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Posts posted by Mareblu

  1. 1 minute ago, Selbourne said:

    I’m glad that we are not in Princess Grill. 

    I wonder where their previous accommodation was?  If it was below PG, and the word gets around, everyone will start coughing and demanding a PG suite.

    • Haha 2
  2. 2 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

    Deck 1 Atrium by the Games Room. I was ordering my coffee and it kicked off.


    I'm actually not happy now.  They have just been told they do not have to isolate and the ship cannot make them.  They've just been given a Princess Grill deck 8 room and told they continue as normal as it's now passenger rather than ship responsibility. Frankly I'm quite appalled.  They have screamed and shouted and now are being "rewarded" while they are apparently at liberty to spread the illness.  Not impressed at all by how this is being handled.


    I'm now told I can leave the area though.

    Oh great.  The’ll now be swanning around the Grills Lounge.  I can’t believe it.  

    • Like 3
  3. 7 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

    Unfortunately I'm witnessing a very unfortunate episode and am not being allowed to leave this area.


    A couple have unfortunately contracted covid and are involved in a screaming match with the officers who are trying to get them to a doctor and moved to a balcony cabin.


    I'm sitting drinking my coffee and its getting very unpleasant. They've even shouted at me that it's me and people like me who've made them ill by not wearing a mask. 


    It's become most distasteful. I did have a sense of pity for them to start but now they're shouting about their rights and suing Cunard that has rapidly disappeared.

    Goodness, that’s awful.  Where are you?

  4. 20 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

    I appreciate that I am probably over thinking this, due to my hope that we can see things from our balcony. However, logic says that the ship will remain in this orientation throughout.

    There are only 3 options. Starboard to shore, port to shore or bow to shore. The latter would block the Mersey! If we were going to be port to shore, we surely wouldn’t have turned around on arrival. We would have berthed on the port side and then just pulled forward for the festivities, but then we’d have to turn around to dock again.

    By far the easiest option from where we are now is to reverse back for the festivities (as we did on QM2), then just pull forward back on to the terminal, from where we proceed forward when we depart.


    I shall ask the restaurant to have a slice of humble pie ready for me at dinner if my theory proves to be wrong 😂 



    I have my fingers crossed that your overthinking is correct🤞

    • Haha 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Selbourne said:

    We are now in Liverpool and, as we hoped, the starboard side is going to be against the berth, as that’s where our balcony is! Fingers crossed we will remain in that orientation when we pull off the berth for the naming festivities.  



    @Selbourne We hold the same hopes…this the marvellous view from our balcony astern.  My only niggling thought is that Anne may do a spin when she pulls out for the ceremony, and return to dock portside ready to sail away for the fireworks. 


    • Like 3
  6. 46 minutes ago, Jean C said:

    Dear, dear, dear, I thought this would be a tricky one! Correct, your turn.


    The photo is of the Terrace of the Lions. Delos is a small island a 30 min boat ride from Mykonos and is believed to be the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis. It was later declared a sacred place and no one was allowed to be born there or buried there and existing gravesites were relocated. From once being a thriving trade route, it became uninhabited. A fascinating place, well worth a visit if at all possible 😎

    It truly is.  Visit Delos and walk with The Ancients. I’ll scratch around for something.  I’m on Queen Anne in the Irish Sea, so about to 💤. I’ll post something first though.

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, WantedOnVoyage said:

    Taste is subjective indeed and nothing is more satisfying that the preconceived notion that is proven in photo and comments.  That lounge looks.... simply awful!


    I'll stick to QV and QM2 thanks very much and wish all who sail in QA many a happy cruise. 

    Gosh, now you’ve surprised us all.

    • Haha 1
  8. 2 hours ago, exlondoner said:

    That’s all right. 😀 It just gave me the chance to think of more things I loathe about it. 😀😀😀

    Incidentally, although I have no feelings either way about that (presumably fake) tree, isn’t it a bit of an odd thing to have in an indoor bar, particularly with those banquettes around it. They seem to have a banquette fetish.

