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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Exactly. Closing time of the buffet might be very low on my priority list of things I look for in a cruise, but all things being equal (price, itinerary, etc), it could tip the balance if I'm having a hard tip deciding between 2 cruises.
  2. Bummer that the video won't post but the picture does capture the essence of what your experiencing, even if it can't do it justice.
  3. Totally agree. Getting to sail in a part of the world few cruise ships & passengers get to venture is exciting. The weather, waves & rock-n-rolling ship is all part of the once-in-a-life time experience. If it could be captured on video, that would be great.
  4. I'm going with outdoor portion of WJ. Or from the outside promenade deck. "Dirty, moldy & wet" so I doubt is was from inside. The real clue is on post# 2022, "dragged in".
  5. I pity the posters who is unaware of her past history & tries to engage in a serious debate. But eventually, they get the idea. It's like watching your children grow up. 🙃
  6. I think this is a point that can not be emphasized enough. First, disclaimer: Yes, I know Royal is a billion dollar corporation who is in the business to make as much money as possible. But not every little item is a profit center. How much money is made on a 70's dance party? Think of the man-hours spent on rehearsing, lighting, sound, costumes, etc, in addition to the actual singing & dancing. Who is paying to maintain/operate/staff the rock walls & flow riders? All of us, via higher cruise fares, whether we use them or not. But, as highlighted above, if it encourages someone to come back, there is a link to profit. Sure, Royal maybe has already decided that keeping the WJ open late gives them no competitive edge. But that doesn't mean the idea can't be suggested from time to time, especially as the demographics of cruising continue to evolve.
  7. Different people have different senses of humor. We all can't like vanilla, right? 😉
  8. "The Dominator", one of the best goaltenders, is a legend in Buffalo. Although the Sabres never won a championship, he helped a good but not great team be very competitive & dangerous. It seemed like he won the Vezina Trophy (given to the best goaltender) every year during the 1990's. Holds the record for most saves in a game without allowing a goal. The guy was fun to watch, flip flopping like a fish out of water. His body must've been made out of rubber. Although he spend the majority of his career in Buffalo, he eventually ended up on the Detroit Red Wings where he won a few Stanley Cups. He was known for his charity work & visiting hospitals. You & your SIL were in the presence of hockey greatness.
  9. 2024 Ford Mustang Dark Horse? Sinister looking car with a sinister name. Just think of how intimidated the players on the other team will be when he pulls up to his games in this car.
  10. It's a combination of old timers that have followed the team for 65 years & have had their hearts broken 64 of those years & some that have very high expectations, such as winning 9 out of every 10 games with every other win being a shut-out, etc. Any less is a disappointed LOL. They probably only make up 20% of the members but seem to account for 80% of the postings. They are a very loud group. I just view for the entertainment, kinda like Bee's threads. 😆 BTW, I miss JT Miller. Rangers never should have traded him away. Too soon to tell. I'd be satisfied with a deep playoff run.
  11. After watching the highlights of last nights game, looks like Vancouver put on a show! Beautiful looking goals & some of the passing made the Rangers look down right silly. I also post on a Rangers forum & many of the "fans" there are already calling the season a disaster and the team needs to be dismantled. Typical "jaded" old time Ranger fans, despite the fact that they are still in first place in their division & more than half a season remains.
  12. Hubris? More like people just kicking around random suggestions of things they'd like to see. Besides, Royal is constantly changing, innovating, testing new things so i guess the entire department of money extractors haven't thought of everything just yet.
  13. I think so, maybe. I'm a night owl & will be one of those shutting down the casino. So late night dining options appeal to me. I could see the WJ staying open to at least to midnight offering a limited menu of fast food, snackey type options. Maybe on a made-to-order basis to limit waste. Burgers, sandwiches, salads, etc. And if not the WJ, maybe Park Cafe or the English Pub on ships that have them? The reason I say maybe is because I've never gone hungry late at night. Late dinner + Sorrentos + Cafe Promenade gets the job done.
