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Everything posted by quilty964

  1. Happy Tuesday! We have some sun here today. The temp is still a bit chilly, but the sun feels great! Our Zoo had a baby Gentoo penguin December of last year. We haven't seen her yet, but she is starting to be out and about with the adults. Her name is Pepper. We also had a baby Red Panda. We did see her, and she is a cutie. I'm not sure about the meal or the drink of the day, and prefer beers over wine. @kazuhoping your surgery and recovery goes well. The dog toys are great! @marshhawkThinking about you and Irving....hugs to all of you. Enjoy your last days with him. Pepper the penguin!
  2. Best wishes as you travel! Share some pictures with us!
  3. Good Morning, and happy Monday! The sun was out briefly this morning, but it's cloudy again. The Northern Lights were visible here last night, but I was already asleep when that happened! The "weather guy" wasn't sure if the clouds would clear in time, but they did. @StLouisCruisersThe tree your daughter decorates is great! My mom used to have at least 10 trees, but she didn't leave any up. I did do a Valentine's Day tree once, but we don't have a good place to leave a tree up! Maybe I should decorate a bush outside. @Seasick SailorI hope your bird does well. We've had a robin make a nest in the bush near our front door, but a roaming cat usually gets the babies. I wish that cat stayed inside! @marshhawkthinking of you as you visit the vet... Have a great day. I'm joining our weaving group today to continue making our Christmas baskets. Last year we started late, and almost didn't finish. We make little baskets and fill them with trinkets for local nursing home/assisted living residents. Karen
  4. I just read this whole thread, you're making me want to go to Alaska again! Our first cruise was Alaska in 2019. We went early June, and the weather was great! The flowers in Anchorage were beautiful, they said because of all the daylight hours. We saw bears on top of Mt. Roberts, the scenery was beautiful. Glacier Bay was awesome! We did the train in Skagway, then did a walking tour with Park rangers in the town, not sure if they are still doing that. We had a wonderful time! Can't wait to follow you as you begin your travels! Karen
  5. Happy Sunday! Happy Birthday to @cunnorl and @marshhawk No picnics here today! @StLouisCruisersIt's cold, we're about an hour east of Madison, and yes, there have been snow flakes on and off all day today...we had 80's 2 weeks ago, and then winter returned! Supposed to be cold all week! @grapau27Wow, wishing Fr. David well on his pilgrimage! @luvteachinggood to hear that there is progress with DH...hoping he can be closer to you soon. Have a great week, Karen
  6. Happy Saturday from another dreary day here. No sun, and intermittent giant snow flakes. I'll take jelly beans any day. There used to be a Jelly Belly factory outlet store about 45" away, I always got their Jelly Flops! The meal looks good, I'm not a wine drinker. Maybe someday we'll get to England. @smitty34877 Sorry to hear about the Tana and the oxygen problems, hoping it can be resolved. @RowsbyHappy Birthday! @mamaofamiSorry to hear about your DH. Hoping the antibiotics help him quickly. Have a good rest of the weekend, safe travels for everyone on cruises. The Panama Canal pictures brought back memories, we were there in February. Karen
  7. Good afternoon, another dreary day here. We've had rain and hail storms, and not much sun. I'm looking forward to spring and sunshine! I went to Kindergarten. I volunteer at our school, reading with the "littles." The "kinders" are lots of fun, and it's great to see their progress over the months! I've learned lots of fun facts as they read to me! @bennybearHappy Anniversary! @JazzyVHave a wonderful trip! @dobiemomGood luck with your sleeping... @aliaschiefCovid is still out there...we were on the Eurodam in February. We never heard anything about covid, but there sure were a lot of coughing people out and about. We wore our masks in the world theater, and when in crowded areas. The 1st tour we took, we had a woman right behind us who was coughing the whole time, no mask in sight for her...we managed to stay healthy...but I was worried about whatever bug was going around. Stay safe and healthy! Have a great weekend!
  8. Happy Birthday! Our first cruise was to Alaska in 2019 on the Westerdam. It was wonderful! Glacier Bay and Denali were the highlights of that trip for me. I'd love to go back, because I'm sure you could never see everything in a lifetime!
  9. Happy Anniversary Holland America Line! Hoping everyone in on the Rotterdam, in Rotterdam is having fun celebrating. @kazuIvan looks wonderful, hoping your meeting goes well! @marshhawkHoping your meeting with your Dr. goes well today. Thanks for all of the info and sharing here, have a great day!
  10. I hope all goes well for you...here's hoping you can travel!
  11. Happy Monday! @Mr. BostonSo sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. Prayers for your family. @rafinmdHoping all goes well for you and you continue to progress. @grapau27Happy Heavenly Birthday to Pauline's Mam. We had 80 F days here last week, today we have snow. Our daffodils do not look happy today! I was going to put away the winter jacket the other day, but I had a feeling I should wait!! The meal today sounds interesting, but we're having left over stuffed peppers. Have a great week, I'm loving all of the posts from people on cruises! K
  12. Happy Saturday! It's good to see that all of the cruisers are on board with their luggage! Have a wonderful cruise! Bon Boyage! @Denise TWelcome to this group...everyone is so friendly and helpful! Have a good weekend, Karen
