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Everything posted by Sthrngary

  1. @PhD-iva I have NO skin in this game. I take NO sides here. I also get in trouble every time I post on topics that say, "I will never cruise this brand again." In all things in life, there are facts, non-facts and the truth. To get to the truth, one needs to have access to accurate information from both sides. You won't find that on Social Media even on cruisecritic.com. We tend to post what we believe the truth is that supports our position. Human nature. The brand does not post their positions so to find that out, they have to correspond with their guests in question. The letter I did read above was worded in a very interesting way. I have not seen the first letter that stated the details of any offer and not sure if it was just verbal. In this case, the OP has stated they had a window to take actions. Again, I have not as of yet seen anything in writing on start or end of that offer from the Brand. I do not challenge those that say they were told they had time. I also do not put past any brand to pull back an offer when they find out most clients are cancelling. Each side has a point of view and I bet each side can debate their positions. We debate on Social Media, the brand rarely puts anything in writing because it can come back to haunt them. What I do know is one of the ships in question is the Riviera. I am on the Riviera from November 9 to the 19, 2023. On the 19th when we disembark in Barcelona, Spain, the Riviera was going out for a 10 day and 30 day trip. These cruises especially the 10 day went from ALL categories in a Waitlist, to WIDE open. That tells me LOTS of guest cancelled. That would lead me to assume, lots of guest took the offer, LOTS!!! Then this post comes out about the same cruises. I think we all can make a determination what happened here when LOTS of folks started to cancel. Did the OP do something wrong, NO. They are the injured party here. Did the Brand in this case Oceania do something wrong, not sure. Don't have all the facts but sure seems like the could have handled it better. Please lets be clear, the root cause here is the conflict in the middle east. The rest is cause and effect from that stimulus. That was nether the guest or the brands fault. This situation is going to play out and who knows, maybe everyone can have a win. Stranger things have happened recently. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  2. This is one strange situation. Offer an alternative and then take it back. Not the best thing for guest relations for sure. I am quite sure that what ever offer was given initially, Oceania like most other brands had a policy they could take it back anytime. That does not make it right, just how all brand protect themselves. That Cruise Contract is a evolution in focusing mostly on the brands. We also have to take into consideration when offers have been given to us in the past. Example but not the same, just and example. Often times a brand will offer you and "Paid" upgrade. Those that understand the offer know, it was offered to a lot of people. Take it quick or lose it. On this trip, the moment the itinerary changed and a offer was given, was the time to act. Hindsight is 20/20 I know but this is an example of no thinking needed. Cancel. Something tells me this is not the end to this story. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  3. Based on the post in this thread, I re-thought my hotel in Barcelona, Spain. The original selections reserved a very long time ago was, the Barcelona EDITION Hotel. After many comments on this location and accommodations, I changed to the Hotel Arts Barcelona. Since this is a thread on preparations I will share why I did this. The cost per night went up only $20.00. The main markets were closed on this day which was Sunday so staying in the Gothic Quarter was not as much of a draw. This hotel is a Ritz-Carlton with a lovely spa. We are off a 10 day cruise so maybe a little spa treatment might be nice. If we have any money left over from the cruise. Ritz-Carlton is part of the Marriott Guest Elite Program which fix in with my Titanium Status. This hotel is by the Beach with great views of the city. The rooms and hotel in general is much nicer. Now with any decision, as this stream proves, their are pro's/con's. You have to be willing to be flexibly when you gain first hand information to help your decision. When I told my wife and guest to go on YouTube and review the video's on the EDISION and the ARTS, the group said, "ARTS". Finally a group decisions. Thank everyone for your support and assistance. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  4. @Cruzin Terri Not only was your post helpful, it was educational. I fully understand your comment about being flamed. I have second degree burns on some of my posts for sure. You really did not need to worry about being burned because you throughout your post took accountability for your actions. That shows character and class. So many folks complain and blame everyone but themselves then cope a major attitude. Nothing ever goes completely correct on a cruise as we all know. What I really like about your post was a certain level of clarity as it relates to coverage for Credit Cards alone. Also, what happens when one uses points for travel outside of the credit card used for the cruise fare. Very informative. Thank you. Side personal story. I NEVER ever used Third Party Travel Insurance in 42 years of cruising. Then for what every reason and I don't remember what it was that motivated me, I purchased third party travel insurance with cancel for any reason, for my wife and myself. The timing was just as cruises were going to start back post covid and it was on Crystal Cruises out of Miami. 8 days prior to departure, my wife got covid. Half of my fare was going to be lost which was a lot of money. Remember, this was my first time EVER having Third Party Cruise Travel Insurance. My lose was paid within 15 business days after I did a claim. I also did a claim for misc. items not taken care of by the third party travel insurance and did a claim on my American Express Platinum Card. It was not much but it did pay something. I got really lucky. @Cruzin Terri Please if you have not already, still send in a claim. Also, please consider sending a nice note to Oceania explaining what happened. I am in no way saying it will make a differences in your situation. However, like chicken soup, it can't hurt. Stranger things have happened. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  5. @RocketMan275 I can keep a secret if I want to. Where can I find the secret hand shake and whistle. I can write a good 500 words on those things alone. Cruise well and keep a secret.
