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Everything posted by SLSD

  1. I agree with everything you have said. Not everyone has to like jazz--I get that. Casting out a net for exceptional performers could be a winner.
  2. I think this is what we are looking for--some surprises that delight us.
  3. I totally get that--and we have sailed long enough to also be subject to the repetition. I would just like to have some surprises--and I think there are musicians who could provide that. It would take some planning and work on SB's part--but could be done. Who doesn't like a challenge? Why even provice entertainment if your most frequent guests do not enjoy what you have to offer.
  4. We love Handre. He can almost single handedly make a cruise special. I will never forget him bringing blankets to us on the deck during a deck party. He was an exceptional cruise director and is a real treasure for Seabourn. From what I have read, they may be using him as PR as well. I hope that Handre can be an outside of the box thinker when it comes to entertainment. Some of us do enjoy a show in the Grand Salon after dinner and it would be great if SB could provide some surprisingly wonderful experiences. I totally recognize that this is not London or NYC, but not all great entertainment is in these two places. We also enjoy local entertainment brought onboard and exceptional musicians of all types. When it comes to humor, I think there is a divide between UK humor and US humor. That's ok--we get it and can enjoy both--but they are not the same--just like our taste in food is not the same.
  5. And this is exactly why I asked the question. We are ALL tired of same old same old and the old fashioned productions numbers. The WORST was a country/western show. GAG me. I am from a state famous for country/western singers--and the SB show was laughable. And someone is right. Not everyone wil ever be pleased. I would just like some improvisation jazz---somewhere. By its very nature, it is never the same. I believe that Handre is now in charge of entertainment...
  6. That's exactly what I am saying Mr. Luxury--and asking for suggestions for alternatives. Yes, there are limitations--but I can imagine some great alternatives---some very talented musicians of different genres. Maybe not of interest to you--but I would love some real cutting edge jazz. Maybe there are other things people would enjoy. Yes, I've heard Tim Rice umpteen times now--and all the rest. Maybe it won't be London or NYC caliber entertainment--but there are some great musicians out there that are not easy listening. You will still be at dinner anyway.
  7. OK. I recognize that a SB ship is not the London theater or opera--but it still can be enjoyable. I'm just hoping to move beyond the tired Tim Rice show and old show tunes. Easy listening is ok sometimes--but I really prefer jazz that is a bit more current. And, I don't really want to hear opera on a ship anyway. Others may disagree.
  8. So--what would you like to see? I would also like to see young up and coming musicians--jazz and other genres. Just not Broadway show tunes and elevator music please.
  9. There are so many great musicians out there who would love to entertain. Years ago, we had a nextdoor neighbor who was a music professor at a local university (jazz). I could go out into our garden and listen to him playing at his house. He moved on to another university and is recently retired. He is well known and can be heard performing on youtube. He is now retired and performing. THIS is the kind of musician that would really add to the SB experience.
  10. Not everyone attends entertainment in the Grand Salon in the evenings. In fact, my husband attends only because he knows I enjoy it. At the same time, I've found the Tim Rice Show to be a bit tired now and some of the other shows seem hopelessly old fashioned and dated. I am in no way disparaging the Seabourn Singers and Dancers and they have almost always been excellent and talented and great fun to get to know. But--I would like to know--what kind of entertainment would YOU like to see on Seabourn ships? I am a huge jazz fan--so I know I would love to see some great improvisational jazz musicians--playing all kinds of instruments. This would be perfect for the Observation Bar and for the TK Grill Bar on Encore and Ovation. I would love to hear real cutting edge stuff--not easy listening elevator jazz. And if we want to look to the past, give me a great Burt Bacharach retrospective. So many songs to choose from. What about you?