    Yes, on that we agree.  It’s rather garish, and it seems to overpower the ambience.  The “banquettes” as you refer to them, are actually quite comfortable.  Rather a change from mundane tables and chairs.  I do not, however, approve at all of the long “wall tables” in the QG restaurant.  They afford no privacy at all.  We’re very grateful we have a delightful window table with an ever-changing view.

    • Like 3
  9. @Megabear2 thank you for the truly beautiful photos.  You’ve really captured the spirit of this haunting land.

    we’ve discussed and debated the Grills Lounge many times, IMG_6151.thumb.jpeg.53f672f0cda6c8ed49943deedec9bba2.jpegIMG_6151.thumb.jpeg.53f672f0cda6c8ed49943deedec9bba2.jpegso for those who are interested, here are a couple of images


    • Like 7
    • Thanks 3
  10. 2 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

    Yes. It was lovely.

    Yes, then it was V.  She absolutely loved it.  I so admire her determination to carry on with her life after losing her beloved husband.  She is dignified, but warm and friendly.

    • Like 3
  11. 1 hour ago, Megabear2 said:

    Actually on the subject of horse racing I sat with a lady on the coach trip today who told me she had an interest in racing when she bought a newspaper to study the card.  We got chatting as a result and it transpired her and her late husband were in a syndicate that owned the Derby winner Motivator a number of years back.  We had some really interesting conversation about her view from her Queens Grill suite midships deck 7 - no idea which grade of Q it is - and compared notes on our experience as solo ladies.  Very interesting in as much as we both had the same opinions on entertainment etc although she is using the Grills Lounge as her social hub and informed me she really likes it.

    Did you do the lochs tour?

  12. 1 hour ago, exlondoner said:

    I didn’t linger there, but must say it didn’t look terribly comfortable to me, but I can see it was friendly. I waved at people I recognised as I passed through hastily and they usually waved back, although, in truth, they may have been completely different people as the light was so dim, and my eyesight so poor.

    At this very moment we are seated under the expansive skylight which lights the huge tree in the lounge.  It most certainly is not dark, anything but.  There are more secluded, atmospheric seating arrangements, should one choose.  We agree with this lovely lady.  A little light in our lives is a positive attribute.

    • Like 4
  13. 1 hour ago, Megabear2 said:

    Actually on the subject of horse racing I sat with a lady on the coach trip today who told me she had an interest in racing when she bought a newspaper to study the card.  We got chatting as a result and it transpired her and her late husband were in a syndicate that owned the Derby winner Motivator a number of years back.  We had some really interesting conversation about her view from her Queens Grill suite midships deck 7 - no idea which grade of Q it is - and compared notes on our experience as solo ladies.  Very interesting in as much as we both had the same opinions on entertainment etc although she is using the Grills Lounge as her social hub and informed me she really likes it.

    I know who you’re referring to.  She is delightful.

    • Like 1
  14. 29 minutes ago, S1971 said:


    One of sports true gentlemen, 100% agree a knighthood is long overdue.


    Hopefully the King reads these boards 😁

    I thought I read somewhere, “MBE” after his name.  I may be mistaken.  I’m devastated that was his only conversation piece.  He just told me, in that wonderfully rich voice, that he and his small entourage are leaving tomorrow.  Our surrounding luncheon tables were raving (the people, not the tables) about this morning’s performance.  Standing room only, apparently.  Our loss, sadly.

    • Like 4
  15. 1 hour ago, Selbourne said:

    Quite possibly, but even if we had azure blue skies and 100% visibility at present we would have no scenic views as we are so far from where the scenery is!


    We are currently using a lot of fuel going nowhere, hence my theory that they are doing some trials. If they just had time to kill then lingering around the scenic parts would be far more preferable from a passenger perspective. 

    From her direction on the nav screen, I suspect Anne is taking us to Boston🫣

    • Haha 2
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