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Everything posted by Bazrat

  1. The point is nobody on this thread me included knows what the situation will be like in a few weeks time, so I will be looking forward to our cruise without the worry what might be open or available till we get there.
  2. So you will be going thinking you will be disappointed before you get on board, we have a tendency to be more positive until proved wrong.
  3. He wanted to join me on britannia
  4. No your banned, never darken this doorstep again
  5. Ok you win my life is to short to carry on with this conversation
  6. You completely missed the point, I know he as a cruise in September but he as cancelled further cruises, hence my reply he now only as a passing interest in p&o
  7. Please read what I posted, I said I thought they had not a statement of fact, so please before responding re-read the post's
  8. We are on her in October wonderful ship
  9. During school holidays I would definitely classify as low season
  10. Sorry will try again so the original question was you have knowledge that they will be going bankrupt, hopefully not before my TA this year
  11. I thought you cancelled your P&O cruises
  12. For me any holiday is great but I am easily pleased
  13. Past experiences precovid most not really applicable now but my experience is post pandemic
  14. Sorry didn’t go to a proper school like you
  15. You know they will go bankrupt
  16. So now you only have a passing interest in P&O and any further comments will be based on that fact
  17. After reading your response which makes sense I still think we are doomed doomed I repeat doomed
  18. You can think of it as you wish, but read the small print operational reasons might need them to close facility’s, same as any shore based operations
  19. Really cheerful comment thread this is, are we going to cancel our TA this year no, will we cancel both our cruises next year on the off chance they go bust no, I have a darn sight more things happening in my life to worry about than losing some money.
  20. We had a cruise on Princess moved because they cancelled to this year, because of wife’s ill health we asked if we could move it to next year to a more expensive cruise and they kindly told us there was a surcharge, so I cancelled lost the deposit and they lost a sale,.
  21. the review's sometimes have me thinking are they being paid to say those things, the only one I really bother to watch nowadays is that young woman who gave virgin's ship a bad review and got threats because of it.
  22. Alas another one who as missed the point, if you are doing a review, you review the ship in question, if you are doing comparison's you do like for like, to put it basically if you do a comparison of one companies baked beans you would not compare them with another manufacturers spaghetti hoops.
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