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Everything posted by Eli_6

  1. The above and below is San Sebastian
  2. I have also been divested of the desire to travel "on my own" in non-English speaking countries because it has become abundantly clear to me that speaking un poquito Espanol may cut it in Mexico, but not in Spain where they have 4 languages and one (Galician) is closer to Portuguese than Spanish and the other (Basque) isn't even an Indo-European language at all. I think I will stick to cruising to see Europe even if it is like trying to drink out of a fire hydrant.
  3. Watermelon chilled soup, antipasto, quiche, and Cesar salad.
  4. We went to San Sebastian today on the Carnival excursion. I do not recommend doing this. Too fast of turn around. They only allowed us 3 hours there and the meet up place was a 20-25 minute walk from beach/old town so really only had about 2 hrs. We didn't even get to eat lunch. Actually tried to and had to leave because restaurant was taking so long and got cursed at in Spanish. Basically an hour waiting in theater/boarding the bus, 3+ hours on bus, and 50 minutes of walking to take pics of a beach and stick your toes in the sand. The weird thing is the excursion left 2 hours after the boat docked so I don't understand why we didn't leave 2 hours earlier. If we had had 5 hours there instead of 3, it might have been worth it. But definitely not for so little time.
  5. Literally we are going next Wednesday...as in 3 days. Last minute re route because of strikes in France.
  6. We were supposed to go to le havre. What would you recommend for a family of 4 in Amsterdam? Kids are 9 and 10.
  7. Dinner very good tonight. In general, the food has been reasonably good.
  8. Well, Le Havre canceled because the French are striking. Eye roll. So, we are going to Amsterdam instead.
  9. As an aside, we did the Galician Gardens or something similar today and while Santiago was highly impressive, the gardens at Pazo de Oca looked like what my yard probably looks like right now.
  10. In David's place, we have Steve greeting us at the port of La Coruna:
  11. Pic from one of the Cathedrals we went to. (My husband edited out the people. ) Very tired so sorry for not posting more.
  12. Going to Braga today on a Carnival excursion.
  13. Electricity went off for an hour last night. Fortunately, it came back on.
  14. This is not what the women's room looked like now. They are grey and modern looking.
  15. Someone in our sailing fb group said the Pride will have a sauna and showers but they aren't working and why they were working on them...and why I couldn't get in there.
  16. Today was Lisbon! Love ❤️ 😍 💖 Portugal! We went to sintra. Did private tour booked through viator. E.hello tours. Was amazing!!!! Went to so many places.
  17. That would have been a great idea. I wish I would have thought to ask about it.
  18. I think my phone autocorrected that and I didn't catch it because I actually love the Monkees and probably text about them more than actual monkeys. Or maybe my brain did that. I used to watch the Monkee's show on Nickelodeon back when Nickelodeon played classic shows. I loved them and NKOTB when I was like ages 5 to 9. Then, later, N'Sync. Never like the Backstreet Boys. Jonas Brothers were after I was already too old to be into boy bands...although, now (as adults) I actually like their music better.
  19. Couldn't get into the locker rooms. They were doing construction on them. I don't think there will be saunas from what I could see. This is as much as I could see. Booked a 75 minute massage and my treatment room was next to the construction zone while construction was going on. Unfortunately, I didn't know ahead of time before I booked. I asked if they could turn on music to drown out the noise and was told no because of "IT issues." Left my relaxing massage with a headache...that's probably partially my own issues because I have construction ptsd after our 18-months, 300k remodel that was supposed to cost 150k and be done in 3 months. Still, sort of feel like they should warn customers because no one expects to hear tile saws, drilling, hammering, and the screeching of metal during their spa treatment.
  20. It isn't there. No David at all.
  21. Monkeys seem unphased by us humans.
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