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Everything posted by Sthrngary

  1. I guess I did not explain myself well. What I meant to say was, the bar in between the two specialty restaurants, on the Joy it was the "A List" bar, service both restaurants (French and Cagney's). The A list Bar opens at 5 PM. This response was relating to a specific drink served in the French Restaurant. So I was saying go to the bar, have your drinks; not go to the restaurant and not eat. My bad. I hope I clarified it. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  2. This should answer both of your recent questions. LeBistro is usually on one side of the ship; another specialty restaurant like Cagney's (Layout of the Joy) is on the other side with a nice bar in between them. That bar usually opens up at 5 and is a fancier bar than others. That bar serves both restaurants so as long as it is open, you can get that drink. Whether other bars can make the same special drink is questionable. My experience tells me they won't unless it is the Haven Bar. One of the reason's I get the Premium Plus Beverage Package is the French Champagne at LeBistro. Stuff is excellent. Hope that helps. Cruise well and enjoy every moment. Welcome to CruiseCritic.com by the way.
  3. This is some what or an accurate review as I remember it. As many will say, food is subjective. I love, love, love great "Prime Rib" and the best place is "House of Prime Rib" in SF. However I also love the cheapest McDonalds Burger meal. How is that for a spectrum. My family wanted to go to the American Diner. More for the cars which are the tables than the food. Kind of like "Jack Rabbit Slims" in Pulp Fiction. Since I love the Haven Burgers, I ordered something different. I had the "Blue Plate Special" which is different every day. That day it was, Roast Beef, Mashed Potato's, Gravy and Green Beans. I loved it. My family got everything from burgers to fish/chips. They hated it. See, relative. On eating lunch at the Haven Restaurant. Lunch is also is my least favorite's meal in the Haven Restaurant. I used to get the Pork chop when it was on the Lunch Menu. My favorite is the burger. I also remember when you arrived, the Haven would have Hamburger sliders and tiny baskets of French fries. I want to add something that I really think is important. When I did my Solo Trip in March, on the Joy again, I was forced to eat outside of the Haven every meal. I fell in love with the 24/7 restaurant. The Burgers, Chicken wings, even the hot dog which was big but of average quality (I still liked it) and the fries. I even enjoyed the buffet for lunch. I found the burgers their were good if you got them just as they were coming off the grill. Not being in the Haven gave me an appreciation for the other options on the ship. The one thing we can all agree with is you are never hungry on a cruise. Cruise well and enjoy every meal.
  4. @scooter6139 Yes, the Haven will be sold out. Not just on the Joy. I most all the NCL ships. This has been explained serval times on this blog. I will simply give you my experience in a Sold Out Joy Haven. I only had to wait for dinner once and it was less than 15 minutes. The Haven Bar is always crowded but you never have an issue getting a drink. Getting a bar stool is a bit tricky. The Haven meals, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinners never really change so you might call that Standard Lunch Menu. You are also offered a complementary lunch at the American Diner. I would pass on that. My preference is the Haven Restaurant Lunch. I hope this helps you and your plan. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  5. It is on the way to NOLA. It is a Lego Factory Store. Seems my family is into Lego's for Xmas. I on the other hand want NOLA food and drink. This time, I lost the battle so Lego Town it is. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  6. November 30, 2022: Four days to go. So much to remember: The Shooter Drink Controversy: I have taken the assignment to see if NCL changed policies on drinks like B52's (Shooters). Also, if the Vibe still does the Shooter Hour happy hour. I am on it. NCL Bid Upgrades: I noticed today that the upper categories like spa suites through Haven are all sold out. That usually means that the upgrade bids assignment has started. I don't think on this ship anyone was upgraded to the Haven. Cruise Critic M&G: Over 150 people will be at the M&G which is one of the larger counts I have ever heard of. Pre-Cruise Correspondence: This is the first time I have not received anything in the mail. It is also the first time I booked through NCL Casino at Sea. We made our own luggage tags. Packing: Luggage pulled down from storage and packing today. This includes cleaning out the SUV for the 6 hour drive. Lego Town: We will stop in Lego Town on the drive up. Can't wait. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  7. They are high end. The brand had changed recently but you will be fine with what is provided. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  8. @id10t You are looking at this all wrong and if you read my posts, you know that I also have had some folks aggressively disagree with me. I share this for context. Your stream has gotten a great deal of attention. This is very rare. It is also a complement to you. You reported on something that happened to you. It should not have happened to anyone. If folks were not interested, they would not have commented. Allow me to approach this a different way. Unlike others that just started their account on CruiseCritic.com, you have been on CruiseCritic.com for over 4 years. You post 70 times which means you only post when the subject is important to you. You did a good thing. When you explain something like your topic, you will always have folks that challenge you. Again, I am coming from a position of strength here. When I started posting, my grammar and spelling was so bad that folks did not care about my message. My grammar and spelling are even worst today. I was completely offended at those folks that called me names. That is just social media however it still hurt. Let it be water off a duck. Thank you @id10t, you made my day. You gave me a fun thing to do that was not even a thought prior to your topic. You engaged lots of people and you were always nice about it. NCL and all other cruise brands are working in territory's that is unknown right now. For me, I will now order a shooter at every bar for my first drink. If they stop serving them, I will have the most fun of my life by publicizing it all over the internet. I assure you, your Op-Ed will live on and you will get all the credit for it. Remember, you took the road that most folks don't take. The High road. Nothing wrong with that. I hope you enjoy the buzz you created. Again, I really needed it today. It was so much fun. Thank you again. Cruise well and post again.
  9. @reeinaz This Stream has just taken a wonderful and fun turn. I am so excited about the "Quest for the Best Shooter Drink!". I had no idea there was a drink called "Duck Farts". That is a must. I also had no idea the Vibe had a Shooter Drink Happy Hour. My only hope is that I remember this cruise so I can write about it. Cruise well and bring Tylenol for the Handover.
  10. @behan You are messing around with my good time next week. I am going to make believe you did not post this. That will force me to go to every bar and order a shot, with a picture to post. Please keep your experience on the down low. I just got really excited about my cruise which I will not call, "The Quest for the Holy Shooter Drink!!!" BTW, I love the get away. Have a ball on in a couple of years ago. The first time I did a dead drop water slide at age 62. Awesome. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  11. Name the Movie: "If I would you, I would drink heavily!", "I would listen to him, he is in pre-med!" Cruise well and it will be a good thing that I am not driving the boat.
  12. I have never heard drinks costing more or less from one bar to the next. I am confused for the time being on Baily's. When I do me "Important" research, it will be focused on the Premium Beverage Package not the "PLUS". That is the real question. I wish NCL would pay more attention to this site and have official representation on policy like this. Seems like the Customer Centered Thing to do. To stay on track, I challenge those that commented on this stream to give me a "Specific Drink" to order. If we are going to do this, let us do it right. Guinea Pig Gary is open to suggestions. Cruise well and enjoy every moment. "Shots R Us!"
  13. The mystery is now over, I will confirm it next week. The author did his best to inform us which is all we can ask anyone. No one did anything wrong and at least now we all know that we can have as many shots as we want. Thank you to the author for his/her concern. I am personally happy that I don’t have to go to every single bar on the ship and order shots. I can’t do that anymore. But there was a time. Cruise well and enjoy every moment
  14. Thank you again @mtrancher. You completely understand what I was saying. I will do a real time report if after I test the waters or spirits, I can still type. I have a tendency to over enjoy my first day especially when you have been waiting over a year to cruise. I am also happy to say, I was not cancelled once for this cruise. Almost makes me feel uncomfortable. But I digress. Cruise well and Shots for everyone.
  15. @mtrancher I have not booked a bet in a very long time. What do you think the odds are? I will play this fairly. I have the Premium Plus Beverage Package and I am also in the Vibe Beach Club. With everything I hear on Social Media one thing is always true. What you think is 100% correct often has some other information you did not know about. Example, I heard that Bailys Irish Cream was no longer on the Premium Beverage Package. If this is the case, I will find this out next week also, then a lot of the shooter drinks would not be included in the normal drink package. I think everyone knows, I will shoot (Pun) them straight and in doing so might have to do a few Shooters. Just the price of admission and somebody has to take a bullet for the team. I am your man. What I promise to do is differentiate the two drink programs. This mystery will be solved shortly. I also promise to tell everyone where the best Prime Rib is. On am on the job, sir. Cruise well and Drink at every moment.
