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    Melbourne Australia
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    craft beer,golf , movies, gym exploring and afl footy
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    not Sure yet
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  1. if you can get off the ship with your own luggage and no hold ups its possible for domestic , but to make an international flight by the time go through customs etc you might be pushing it This is why i don't like booking flights on embarkation and disembarkation days due to flights either changing or being cancelled.
  2. Man Over Board on Pacific Adventure at 4am this morning Sadly the body has been found and been recovered My thoughts go out to the Mans family and friends , as well as Staff and passengers that may have witnessed the man going overboard May the Man rest in Peace.
  3. do they think they are going to chat with Captain Stubbing and he will make things all better. i read someone wrote to the president of P&O to seek help with changing names because the ta couldnt some people make me luagh
  4. nice scratch mark hope it doesnt scare as bad as the one ony right arm , which stretches from the elbow to just short of my sholder frrom breaking the funny bone a few years ago. hope the recovery goes well for you
  5. i noticed this morning that Pacific Adventure is not heading to Eden as sheduled and looks like its going back to back moreton island and some of the guest on the last cruise was looking forward to going south and now finding they are going north again to tangalooma i was speaking with a couple last night saying they are unsure where they are heading now as their cruise has changed i think they said they were doing pacific islands but now may be heading south to tassie tommorow instead they was not happy little vegemites
  6. it was a bit blowy tried watching some boat pull into the quay and had to manouvere a couple of times to dock
  7. Pacific Adventure has already started to head north probably trying to make it more comfortable for guests just of Gosford and i would say edge would be doing the samething on her way to melbourne. i just finished watching edge leave the OPT while having a feed at rossinis
  8. we Started to cop bad weather once we got from the coral sea in to tasman sea coming back from Tangalooma. we had good comfy sailing up and most of thursday coming back but over night she started to pick up a bit. As i woke up at around 3am this morning i opened my balcony door just a few k's from the sydney heads it was bucketing down and there was a good sea starting to pick up and you could just start to feel the ship and we didnt have the pilot yet on board. i suspect by now or later tonight you are going to cop some of what we got last night but it wasnt that bad but by the time ya get to the heads it may be a bit worse i feel for 2 ships tonight who are sailing out of Sydney
  9. i think you have, you dont have to worry about rushing to the airport like a blue ass fly specially if there is delays getting into port then road traffic
  10. its possible to do it but like anywhere you have to have everything go spot on for you ship arriving ontime then getting to airport if the ubering it and there is no delays on the freeway or having to get public transport to the airport. why put yourself in a position of worry as in are we going to get their on time if we book the earlist flight possible specially if there is delays its doable thou
  11. My Best Mate put me on to mr wongs but he would have went there with work colleagues and said it was the best he has had . and we are only staying at the round the corner in jamison street thought close and handy to mr wongs
  12. i have heard Mr Wongs in Bridge Lane cbd is not bad for chinese? I am thinking of taking the good bride there either before or after our cruise and if she is lucky we go twice if any good
  13. yes a cunning plan i agree , secretly i think we all would like that middle seat gone for the room on a plane .
  14. i also can understand why they do it as well if the op wants to have that middle seat between himself and his wife then he really should be booking the 3rd seat as well . Plus size people have to pay for a second seat if needing the space i think its selfish attitude to be thinking hmm if i book a window and an aisle for the wife and i , in the grand hope that the middle seat doesnt get taken i do accept these things after all we should get to sit where we like providing the seats are not taken and you do't mind someone sitting in between ... i do hope the origional poster is able to select the seats they wish for.
  15. the good thing about Hobart there is 360° views i know Hobart very well after all i had a 27 year holiday there which was the best days of my life. enjoy thou
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