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Everything posted by Sthrngary

  1. This is a bit trickier than it should be. You need either to upload or take the picture with your Computer/Ipad/Iphone. I found the digital pictures I had were not compatible. Using my phone worked every time. Just know, when you get to the registration desk, they will take a new picture the day you board. Kind of duplicate of details. Just an FYI. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  2. This is the best plan I can have. Now I just have to get my wife to let me cruise some more. LOL. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  3. @molemauiThank you for your kind words. I love the Retreat also. You will notice many similarities. On the Oceania Cruise. This is the second time this cruise has been booked. The first time was in 2020 and it was cancelled due to covid. This time, I booked it using the Labor Day Sale which provided the opportunity of a four category upgrade. My Preference was one of the New NCL ships like the Viva. The cost for a suite was 50% higher then a Penthouse with a butler on Oceania. I have traveled on Crystal before it had it issues. I know what to expect from the area's that are different from Main Stream Cruising. That made it easy to explain to my best friends whom will be joining use on this Bucket List Cruise. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  4. Your view is carried by the majority that responded. Unfortunately, my personality is to please. Might not be the best trait for our current world but it is the only way I think. When something like this happens, I attempt to give the other person the benefit of doubt. Maybe they did send me a request and I accidentally deleted it. Maybe they sent it more than once or to an email account that was not me. The key it, this specific email I did receive so some how they had the right place to get a hold of me. I sent them a reply and let them know that I appreciated the complements for what they learned and the results of the Butler Letter they used. Yet the paragraph they sent to me was "Off Putting". I had to respond because I was frustrated and a bit upset. Logic tells me it was an one off. I think most folks will agree, in any misunderstanding their are two sides of a story. Hence the response sent. Thank you and every one that responded. It made me feel better about this unique situation. My focus now is my upcoming cruise in Early December on the NCL Breakaway. This is the first cruise booked in a long time that I don't think will be cancelled four times. Knock on wood. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  5. I loved the joy. Are you again in the H2 Deluxe Owners Suite. If so, go to YouTube and search NCL Joy (H2) Deluxe Owners Suite. I was in in last year end of Nov. it was our Family Vacation and my 43 wedding Anniversary. In March I went back on as a first time solo. The Sugar Cane bar entertainment is the best. The Cagney’s was better then most. I loved the Horizon Lounge and the main observation lounge with the Starbucks. I know from reading your posts, you also like to write. The Haven Library was my secret hide away to write. You will love the Haven crew. The Vibe Beach Club crew was also awesome. The Vibe is double the size of most vibes. Have a great time. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  6. Funny story about the online check-in. I wanted the earliest check in possible which usually is 09:00 AM. I live in the Central Time Zone so I knew that at exactly 21 days prior to the cruise, the online check in would open up. So the night before at 11:00 PM It opened up. I got 1/4 of the way done and NCL shut down their website for servicing until 5:00 AM in the morning. I woke up early and finished to get a check in at 09:30 AM. My luck they want to service the website when I wanted to us it. On how close I am I think you mean to Port of New Orleans. 6 hours drive and I love driving instead of flying. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  7. No, PaulBrowning was in the winner there. You handle that very well. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  8. This is one hell of an idea. I am in and would love to be a Haven Bar Chair Hog. I will even have a custom chair towel with the words, "This is SthrnGary's Chair and he needs a shot of 1942". Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  9. Hello Everyone, I would like to ask for some help! If you have followed this Streams on the Haven. The original stream on the Haven or the stream focused on the Premium Plus Beverage Package; you know me and my writing style. I just got an email from someone that conveniently left their name off. It came to my personal email account which is very rare because I don't give that email out often. However I am very easy to find. It seems they followed my instructions for a butler letter on a recent NCL Epic cruise in October and got very good results. They thanked me. The last paragraph is as follows: "I sent you a pre-cruise email asking about my (draft) butler doc but you never responded... which is consistent with your "focus" the past 6 months on improving your status as a cruise critic "influencer" rather than seeking to "help" people asking questions/advice. Not to worry... i have already blocked your email as spam so no response is necessary/invited... //" To everyone on CruiseCritic.com. I might be well known on CruiseCritic.com but I am NO influencer. I have never gotten one single dollar from a social media company, a person I have helped, a person I have answer their questions or a cruise company. I do this as a hobby and for my personal enjoyment. On the occasional times I have gotten a personal email, I have answered it quickly and to my best ability. I do the same here on CruiseCritic.com when someone put @sthrngary in the context of your response. This last paragraph upset me. It came across that I am some how obligated to respond to every inquiry. What is funny is I do respond to every inquiry unless I don't receive one or accidentally delete it. Could happen. What is your thoughts on this subject? I would really like to know. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  10. The spa will take any and all reservations as long as you have a cabin #. Still, go to the spa and do it live if you can't get the Pre-Cruise Haven desk to do it for you. Have both paths covered. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  11. They can however you are much better off simply going to the spa first thing when you get on board. Most folks want massages on Sea Days. As a Haven Guest, you are on board quickest and should have no issue gaining that reservation. I had taken advantage of Spa Bookings pre-cruise on Celebrity. When I got on Board, it was all messed up and the frustration took away from the value/benefit of booking early. The Fine print said even if you booked a time/day, they could still not accept it. To me, that was worthless. Just my experience and not the experience of all. