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Everything posted by LobsterStalker

  1. Hi all; I have read some things lately that are bringing my selection of My Time dining into question...long waits, poor booking system etc. Most recently I read in another post that My Time only starts service at 6:45...? Is this true ,And if so , Is that standard across all ships ? Thx in advance
  2. Just to note - In 03 and 05 Explorer and Voyageur were still among the largest
  3. The other side of your argument is that with so many options of things to do on these ships if they go away from the "Pay to Play" model then inevitably the base fares will rise to cover the cost instead. In that model the average person who cruises on a smaller budget and can easily do without all the upcharge activities will then be paying for your cruise of luxuries instead of their cruise of necessities. Unfortunately nothing is free !
  4. That initially sounded like a great plan to me , but upon thinking it through a bit , I think the nature of how often things change and ar likely to continue changing makes it a lot more complicated. I guess bottomline is when dealing with millions of people , not just onboard your ships , but across many countries as well , it is going to remain complicated... ..... Until it's not , when ALL restrictions can be gone and we resume the normal operation of LIFE !
  5. We did have a program a few years ago where we tagged all our lobsters so no matter where in the world they ended up , you could check the tag and no exactly where it was caught... But it was too hard to keep up with so it didn't fly.
  6. I'm proudly Canadian , and I have the same thoughts on this issue as well !
  7. 7 day +8 day = 10+ 10+ still needs to test...?! That is the confirmation I was seeking .
  8. I don't think that will be a tough decision for the vast majority ! Most people recognize that life needs to start being lived again
  9. Also they are separate ships ... hopping off 1 , boarding another but from what I understand I never leave their "custody"... :)
  10. What about b2b cruises I am heading on Sept.24 ? 7 day followed by 8 day ?
  11. Are these also "senior" moments? There is no max size in Canada... And There are dozens of separate seasons separated by zone for market and quality purposes among other reasons , and my season in particular is a 6 month (end Nov. to end May) season through the cold winter months . >>>> Which coincidentally yields the healthiest possible lobster that can be shipped to fill markets globally !
  12. Going on same itinerary (Symphony) in a month ! I had been reading a fair bit of complaints(from a few months back) about short staffing , and particularly how it was affecting dining , specifically wait times. I have "my time" dining booked and I had heard some horror stories of people waiting well over an hour just to be seated on some nights. Did you notice any specific issues surrounding dining . ? Only interested in MDR as we rarely do specialties Thx
  13. Seriously.... You really don't see the lunacy of that statement ?
  14. Renee; It's notable when you say that it is "some very simple test" to point out that you are living in FLL. When you aren't as fortunate and have to A)fly 1000's of miles B)usually 2 days ahead of cruise C)have extra hassle and expense to get your family of 4 (or more) to the appointment.... which can easily be missed due to travel delays etc. D)hope beyond hope the whole time that noone gets what could even be a false positive !! that Ruins your maybe once in a lifetime vacation . This "very simple test" you speak of can bring a ton of stress and possibly Totally ruin months of planning Clearly you haven't thought this through from anyone elses viewpoint or than your own narrow minded one Cheers
  15. Starry Eyes ; I can tell you what is currently happenning with those fall cruises you are speaking of .I am booked for Sept.24 , and Oct.1 , and I think I can safely guarantee you by the amount of times I have called in for price matching due to falling fares since the time I booked , that they are definitely not at full capacity. The prices I have now are the cheapest I have ever had on both sailings... That doesnt happen when you're 'sailing full' as was stated ! I was even fortunate enough to price match the Oct sailing,( that wasn't supposed to be eligible ) ,by $450 .
  16. Awesome photo,,, I spend my life on the ocean as a commercial fisherman ,and I appreciate the vastness and the POWER of the tiny little piece of ocean I work on more than most can understand . I hope many of you appreciate as I do the awesomeness of what you are able to do so frequently , not just for the ships and the ports , but also to experience the most AMAZING part of Gods creation that many will never get to understand . After reading through this thread , I am convinced more than ever that I need to line up a TA for sure now. The power and unpredictability of the ocean is so unbelievablely awesome , and I need to feel the exhilaration of being in the absolute middle of 1000's of miles of nothingness , while knowing there is a whole unknown creation for sometimes miles below the surface , that so few can even comprehend . Thank you all for your insights; Captain
  17. Very interesting stuff Twangster ! I am the captain of a 50 foot lobster boat and we go for max trips of 4-5 days and 50 miles out.... My planning isnt quite the same , though just as important. Watching these is definitely giving me the bug to get back out there...Very cool stuff !
  18. Just to point out ..As more pinnacles arrive on the scene , that there will also always be some "Áging out" Kind of a "Circle of Cruising" thing ... It is Inevitable
  19. Thx; Just watched a 10 minute video and added to the education. Interesting stuff
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