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Posts posted by TNVolnteerCruiser

  1. @TxTeach79 what a gut punch when I caught up today.  I am adding my sincere condolences on the loss of your dad.  Sending hugs to and prayers for you and your family.  I hope your cruise allows you the time you need to grieve the loss of your dad but also remember all of the good times.


    @RenoNanaOzsending condolences to you and your hubby.  I am so sorry for your loss.  Praying for peace and strength for your mother-in-law, you and your hubby.

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  2. 16 hours ago, dmet0225 said:

    Seriously applying?  That would be so cool if you made it.  

    If there was anyone on any of TAR seasons as condescending towards their “partner” as Vinny was towards Amber, I’d be surprised.  Can’t believe she puts up with his air of superiority.

    Agreed.  They got on my last nerve and I was happy to see the end of them…and then he proposed and she ACCEPTED.  What???

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  3. 18 hours ago, MeganGC1983 said:

    Uno mas. My sister is gonna download the app and we are auditioning for Amazing race. This season was great because I had literally been to every destination. I would LOVE to get a heavy Asia & Australia season because I haven’t been there at all. Orrrr Nordic. 


    Can we all sign a petition and vote you in?  I make a motion….

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  4. 8 hours ago, pirate4me2 said:

    @SenatorsFan oh we loooove chicken Caesar salad! DH can make a really yummy one. I need to add that to my weekly menu, especially since its summertime and the chicken can be grilled. Thanks for the inspiration! 

    We are supposed to get some icky storms here in a little bit. I am going to run to the grocery store down the street from my work on my actual lunch hour (in 30 mins) to grab the lettuce and avocado for tonight, and then race to the camper and put Divya (my dog) inside so she isn't out in the nastyness. She has a doghouse and is good about using it when she has to, but I don't want her out in hail and severe winds. If she's in the camper she can comfort the cat, who hates storms, and she will be safe. 

    We had one round earlier today then sun heated up the atmosphere.  Another round moving in now then another round coming later tonight. One round moving from the southwest merging with a round dropping from the northwest so who knows what that will do.  Stay safe, tribe!


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  5. 12 hours ago, #55worktoplay said:

    What a sweetie!  Glad to hear she’s on the mend. I’m sure the vet bill was worth a couple of cruises but so worth it. 

    Thank you!  Yes, she was worth every dollar.

    • Like 3
  6. 8 hours ago, Jamman54 said:

    Before I continue on with the nuts and bolts of this review, I want to tell everyone how proud I am of my wife Patti. What a trooper! Let me explain. After Patti retired from teaching, to keep busy, Patti went to work for Target. Her job is to shop for other people. Now what woman doesn’t like shopping! She loves the job even though it requires her to walk miles every day around the store. The positive was that it also helped her to lose quite a bit of weight. The negative was that her feet, which were never great to begin with, began to hurt her more, especially her right foot. Over time the pain got worse and worse. Her foot doctor recommended that she quit her job. Nope, that’s not happening!


    Four years ago, she had had enough and had surgery on her right foot. Though it wasn’t 100% pain free, it was a lot better. She continued to work at Target, though with reduced hours, and continued to walk for miles on our cruises taking the pictures that both you and I love so much. Now since then the pain has increased in her left foot to the point that it is much worse than the right foot ever was. Having to walk “funny” is also giving her some back pain. During the last few cruises I told her to take it easy, and if we needed a shot to illustrate a point, we could use some of our many “stock” pictures. She was having none of that. So as I looked through the thousands of pictures that Patti took this trip, I wince when thinking about how painful each step was for her when taking them.


    The good news is that on May 17th she will be having surgery on her left foot. We hope this will make her foot pain free, but realistically don’t think that will happen, but any improvement will be welcomed. Her foot doctor will again recommend that she quit Target. Nope, that’s not happening. Will she stop walking for miles taking pictures for us? Nope, that’s not happening either! That’s why I am so proud of Patti. Love you Babe! ♥️

    Patti is a rock star!  Thank you, Patti, for all your lovely photos…but please take care of yourself.

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  7. All these planned and in process cruises got me wanting to book an interim one.  My next one isn’t until November but I’m trying really hard to behave.  We just got our little dog back from our local animal ER after 6 days and 5 blood transfusions in their ICU plus a transfusion and care at our primary vet before that.  Our perfectly healthy 7-ish year old dog developed something called IMTP and was down to zero platelets.  She is on the mend now, thankfully.  (Here she is at her checkup today.)


    All those cruising, enjoy your trips.  To those who are in the midst of a “battle”, sending hugs to you from Tennessee.  One day at a time or one hour at a time or one minute at a time when that is all you can manage. Enjoy your weekend, tribe.  I hope to enjoy mine resting and recovering from the stress of the last two weeks.


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  8. 5 hours ago, KmomChicago said:

    Morning Tribe.


    Confirmed yesterday that partner is not going on the Alaska May 17 cruise at all. Glad to have an answer rather than yet another interminable “don’t know.” Don’t know what’s going on, don’t know what I / we are going to do, etc. The don’t knows are being answered.


    Things took a turn, I guess what you would call THE turn, about ten days ago. 

    It’s been interesting mentally since then but I am finally able to move into a different head space, the space of moving forward into a future that’s going to look different than previously expected. 

    Starting to know what I am going to do. 

    More to come. Feeling like I will be able to live review the journey with this aspect resolved. 

    I’m so sorry you are going thru this.  Wishing you peace as you work thru your decisions.



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