit count on FB and Youtube



    have fun its a great game to watch

  7. Spot on there re new passports, when we arrived at LAX last November our passports were only a couple of months old. The 'new' processing machines at LAX would not accept them, photo/prints etc, so we had to line up for 20 minutes to check in with the Border Security. He said our new passport had not been registered in the USA thus we had to do a face to face check and manual prints/photo etc, but no big deal. So I think that is what occurred here.:evilsmile:


    There was a segment on Neil Mitchell show last week (3aw Melbourne) about Passports and America


    Some was saying they got through LAX fine then others saying they was felt like crims being pulled a side


    Some said they was told the issue is with the passport that there equipment cant read the new passports


    I now think border security people when they pull Australians over just say look we have to do a manual check unfortunately please bare with us while they do this


    May make feel people a bit more comfortable knowing they are not in strife and its a glich in the system that wont wont accept new passports currently

  8. So you'd be fine taking cruises, if say your dining waiter barked "wait" at you for half an hour before you could order, then didn't say anything else, then brought your food out another hour later without a word, for example?


    Hey, they're still just "doing their job" too.


    It's all about the manner in which they do it. When they aren't feeling like treating you well, US border control treats you as a criminal. They don't answer questions. They segregate you. And they bark orders at you. Hardly, "just doing their job."



    hardly the same thing really what you trying to compare here from a restuarant to border security


    yes i think it doesnt matter what job ya in basicly there is always a manner in which you can conduct yaself wether that being Border security to person scrubbing toilets for a living

  9. Clearly you've never had connecting flights in the US.

    Mem Fox is a very well known children's author and does not rate as a terror suspect. I have no faith in Border Security if they think she is a threat based on their assumptions.


    The security people can be outright nasty. Even when you are the most pleasant of travellers. Everyone is treated as a suspect even when proven otherwise.



    never been outside of Australia to be honest Pushka


    I am not saying this good feeling and i am sure people feel uncomfortable about it....but if border security didnt suspect everyone then i would feel they are not doing there job properly


    its well and good to say Mem Fox is a well known and wouldnt pose a threat to any nation


    but do well known people deserve special treatment when entering a country


    We might think border security officials are out right nasty individuals even we are the most pleasant of travellers treating them nicely


    I would not have faith in any border security wether here in Australia or overseas if they didnt treat everyone as a suspect



    but having said that there is nothing wrong intreating everyone as a suspect but they could speak or act in a better tone if it is only a passport check.....


    every border official really has to be satisfied that a person is not a threat to that country wether they are well known people or not

  10. I really can not see an issue really , if you have done nothing wrong then whats the worry if the detain you for an hour or so.



    maybe if we screened people more in Australia our no good for nothings may think twice before entering Australia



    As i said if you havent done nothing wrong then it shouldnt matter wether they have detained you, while they do the checks


    it may feel embarrassing at the time but at the end of the day they are only doing their jobs

  11. Hobart there is some interesting tours if you ya dont mind going against the norm


    There is a walking guide tour of the Hobart Rivulet, I have never done the tour Myself however i have as a kid growing up used to knock of school get changed at my mothers work place head down harrington street jump a fence into the rivulet from there i would head South following the rivulet as it went it got darker anyway got about half way i heard the cow jumping over the moon in Cat and fiddle arcade and i looked up and could see the drain opening with people wandering about. i would chuck rocks at the grate and the many people stopping and looking around to what the unwanted noise was . it was me being mischeif.... then followed it the rest of the way where it brought you out at the Royal Hobart Hospital.... those was the days when ya got away with things....but would never have thought anyone would want to take a guided tour up there as it winds its way down the heart of the city of hobart


    however these days the guided tour wouldnt be as rough as the guided tour i gave myself but alot of people are wanting to do it


    If you are into railway i believe there is a guided walking tour of the old Kangaroo Bay to Sorell railway line would be an interesting walk


    Also if you are in to military kind of stuff then head onto Bellerive Fort which is not to far from Blundstone arena , even though the fort never seen battle but there is some rather good history about this place


    if you are into Beer you could head up to South Hobart and you can catch a bus upthere and get off outside Australias oldest working Brewry and you can do a guided tour through there Also while in the area ya could stroll through cascade Gardens and then wandering down through there having alook at the old womens Prison


    Some of these things will cost you nothing where as brewery guided rivulet tour etc will..


    There is so many things to see and do in Hobart ya need more then 1 day to see everything


    I lived there for 27years and i have only touched the surface

  12. When I was young a throwdown was for cracker night.


    Beer came in longnecks or cans or kegs, that was about it.


    Stubbies came in when was a teenager I think, at least I don't recall them prior to that.


    Then they experimented with different size cans, each holding 750ml, one was what now seems to be called an oil can, the other a standard can, but twice as high.


    Kegs have had a similar evolution, I very vaguely remember wooden kegs then the steel ones 18 or 9 gallon, then these new stainless steel ones they use now, about 15 gallons I think.