  6. Thank you for the clarification. Cruise well, and enjoy every moment.
  7. @Traveling Fools A couple of things. First, thank you so much for responding. I am also thrilled you had the opportunity to stay in a Vista Suite. Second, my approach was to rate the experience based on how and what happens when you leave the suite not while you are in the suite. Third, funny comparison you gave utilizing the Vista Suite to the NCL Owners Suite. It just so happens, I cruise in the NCL Joy H2 Haven Deluxe Owners Suite with Large Balcony 18 months ago. I will make some comparisons based on that. Forth, my guest are in a Penthouse so I will utilize their experience and maybe it can give me some difference from a Haven Penthouse Suite. Again, "Apple to Apple" comparisons are never completely accurate. To many variables. It will be a very interesting project for me which I am looking forward too. Thank you again for reaching out. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  8. @CDR Benson Hello Sir: You and I are going to have some stories to tell. You with Regent which was my first choice and me with Oceania chosen for budget considerations of the guest joining us. We both know the Haven very well and our comments will reflect that. For you and myself, we will be on much smaller ships. The vibe (not vibe beach club) will be much different. Gone are the Go-Cart Tracks and in is "Full Contact Trivia that take no prisoners". With everything in life there are compromises, pros and cons. We together will offer some great insight for this and other threads. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  9. @PatJim I thought so also until I did a comparison. Just like when we do a comparison of other cruise brands, it is very hard to do an "Apple to Apple" comparison. Example: if you get a Penthouse on Oceania, the butler gratuity is within the Pre-Paid Gratuity. In the Haven, we do the tip ourselves for the butler. On Oceania, the soft drinks in the mini-fridge are free and in the Haven except the Owners Suite is has a cost. These are not better or worse but you can see now it is hard to compare. Both are excellent choices for different reason's. The cost is much closer and in some cases less then I expected it. Not selling either why just thing everyone has to have realistic expectations. Due Diligence is the key. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  10. Hello All: When I wrote this OP-ED in 2019 and updated it in 2022, my focus was on leverage every once of value from the Premium We all pay to enjoy the NCL Haven. If you don't know what you get, it is hard to leverage it. That is why it is called "The Secrets". My goal for the OP-ED and my subsequent replies to questions was to always be professional, honest and balanced. Not all of my responses have be complementary to NCL or the Haven. But when you take the good with the bad, much more good then bad. My next cruise is not on the NCL Haven. It is on a NCL sister brand called Oceania Cruises. The cruise is a 10 day Mediterranean Cruise and it Embarks in 14 days. Here is why I am sharing this topic. I am going to evaluate Oceania compared to the Haven. I want to see if somethings are as good, better or worse. I am looking forward to doing a deep dive. Part of why I am sharing this is because of the many comments given on this stream. Whether it has been Personalized Service, Food, Kids issue, butler issues and others. A comparison by someone who loves the Haven might be helpful. I will link that topic here after I write it. To everyone. see you all soon in a Haven Suite near you. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  11. I will be on the Riviera in two weeks. This information is SO welcomed. On the topic of Internet. I remember when the best part of cruising was not phone calls, cell phone or internet. It allowed you to decompress, relax and forget about the world. Then, the internet was per minute and VERY bad and VERY expensive. You had to be a "Minute Plan" like a "Wine Plan". Now, our cruising internet is spotty, and somewhat inconsistant yet we all get at least one device with unlimited access. Soon, we will have internet that is more consistent. Yesterday my cell phone company sent me a instruction to turn on my "WiFi" calling feature which allows in/out calls and text as long as your phone has a wifi source. The evolution is amazing. Boy, the world of cruising sure has changed over the years. Our needs and dependency on the internet has also changed. A true mixed blessing. My expectations on our upcoming cruise is kind of simple. If my mobile phone, with WiFi calls enabled will allow me to "Text" my wife onboard, I am a very happy camper. On other ships, they system they have for this is the true definition of spotty. Thanks to the author again. Very valuable stuff. