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Everything posted by quilty964

  1. I'm praying all goes well, and you are home soon and feeling well...
  2. Good afternoon from a partly sunny day in SE wisconsin. Had a few more flurries overnite to cover the roads again. Luckily we don't need to fo out. I'm feeling well today, and take the last dose of paxlovid tonite! Yay! bavarian cream pie sounds good, but not in the face! I remember seeing turtle nesting spots and fences around them when visiting St. Pete Beach. Always wanted to see one when snorkeling g, but never did. @rafinmd, praying you feel better soon and get some answers. I also hope you're well fed, and can get some sleep. @StLouisCruisersthat tree is so cute! I'm sure they are all enjoying it! Have a good evening, Karen
  3. Good evening from a cloudy, snowy day in WI. It flurried all day, but only about an inch on the ground. The forecast is for 40's in a few days, so it will be gone fast. @rafinmdso sorry to hear you're in the hospital, prayers for quick healing. @StLouisCruiserssorry to hear about Grandma, it's rough when they've been together for so long...prayers for Grandpa and family. @grapau27glad to hear you had a nice cruise! @Vict0riannthe parade pics look fun, ours is in a few weeks, hope to take the grands! Im sitting at home with covid, basically a bad sore throat and some coughing. I called triage people, they recommended i be seen, so I was, got Paxlovid, and have been sitting on the couch! So far, DH is ok, praying it stays that way. Tomorrow I can go out with a mask, but I'm going to miss lunch with my quilting friends on Friday...😞 We had our vaccine boosters 2 weeks ago, maybe that kept mine mild and is helping DH. Good thoughts and prayers for all that need them, and cheers for the rest! Have a good evening, Karen
  4. Happy Thanksgiving! Cranberries will be served today, both fresh and canned. I prefer the fresh! Not sure about the meal and the drink today! Prayers and good thoughts for all who need them, and "Yay" for the rest! The baby picture today is delightful!! She is a cutie. Have a great day, Karen
  5. Happy Wednesday, prayers and good thoughts for all on the care list, especially everyone dealing with pain issues and war torn countries. We like chili, but we use ground turkey. The drink sounds interesting. No freckles here, but getting those lovely age spots! Cranberry relish is done for tomorrow. I use fresh cranberries, an orange, some sugar and spices. My DH likes the stuff from the can, so we have that also. The turkey is roasting and the stuffing will be next. I'm cooking the gizzards, might try giving them to the pooch here, but he wasn't fond of them last year! I think everything else is ready to go! Bon Voyage to those traveling and Happy Birthday to @1ANGELCAT. I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, but we took a land tour to the Holy Land with a group from our church, led by one of our pastors. My pictures look a lot like the ones posted yesterday. The sun is shining here, and it's supposed to get to around 40F, not bad for November. Someone mentioned getting sugar earlier...I read a headline that there may be a shortage coming soon...just in time for baking season... Have a great day! karen
  6. Good afternoon from another nice day in SE Wisconsin. It's close to 50F with lots of nice sunshine. Supposed to get more normal temps here over the weekend. No hikes for me today, but I did rake some leaves, that should count for something. Haven't been to the port, and I'm not sure about the meal of the day. The drink sounds good, and the I'm not sure I like todays quote. @seagarsmokerSorry to hear about your job loss, not a good time, but hoping something wonderful comes up for you. Sorry to her about the pain problems, hoping things start to look up for everyone. @Quartzsite CruiserHave a safe trip to your winter home in your wonderful, new home! @rafinmdsounds like your cruise is going well, enjoy! Bon Voyage to everyone else getting ready to travel! @marshhawkHoping you get to see a dr, and feel better soon. @RMLincolnEnjoy your new home! The son of a friend is playing football in the State Championship game today at 4 pm, I'm cheering for them, because the team they are playing beat us! 😉 Have a Great Weekend, Karen Edited to add, I'm not sure why the dots are there for the new lines!
  7. Good morning, it's another beautiful day here, started around 30F but will get up to 60 again. The meal for today sounds good, haven't been to the port, but I'm anxious to see pictures today. Thanks for all who contribute here. Back in the day, when we were growing up, Borden Dairy delivered milk to our house. Elsie the Cow was on the truck. Remember when houses had a milk chute by the back door, or was that a midwest thing only? Slept poorly last night, and had to be up early to take our Cooper to the groomer. It's his first cut with a new groomer, but she is his dog sitter, so I'm sure it will go well! @marshhawkhoping you're feeling better today. @RMLincolnHoping all goes well today. @Cruzin TerriHoping all goes well with packing and your cruise. I'm off to the dentist, have a good day. Karen
  8. @dfishWow, that does look like a little midwest town. According to their website, they have a spectacular Christmas event!
