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Everything posted by quilty964

  1. Good afternoon, thanks to all of the people who started and continue the Daily posting here! I started reading Cruise Critic when the pandemic started. I remember reading about an elderly couple stuck on the world cruise, and Copper helping them in the airport so they could get home to their family. Not sure if that was in the Daily, of if they had their own thread. Thanks for all of the photos and recipes. That 1st recipe sounds good today! I saved it. Prayers for all who need them, and shout outs to the rest! Have a great week!
  2. Good afternoon from a snowy day in WI. We got about 8 inches today! Lots of travelers here leaving for spring break, hopefully they all got their flights ok...(our "kids" did get out ok this afternoon.) @luvteachingsorry to hear about your DH and his medical problems. Caregiving is a tough job, prayers for all of you. @Quartzsite CruiserLove your Israel pictures, we were there also, went with a group of people from our church, with 1 of our pastors as a leader. Sad to hear about the bad weather in the south, prayers for them also. I like waffles, but the oatmeal on our last cruise was very good, I wish I could figure out how they got it so smooth and creamy! Pecans are good also, my mom got bags of them at Christmas time for all of her cookies. Thanks for all of the recipes, memes and photos here! Always a highlight of my day to read here! Karen
  3. Happy Friday! I'll take a cocktail and the chocolate covered raisins. Candied raisins are also yummy! The bloody Maria also sounds good. We have leftover chicken enchiladas for supper tonight. More snow in our forecast again. Hopefully this will be the last for us! The northern lights were also seen here last night, I missed it, but saw lots of photos on the news this morning. Sounds like the world cruisers had an exciting day today, I've been reading several of their blogs and threads here on CC. Cooper says "Thank you, woof-woof" for the birthday wishes yesterday! Have a great weekend! Karen
  4. Happy Thursday. We've had some busy days here, my 6th grade sewing kiddos had big smiles yesterday as they finished their pillowcases! I had fun watching them! Cleaned out my car today, trading it in for a new one next week! Yay! Haven't been to the port, the pics are great! The food today looks good. It's great to see @rafinmdposting his food and sunrise/sunset pictures again! I have to post a puppy picture today...Cooper isn't a puppy anymore, he's celebrating his 11th birthday on Sunday! Prayers for those in need, and Shout Outs for those celebrating and cruising!
  5. @kochleffelSo sorry to hear about your kitty, they are such an important part of our lives, and it's so sad to say goodbye. Good morning from a cloudy, windy 30+F day in Wisconsin. DH, and 2 DSIL's were sad to watch Marquette lose yesterday, but the Wisconsin Ladies hockey team won their championship game! No basketball for a few days...YAY! I'm not sure about the meal for the day, we'll be having leftovers here. Going to take some leftovers to Dear sis in law today, she's got some kind of cold virus going on, but is starting to feel a little better. Happy 1st day of spring, and have a great week. K
  6. Good afternoon from a blustery day in SE Wi. Not much going on here today, except more basketball. Glad that the Wisconsin Badgers won. Now to watch the Marquette game. We're going to DD and DSIL's house for corned beef and cabbage. DSIL cooks with lots of butter, so everything tastes better at their house. The lasagna rolls look good today. @dfish@mamaofami good luck with your surgeries this week. Thanks for all of the pictures and Meme's today...I am traveling through all of you reading the Daily thread! Karen
  7. I just learned that today is also National Quilting day! I had to share a couple of pictures! Our church group makes lap quilts for those in need, also baby quilts.
  8. Good afternoon, it's very cold, snowy and windy here today. It was not a good week for me to get my walks done! I like the quote today, I've organized a sewing class for 6th graders at our church's school. I'm finding out that I would not have been a good teacher, I'm better at 1 on 1, rather than a bigger group! Sometimes I have a hard time describing what I'm doing, I need to demonstrate it instead. We haven't been to todays port, but I have a cousin who had property in Nicaragua. Their house looked beautiful, but the area did not seem like a good place to visit. Prayers, hugs and cheers for all who need them. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. K.
  9. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Just finished our corned beef dinner, along with a Guinness beer! We're not Catholic, but the Archbishop here also said you could eat meat if you wanted today. It was chilly and windy here today, tomorrow it's supposed to be colder yet. I'm ready for spring! Thanks for all of the memes, travel photos and pictures of the little leprechauns today! Our grands were dressed in green today also! DH is still watching Basketball, I'm not sure how he does it! Today he did better with his bracket! Milwaukee is happy that Marquette won! Happy weekend, Karen
  10. We were on the Eurodam in February. Our neighbors had a dry erase board and sticky notes on their door. They had messages on the board.."we're at xxx spot, meet us there." They also left notes for the cabin steward there. Enjoy your cruise!