    I once had a couple of carriers talking about the various kegs and one commented that he knew the only bloke who had carted all three types, the other said nope no one could possibly have been in the game long enough to do all three, first bloke names themane, second bloke said "Yeah guess he would have", they were talking about dad.


    I used to be a keg driver along the way i have met some fantastic people doing that job , infact i would still be doing it today if something alot easier didnt come along...


    I know one bloke and he would be 63 still pushing barrels around and has been doing the same thing for 30 odd years (they called him the midnight express) still out does some of these young bucks , it doesnt matter how many stops ya give him it could be 8 stop or 26 stops still comes back with no full kegs on truck and al delivered


    this bloke has seen the different types i reckon he was still doing when there was draught horses pulling the barrels.


    The 50 litre kegs are the norm these days wether it is tooheys or cub but the handling of the kegs havent changed that much there is still lot of rope drops

  13. That's our problem too, work. Nearly took the plunge 20+ years ago. Mrs gut would probably score a job at Port Arthur, but the money wouldn't be great, maybe in a few years when semi retirement beckons.


    i am basicly semi retired at 45 , i am lucky ones 2 days on 5 days off and i pick a grand up for those 2 days i aint complaining


    but i know Mrs Oz would pick up work in child care and possibly could being a sterring wheel attendant but still not quite ready to head south yet

  14. Love Tassie, was there in Sept for a couple of weeks, in fact been there 6 times in the past 30 years. I would move there, but 'She who shall be obeyed' will not. :(:confused:


    i had a 27 year holday there once , you can guess it i should never have given that holiday up



    however though i would move back in a heart beat and so would the other half but becuase i am a professional steering wheel attendant there isnt to much work for me there



    I have seen every ounce of tassie but when i head back i will always find something i have never seen or done before

  15. :D It's that beautiful Tassie water that makes all the difference! Could really go a cold one right now....


    it certainly is back in the hey day they would have used the flowing waters that was cascading down from Mt Wellington. I always look forward to heading back home to see my family and experiencing the new beers that tassie has to offer but always go for a cascade red in Hobart or just a draught on tap or boags if they have it



    South Hobart has alot to offer the cruise goer and everything is in close approximity if ya know what ya looking at up there.



    Cascade Gardens, the old Womens Prison the old bakehouse (now this is what i do remember as this was oppisite my grandmothers place and loved to wake up early thinking it was nans baking but it was across the road where they was baking the bread and cakes and pies....

  16. I am looking at booking my 1st cruise... oh hang on i did do a week cruising or navigating the murray river in a 17ft boat once under the experience of myself but nothing like jumping on a cruise boat except if ya call The Spirit Of Tasmania a cruise boat lmao


    myself and my partner are looking at doing a cruise to New Zealand and becuase so many cruise ships heading over to the land of the white cloud its a bit overwelhming to say the least in what to expect



    reading up on these boards is not really helping as some show very negative towards each vessel that sails across the Tasman



    I thought ovation of the seas at first

    golden Princess

    diamond Princess

    Celebrity Solitice



    and then thought i might just do it all in my 17ft bath tub like i did The Murray.......only kidding to chicken ****e to across the Tasman in a bath tub would do it in a 20 footer no worries





    but would it be good for cruise virgin to head into a TA and talk about it, not necessarily booking through them





    I am confident to do it myself but i dont want to do something i could have paid for before departing when the time comes like the tipping etc drinks packages etc etc

  17. Good craft beer is a little bit hard to find in Australia. Most pubs/taverns tend to concentrate on selling mainly lager style beers manufactured by the larger breweries but some of these also sell some craft type beers -- which originated as craft beers from smaller breweries but got bought out by the bigger commercial companies. There are very few ales sold in Australia - you will see signs in many/most pubs espousing their "ales" , but these are nearly all lagers. Most Aussies don't know the difference between an ale and a lager - and most drink lager beer.


    If you are staying in Sydney , this pub is my favourite Aussie pub http://www.lordnelsonbrewery.com/ -- LOTS of character and almost all local small batch beer (most of which are ales) - within walking distance of the main cruise terminal at Circular Quay


    Bazza depending on when you was in Australia last we have come along way since


    I no longer work i the industry as i have changed jobs and i have worked for both carlton united brewries as well as Lio Nathan here in Melbourne and to some what agree with your sentiments they are not really ales and more on the lager side


    however here in Melbourne we have many craft brewers in which i have posted a few in a previous post that have done some excellent ales


    one good pub in the city of Melbourne called Young and Jacksons they have a fine selection of beers on tap wether they have any good ales on i do not know as i havent been there for awhile.


    our main stream pub out of the suburbs of Melbourne have a small selection of craft beer but more stick to the mainstream beers like carlton druaght and one fifty lashes by jame squires or james boags ale



    around city of Melbourne, Brunswick, Fitzroy, South Melbourne , Port Melbourne and St Kilda you will find a variety of establishments that will solely serve craft beer


    not hard to find here in Melbourne

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