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Posts posted by Lurkyloo

  1. I buy an inexpensive luggage set - that all fit inside the biggest one - at Walmart or Target. Just bought a set with wheels at Walmart for $99. The last set I bought lasted about 6 years before they started falling apart. Several cruises and land trips and flights so I figure I got my money's worth! My upcoming cruise will be my first trip with this set... ;)

  2. Hello, joined this forum a few months ago & taking my 1st cruise in June on the Freedom. I see how much ppl love cruising & how ppl become addicted after their 1st cruise. My question is, Do you know anybody that didn't like cruising & why? I'm sure there are ppl out there, I just haven't met them or read about them. Thanks!


    I think it's safe to say that most people posting here LOVE crusing... ;)


    My hubby likes cruising, but isn't crazy about sea days for some reason - that's why he isn't coming on the Hawaii cruise with 5 sea days right off the bat! We are thinking of taking a cruise out of Puerto Rico that hits a different island every day - he will probably love that one...


    I also have friends who refuse to consider a cruise because they get sea sick, and I try to assure them that most people aren't affected on the big ships and that Bonine or other sea sick medications work for those who do - but there is no convincing them.


    And yes, I am sure there are people out there who tried it and flat out don't enjoy cruising - I have never met anyone who cruised and hated it, but different strokes for different folks! Enjoy your cruise - I am sure you will love it! :D

  3. If I find a wait team that I like, I request them every night and then give an extra tip at the end of the cruise.


    Yep - I generally always get the early sitting, but on Princess both times it was anytime (or whatever they call it on Princess) and that is what we did on one of the cruises. On the 4 day one it was hodge podge and the service with every wait team we got was meh so I didn't feel the need to tip above and beyond what they automatically take out. I did leave extra tip for our cabin Steward however...

  4. I am proposing to my girlfriend while on my cruise, Sunshine 7/26 and I am curious what is the more romantic choice? Steakhouse or Chefs Table? They both seem really fun but I have never been to either. Thanks for the advice.


    Good luck and congrats!!!! :D

  5. WOW-I posted a general question and got several different responses relating to Socio-Dynamics.

    This is really going to impact the way I chat with peeps on the roll call in the future.

    Frankly, I`m disappointed at cruzers that milk info, excursion tips, $$ saving short-cuts, but have no interest in Human Interaction.

    I guess I`m feeling a tad disenchanted that F2F is so repulsive or intimidating, even worse BORING.

    I`m going to have a much more jaded approach to the R/C room if I even join at all.


    Reach out and touch

    Somebody's hand

    Make this world a better place

    If you can-"Diana Ross"


    It`s no wonder "Baltimores happen"


    That's a bit unfair - keep in mind that someone posting on the Roll Call is usually cruising with people who aren't involved with the Roll Call... I have gone on different cruises with from 6 - 20 others - none of whom were on the roll call and don't really have an interest in meeting people they have never chatted with. They are more interested in relaxing on Lido with a few drinks then exploring the ship and checking out their room. I can usually get my hubby to come with me to M&G for a bit, but that is about it. Often times several in the Roll Call will go on the same excursions and that is always fun too - but that is the extent of my personal involvement. I enjoy chatting pre cruise, and a bit after cruise - and running into them around the ship and on excursions, but I generally am cruising with friends or family and that is who I spend the bulk of my time with.


    That being said - I agree that it is rude to say you will attend the M&G when you have no intention, and even ruder to sign up for a luncheon you have no intention of attending. If you are there just for the chat and info, you can be honest and say that - I don't think anyone would mind.

  6. Depends on where you are going. You can always contact your cell phone carrier and add extra coverage for a month to the places you are going and call them when you get to your destinations. Or you can get the internet packages and email/facebook them from the ship. Some of the ships have the new "social media" packages very inexpensively. Or you can call them using the "ship to shore" on the ship - a bit pricy but a good way to call home quickly and check to make sure the kids are ok...


    Have fun!

  7. We are on the Legend to Hawaii in Sept. Here is a link to the Carnival Maui excursions:




    And here are a few I found from google:








    Have a great cruise! :)

  8. I never got sea sick up until 10 years ago when I developed an inner ear condition call Benign Positional Vertigo - after that it didn't take much for me to get sea sick. Now, the morning of the cruise I pop a Bonine and take one every morning of the cruise and for about a week following the cruise so I don't get "the spins" - works like a charm and has never made me drowsy.


