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Everything posted by schattenfell71

  1. I have to say that I am a little bit confused about the situation. We will do a TA on 7th October from New York via Southampton to Hamburg. The German Cunard site says: Test needed. Reading the postings here I understand that no test is needed on that kind of cruise, because we will not stop in Canada (hope so...but...why not😂). New York to Hamburg....To test or not to test, that´s the question.
  2. We will be on the same cruise (October 7) which bring us back home to Germany. I think I have organized everything for our NY stay but I am really anxious about those tests. Hope we will not need them regarding to the new politics which may come. But I have also read that if you go TA you will always need a test. Let´s wait and see. Can you help me what do to when we are in NY?
  3. I gave them EURO on my last cruise and it was ok also.
  4. Thanks for your reply. I am really feeling better and back at my office again. Cunard is a company like all the others. They have to sell cruises so I do not blame them for selling a cruise to a large number of groups. I really believe it depends on the group itself. I guess if we would charter a cruise with all of the people here on the board the feeling would be another. It would be easier for us to do a cruise on other ships like "Aida" or "Mein Schiff" which are German and speaking German but it would be not the same for us. We do not need 15 restaurants on board or different types of water slides. For us travelling means seeing the world in an now old fashioned way. Cunard represent a sort of style ( I know we can discuss about it if they will do it at the moment) which we really love. The service....the afternoon tea....the British style....you have to love and feel it. Some groups did not feel it and want to sit for hours in the whirlpools, drinking cocktails there (which is not allowed by the way....no crew reaction) and making the best out of the drinking package.
  5. Hello again! I am back from a Covid infection which was not so heavy due to my fully vaccination I guess. Everything is fine now so I would like to share my thoughts about the Norwegian Cruise from Kiel to Southampton. I would devine this cruise in two parts. The first part was the trip from Kiel to Southampton. It was very quite on board and we have had the feeling to be alone on the ship. We always found some places where we were alone and it was such a dream to feel the QV. The stuff was brilliant. Very friendly and everyone seems glad to be back. Our cabin stuart John was awesome and I have to say that we became a little bit of friends during the cruise. We had our Cunard teddy with us and every evening it was a „battle“ beetween the two of us to put teddy in a funny situation for each other. We put him in front of the window or as the sea became rougher infront of a bag with the sign “Seasick“ on it. When we came back, John always places teddy in another situation for example on the couch with the remote control in teddys hands watching the TV (which he left on working). It was so much fun !! We had a great table for the two of us in the britannia restaurant by the window and the crew there was great also. The second part of our cruise begins at Southampton where the Mexican people came on board. I fully agree with the others here that they were everywhere and as long as the cruise went, they get looser. No dress code and chaotic inside the Britannia restaurant. Cunard for me is a quality standard. It is another world which may be outdated today but which we really like and looking after. The Cunard feeling was gone after Southampton. I really want to say that they were not rude or something like that but everywhere we went, they were there already in large groups. We spoke to a German crew member and the said to us on the first evening in Southampton these worlds „Now it is a party cruise“. She was not very happy about it. It was a great cruise for us after all because we did the best for us out of it but the Cunard feeling was gone a lot of times. Back at Southampton Gunwharf Executive Travel brings us very reliable to our hotel in London. This private shuttle service is definitly a tip. We stayed for two more day in London and we had a great time (Abba Voyage is fantastic). One word about wearing masks on the ship: No one was wearing masks on the QV except the crew and us. We are looking forward to our first TA in October and I hope that there will be no large groups.
  6. Thanks to you all. I am feeling ok. The first 3 days were hard but now its getting better. Trio report will come as soon as possible.
  7. Hi again! Perfect timing...just back from London and I am Covid19 positive. My trip report will come later.
  8. Sitting in my hotel in London and before I will write a long report here is a short answer to your question: YES...we felt the same. More when we will be back home.
  9. We are off the ship and for 2 days in London right now. I will do a trip report with my pros and cons when I am back home in Germany.
  10. Good Morning from Olden, I have the same impressions as cook68. The staff is awesome, food very good and the ship looks fine. We have got the spa vouchers also. I still wonder why nearly everyone is not wearing a mask. If you are looking for us....we are the ones with the masks on LOL. Typical Germans The group from Mexico seems to be everywhere.
  11. We are onboard too. Good to hear some fellow passangers. I am on the Floyen right now and the ship looks great from above here.
  12. Thats right. And going with the crew shuttle bus is one of the highlights🤗
  13. Thanks for rotating the picture. It was taking on the shuttle bus from Skagen. We are at Southampton and the cruise is great. The 2nd seating is the same table each night. We have a table for two. The ship was so empty until now. They told us that this cruise will be with 1.000 persons. Yesterday i was alone at the Lido pool deck. Looking forward to all new guests today.
  14. I guess yes because it was our first evening yesterday The waiters told us that they are responsible for us now. So I guess same table each day. I can tell more later in Southampton
  15. Yes. We have the 2nd seating in the Britannia restaurant
  16. I am in Skagen right now. Very sunny and the QV and stuff is great😍More later. See everyone coming onboard in Southampton 🤗
  17. We are on the train to Kiel. We will be there in 4 hours with enough time until boarding🤗
  18. Hello from Germany! Here we go....everything is planned. We will leave tomorrow morning for a train ride to Kiel, Germany. Then we will go aboard the QV for the 10 day Norwegian cruise. We are fully vaccinated and the test from day is negative (YES!!!). After the cruise there will be a private shuttle waiting for us in Southampton bringing us to London for a 2 days seightseeing nightmare. We have tickets for ABBA Voyage and we will do all those tourists hot spots. Then we will leave with the Eurostar over Amsterdam to our hometown. We are so excited about this !! I will do a trip report when we are back and perhaps some little notes when we will have internet. So.....let´s go. Greetings Thorsten
  19. Only 3 days for us to leave Kiel with the QV and the only fear right now is the testing. But we are optimistic. Everything is planned but I have a perhaps silly question: We will stay in London after this cruise for 2 days. Do I have to change some Euro in GBP or will it be possible to pay everything with my VISA/AMEX?
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