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  12. Thank You To All: So my family says to me, "Gary, why spend so much time on CruiseCritic.com?" The above responses and comments should answer that question. The stream is on "Preparation". Yet folk saw some of my items and suggested a better approach. That is why we all visit in a community like this. Example: I have booked two rooms for one night at the Barcelona Edition Hotel. I choose this hotel because of location to the Gothic Quarter and my daughter suggested it. I also choose it because it was a Marriott Frequent Guest Property. Those on this board that stayed at this hotel suggested making a change and why. The rooms are tiny, the hotel does not participate with the Marriott Breakfast Perk. The importance of this kind of post has two benefits. First, if I stay, when I get to my room I can't say I did not know it was a postage stamp. That creates "Realistic Expectations". Second, it allows me to change hotel and look for other options. Many other members made some suggestion on other options. Because of this community, I have great information that can positively effect my vacation. I have a very important point here. When folks write things are not good or not to the level one might expect, it helps future guest make better decisions. They my adjust future decisions or keep them. Either way, it was very helpful. Some time, we get upset at folks sharing negatives. Information is not power, it is potential power if you acknowledge it and leverage it. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  13. So, the Edition in Barcelona is not the place to stay? Please confirm. and Thank you. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  14. @Chron I truly appreciate your comments and feelings. As you may know, I love the Haven and NCL. Yet many of the items you outline I felt and saw coming. Butlers were always hit/miss. The dress the part but their actions or lack of action speak louder then words or looks. This is why I did a butler letter which worked most of the time but was not perfect. When push comes to shove, NCL is a Mainstream Cruise line that has a lot of Mega Ships with 4,000 plus passengers. The need to standardize what they do that takes away the feeling or personalization. That is sad to me but the reality. Your comments on the Premium Plus Drink Package is a shame however I hold myself accountable for this change. With Joy in my heart I attempted to find ever ounce of value from this plan and did. When other did the same, NCL realized they had to change the plan. I am half joking her so take what I just said with a grain of sand. People make the ship and people are a hard commodity in todays world. People who take their job seriously is another tough find. I love the Encore and hope to cruise it in the not to distant future. I may or may not choose the Haven but I will choose the Vibe Beach Club. Thank you again. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  15. @WildWanderers LMAO, you got me right. However, I love your suggestions. This suggestion was so thoughtful of you. We were planning on going to the Blue Mosque as one of our main places so this is perfect. Thank you. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  16. @MEFIowa I totally respect your opinion and it is a good one. Once at your location, and in your stateroom, all is forgotten about the flight. Thank you for commenting. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  17. @Yesimapirate Funny thing happened this morning at 05:15 AM. It is 14 days before our flight. Delta offered an upgrade for our guest (best friends) from "Refundable Coach" seats to "Delta One Business Class Suite" for $698.00 each. Yesterday, the amount for upgrade was $2,850.00 each. We booked our our flights but if we had booked with Oceania Air, the upgrade amount to "Coach Premium" would have been $299.00 per person each way. I saw that and knew that those seats would be gone quickly. The number of Business Class seats went from 12 yesterdays to 6 today. I immediately upgraded them both and did not even ask. My friend is on a limited budget, he always says no to extra's so I figured to have them in Business Class with my wife and I on the longest 10.5 hour flight is worth the money. I am quite sure he will say "NO", but be very surprised when he sees his seat on the long haul flight in JFK. The way I look at life, with all that is going on, is "Life Is Fragile and to short". Bring a little joy to others if you can and in doing so, you get the most joy. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  18. @edgee You are right I have not yet experience disembarkation on Oceania, what the OP shared sounded awfully familiar to me. Let me say this differently. Better then some worse then other experiences I have had. When I write or comment it is never to suggest everyone needs to flyout the next day. It is to say, if you have the time, the means and plan it that way, it can improve this situation a bit. My message is always to be Proactive if possible. There are always things out of our control. We all have choices and the OP confirmed my choice was a good alternatives to avoid what happened to them. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  19. @Bobbyjimbob Thank you for sharing. Like many, I love to cruise. Also like many, that final morning has been my least favorite part. Lots of reasons for what happened to you at the port and the airport. None of it acceptable and enjoyable. Yet to me, your post is a benefit to myself and others. What I take from your post. Here is your actual and recent experience. What can I do if in a similar situation to make my experience much better. Kind of like an excursion that is not great, I avoid it. Knowing the stressful downsides gives me a heads up to avoid it. So Thank You. Action that I will take when it is my turn because of your helpful information. No Rush to Dis-embark: I booked a hotel for Dis-embarkment day. My guest and I can lay low until all the crazies get off the ship. One response said, the guest don't follow the rules. I have found this to be true more often then not. Pre-Reserved Taxi: I personally don't like the ship transfers. For just a little bit more, we have a Sprinter Van pick us up. Now we are going to a hotel not the airport. However, if we went to the airport, still I would rather my own driver than the cruise brand. The drop off is the drop off and is out of my control. My actions are simply based on disappointments in the past with cruise line transportation. Flight Strategy: When I booked my flights, I noticed the direct flight to my major hub (Atlanta) was at 10:55 AM. Later flights has connections and added hours on my flight time. Hence the decision to go out the next day on the direct flight. This leads to not having to stress or rush to the airport especially when out of my comfort zone or country. Nothing makes the last day "Pop" with joy. It is the end of usually a good vacation. All we can do is learn from the OP and take precautions. Based on the outline, could Oceania have done a better job, YES. It reminds me of the staff at the Miami NCL Terminal. They are clueless, often rude and disorganized. I was even in the Haven and still not what anyone would call guest friendly. Not pleasant and will never be acceptable. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  20. @Mkdvmz Thank you so much. Your comments are so important to me and my party. We are just a few weeks away from our cruise on the Riviera. I found it interesting the Veal Chop was good in Polo and the veal in the Italian Restaurant was not so. As with other dining comments, I made a note of that. Also your comment about the Prestige Drink Package was nice to hear. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  21. Allow me to kick in here because I remember this same question confused me. When the cruise had a "Four Cabin Upgrade" promotion, the upgrades were applied to the cabin you choose. To be clear, if you choose a B-2, the price for that stateroom applied the promotion. You will not be upgraded past that at that price. We booked a PH3 at the price of a Concierge Level. I remember also being a bit confused until I clarified it with the Oceania Telephone agent. I hope I was helpful. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  22. @jw_406 My wife and best friend will be sailing with you on November 9, 2023. I also appreciate this blog by the OP. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  23. @Guest I hope you will share what happens. We have 1 1/2 days in Turkey in early November 2023. My gut tells me, Turkey will be cancelled. If we go, my wife and guest have all indicated we all have to be much more caution. I have no inside information, time will tell. Lowering expectations today is better then being surprised tomorrow. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  24. The OP was looking for a discussion on what will happen in the cruise industry world. We all know time will tell however most everyone going even close to the conflict knows the risks are increased. My educated guess is: Cruise booking for the future will go down, anywhere near the conflict. Not for ever just for the immediate future. Those booked for Mediterranean Itineraries for the next few months, I am one of them with my cruise in 20 days, will be somewhat nervous. Not so much for Greece, Italy or France. More for Turkey. Decisions to cancel ports will be on going. Many on this board talk about how Oceania tends to cancel port more frequently than other brands. The odds of this happening in the near future percentage has gone up. I only share this from an "Realistic Expectations" standpoint. In the past, the debate to cruise or not to cruise was a hot topic. Debate to me means two or more views. It is a personal decision with consequences both good and bad. Since we don't know the future, the debate will continue. I have noticed on the cruises going to the Mediterranean in the next month or so few if any guest cancellations has started to happen. This might change in the future. It does show in some unofficial way, most cruisers, if not going to the conflict area directly are still ok with cruising. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
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