  16. Hello sir. I learned this from my mistake or almost mistake. Years back, I put those pretty luggage tags on my luggage that came from the cruise brand. I check my luggage at the airport, pick the luggage up and by the time I got to the port, NO luggage tags. That got me thinking. Fix the potential issue which lead to my plastic luggage tags. Thanks for the shout out. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  17. I know you are frustrated. You attempted to share something to many which is an important change on any NCL Ship. What happens when you do this is the responses are both positive and some challenge you. I am cruising on the NCL Breakaway on Sunday. I will find out if the Breakaway has the same new policy and report back. Your thread is the only thread that brings this topic up that I have read. So folks will be skeptical. Please understand, in the last 30 days this blog has gotten some posts that were from folks that after research were only here to cause commotion. I really don't think that is the case with your post. Just wanted you to know why some folks are reacting the way they are. Thanks for the heads up. I am on the job. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  18. Normally 30 days. I am traveling out on Sunday of this week. I still have not gotten mine. For me, this does not matter. I always print the luggage tags from the Online Check-In documents provided at 21 days. I put those printed and colored luggage takes in a clear plastic tag holder gotten from Amazon. The ones the Brand sends can come off and or be taken off to easily. Just my way, not everyones approach. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  19. NCL took Florida to court to force their policies. They won and so some of the restrictions were not needed. We all have to let the past go with Covid. Not saying Covid is not here forever. How to handle it was not know for a long while and I question it even now. Not saying what any Cruise Line or Brand did was right. Just saying, lets do a restart and give all brands the benefit of the doubt. I Sill like NCL best. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  20. If you are happy with Carnival, you should stay with Carnival. I have personally cruised, NCL, Carnival, HAL, Royal Caribbean, Crystal Cruises and Celebrity. My favorite is NCL. My least favorite is Carnival. First, cruising like dining is very personal. What I like, you may not like. Our likes and dislikes are created over a lifetime of experiences and what we are looking to experience on our vacations. Let's break it down and see if it helps you a bit: Food and Dining: My rating of all Mainstream Cruise Brands on their MDR is average at best. This is why I usually purchase Specialty Dining Packages. Now Breakfast at the MDR I have found to be outstanding. The food in general has always been much more to my liking on NCL. That said, my trip on Crystal before they went out of business was the best i have ever had. I find that the Food at the MDR on Carnival was below average. Remember, personal preference. The Specialty Restaurants seem to match between these two cruise brands. Excursions: The same when considering the Caribbean. No real difference. Entertainment: I prefer the Broadway shows on NCL and always had. The production shows on Carnival were always amateurish to me. We would sit on the last row, on the end so if we did not like the show we could leave and not disturb anyone. Some folks hate NCL shows. Again personal tastes. Bars and Lounges: As much as I have drank on cruise ships, I find that Carnival is a lot crazier at the bars. More energy, younger crown, more shots and sometimes a few disagreements. This happens on all ships however it seems the drinking on the NCL cruise I have gone on was much more reserved. Cabins: I have found the cabin's outside of the VIP area's like the Haven to be slightly larger and better equip than Carnival. Demographic: Younger crowd on carnival; Family Crowd on NCL; older crowd on HAL; Retired crowd on Crystal. I am 65, like young people and still prefer NCL. These are my high hard ones. I still say, if you like Carnival, you found you brand. I just wanted to honor your question. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  21. @fstuff1 It better be. We have had it booked for a year. LOL. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  22. @Coachyo So very kind of you. Glad you like what I write. I wrote a book about life experiences. I finished about 6 months ago. Lots of content on Cruising. My wife said, you can not send that book to a publisher until I read it. The book was 250 pages. Six months later, she read 10 pages and I still can't send it to a publisher. She said I come across as a Know it all. So when some one, any one likes my writing, I feel vindicated. So thank you. Cruise well, enjoy the Haven and the poker Tournament.
  23. It seems to me that gaining a Haven Upgrade Bid from a Non-Haven Cabin seems to have dried up. We all knew this was going to happen when the guest started to come back to cruising. Also, when all the FCC were used up. It was truly fun while it lasted. It is more of a lottery now that most Haven's are sold out prior to a month before the cruise departs. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
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