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Everything posted by Harters

  1. Well, we've decided to book this. All the reviews are good. Good location Nice room, with its own private terrace and sea view.. All food (main restaurant and specialities) & booze included Nightly shows. Flights included. And all for less than half the price of the similar length O cruise we had been looking at (which, as it was a UK round trip had no flights involved). If it's as good as we hope , then it's very possible our cruising days will be over.
  2. The dining side of a cruise is important to us - so the earlier date at which you can book speciality restaurants is important to us. Means we get a better chance of making a reservation for the times and dates we want. Even then, for our forthcoming cruise, we didnt get 100% of our first choice
  3. Well, you've asked us to be honest, so I will be. I really don't think Oceania has anything going for you. The age group is older, the entertainment minimal and, from our cruise on Nautica last year, the small ship can feel very empty in public rooms at times even when full. It's just not for you.
  4. This reminds me of a now defunct food forum that I used to play on where the contributions of local folk were often discounted so it became a matter of Americans making the same recommendations to other Americans, who would then in due course continue making the same recommendation. One of the benefits of Tripadvisor, which is CC's parent company, is that it has no problems about naming names.
  5. Gosh. Thanks for yet another correction. What a weird policy to have. Folk are robbed of your local knowledge, so probably won't get any knowledge. I reckon I'm going to give contributing to this forum a swerve in future as I really don't see how I can make any valid and/or useful post. I'll just stick to reading the Oceania and Foodies forums. 😀
  6. Isnt it just travel agents that are banned from mention? I'm sure I've often seen the likes of tour operators, taxi firms and the like mentioned without problem.
  7. Probably. I have visited America several times over the decades. Return flights have always been overnight with the consequence that I am wrecked for several days. It would ruin any possibility of enjoying a short cruise. The mechanics of your proposal are definitely doable if you are prepared to be wrecked.
  8. I am one such. And, if there are a lot like me, then it could be relatively easy to reduce demand for cruising by making other holiday destinations more appealing. As I mentioned on another thread, we are looking at an upmarket resort hotel in Cyprus for an autumn break. Pretty much, it will replicate the hotel/entertainment/restaurant side of a cruise. And would be about half the cost of a cruise with O. It has appeal, for sure. Now, I don't have sufficient knowledge to know how "green" it is for me to take a four hour flight to Cyprus and fly back a week later, than it is for me to do a week's cruise (which probably also includes some flying). But it's certainly something to consider.
  9. All but impossible to discuss this properly without entering into the political arena which, I presume, is against forum rules (as it is with most forums). Inevitably that hinges on how much you approve of the intervention of governments into commercial enterprise. But, to steer clear of the politics, the "planning permission" arrangements that we have here are restricted to a decision by a local council (with a right of appeal to a government planning inspector). But decisions to build ships or not, cross international borders as under which national jurisdiction a cruise line operates, or ship is constructed. The practicalities of getting worldwide agreement makes your suggestion impractical. If people across the world want to see restrictions on ship construction, then they would bring that about by voting with their feet and going on different types of holidays, so demand is reduced. It may well come.
  10. Well, three announcements is surely too many for it to be a co-incidentally accurate. I reckon they've just picked a random number and are sticking with it. Can't tell us apart.😀 Reminds me of our early trips to the States in the 80s and 90s, where few Americans would recognise our accents as being British. "You folks from New Zealand?" was most often asked. And no, my accent is nothing like a Kiwi one. I think Americans now get a wider range of British TV programmes and realise that not everyone speaks with a London or southeast England accent.
  11. Perhaps surprisingly, it's only in very recent years that the Sun and the Star stopped having photos of scantily dressed women on its pages.
  12. Those flight arrangements just seem horrendous. I'm with your OH on that.
  13. We sailed on Nautica last summer. It was fine, although having previously been on Marina, I think I prefer the larger ships, so am looking forward to Vista in a few weeks. Just a feeling of more space and, of course, there's the extra speciality dining options. Yes, the customer base is overwhelmingly North American. On the Nautica trip, there were only 66 Britons - and they were the third largest group on board. And, unsurprisingly, food is geared to American tastes, just as it should be. Even though this was a European cruise, it sort of felt like we were on a trip to the States.
  14. It is. And such a faff. We're doing a transatlantic in a few weeks. That means a flight to Heathrow and a overnight hotel there. Then the long flight to Miami - and two nights there (one night isnt enough "just in case"). Fortunately, doing west to east means any time difference issues are at the beginning of the holiday and we don't end up arriving home wrecked after a night's lost sleep.
  15. Thanks - as I mentioned in my OP, I have asked the question on the O board. And, yes, it's interesting to compare.
  16. I understand that. We've been looking at an upmarket resort hotel in Cyprus which would sort of replicate the hotel/restaurant experience of an O cruise - nice suite, a variety of included dining options, entertainment, inclusive booze, etc. And it'd be about 50% of the price of an O cruise. So, the "value for money" question is how much do we consider a cruise itinerary is worth. 50% - maybe not. Lots to think about, generally, as well as switching lines (hence this thread).
  17. Yes, it's that general ambiance that that puts me off. Regardless of the fact that I may be able to find some second best option for dinner that night. Just not for us.
  18. Thank you. But my understanding, from CC's dress code article, of Crystal's dress code policy is that I wouldnt be interested in that line.
  19. When I was young, I used to be appalled at the rudeness of some elderly people and hoped that, as I aged, I wouldnt become like them. Of course, as I got older, I realised that it wasnt an age thing - some folk have always been bloody rude.
  20. One of our two regular supermarkets, Waitrose, publishes a monthly food magazine. This month's edition carries a four page advert for Regent noting that the line is created "with discerning food-loving travellers in mind". Would anyone care to comment, please, on how they reckon that claim stacks up against Oceania's "Finest cuisine at sea". And , of course, any more general comments that might help me to make useful comparisons on the relative experiences - we're looking towards a 2025 cruise. I'm also asking the same question on the Oceania forum. TIA John
  21. One of our two regular supermarkets, Waitrose, publishes a monthly food magazine. This month's edition carries a four page advert for Regent noting that the line is created "with discerning food-loving travellers in mind". Would anyone care to comment, please, on how they reckon that claim stacks up against Oceania's "Finest cuisine at sea". And , of course, any more general comments that might help me to make useful comparisons on the relative experiences - we're looking towards a 2025 cruise. I'm also asking the same question on the Regent forum. TIA John
  22. I don't know if there are any commercial restrictions but bear in mind that booking through a US company means you are not going to have the important consumer protections such as ABTA bonding and the "package holiday" regulations. We found the latter to be a vital protection at the beginning of Covid, when a holiday including cruise was cancelled. The company tried to persuade us to accept a credit note - we knew the law provided for them to make a full refund. Which, in due course and with a threat of "see you in court" got us our money back.
  23. I'd suggest doing a bit of research - like searching, say, Tripadvisor's cruise forum for mentions of your "options". Even though it's Cruise Critic's parent company it isnt as coy about naming . Some seem better than others. And obviously double check they are ABTA bonded. John
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