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Everything posted by Eli_6

  1. It isn't there. No David at all.
  2. Monkeys seem unphased by us humans.
  3. They are unloading building materials outside of my room right now. Guessing this is from the dry dock.
  4. I don't know. They don't have popcorn on the Pride yet. I was eating a sandwich. Lots of things aren't up and running yet because this is the first sailing post dry dock.
  5. Also, I was kind of disappointed that there weren't more monkees...but I am thinking that maybe we did not go to the right place even though we went to "Ape's Den." There were no monkees at Ape's Den. We saw 3 at the top of the rock and maybe 5 at the St. Michael's Cave. So, you might want to take an excursion just to do that if you really want to see the monkess. SMC was neat, too, and had a cool light show you could watch.
  6. Top of the rock of gibraltar
  7. Fyi - the strange bus was the route 1 bus
  8. We bought a city bus pass and then the cable car up and down with passes to a the attractions in the Nature Reserve. We did the cable car up, did the sky walk, hiked to the top of the Rock, did St. MICHAEL'S cave, the ape's den, the suspension bridge, and the Moorish Castle. The ww2 tunnels were clclosed. By the time we got down to the Moorish Castle, there was no need to ride the cable car down because we were almost back in town so we took a pseudo-bus back to the ship. (It was a van and not a bus but was on the bus route.) This was a lot of walking but we enjoyed ourselves. I would not recommend hiking to the top of the rock from the cable car and then back down to town if you are over 40 and in less than grear shape (i.e. me) as I am pretty sure I am going to be hurting tomorrow. The top of the rock was amazing, though! Our bus ride back was...interesting. The bus was like 30 minutes late and then the driver got out and talked on his phone for 10 minutes while the only other passenger got out and smoked a cigarette. Then she put out her half-smoked cigarette but carried it back in the van with her...I guess saving it for later. Let me also add she had her face made up like the character from The Rocky Horror picture show. The driver was blaring 90s rap and rapping along with it. It was quite entertaining...especially considering our bus ride there was so normal...and on an actual bus rather than a van. Going to get a massage tonight to work out those kinks from walking so much. As for the boat, the violinists are amazing! Many things still not working like the slides but I guess that is to be somewhat expected. Food is mostly decent. First night in mdr was bad, but last night was good. Guys and the deli are excellent.
  9. I will try to check it out.
  10. My kid and I were watching a Dive-in Movie and I was made to leave mid movie because there was "no eating allowed in the pool AREA." Worker told me no food even on the blue loungers. We were not in the pool and not in swimsuits. I was told that if I was in the outside area of the Lido with food, I could ONLY eat at a table. Is this a new rule or did I just run into an overzealous staffer? It's not a huge deal and I understand about no food in the pool...but it just seemed weird to me since I have often seen people sitting on blue loungers with food and on other ships they even sell popcorn for the Dive In movies. (Don't seem to have that up and running yet on the Pride.)
  11. Really having a good time on this cruise. Soooooo much better than last year. Oh, And I won some pro beats ear pods in the arcade on the punching game. 👊
  12. Cycling studio and pic from the outside.
  13. Gym looks nice. Equipment all new.
  14. @kwokpot All new equipment in the gym
  15. My wifi in my room sucks. What floor are you on? We are on 6. I am about to go up to the lido to see if I can get better wifi. Having better luck on cell service than on wifi.
  16. The public areas look awesome but I don't think they did anything to the cabins. All the staff is super nice and helpful. Our room steward is particularly awesome! And A/C works well.
  17. So, none of the washing machines are working. Checked every floor. Hand washed in the sink and was going to dry but dryers weren't working eother. Yesterday they said they would be working today, but they aren't. In the laundry room one of the ladies who was in there said a bunch of the toilets weren't working in the cabins so all resources were being diverted to fixing that issue. I washed in the laundry room sink and hung to dry on my balcony because my sink isn't draining well and part of the faucet fell off when I turned it on. Clearly still working out some dry dock issues. Not complaining since my toilet works. Making the best of it. Pic of my solution and faucet. Also sent off clothes for washing.
  18. Well, we bought several bottles of wine and 1 of liquor from the grocery store.
  19. We have had to separate the children for the benefit of other guests. Also went looking for laundry rooms and met five other people doing the same. Now I have laundry buddies. 😆 Unfortunately, we have learned that they aren't starting laundry until tomorrow.
  20. Yall...my kids are acting ðŸĪŠ. They are super wound up. There are no remotes in the room so they can't watch tv or play video games yet. (We requested them so fx on the way.) And they haven't unlocked the doors between the cabins so I keep having to go over and scold them for being loud. I feel like I am going to have to buy the people in cabins around us bottles of wine to apologize. One thing working super well on this ship is the A/C. Feels great!!! Bed is comfy, too. Oh, and you can definitely bring wine and liquor on the ship in Europe. The balconies look clean. I think we have a new balcony door, too.
  21. I will go by there later and take a pic.
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