  11. Good afternoon from dreary SE Wisconsin. It rained for a while, an maybe some snow tomorrow. It was 40+ F yesterday. DH is busy watching basketball games, he's got Marquette in the final game, we shall see! @JazzyVThanks for including me on the cares list. You can take me off. I saw the Dr. today, he wasn't concerned about anything, but did change 1 med. Said to come back in a year. I'm loving all of the pictures today! The pandas are so cute! Prayers for all that need them, and cheers to everyone else! Karen
  12. Happy Tuesday from a sunny afternoon in SE Wisconsin. It's around 30 F, but the wind isn't so bad today so my walk wasn't too bad. A Brandy Old Fashioned and Supper Clubs are a "Wisconsin thing!" Some use brandy, but Bourbon seems to to popular also. Our son-in-law makes the best ones with Bourbon! Then there is the fruit or olive garnish "discussion!" People are very particular about that also! I've found a recipe for meatloaf, not Paleo, but good-it's covered with mashed potatoes and then some cheese and chopped up bacon...yum. It's my new "Take them a Meal" idea. Thanks for including me on the Cares list! Prayers for all who need them, and cheers for the rest! Karen
  13. Good morning all! Another snowy morning here, but I don't think it will amount to much. Our cruise was a month ago, and I think we've had more snow after than before we left. @StLouisCruisers your train pictures reminded me of Skagway and our train trip there! @grapau27Happy birthday to your Pauline! Birthday blessings to her! I have earmuffs, but I'm hoping they can be packed away soon! @RMLincolnso sorry to hear you tested positive for covid, hoping you recover quickly and without issues. I have a cardiologist appt. this week, i've been bothered with PAC's since I had it in March of 2020. Here's hoping everyone has a great day. Karen
  14. Good afternoon, a fun day here thanks to @RedneckBob! Happy birthday! 🙂 I also had a problem getting on CC this morning. Have a great rest of the day. I'm getting ready to teach a class to our 6th graders tomorrow. We have 9 teachers and 14 students...9 boys and 5 girls. We're going to make a pillowcase and then if we still have time, a little table runner. We have 5, 1 hour classes to accomplish this! Karen
  15. Good afternoon from a pleasant afternoon in SE Wisconsin. Just got home from our walk. I'm not a fan of pot roast, don't know what's for dinner because DD and family invited us over tonite. Haven't been to the port of the day, and I'm not sure I'd like the drink of the day. Give me a regular margarita on the rocks with some chips and guac on the side! Had that every afternoon as a snack on our recent Eurodam trip. Thanks to all who contribute and add to the wonderful conversation here! I was going through our trip pictures this morning, lots of good memories! The Panama Canal was quite amazing! Have a great rest of the day, Karen
  16. Good afternoon from cloudy SE Wisconsin. Have never been to Puerto Rico, but I do enjoy marching bands. I was in one during my grade school and HS years. Had a good time then. Our DGS is in his High School band, it's always fun to see them march during Football halftime! I also enjoy our Wisconsin Badgers band, have seen them "live" a few times, and they are always fun to watch! I enjoy seeing all of the pictures here everyday, and also enjoy the recipe sharing! Soon, people will be sharing their garden pictures. Our tulip, daffodil and hyacinth bulbs are starting to peek out. Saw a robin here the other day, maybe spring is on the way. @ger_77 I'm glad we don't get your winter temps, and every time you mention the "Frozen Tundra," it makes me think of our Packers and Lambeau field, also known as the Frozen Tundra! Just watched our DGD play basketball, now on to my next sewing project. Have a great rest of the weekend, Karen
  17. Sorry to hear of your quarantine. We were on the Eurodam earlier in February. As the 10 days went on, we heard lots of coughing. We wore masks, and tried to avoid crowded areas. Who knows about Covid or colds/flu on board, but we were very happy to come home with no illness.
  18. Happy Thursday from a dreary SE Wisconsin. We've had an "easy" winter, but some snow is in the forecast for tomorrow. Lots of "old" stuff in our house, and it keeps accumulating! Went to our church quilting group today, and brought home more fabric for baby quilts...hopefully it'll all get used! @Sharon in AZ my niece and her husband live in Tucson, 2 x this week they've sent snow pictures...they say it melts quickly though. I'd like to visit Norway some day. My mother's family came from there. They were from a central area of the country, so I don't think a cruise port would be near by, but it would be nice to visit. Prayers for all who need them and cheers for the rest. Karen
  19. So very sad, condolences to all of the friends and families.
  20. We were just on the Eurodam on deck 8. We were under the outside aft area, the tables under the covering were above us. We could hear chairs moving, but it really didn't bother us. We like the 8th deck because of the proximity to the Lido market and the outside areas.
  21. Happy Paczki day! They are a big deal around here. Lots of Polish immigrants here back in the day, and the tradition has carried on many years later. One of our local tv stations has 2 "roving" reporters at bakeries this morning! Our Milwaukee Dancing Grannies, who lost 4 members in the Waukesha Christmas parade tragedy were in NOLA the last several days for Mardi Gras and parades. From postings on their social media pages, they had a great time. They were in 1 parade and attended others! I drove by a bakery yesterday, but drove by, because I need to loose a few lbs after being on the Eurodam for 10 days. I don't know how people survive longer cruises...even though we tried to eat healthy, there were so many temptations! Never went hungry!! Haven't been to St. John, but the partial transit through the Panama Canal last week was a great day! We have some bad weather in the forecast for the next few days, snow, ice and sleet. Thanks for everyone who contributes here, prayers for all who need them and Yay for the celebrations!
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