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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. It''s good to keep up your spirits by downing a few spirits.🙂 St. Arnolds is a good choice. I went to their brewery when I visited Houston a few months ago. Solid selections across the board.
  2. You don't know what you are missing. And I ate it at the diner across the street from the doctors office. lol. Truth: It was a belly-bomber. Tasted so good but by the time I was done, I regretted it. I was full for the rest of the day. Dinner was a yogurt. Yes, it does! It's not but now that you mention it, I can see the resemblance. Rockland Lake is as traquil as you remember it. I still go there a few times a year when in the neighborhood. Most people don't realize there is a small cemetery within the boundary of the park and I have relatives buried here. Very serene. I always say that I love 4 seasons of equal length (hence, why I love the area where I live) but truth is, I'm most sad when summer is over. I love the fall and adjust quickly but that first week of wearing long-sleeve shirts, jackets heavy jeans, socks AND shoes is brutal. LOL
  3. As for sleep, I might be in bed for 7 or 8 hours but only get between 4.5 - 5.5 hours per night. I'm a light sleeper so I'll wake up often - bathroom breaks, neighbors loud dog bark late at night or in the pre-dawn hours, loud crows at sunrise, etc. Sometimes I'll take Zquil, which is Nyquil without the cough medicine, to get a more solid, uninterrupted sleep. But still less than 7 hours and I usually feel groggy the next morning.
  4. Thank you. Perfect day for a walk. Cool enough to not work up a sweat but warm enough to not need bulky clothing.
  5. I forgot to mention, I had my annual physical today. Got a clean bill of health. Weeks of preparing my "fake body" paid off as all my numbers were good. I can now go back to my regular overindulget self. Celebrated by going out to breakfast - ham & cheese omelet, buttered toast, fried potatoes and not pictured 2 sausage links & 7 strips of bacon. But, still trying to keep somewhat healthy, took a 5 mile walk on a rails-to-trail bike path.
  6. Fingers-crossed that your fridge holds out that long. If not, consider plan B: a B2B2B....B2B cruise until the new kitchen is ready. 😉
  7. I spend more time checking what's in the fridge than I do the freezer so I prefer the fridge being eye level. Although I also haven't seen the bottom of the freezer in some time either. It's possible there is a free supermarket turkey from 2012 at the bottom 😁. So I do see your point.
  8. I never have to login from my phone but occasionally I do from my laptop. Fortunately, CC saves my credentials so it's just one click to get back in.
  9. I was born in 1964 which coincided with their decline. It wasn't until I was 12 when they started to get good again. Being a bit of a history dork, I used to read all about the great teams from the 1950's and before. I agree, many of those World Series records will never be broken.
  10. I would say the Yankee dynasty of 1996-2001 with Tino Martinez, David Cone, Paul O'Neil (whose #21 jersey I wear to every game), Bernie Williams and of course, Marino Riveria. The Reggie Jackson teams of the late 70's were certainly very good to but I was still a teenager and didn't appreciate it as much back then.
  11. One thing I do have going in my favor is I do take better care of myself. Never smoked although I did grow up in a family of smokers - both parents, my 3 older siblings and all their friends, etc. I do exercise & try to eat right most of the time. Everything in moderation. I have my annual physical with my family doctor tomorrow so we'll see how it goes. I've been extra good the past few weeks trying to get my "fake body" ready & make sure all my numbers - weight, BP, cholesterol,etc - are where they need to be. 😄
  12. I like to think that I'll live until I'm 120 but longevity does not run in my families DNA. Very few have made it past 80. In fact, I can only think of a Great-Grandmother that made it to 86 and perhaps an uncle in his low 80's. So when I read that if you start taking SS at 62 vs waiting until 67, you'll be ahead of the game until around 80-82 which is the break-even point when the higher payments puts your ahead. So, it'll probably be a simple math choice for me. Take the money while I can. Fortunately, it's a decision I won't have to make for 4 more years. Complicating matters will be healthcare as Medicare doesn't kick in until 65.
  13. Just to add my 2 cents to the texting conversation, I've been able to text when out of the country from my Samsung phone while in airplane mode while connected to WiFi and WiFi calling turned off. I used Message+ which is the texting app from Verizon which allows WiFi only texting. The Samsung Android texting app called Messages (no + sign) that came with the phone would not allow me to text in WiFi only. I'm not sure if you need to be a Verizon customer to use the Message+ app or if it can be downloaded. It was already preloaded on my phone.
  14. I read something similar but where each word only had the first and last letter with blank spaces representing the missing letters. Your brain filled in the missing letters pretty quickly and was able to guess correctly 95% of the words without too much effort. Something like this: I h_ _ e t_ _t @Momof3gurlz h_s a f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ c c_ _ _ _ e 🙂
  15. While the overall regular season record does not look impressive, that was the result of their 22-29 start to the season. Once they fired Giradi, they went 65-46 for a respectable .585 winning percentage. Remember, it's not how well you did during the regular season - just ask Dodger fans - but how well you are playing now. Both teams are firing on all cylinders.
  16. Thanks. I spotted doen quick enough but missed puposely even after rereading 3 times. I like to think my eyes were auto-correcting for me, at least 50% of the time. 😄
  17. Probably the most enthusiastic fans I've seen all post season. Good for them, it's been a long time coming. Enjoy the ride. Go Phillies!
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