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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. The previous owner of my house had planted bulbs over the yard in various corners. Early & late blooming versions of snowdrops, tulips, daffodils, etc of all different varieties. From late Feb until mid-May, it was always a colorful treat of flowers suddenly appearing all over them place, perfectly timed to bloom as others were dying out. As time went on, the bulbs either died or squirrels and other animals dug them out. Funny thing is, sometimes the squirrels would just relocate them to a different part of the yard and I'd have tulips or daffodils appearing in the middle of the front yard. I tried to replenish them from time to time but I have a black thumb. So I decided to let nature take it's course and eventually most of the bulb gardens have thinned out.
  2. Thank you for being so open and sharing some of the medical issues. Hopefully that will satisfy the inquisitive minds. 🙂
  3. Not that I'm counting but I think I counted 10 glasses of wine, a beer, 4 cocktails and a bottle of wine. Seems to me you are in fine drinking shape. 🙂👍. Kudo's
  4. I think the title needs to be changed from "A running report" to "A drinking report". 😄 j/k
  5. Thank you for posting Lenny. So sorry that you suffer from so many ailments but so glad that you are okay and that you have a procedure in place to let is know if things turn horrible. Love your positive attitude 🙂
  6. I always joke that 3 great, revolutionary life-changing events occurred in 1964. 1) The Beatles came to America and revolutionized music. 2) Ford introduced the Mustang & revolutionized sporty cars for the younger generation. 3) I was born. And in that order. 🤣
  7. You are a regular Amtrak passenger, correct? I'm thinking of booking my first Amtrak trip later this month, NY to Philly. Question: How is their on-time performance? The reason I ask is that when I take Metro-North train into NYC, the station is shared with Amtrak & it frequently seems the Amtrak trains are behind schedule, sometimes by many hours. Not sure if that is typical or isolated to that one line, which is the Hudson line up to Montreal. From what I understand, there is a lot of freight trains that get priority schedule that impacts Amtrak, which hopefully is not the case between NYC & Philly.
  8. Tha National Trust is doing a great job maintaining the winter garden. The Snow Bells look great. Mine not so much although they are a couple weeks early. The spring like weather (high 50s F) has tricked then into an early bloom. Plus I do absolutely nothing to care for them.
  9. Smart, Royal put some thought into designing the layout. Too early for Sorrento's/Boleros? It won't make the internet faster but it'll ease your frustration. That's today's medical advice for the doctor.😁
  10. He's mentioned in the past that he keeps in touch with a dozen people (i think) on CC via email including 1 or 2 that have posted on this thread. I have no idea who they are but maybe if they see this post they can reach out to him via email, if that's not too intrusive? Just to let him know we are thinking of him.
  11. Whenever I'm in a casino, mudslide is my drink of choice. Not sure why, maybe because it packs a punch & is filling so I don't have to leave the slots in search of food. After a few, I have the same crooked smile as your drink. 🥴
  12. Especially on internet forums! I usually pause for a minute or two before hitting the "Submit Reply" button & think if someone who doesn't know me would react negatively. Note; I said "usually" 😇
  13. Thank you. Just call me "Mr-Gets-Along-With-Everyone" 😎, although I don't really deserve that title as there are others more thoughtful & polite than myself. But Thank you again. I'll take the compliment! Although in real life, I have a very dry & sarcastic sense of humor that would cost me a few nice points. 😁 In all seriousness, I post on Internet forums for fun & don't take anything too serious or personally. I actually appreciate the different opinions and viewpoints and the variety of personalities just adds to the spiciness.
  14. @WrittenOnYourHeart & @DandDM Thank you for your replies. Going to pull the trigger on my first solo cruise so just wondering how others did it.
  15. Also, as a solo cruiser, what have you been doing for dining? Going solo or do you meet people and dine with them or just go to MTD and asking to be placed at a table with people?
  16. See what you can discover about Project Discovery. 😉 Lot's of speculations and hints but very little solid knowledge yet, other than it''' be "smaller" than the current crop of mega-ships & looking to replace the aging Vision & Radiance class of ships. Although it'll have to be bigger than 90,000 ton Radiance if they want to pack in just a few of the newer amenities such as specialty restaurants, karaoke bars, bigger solarium, Star-class suites, etc, even if they skip the roller coasters, water slides, Central Park, etc. So 130,000 ton Voyager-size sounds about right.
  17. Is anyone else having weird issues with CC? I had problems trying to get on for a few hours yesterday, kept getting a message the site is unavailable. Finally when I was able to get on, the site was slow and I was not receiving any notifications of new posts for threads that I follow. Now I'm being bombarded with multiple notifications for same posts I've already read. Does CC really want me to read the same posts 4 or 5 times! 😒😬
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