  9. Good afternoon from a beautiful day in Wisconsin. It's 60F and sunny. Supposed to be like this for a few more days! I'll take it. Not sure about the meal today, but the drink sounds like it might be good! Thanks for all of the pictures and meme's today! We had a good weekend, got to see grand-daughters and Mom dance for the Christmas season Kick-off for their dance studio. DD decided to join a ladies class, and they now get to dance for performances! They all had fun! Next is the piano recital, but older DGD is missing it because her dance company is going to Ida Michigan for their Christmas celebration! Maybe @dfish knows about that town! @marshhawkSorry to hear that you were so sick on your cruise, hoping you feel better soon. Good to hear that Grandma could hold Baby Murphy! Such great news for her family. @0106@kochleffelWow, that cruise through the storm sounds very scary... @RMLincolnHoping your packing and move continues to go well for you. Enjoy your new home! Enjoy the rest of your day! Karen
  10. Happy Friday, sorry to hear some sad news about sore backs, swollen knees and cancelled cruises. May better days be ahead. Not sure I'd like the meal or drink. Haven't been to the port, but again, the photos are great. Happy birthday to the US Marine Corps, and thank you to all of our veterans. Still didn't get my user name changed back...Karen
  11. Does anyone know the email address to use about login issues. I changed my user name a few weeks ago, and today when I log in, it went back to the old one🤪
  12. Happy Thursday. Not sure I'd like the meal today, or the drink! Give me an old fashioned! The travel pictures today look great, thanks to all who share! Good to hear that Baby Murphy is improving, and her grandpa. Ivan is looking great also! We have lovely sunshine today, but it's very windy and the leaves are blowing all over the place. It rained pretty much all day yesterday. Reading Buddies yesterday was "interesting!" The whole 1st grade class has some kid of bug. Most of them were coughing and sniffling. I felt very "buggy" when I got home! I'm going to skip reading for a few weeks before our cruise, don't want to catch anything then! I'm working on my Shutterfly photo book...I may also just stick to photos with my new iphone going forward, it's only a 13 though. The pictures are much better than the android phones we've had, and even my camera. I also worry about dropping or loosing it...might have to check out the wrist strap things. Have a great evening, Karen
  13. Good morning, and happy Hump Day! I'm waiting for the meatball recipes today...sounds interesting. Grandma Moses was smart! Thanks to William Penn and Wilhelm Röntgen. X-rays are very important for our health, in my last job, we used radiology every day. I'm waiting for the destination photos today, I get to "travel" thanks to all of you! Today is Reading Buddy day, then a talk at our church on Avoiding Scams...an important talk for our times! Those people should put their skills to good instead of bad work! We had a nice day yesterday, it's in the 50's here today. Had some rain last night, the wind changed, and our neighbors leaves are now in our yard! Yesterday the lawn was visible, today, not so much. There are still a lot of leaves to fall... Started a new kids quilt yesterday, it goes with the book "The Little Ghost That Was a Quilt." Went to an exercise class yesterday, used some "new" muscles, today my arms are achy! @JazzyVit was good to hear that you were feeling better yesterday, prayers that continues. @rafinmdthanks for sharing your journey with us! It's great that you're traveling again! Have a great day, Karen
  14. Good morning all, cancer awareness is a good thing...we all need to pay attention to our bodies and what's going on. Not sure about the drinks today, but the meal sounds interesting. Can't wait to see the recipes from @dfish Have not been to the port, the pictures so far look nice! Can't wait to see more. I was waiting for pictures of the dragons yesterday! 🤭 Sad day in Wisconsin, our Brewers manager took a new job with the rival Chicago Cubs! I'm off to an exercise class soon, then lunch with friends! DH is "up north" picking up leaves and getting new patio doors installed...always some repairs somewhere! Good thoughts for those needing them, and cheers to all celebrating! The cruise pictures are making me happy, and anxious for our winter trip on Nieuw Statendam in a few months! We had a high of 70 yesterday, a bit cooler today. Have a great day, Karen
