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Everything posted by BillB48

  1. You will actually see very little of the original locks and even less of the new locks. While the RR runs on the edge of Gatun Lake for a good portion of the transcontinental trip, glimpses of the Canal are at a considerable distance. There is about a 5 mile stretch near the town of Gamboa where the RR runs along side the main Canal channel and then crosses the Chagres River which is the primary water source for the Canal. Views of the original locks are brief and are on the Pacific side where you will get a quick look of Miraflores and Pedro Miguel Locks. The train trip is pleasant as much of the trip is over fairly remote areas, however I think the main attraction here is the historical significance of traveling on the first and quickest transcontinental railroad. Often times this tour is one way by train and the other way by bus. How it operates depends on the number of people on the excursion and where they need their equipment after the excursion. There are times when the excursion is operated as a round trip via rail. However if you are on the train/bus version you will want to pick the "correct" side in order to maximize your views of the Canal. The "incorrect" is not what you would call a wasteland, but you won't have a good view of what you came to see.
  2. The research department was up pulling an all nighter,😉! The official beam of the Explora is 107.5' and the limit for the original locks is 105.9. As a result the Canal classed her as a NeoPanamax.
  3. I left out distant, which is what makes a cruise eligible to transport passengers between two US ports. The post has been editied.
  4. They have transported passengers from one US port to another US port without having visited a distant foreign port. The powers that be can waive that in cases such as this.
  5. I think we have an enigma wrapped in a conundrum in this case! I certainly don't have any real knowledge on why she would use the new locks since her dimensions would easily allow her to use the original locks. My first thought was perhaps for Canal convenience, but I don't think that is the case. Perhaps there was an overhang or other protrusion that would better suit using the new locks, but from the pictures I can't find anything on the ship that would create this need. The only other thing I can come up with is perhaps the location of her deck machinery, (winches etc.) does not lend itself for hauling the locomotive cables aboard. It may have been more practical just to handle the tug hawsers as opposed to loco cables. I'll snip a pic and send it my contact who is a tug captain and maybe he can shed some light
  6. While a number of ex pats live around Panama City, I think you will find a large portion of them that live in that area live in sections of the old Canal Zone. The areas of the old Canal Zone would include the civilian communities such as Balboa, LaBoca, Los Rios and Cardenas. There is also a lot of ex pats living in the former US Military areas such as Albrook, Howard and Ft. Clayton. Ft. Clayton is now known as Ciudad de Saber. Also very popular with the ex pat community are the beaches starting about 50 miles up on the Pan American Highway at Gorgona, Coranado, Rio Mar and Santa Clara to name a few. Another favorite spot would be in the Chiriqui highlands much further up the PA Hwy in Boquete. Much cooler temps since it is about 5000' and up. If you really want to get to minimum development and maybe even a wee bit on the exotic side, have a look at Bocas del Toro near the Costa Rican border on the Atlantic coast. Of course it will take much more than a day to track down the places I have mentioned.
  7. His name is Sal Mercagliano (may misspelled last name). He is a former licensed merchant mariner now a college prof. He has a YT channel What's Going on with Shipping.
  8. Rather two very different ways to spend the day. Monkey island would take you out to Gamboa where you board a small craft for the trip to the "Island". the trip would include traveling the main shipping channel of the Canal for a fair part of the trip. It certainly would be seeing that part of the Canal from a completely different perspective. With any luck you might pass a ship or two. The Hop On/Off does cover many of the interesting areas to visit such as Miraflores Locks, Casco Antiguo, the Bio-museum as well has you will get to see some of the City. Hard to recommend, but the Bus tour might give you a broad overview of Panama City, if that is something that interests you.
  9. This is the ship we were discussing the "asymmetrical designs" in the Old vs New Locks thread. The last picture clearly shows the funnel off to the port side and a smaller funnel like structure on the starboard side farther forward. Another thing that caught my eye is the lack of any outside viewing areas forward. I'm sure the glassed area above the bridge is available for passenger viewing, but I would miss not having a forward viewing area outside. I don't think I could be considered a fan of that design, I still prefer the more traditional approach to ship design.
  10. They did get some welcomed rains and the good news it just wasn't one of those splash and dash showers. There was a fair amount of coverage over the watershed, although not enough to declare the drought over and start singing Happy Days are Here Again, a good sign.
  11. Had no idea it was around that long, sad to see it go as well. Thanks.
  12. I suppose she may have done a turnaround at Ft. Amador Cruise terminal. EM, is that other place ( C cruise ch..) gone dark?
  13. I suppose this is not the best time to talk about the bad news of the lower lake levels at Gatun. The link to gCaptain below not only addresses the drought, but also speaks to what has become the 800 lb gorilla in the room. That is the increased salinity of Gatun Lake, which is something they have been concerned about even before the troubles caused by this years El Nino induced drought. In the article it describes the salinity levels reached 0.35ppt four years after the new locks opened and there was concern that the levels could go higher before the Rainy Season kicks back in. The concerns have become a reality. https://gcaptain.com/the-panama-canal-averts-a-crisis-for-now-but-at-a-cost-to-drinking-water/
  14. The pier and cruise terminal are located on the top right portion of Perico Island, the bulk of any shopping, eateries and watering holes would be on the part of the causeway that links Perico Is. and Naos Is. There are a few things towards Flamenco, but I have not been there other than I drive by. The biggest question is the ease on which to get there, even though by all reports the terminal is open I do not know what transportation facilities are available. Distance wise it could be walked, however I don't know if walking will be practical.