    My oldest son has gotten sea sick and car sick since a baby - and I always gave him Bonine prior to an activity that might set him off and he did fine as well. Good luck!


    I should add, when I gave him Dramamine he got drowsy, but the Bonine didn't seem to make him sleepy either!

  9. Oh, I understand.


    With nearly 800 parties per year, attendance and observations at one or two does not make for a valid dataset.


    I have never been to one that was not over crowded, noisy, and annoying due to over crowding, and from what I hear others have experienced the same so I assume it is common place. I won't miss the party to be honest, and if and when I make Platinum and the party is still in place, I might go because it just might be a better experience. And if they snatch away that perk just as I make Platinum, I will not lose sleep over it...


    I cruise for the cruising experience and as long as I receive that for my vacation dollars, that is all that matters. People who think they will receive more recognition and perks on another line are free to go... my preference is for Carnival to keep the cruising experience as inexpensive as possible while maintaining the great service and cut out the things that really don't matter to me if they have to make cut backs...

  10. the poster could be referring to certain roll calls that set up a private cocktail party onboard - they arrange it through group services in advance before the cruise - typically for a bar or lounge like the piano bar, and there's a pre-determined hour or 2 hour open bar with or without snacks, etc. it has to be paid in advance by the organizing person, who in that case may require payment up front via paypal or other means, so they're not stuck with the bill if people from the roll call don't show up.



    Got it - thanks for the explanation! :) We have always just met on the Lido or something after embarkation.... I probably wouldn't go for this because I usually cruise with others and while I have gotten to know these people via CC, the others generally don't do that. So a quick drop by with a drink on Lido to say hello and then seeing them here and there is the extent of my involvement once on board.

  11. Yeah, well people like to be sociable up to a point.


    Also, when a roll call swells to large (75 or more people maybe), they may not want to be herded around on vacation by a travel agent that set up a roll call on facebook or a board.


    I'm just guessing, but there are no obligations. However, that's why some meet and greets resulting from roll calls require advance paypal payment to the organizer to participate in onboard.


    Maybe too just a corporate operative checking the pulse, demographic and/or personalities of a certain upcoming sailing by region, ship or date.


    Have people actually had that happen? I have been on several roll calls and never had that happen :confused:


    I have never had to pay money for anything, and generally will drop in at meet and greet. Other than that - sometimes run across people on the ship by the pool or in the dining room in passing - and often times we have booked the same excursions. That has been the extent of my involvement, it is usually just the fun of sharing the anticipation of the cruise with others who will be on the same cruise and bouncing ideas off one another.

  12. I have never noticed that happening, although a few times people I expected to see at the meet and greet didn't show up. Sometimes ran into them later in the cruise, sometimes not...


    I suppose some people might want to get involved in the roll call, perhaps they are not able to cruise for some reason and want to feel the excitement of the planning and be a part of the anticipation? Or it could be that something came up suddenly that caused them to have to cancel the cruise? A sudden death in the family might be something that was so traumatic that they didn't hop back on to let you all know they couldn't make it. Or perhaps the spouse wasn't interested in getting together with people they had not been in contact with. I know my hubby is usually not enthusiastic because he isn't on CC, but will go along with me to the meet and greet.

  13. People have a right to feel the way they feel, and if losing the overcrowded party is a deal breaker so be it. We are all free to be pissed when something is taken away and also free to take our business elsewhere if we choose. What upsets me is the Platinum and Diamond bashing I have seen... my goodness! Is that really necessary?


    Personally, I cruise for the experience and the ports. I was a "gold" after my 2nd cruise and did attend a few of the parties, so imagine my surprise when I booked this cruise after being a gold for 2 cruises and finding that I was just barely a gold now, and far from reaching platinum due to the previous changes in the program. Not a biggy to me. I cruised other lines for a while because I went with other people and they chose the cruise and I tagged along. I found while I enjoyed my cruises, I missed Carnival so when I was the one making arrangements, I came back to Carnival - my fave cruise line.


    If I had known they were going to drop the party for my level, would I have booked? Absolutely! I could care less about perks and benefits - I am there for the cruise which is reasonable and I know the service and experience on board will be top notch! That is what brings me back to Carnival and someday too I will be a Platinum. No hurry though, as long as I have nice relaxing cruises with good service and great times on board I am getting my money's worth.