  15. Have a wonderful trip, I'm looking forward to "following along" with you!
  16. Good afternoon, I might like the pot pie, but the only ones I remember had peas in them! I don't like mushy peas! I spent the afternoon finishing up some sewing projects, our group is making "door hangers" to decorate the resident doors of a local Nursing Home. Also worked on some bibs for our church group. @smitty34877thinking about you today as you remembered and celebrated your DH's life. @kazuglad to hear that Ivan is doing well and knows "home!" @Cruising-alongsorry to hear about your DGS, prayers it heals easily and quickly. @cruising sisterit's great to hear more good news about Baby Murphy and your brother! Thanks to all for sharing today...the food and travel photos are great! I'm seeing the world through all of you. Have a great evening, Karen
  17. Good afternoon, @JazzyVI hope your pain problems can be figured out sooner, rather than later...It's miserable to be in such pain. @Cruzin Terrigood to hear that nothing is broken, hope he's good for your cruise. @cruising sisterGood to hear that baby Murphy is liking her new room, so happy to hear that Mom is able to hold her! I'll take a stout beer, we always get some Guiness for St. Patrick's day. Our dear GS was in Ireland and toured the facility. DSIL was also there for work and had a few! All of the people on ships are making me jealous...we have to wait a few months! Have a good evening, Karen
  18. Good evening, it's been a busy day here! We've been to Juneau, June of 2019 was our first cruise. A cruise and land tour on the Westerdam. It was a great trip. While we were on top of Mt. Roberts we saw a bear...not as close as others saw, but it was a sight! We also saw a lot of eagles that day. Bon voyage to all who are traveling, and good thought for those who need them. @smitty34877good to hear you could take off some layers! We had very bad conditions for trick or treat last night...lots of high winds and snow. Got about 4 inches! Here's a picture of our pumpkins!
  19. Happy Halloween! We had some snow falling earlier, but it is stopped for now. It's sticking to the grass, but not the roads. We don't usually get many many trick or treaters here...I'm leaving the candy out at the end of our driveway tonight. We're going to be gone. @StLouisCruisersI've read the book twice now, lots to think about when reading it. Thanks for the pictures! Thanks to all who share and care here!
  20. Good afternoon, it's in the 30's here, but the sun is shining. The sun feels great! Our forecast calls for up to an inch of snow tomorrow for trick or treat...we did have some snow a few years back. I'm not sure about that meal, and I'll pass on the wine and cocktail. I prefer beer. Have not been to Belfast, but the pictures look nice. We had fun carving pumpkins Friday evening! Our grand-daughter couldn't come, party night at college. She graduates in December! Prayers for all who need them and cheers to those cruising and celebrating! K
  21. Happy Friday, we've had a busy day here. DGD came over to work on her lap quilt that she's making....she's doing a great job! Soon we're going to DD and DSIL's house to carve pumpkins! I'll take a beer, it's Oktoberfest season here! It's warm but dreary here, feels like it wants to rain, carving may be in the garage. @grapau27Happy Birthday, your food looks great! @Cruzin Terri sorry to hear that your DH fell, hoping he's feeling ok today. Thanks to all here who share and care. Have a good evening, Karen
  22. @JazzyVHappy Wednesday. @rafinmdsorry to hear about your troubles with the health care system "stuff." Hope it all gets cleared up quickly, and that your elevated psa turns out to be "ok." @bennybear I'm getting a repeat bone density scan today...my facility just got a new machine and they are checking out results with people who had recent scans done. @seagarsmokerHappy Anniversary! @JazzyVI hope you get some help with your pain issues...no fun dealing with that. I'm donating blood this afternoon, hoping it goes well...sometimes I feel ok after, sometimes I get that "pass-out" feeling after I get home. I would like to go to our library tonight, they are having a talk about "local ghosts." They always have very interesting talks. Did "reading buddies" with the littles at school this am, they are always so much fun! They like to tell silly jokes! What do you call a goat that escaped? An escape-goat! LOL! Kind of a dreary day here, yesterday we broke a record---82F. Today its 50 something and kind of dreary. The leaves are hanging on, and the colors are still very brilliant here. Have a great rest of your day.
  23. @Cruzin TerriSorry to hear you're having to cancel your trip. Hoping you get everything figured out quickly... We had a nice weekend, the temp was in the 50's today, and the sunshine was beautiful. The trees are looking great here. Thanks to all who share and care here. Karen
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