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  12. Well 18 days away and I have noticed that other than an article about the Slot Pull Financials, for Carnival Cruise lines, very little is published on this one. My wife who has the chance seems to have a LACK of excitement. Maybe her strategy is the correct one. When she won the ship slot tournament on the NCL Joy last November 2021, she did not even want to be in the slot contest. She said doing it made her nervous. Then she wins the thing. So what ever she did seem to work for her. Do we both think she will win. The answer is "No". Do we both think she has better odds to win than the lottery. The Answer is "Yes". As it gets cold were we life, a little sun, pool, hot tub, dining and drinks sound pretty good. Our ability to upgrade to the Haven is seemingly impossible since it has been sold out for quite some time. We are thrilled to learn and take advantage of the "Free At Sea Plus" program. My wife will have her first experience with the Vibe Beach Club which I know already will be a grand slam for her. I just finished my Journey Document with all the crazy details I do when cruising. The last element was the bar codes for checking in. Off to the print shop who know me as the cruising guy. I will do a real time overview of the NCL Breakaway with an emphasis on the Slot Tournament to have information for future slot winners. That is my update for now. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  13. @mtrancher My pleasure and love your writings as well. When I read this persons comments I had my normal internal conversation. "Gary, do you want to take the high road or the low road." The Low Road scratches that itch but then the itch area becomes infected. The High Road is much harder and takes lots of discipline. Social media in general would be a better place if we all took the High Road when dealing with those that simply want to create arguments with no real experiences. CruiseCritic.com to me are folks like you and others that take the High Road daily and it is why I enjoy it so much. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  14. I was writing my reply while you were posting your so it is similar. I apologize. I agree with your assessment. PaulBrowning came on CruiseCritic.com to complain about NCL and the Haven. None of the experience the he outlined were in anyway close to the experience I and many others have experienced. This kind of post happens all the time on other Social Media Outlets which is why I like CruiseCritic.com. It happens rarely. Thank you for your comment. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  15. @oteixeira It is great to read your reply. I have a habit of reading posts and reply's all the time and add when I can give some good ideas. I read the comments by this new CruiseCritic.com person. They have been a member since November 8, 2022. About eight days totals. I have to take their short time on the blog as an indication they came on for a reason. That reason was to express their views on an experience that is NOT similar to everyone else experience on that same ship. I am in no way saying their story is not real to them. I am saying there is more to this story then is being presented. Details seem to be missing. I like you have traveled on the Getaway, in the Haven at a port that was not the Main NCL Port in Miami. It is different yet for me there was an a make shift Haven Lounge with snacks, Haven Check-in Counter, Haven Escort on the Ship for groups of Haven Guests, the Haven Restaurant was open for lunch and you had a choice of on specialty restaurant, you could drop your luggage to your Haven Suite anytime, the luggage was at your suite between 1-3 PM, the Suites were ready about 1:30 PM, and the list goes on. If NCL is anything, they are pretty standardized in many of these details. Sometime a situation can be completely mess up. When it is, you will get more than one person sharing the same horrible experience. In this case, it seems only to be this one very new CruiseCritic.com contributor. Lets see what other say that were on the same sailing. Cruise Well and Enjoy every moment.
  16. NCL has the most consistent, inconsistant rules and policies on some which means almost every thing. That is why I depend on the knowledge base here on CruiseCritic.com vs. calling or email. The one exception is the Haven Pre-cruise Desk. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  17. That makes complete sense. The challenge for new folks to Oceania is learning the ins and outs. We took the drink program perk with the intention of upgrading to the better deink program once on board. Every cruise line has different policies and rules. It is up to the guest to research them, and strategically choose what is best for them and their unique needs. Thank you for your take. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  18. This comment happens all the time when talking about the Haven Bar. I would have to agree and it seems NCL has been listening with their newer ship. I hope that is a trend. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  19. It might be early in the morning however your explanation is excellent. Thank you. I asked my Travel Agent to do the Olife Drink package (Beer and Wine). I have no interest in the LaReserve Dinner. I will upgrade on the ship for the Premium Drink Package as you outlined. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  20. It is my understanding and I could be wrong, when you get the Olife Perk than upgrade on the ship you will miss some benefits. The % off of bottles and Discount on some wine events. Am I missing something or is that accurate if you upgrade onboard. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  21. No, the items in the Mini Bar are not free. That is H1 & H2 and three bedroom suites. Sad that as much as we all pay for the Haven, that Mini Bar is not a perk but that is the NCL policy. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  22. Your boarding time for Haven is what ever you want it to be. That is one of the perks. You might have to wait in the Haven Port Lounge. That is exactly what I do. I have a coffee, start t meet some new friends then board with the first group. No worries, go early. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  23. @LHT28 First thank you for helping me understand. The Oceania Perks are kind of like a Rubik's Cube. I originally took the OBC which was $600.00. I was going to buy one of the Prestige Packages with Spirits with it. I would then pay out of my pocket for another package. Than I was advised to do the Drink Perk instead of the OBC because it would cost less if I upgraded on the ship. So to answer your question, I currently have the "Wine/Beer" drink program that is a perk. I can change that if need be. I am completely OK with changing back to the OBC and paying for the other package if it provides additional benefits. My bottom line goal is to have to have a Adult Drink Program with little or no restrictions or rules. With NCL, it is called the Premium PLUS Drink Program. Hope all that makes sense. Cruise well and Enjoy every moment.
  24. Can you give me a strategy that will work. My original thought was to just use my OBC for the full $600.00 package and pay another $600.00 so my wife and I can have this package. I thought and now you are contradicting it, that if you upgrade on the ship it was the same thing. I am open to either approach and your advice would be appreciated. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  25. Don't lose hope the list is not accurate. Cruise well and drink responsively.
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