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Everything posted by scubacruiserx2

  1. We understand that in our suite that we need to tip the buttler and the conceirge . Is the room service gratuity included in the purchase price or is that also done by the butler ?
  2. The other vehicle was also filled from the 1st tender so we were off for a 2 hour trek to see the penquins . Pavement first , gravel second , rocks 3rd and then the bouncy part as we entered the farm full of grass , hills , sheep and dips . And finally , the farm with a necessary place with info on the penquins on the walls . People from the Star should be there now , even as I write .
  3. The Falklands We had good sunny weather but cold and windy . Were were on the 1st tender as suite guests , are prerered way of travel . Welcome to the Falkland Islands Our companions were also suite guests and we were 4 to a vehicle with Estancia . He did an outstanding job and told us how as a child , he was taken hostage at school by the invading Argentian troops during the Falkland War in 1982 . We caravanned with another vehicle from Estancia . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falklands_War
  4. The last place that we visited was the Henryk Arctowski Research Station . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henryk_Arctowski_Polish_Antarctic_Station This was our last view of Antarctica as we turned and burned toward the Falkland Islands . We had spent 4 1/2 days in Antarctica on HAL which was 1/2 day more than they had promised . The photos show why we are going back , we just wish that we had more than 2 days to visit there .
  5. Hooray ! The Star has landed in the Falkland Islands for a 10 hour visit . Stanley is a tender port but they have 10 whole hours to visit the Penguins . It is the best place to see them close up , 3 kinds at Volunteer Point - a 2 hour bumpy ride each way . Very windy and cold . We are kind of miffed that NCL has unilaterally deceided last week to subtract an hour from our visit there arriving early at 0600 and now leaving at 1500 instead of what they originally said . As I said , it's a tender port that is cold and windy . If they wanted to take an hour , why not come in 1 hour later when it's warmer and your sleep cycle isn't as disturbed ? They also took an hour at Puerto Madryn - the best place to see wildlife close up and the 2nd best place to see penguins . It's warm to hot there and a 3 hour ride each way , plus a 1 hour walk on uneven ground to see the penguins , plus a long walk on the pier if you have a private tour . They are arriving latter there when it's more hot . So we will only have 1 hour to visit the penguins instead of 2 ! Their stated reason for taking the 1 hour away at the 2 best places ? To save fuel . They knew how far we had to travel in advance and how much gas it takes . So why the change just a week before ? If they needed more money for gas why not ask us to chip in some extra money for fuel so we could stay longer at the better ports ? We think that given that choice most people would prefer to pay the fuel surcharge . Or cut back time ( 2 hours) in Punta Arenas that has a lot less to do or see ? If you want to build customer loyalty, you need to also be loyal to your customers.
  6. It sounds like you are doing well and prepared for the trip . Hobbling is the new walking for us so slow and steady wins the race . Pat was taught to use the hand holds and not to rest on the under arm portion of the crutches when she was in the knee immobilizer . The knee had to be rigid while the 3 pieces of her knee cap that were wired and screwed fused . The brace was rigid to start and loosened up a little at a time . She used a more high teck walker / roller after dropping the crutches . Some doctors recommend knee replacement but she's been coping with gel and cortizone injections . So we start packing tomorrow to take the Brightline train from Palm Beach to Miami to spend the night Thursday before our early morning flight to BA on Friday where it is Summer .
  7. A lonely guy We loved these striations Expedition on the rocks We had a perfect view of the base at Paradise Bay until the Silver Cloud blocked our view - again Awesome ! We named this formation the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate fron the old Laugh - In Show
  8. Thanks Mic and Rosie and a belated Happy New Year ! We are on the mend , nothing as serious as your leg . Are you ambulatory or will you need a scooter ? And just remember if you do so on HAL to drive on the right . Right is right and left is wrong ! 😉
  9. Thank you , nothing serious just troublesome . When we were children our families idea of a holiday was a long drive to see grand mom . One grew up in the cold of Michigan and one in the heat of Florida . But before the 2 day drive we would both always tune up the old automobile and perform a safety check before traveling . It's the same now only our older bodies need the tune up now and we travel with a small pharmacy instead of children !
  10. Interesting icebergs large and small - we loved them all . Two in the snow And one to go A iceberg cruise ship for pengins with a smaller hot tub and a larger swimming pool
  11. And a Happy New Year to you and yours . I tried to open it on my desk top ( HP Envy ) instead of my wife's ipad . I did open later it by going to your profile on CC ( sorry I peeked ) where I could open it . We looked at an Expedition on the Silver Cloud which past us in Antarctica . The price was about the same as our Neptune Suite on the Zaandam . But we had left over money to add the Patagonia visit before the cruise . This time we hope to make it there for about a week after we disembark the Star . We have time for a quick tour and Lunch before our afternoon boarding to El Calafate that afternoon . Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos and memories .
  12. Thank you , we did see a Doctor today and she gave me some meds . We had to kill an hour before CVS could open their Pharmacy . So breakfast for some tummy stretching exercises to get it in shape for the cruise . 🙂😊
  13. We were both sick yesterday and today so no time to write . We hope to show Antarctica tomorrow morning and we have to pack for leaving to Miami on Thursday for a very early flight to BA Friday . We may have time to show the Falkland Islands as the Star is due there on Wednesday .
  14. The Star appears to be moving slowly the Lemaire Channel and is near Dallman Bay . Hopefully they will pass close to Deception Island With the fog and no sails coming out of the Caldera , we thought that it was a Ghost ship like the Mary Celeste . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Celeste But seeing smoke behind the ship we saw that they were using their motor . We had hoped to go into the Volcano to see the old whaling station , but with the weather and the narrow entrance , all that we saw was a lot of penguins on the black sand beach . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deception_Island
  15. I used a Canon Rebel 3 , the smallest SLR that Canon makes with a 70 - 300 mm for sports and close up . It's the one I used for the photo so yours should be fine . For indoor , low light and wide angle a Full frame Canon 6 D with a 17 - 40 mm .
  16. The Star is leaving Paradise Bay after visiting for almost 2 hours . https://www.cruisemapper.com/?imo=9195157
  17. A couple more shots of the Albatross Memorial at Cape Horn https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/cape-horn-monument
  18. A couple more shots of the Albatross Memorial https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/cape-horn-monument
  19. Thank you and you are welcome . We are preparing some photos and following the process of the Star to follow their route . They are approaching Paradise Bay with our time currently 0900 EST they are 2 hours ahead of us , almost lunch time there . We will have meals delivered to the cabin and spend lots of time on the balcony watching and shooting photos if the weather is nice when we are there . https://www.cruisemapper.com/?imo=9195157
  20. I'm sorry that we didn't see at February 24 th cruise on the Star . Only the 4th and the 18th . We did see some whales close by . This one appeared to swim right at our ship and submerged leaving a red calling card .
  21. Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos . Unfortunately , We cannot open the video . I did look at a video of a Gentoo with it's chick . Which ship were you on ?
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