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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. It usually takes me a few days to get into the "vacation frame of mind". So a one week vacation would really be like a long, 4 day weekend for me. So I just gradually started taking longer vacations 10 days, then 12, etc, even if the first few days were just at home preparing for the trip. Not sure how I managed to pull off 21 days but I remember at the beginning that it seemed like it would last forever, then the last 2 weeks flew by real quick.
  2. I thoroughly enjoyed your most recent live review so much that I went back to re-read it. You take fantastic pictures and the "right amount", unlike one of your competitors. 😉 As others said, a live review would be welcome but if you want to kick back, relax and stay in the moment, that is perfectly fine as well. Liberty is a sentimental favorite of mine as she was my first ever cruise, back when the ship was brand-spanking new and at the time, the largest in the world for a few months until Oasis came along. She was also my last, most recent cruise a few of years ago (pre-pandemic) and - to bring this full circle - also my 25th wedding anniversary cruise, which I think I read somewhere that you'll be celebrating. From what I've read, Liberty is beginning to show her age and some wear-and-tear. As you give a fair and balanced review - pointing out negatives along with the positives - I'd be interested to read your thoughts, especially coming so soon after Symphony.
  3. That is so awesome. I think the longest trip from home I've ever taken as an adult was 21 days & that didn't feel like it was long enough.
  4. I've heard on a few occasions that many sports writers consider hockey players - generally speaking - tend to be some of the most down-to-earth, easy going, friendliest of all the major sports athletes. Maybe it's because they don't get the same level of attention that NBA or NFL players get (at least in the US of A) or that many hail from small towns. Not sure why.
  5. I remember you posting a while back that you were going to attend one of the games this week. Sorry you weren't able to be their in person & hope the medical issue isn't serious. Maybe Judge can hit a few more now that the pressure is off.
  6. My nephew bought me tickets for NY Rangers opening night next Tuesday. Hoping they can finish what they started last year and not come crashing back to earth. Opening against Tampa should be a nice start. 🙂
  7. I know it ain't over until it's over....but it's almost over. Gotta give credit to the Braves for hanging around & getting hot at the right time.
  8. It was fun having at least one competitive pennant race as all the other division leaders were running away with it. Although the Yankees did their best to throw away their double-digit lead, it never got real tight.
  9. Thank you! It almost always is a good distraction. Sometimes, too good! If you know what I mean. *** glances at the pile of unwashed laundry *** Eh, tomorrow is another day. 🙂
  10. Thank you Lenny. It's been 15 years since Sister's husband passed and 13 years for my mother. Sometimes, it feels just like yesterday. I think this gloomy weather the past few days has put me in a gloomy mood. Heading off to re-read @Sea Dog and @bobmacliberty reviews & of course to follow @singinalot upcoming review to put me in a more sunny disposition. 🙂
  11. Maybe the brother that owns the empty lot will keep it empty so that his brother - the one building the house - can have an "extra" yard. Might make for a nice, cozy beer garden, complete with fire pit, lawn games etc. Just a thought you may want to plant in their heads. 😇
  12. I just want to echo @grapau27 and @Sunshine3601 comments, it's great that you have such loving, caring support system. And It's a testament to you, the life you lived and the family you raised. 👍
  13. I couldn't agree more Graham. My mother had Alzheimer disease, one of the more rare, early onset forms - early 60's - where she first lost her ability to speak coherently, followed by radical personality changes. Because her speech was reduced to gibberish, we could never determine how much long and short term memory loss there was. Despite our best efforts, my father and siblings could no longer care for her & checked her into a nursing home. The doctors said she would live only 18 months. She lasted 8 more years. At the same time, my sisters husband had Huntington Disease in his late 40s, which is also a degenerative brain disease. Seeing 2 family members slowly fade away is difficult and as you said, you only realize how bad when you are the one caring for them every days for years on end. Ain't I just a ray of sunshine today?
  14. No need to feel anything remotely close to guilt. It's always uplifting to read posts like this. Have a great time & can't wait to hear stories when you get back in, what, 3 or 4 weeks? Hopefully you can check in here from time to time.
  15. Record the game while talking to his sister. That way, he can fast forward thru commercial breaks, stoppages in play, etc. Most games I watch on TV, I start recording first so I can do that. If I time it right, I'll get to the end of the recording just as the game ends.
  16. A fact I haven't googled but I heard that Dolly has written more than 3,000+ songs, including many commercial jingles. I'm guessing that she probably wrote more songs for others than she sang herself.
  17. I see a Penguin too. Most likely an Emperor Penguin although I see hints of Galapagos Penguin, which would make sense as it's the only Penguin species north of the equator. *** Yes, I googled types of Penguins. 🙂
  18. It wasn't that long ago that the dream was the 2 New York teams would meet in the World Series, aka The Subway Series. (Fun fact: the 2 stadiums are not on the same subway line. You have to go out of the way to transfer at Grand Central Station). Now it's a dream if either team can make it that deep into the playoffs. 😟
  19. Sure, why not daily? Or at least several times a week. Granted, the pictures of Cap Codders or the Mac&Cheese at Chops will get a bit repetitive by day 29 (or maybe day 7 😀) but with so many unique ports that Royal does not typically stop at, I'm sure the review can be kept interesting and fresh.
  20. Which is why I was surprised the other 2 power companies had a program in place to reimburse people as the power outrages was caused by a severe storm that passed thru. Some people were without power for up to 3 weeks but ours was restored after 5 days. Pretty sure there was a cap as to how much they would reimburse. As our food loss was minimal, I didn't bother filing anything.
  21. My condolences on your loss. At that age, you almost expect them to live forever. And it's never easy losing someone no matter how old or how "expected" it may be. But it will be comforting knowing she had a good long life.
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