  13. Sorry to hear your news...take care and heal quickly!
  14. Happy Friday! Great to hear that people are making it to FLL. Fingers crossed that all of the luggage gets there also. Have a great cruise. @cruising sisterSorry to hear about the loss in your family...prayers for everyone. @luvteachingGood to hear that your DH seems to be settled in the new facility. Prayers that his recovery is quick and easy. Have a great weekend! Karen
  15. Happy Wednesday. It's 80F here today. Broke a temp record. Supposed to be warm again tomorrow, and then 40's over the weekend with rain and a chance of snow flurries. Went out for lunch today, and would have ordered a grilled cheese sandwich, but it wasn't on the menu. @atexsixGood to hear from you, hoping all goes well for DD. You must be doing a great job caring for him! @kochleffelI've also learned a lot about Passover these last few day, thanks! Thanks to all for sharing pictures jokes and your lives here! Karen
  16. Happy Tuesday! It's been very busy here the last few days! Grandkids, Easter and all of the other things going on. Every day is Pet day here to this guy! @JazzyVsorry to hear about your knee, hoping the problem resolves for you... Never had an 8 track player, had a cd player in the last car, it was 16 years old and just replaced it with a car with all of the "fancy stuff" that I'm trying to learn. Now you just plug in the phone to the usb port! It's very much a learning experience. I like barber shop music, but haven't heard any in a while. We're waiting for summer to hear the music at the beer gardens in the parks nearby. It is finally a warm day here Yay! Happy Birthday, Anniversary and Happy sailing to everyone on or going on a cruise in the near future!
  17. Good evening, it was a pleasant day here today! Finally the sun was out! I'll take the beer, and I like caramel corn. We have a small local business here that makes the best Kettle Corn, lots of different flavors. @luvteachingGood to hear that your DH is feeling better. @StLouisCruiserssorry to hear about the loss, but it sounds like Ren is doing great! The Rotterdam looks great leaving New York! Have a great night and a great Saturday! K
  18. Good Evening, we had lots of storms last night and this morning. The sun came out for a few hours, and it's supposed to be warmer the next few days...Finally! I had a busy day, reading with my "little" reading buddies at school this am, and then sewing the the 6th graders this afternoon, they all finished their 2 projects! A pillowcase and then a little runner to match the case! I'll take a thick crust pizza as a treat, we usually have thin and crispy crusts. Not sure about the meal, but I will take the drink of the day! @StLouisCruisersYay for Ren and his team! @kochleffelthanks for sharing your Passover info. Prayers for all who need them and shout outs for the others, especially those enjoying cruises now! Karen
  19. Good afternoon from a rainy day in WI. Happy Opening Day for our Brewers! Today is like a national holiday here. The parking lots didn't open till 10 AM, but cars were lined up at 3 AM to get their special tailgate party spots! And, they won! I'll skip the meal today, and we haven't been to Boston. Would like to do a Boston to Canada cruise though. The porcupine meatballs sound good! I also need "easy!" @ger_77What a heartwarming story about your family from Ukraine. Prayers that all goes well for them and everyone else struggling there. Now, DH is excited for the NCAA championship game tonight. Have a good rest of your day! K
  20. @kochleffel Been there, done that! Isn't it amazing how that happens! Happy Palm Sunday. Our school kiddos came down the aisle with palm branches this morning, and then they all sang a song. The play that they did last night was fabulous! Lots of talent! The sun is finally coming out here. It's been a quiet day. Church, then my exercise walk, then puttering with some other projects...a quilt I started, some knit washcloths for Christmas baskets, and then nothing! Our dinner is Mongolian chicken in the crockpot. @Quartzsite Cruiserthose flowers are beautiful. Our spring bulbs are up, we just need some warm days now. Prayers, and cheers for all that need them.
  21. Happy Saturday, it's dreary here today. Had flurries this morning and bad thunderstorms last night. There were some tornado warnings not too far away, but we were good. Sad to see all of the very bad weather these last few days and weeks. I have cousins in the mountains in CA, and the snow there has been terrible. @Crazy For CatsHappy Birthday to Amelia! I've been reading Amelia Bedilia books with my little reading buddy friends, is that where she got her name? That Amelia is a hoot! Cheers to all celebrating, and prayers for all who need them. We're off to see the play our school kids are doing this evening. They always do a very good job! K.
  22. Happy Friday from a rainy day in WI. One of the weather apps on my phone announced that thunder storms were coming at 3 am! Not sure which app it is, so I'm not sure which one to silence! Never did hear any thunder, luckily I fell back to sleep. I'm not sure about the meal or drink, but we do have crayons here for the Grands. They like to do crafts! I remember Bunsen Burners from back in the day! @StLouisCruisersI've also been reading the World Cruise Blogs, it's interesting to read their differing viewpoints. Prayers for all on the cares list, and cheers for everyone else! Have a great weekend! K
  23. Good evening, it's been a busy day, and I'm just getting to read the Daily now. My niece and her husband just finished a trip to Hawaii, they shared lots of photos and videos. They did lots of hiking while there. We did a Hawaii tour about 20 years ago. No pictures to share, but the ones here today look familiar. I like to visit mom and pop stores and restaurants. We spent a month at St. Pete Beach a few years ago, never did see any manatees while there. @luvteachingit's good to hear your DH is out of the ICU, prayers that he continues to improve. Bon Voyage to everyone on the Rotterdam! Have a great trip. Have a good night, Karen
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