  15. Seems the ACP is putting more confidence in a timely return of the Rainy Season forecasts. They have increased the amount of permitted daily transits from 24 to 27 beginning the week of March 18.
  16. The Azamara Onward is definitely original locks material, as well Oceania Vista and Allure. Actually they are on the "small" side and don't crowd the maximums for the original locks. If the dimensions of a ship are 965x106 or less, she is a candidate for the original locks.
  17. Glad it was swung to the starboard a tad... the Canal's heavy lift crane the Panquiaco is working on the sea gates on the east. Don't have any word on what is being done. The crane has been there a couple of days.
  18. Since the new Agua Clara Locks were opened the ACP discontinued the visitor's center on the east side upper level of Gatun. Accessing that viewing area requires crossing the gates at Agua Clara or crossing the vehicle gates at Gatun Locks, something they are looking to avoid. They are in the process of building a viewing area that would be accessible via the new Atlantic Bridge in the upper level on the west side. Looks like it is complete or at least almost complete in that picture. My contact is not in Panama at the moment so I can't confirm what the status of the facility is
  19. Thanks, my good friend is still on the Emerald (it is his last trip) and I sent him a few of the pics. He gives a very detailed presentation to the passengers.
  20. What may have occurred with the Aurora is due to the reduction of transits, currently 24/day, they could slot the ship immediately for a down lockage. Previously they were running 10-12/day neos through the new locks and about 24/day through the original locks. Now, with the reduction of transits 8 neos through the new locks and around 16 through the original. With less ships in the schedule it was probably very easy to schedule an in and out since they did not want any time to tender passengers ashore.
  21. Finally got around to watching the video, it probably is one of the better ones that I have watched recently. A lot of the others are not much more than hand wringing, the world is going to end click bait.
  22. To answer your question first, it is not regular practice to send a Panamax ship through the new locks instead of the original locks. While it has been done in the past for non passenger ships for Canal convenience it is rarely done with a passenger ship. In fact it has been done only once as far as I know and there was a laundry list of special considerations for that particular transit. From looking at the sister ship Silver Nova I see nothing in her dimensions that would require the Nova or the Ray to use the new locks. In fact the dimensions do not really push the limits of a Panamax ship. There is one caveat to that statement however, in my search to find info on the Ray I came across a statement promoting their "asymmetrical design". To be honest, I have no idea what that means. From the pictures I ran across of the two ships it doesn't appear to involve the shape of the hull that would require some sort special handling that could be provided at the new locks. Perhaps as I suspect it may have to do with the interior design, but I really don't know. The only other possibility is the vessel operators want the ship to use the new locks for some reason and have requested to use the new locks. While the Ray would pay a premium to transit the new locks, the tolls still would not be as high as the Canal would be able to charge a neo Panamax ship which normally have deeper pockets. Not knowing how authoritative the information you received I am a little suspicious as to the accuracy of which locks the Silver Ray will use. Often times the people who are on the customer service end don't always have the most accurate info. I completely understand your concerns and preferences to use the original locks.
  23. Of course the good news is all predicated on the ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) shifting toward neutral in the April May June time frame. This prediction has allowed the Canal to maintain the 24 per day lockages through the Dry Season which normally ends at the end of April. Plans had been in place to reduce lockages to 20 per day and then on to 18 per day. From gCaptain... https://gcaptain.com/end-of-el-nino-could-bring-relief-for-panama-canal-water-crisis/ From NOAA...
  24. Your quoted portion is exactly what happens. Once the ship reaches Gatun Lake is when the tendering begins, normally from where the ships anchor it is only about a 5 minute tender ride to the Gatun Yachtless Club. Absolutely the Gatun Locks are not involved with the tender. Just an aside, I say Yachtless because a yacht at that club would be hard to find. Even in it's heyday yachts were not usually in evidence, it really was just a local watering hole. Spent many of Sundays there swimming. . Sometimes those tour descriptions read more like a novel or at least something from a creative writing class! At first I did not pick up on it, but then I went back and read it again and thought I would jump in and just make sure we all had the same sheet of music!
  25. dmwnc, when I came back an re-read your post, I am not sure if I understand correctly what you are saying here... "The NCL version @ $200 from Colon is about that price now for an April 2025 transit. If I’m reading this correctly it is quite literally a full transit of all three lock systems as well as the Culebra Cut, then back to Gamboa and Colon." Not sure if you mean you will have gone through all three locks when you are on a partial transit cruise when you include the first set of locks on the Atlantic side on your ship and the two sets of locks on the Pacific side while you are on the excursion. I agree you do go through a large portion of the Canal, however what is missing here is the section of Gatun Lake from Gatun to Gamboa, a distance of about 22 miles. The excursion describe above covers from Gamboa, the Cut and the two Pacific Locks and essentially is a partial transit of the Pacific portion of the Canal A good part of the time the cruise lines offer that very excursion to cruise ships that are making the full transit and calling at Colon or Ft. Amador. Think what may happen in these cases the poor writer with the job of writing excursion descriptions just starts copying and pasting a subject they probably know nothing about🤪. A FYI, often times the excursion is ran the in reverse order from the way it is described above. In other words they will start the excursion in Ft. Amador (they use Balboa above), pass through Miraflores Locks, Miraflores Lake, Pedro Miguel Locks and through Gaillard (Culebra) Cut ending in Gamboa. From Gamboa you will return by bus to wherever your ship is. Either way is equally rewarding, although just personal preference I like up lockages better. In any event I hope this doesn't muddy any Canal waters!
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