    Nobody is going to be able to change anybody elses mind - those that are upset or disappointed will be disappointed no matter what anyone else says, as is their right. People who don't mind the change will not suddenly jump on the hate bandwagon just because so many are posting negatively about it. I guess everyone just needs to get it off their chests and then things can get back to normal! ;)

  14. I will be taking my 9th Carnival cruise next month and am at the Gold Level. (I have those pins and past S&S cards to prove it) Joined VIFP as soon as it was available. My last cruise in June 2014 showed everything being there. Now when I look it shows me as a VIFP member with a number but it says I haven't taken any cruises and have no points. Has anyone else had this same problem and how did you resolve it?


    Happened to me as well on the website - I emailed Carnival with the dates of all my cruises and turns out, the website had just assigned a number for me and they were able to take information provided and find out my correct VIFP number and assign it to my account... They will fix it for you. Just log on to the website and choose "contact us" and explain.

  15. I seriously am getting weary of the Platinum and Diamond bashers here. Seriously - who cares! I am Gold and will be for a while. I didn't cruise for the Gold/Platinum/Diamond party so losing it isn't a biggy - it WAS getting too crowded so problem solved! We are getting the cheers program so the drink coupon won't really matter, but it's a nice touch. I might just buy some young broke looking couple a drink with it and make their day. The water is a nice touch also and I am thankful for it, and certainly not demanding that I deserve more just because I have taken some cruises.


    People are focusing on the "perks" they think they deserve instead of the cruise. Did you have a good cruise? Were you treated nicely? Was your belly full? Did you get to relax and have a good time? Did you see some places you haven't seen before? Come on people - focus on that and get over all the perks bull**** and stop expending all your energy on negativity. If losing the Party is a deal breaker for you - cruise with another company.


    Tip: You are going to have a happier life overall if you stop with the negative energy and start thinking of all the positives in your cruise! Stop sweating the little stuff and focus on the big picture - Hey! It's a cruise! ;)

  16. I really don't get the loyalty thing. I don't feel the need to be loyal to a business - and that is what makes the world go 'round!


    If you are an entrepreneur starting your own company, you have to count on people not being loyal, otherwise you will never get any business.


    I can count maybe 2 products in my household that I am "brand" loyal to - otherwise, make me an offer and I might buy your product. Cruise lines are included in this.


    I'm not loyal to one grocery store or one department store. I shop for convenience, selection and budget. Cruise lines are included in this, also.


    Exactly! :)

  17. I will continue to cruise Carnival if they are going where I want to go and have the better price. I have cruised Royal and Princess as well and while I loved the ships, I have to say, Carnival cruises have been my favorite so far. To each their own, and I will probably cruise other lines depending on price and destination, but I like Carnival.


    Getting bumped from a crowded party that I didn't really enjoy anyway does not upset me and with so many more people are cruising now than they did in the past, I get that they have to make the incentives more limited and meaningful to the select few that cruise them constantly. I will still have a great cruise, and that is the bottom line for me... I cruise Carnival because I always have a great time - not for the incentives.

  18. And I should add, too, that where it will be is listed under your home port. Just do a filter for that to find the FTTF easily (when available).


    And just because it is sold out one day, there might be some the next. They make them available in blocks, and people do cancel sometimes. Good luck!


    Congrats on saving $10!!! And thanks for the info, that is helpful. There are no excursions listed yet on home port, although many listed for other ports. Assuming they haven't released it yet but now I know where to look! Thanks a bunch - will look twice a day! ;)

  19. I was worried about that when I read someone's comment about the aft cabins next to the wrap suites - we are booked in an aft next to the wrap on the Legend - but apparently Spirit class ships are not affected - thankfully! I think I would have changed our cabins prior to the cruise if I hadn't confirmed it. Sounds miserable!

  20. So if it isn't listed in the excursions, does that mean it is sold out? I have heard of people seeing it and putting it in cart and getting error message because it is sold out, so should I see it even if I can't get it? Where is it generally to be found? In the first port? I looked through every excursion for every port we were going to and nothing. Should I be able to see it even if sold out? Or only if it is available?


    Sorry for all the questions but have never done this before... not even sure where it would be in the excursions and don't really want to log on a few times every day and have to look through all the excursions if you know what I mean... Thanks in advance... ;)

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