  11. I can understand what happened to you with the old Crystal has made you reluctant to try the new Crystal. I think some don't understand (you probably do, though) that the brand name and two ships were purchased. It is not the same company as before going forward. The new owners do not have liability for what happened with the old company. They are different people altogether. We haven't cruised since Covid and will have our first Seabourn cruise in June. I've read reports all over the map--everything from "it is just as good as ever," to "it has really gone downhill". We have always loved Seabourn and are quite willing to try it post Covid for ourselves. We are going to lower our expectations somewhat and hope to be pleasantly surprised. We could have booked a cruise with Silversea or Regent, but decided to give our favorite cruise line a chance. We've sailed Silversea and didn't think it was nearly as much fun as Seabourn. I think all the opinions given in this forum are honest opinions (make sure you read through all of them). Some people have given a glowing report, while others have given scathing reviews. I expect to see something right down the middle. I expect to see some cost cutting, some additional changes in ports, and some cancelled excursions.
  12. It happens. I never assume someone doesn't know the right word/spelling. Our fingers fly over the keys and sometimes our brains and fingers have different ideas. You have done a great job of commentary for your world cruise.
  13. Here's another update on our pre-pandemic FCD which would have expired in June. (If you read my original post for this thread you will see that I was told on my SB app that it would be forfeited if not used--was told the same by telephone. Then--we sent a letter). Above, I posted an update to say that we received an email stating that SB could extend our FCD for one year. We emailed back, accepting that offer. Today, my husband received a phone call from SB, saying that they had accidentally initiated a refund of our FCD, even though we had asked for an extension. Evidently, our letter was sent to two different offices and opposite actions were taken. I was not on this call. SB offered to resell us the FCD--and Mr. SLSD agreed to this. So NOW, we have another 4 year FCD. We will be checking to make sure our original FCD was indeed refunded. The woman on the phone from SB was very nice and apologetic, but evidently the office is struggling a bit and getting their wires crossed.
  14. We haven't cruised since the pandemic (we will for the first time in June), but in the past, we have attended most lectures and enjoyed them on Seabourn. With a very few exceptions, the lectures have been excellent. I hope some current cruisers will tell us about the current speakers. Hopefully SB is still having them!
  15. I find myself being very envious of couples where the husband delights in trip planning. Our first cruise, many years ago now, was with such a couple. The husband planned every private tour, every restaurant and hotel. It was seamless and wonderful. One can dream.
  16. Or a failure to nail down permission for entrance into a port which can include fees. If it is port charges (which passengers are charged for) it could be an inability or reluctance of SB to pay port charges in a timely manner-- --in other words ahead of time.
  17. We are NOT casino people---far from it. Enough said.
  18. This sounds good to me Markham. Now, if we could only meld the social aspects of Seabourn with the more upscale attributes of Siversea. How hard could it be? You would think a new CEO would see the opportunity and go with it.
  19. We are watching with interest as well. We have never sailed with Crystal, but if things go well for new set up--we may.
  20. I don't either. And this is one reason I don't do buffets. I am far from a germaphobic person, but I have to say that the buffets put me off. I am truly surprised that they continue during the age of Covid. Why not have a menu and let people order.
  21. We had an entire thread about this some months ago. There are those of us who love having lunch in the Restaurant (MDR), but it is not open very often these days for lunch, we've been told. There are posters here who miss that and others who scoff at the idea of a venue being opened as apparently few diners take/took advantage of it. Where to dine? Those of us who do not do buffets have to do the few menu items in the Colonnade or order a burger or something at the Patio Grill. I am not a fan of room service except for breakfast.
  22. Seabourn could discontinue caviar anytime/anywhere and I would not be disappointed. At most, we order it once or twice on a three week cruise. We like it--but often forget about it and don't like it so much that it is very important. We are also not big champagne drinkers. I do enjoy a Kir Royale and prefer champagne served that way unless it is very high quality champagne. As an added note, I think some people feel like they have to squeeze out every last dollar of value on their SB cruise--thus the constant ordering of champagne and caviar. Tell me if you think I am wrong.
  23. I enjoy the behind the scenes part (and have taken several galley tours which are sometimes offered), I just don't enjoy seeing all the disconnected dishes displayed. It just isn't appetizing to me. I may be way out in left field here. I love good food and especially enjoy savory foods, but like curated menus.
  24. Or, as one of our SB friends calls it--"feeding at the trough."
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