  14. Drew Fortescue assisted on the winning goal. He's from Pearl River, NY. Which is in Rockland County, mine & @BonTexasNY former stomping grounds. He's been in the local news a lot lately.
  15. I just checked the score. Yikes. Might be time to start watching the final season of "The Crown". Last game I went to in Dec, there was family from Vancouver sitting next to me, wearing Hanson Brothers (as in the movie Slapshot) jerseys. 😀. They were visiting for the holiday & took in a game last minute. They really loved it! Of course, you'd want to visit NYC self proclaimed best - and only - Canadian sports bar, aptly named The Canuck. https://www.thecanucknyc.com/ I'd be more than happy to buy you a drink.
  16. Hockey has always been part of the Big 4 sports growing up. The NYC metro area has had 3 NHL teams since 1982 when the NJ Devils moved here and 2 teams since 1972 when the NY Islanders joined the league. The 3 have accounted for 8 Stanley Cup championships in the past 43 years. And while Connecticut lost the Hartford Whalers to North Carolina, the Rangers replaced it with a minor league team, AHL Hartford Wolfpack. The local ice arenas are so jammed packed with various adult & children leagues that they could probably stay open 24/7. Some kids leagues are schedule for 7 am on Sundays & I know some of the adult league play up to midnight. Having said all that, you do have a point in that hockey is a distant #4 compared to the other 3 in this area. Part of it could be unlike football, baseball or basketball where you can just go outside to your backyard to play hockey requires a commitment. Not everybody has parents like Wayne Gretzky who built a ice pond in the back yard to practice.
  17. Top 2 teams in the league going at it! However, due to my stupid cable company being in a dispute with MSG network, I won't be able to watch it as they no longer carry the channel. I have considered upgrading to NHL Center Ice or ESPN+ but I won't based on principal....and me being cheap. But I do go to about a dozen games a year so I do get my fill.
  18. Wow, that's a lot of fun. While I'm not really a football fan, I do appreciate the passion of football fans. Nothing like a good tailgate before or after the game, even if it's in a bar nowhere near the game. Why not extend your stay & watch the game at one of these fine establishments? https://murphguide.com/sports/buffalo-bills-fans-in-nyc/
  19. Well, the last few pages do read like an AARP forum. But it's nice to see some new outrage material other than the same old chair hogs, tipping, dress code, cutbacks etc. 😉 <------note: winky face means joking.
  20. You're in luck. Temps in the 50's Tues & Wed along with a heavy rain storm Tuesday night should wash away any remaining snow along with most of the winter salt/grime that goes along with it. The sidewalks will be sparkling. That actually sounds like something I would say. 👍 According to my ruler, I had between 5 - 7 inches depending on where I measured. It was a heavy wet snow so it's possible there was more and it compacted. My snow blower was able to easily handle it, Unfortunately, Leonard refused to come outside so there was no chance to see his "Circle of Nope" in the snow.
  21. Still snowing but should be winding down in the next few hours and be over by 12 or 1 pm. Its been consistently snowing since 5:00 pm yesterday. According to my weather app, we received 9 inches but it looks less. I'll measure the old fashioned way with a wooden ruler when I go out to clear the driveway & sidewalk later today. A couple of my neighbors have been out since 8 am, in their usual race to see who can be first to clear their driveway. Seems silly to me as they will be our again later today. Good thing I'm not competitive, I'll pour myself another cup of coffee, make some waffles & wait for the snow to end completely. 🙂
  22. Good point. Makes sense & I respect your opinion. It's a great way to get a sliver of water view on a budget. But to me, a boardwalk is a fun, festive place complete with games, rides, greasy food .......and slides. That's Boardwalk view, imo. Plenty of OVB that offer full water views.
  23. Yeah, wouldn't want anything to get in the way of the view of the aqua theater with the lovely netting in the background & gigantic logo hovering above.😉
  24. Niagara Falls is the hands down winner. It has more wax museums & tacky tourist traps than all those other falls combined 😅
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