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Everything posted by Izena

  1. Hopeful not bad after vacation. still not weighing. Working on getting back to good habits until that happens no sense in weighing. Thanks for starting the week I got my days mixed up. So glad I have house generator. Since storm we’ve had lots of light rain but the ground is saturated — a good wind will blow over trees already loosened by derecho and hurricane. Lights go out anywhere from a minute to an hour several times a week. I’ve been on a cleaning binge. Shampooed carpet. Thoroughly cleaned my son’s room since he’s gone for a month.
  2. Good morning everyone. I thought I had posted last week but must have been distracted. Responses have been slow hope everyone is on a cruise. My son (lives with me) left for Colorado this morning and will be gone about a month. Gives me time to get back on track - eliminates the temptations he brought in. I feel mentally better. Have an exercise plan. Let’s hope I can get started and stick with the plan . Things finally getting back to normal. My area was without power for 150 hours . Thank goodness I had home generator installed last fall. Only problem with any generator is that they are VERY LOUD. I had no damage from the hurricane. None of my friends had any serious issues. Everyone good luck on this weeks weigh in.
  3. I feel very blessed. Able afford generator and have it for this event. 78 hours and counting can’t believe power co. Could be tomorrow or could be Sunday, or later. Still rare gas and few stores open with long lines. I’m not venturing out tooo frustrating. thanks for the prayers and positive support.
  4. Winds finally stopped around 1pm Monday. I didn’t sustain any damage. Lots of trees and branches . Newer housing section under 10 years old sustained incredible amount of roof damage. It’s Wednesday generator still running it’s been 54 hours. With all the tree damage it will take awhile - …. Stores slowly opening. A few Gas stations open lines are long tempers short (people needing gas for portable generators). Im just staying home. A friend without power refused multiple offers to come stay (she had to leave cats at home). She is beyond exhausted, dehydrated —- she arrived 2 hours ago and went straight to bed - her two dogs are staying close to her. We are in an area where damage has been inspected and they will start repairs - hopefully power will restart in the next 24 hours.
  5. Just checking in. I live in Houston about 10 miles from IAH. Generator started about 5:45 this morning. It’s been raining steadily and wind gusts have picked up - tress are swaying. Sure by the end many trees will be uprooted (roots are at the surface no deep tap roots - so with heavy rains and winds trees topple over). im still working on my mental health- working on positive attitude. Only taking essential blood pressure meds - hopefully will get back on track soon.
  6. HAPPY 4th. Still trying to get on track with diet. I don’t have any tolerance to the heat. I can’t be out more than about 30minutes. So far this week no fireworks. Still will go to la Quinta for the night (keeps 16 yr old dog calm)
  7. Hopeful thanks for starting this week. must be hard on your dad having to change eating habits and food consistency. Then hard on you mom. Bless you for all you do for them. hope your monitor results are normal or an easy fix. i doing okay on eating plan. Still doing the glucerna esp in am (maintains regularity). I’ve done some snacking on the food still in the house. Might have to start curbside pickup for food products (I can’t stay out of the candy cookie isle) have ordered an elliptical to burn calories and increase activity.. hopefully I’ll hit 50lb goal by new years.
  8. It’s Monday and I’m in a great mood. I actually weighed over the past 15 months I’ve put on 50 lbs. from health issues, anxiety inability to exercise. I think I’m ready to get back to healthy living. first not bring in junk food. I know what will work. im going to try and break the snacking and junk food by going on a glucerna liquid diet. a six pack is 1080 calories. ( I have coupons for $3 off a six pack which brings it to $10 a day which isn’t bad ). I’m hoping for a week. Then can introduce healthy meals. since too hot to get in much walking will turn extra room into a gym. Set up my total gym, and maybe get a cheap elliptical. all sound great time will tell how many times I have to restart the plan lol.
  9. Teri thanks for starting the thread. Got the “guest “ out of the house last Friday (a 4 week stay). He burned this bridge - allowed him to drive the spare car- racked up $80 in tolls and a $200 repair bill after hitting road debri. He is paying those bills. finally relaxing. My son and I should finish fence work this week. We’re having intermittent power outages thankful for my generac generator. still haven’t gotten back in a good eating routine. Still working on bp issues - problem finding best medicine that doesn’t lower the pulse since I regularly have a pulse of 45. It will eventually get worked out.
  10. Hopeful so sorry to hear about your dad. I will say a prayer of comfort for you and your family. stressors still up for me. Several will be resolved by next week. I hope everyone is doing well with diet control and good exercise.
  11. Hurray I’m starting this week.. I hope everyone is sticking to dietary plans and exercise. I’m still trying to get back on track, which is really the biggest struggle. I’m still having issues increasing activity tolerance (either pelvis feels achy and tight or I feel queasy/ weird) . Such a difference from February when I could walk 4-6 miles a day. Best we can do is take it a day at a time.
  12. Still trying to get back on track. Had to leave dog park yesterday not feeling well. Took blood pressure 😱 it was 128/46 - diastolic hypotension- have texted DR for advice. Getting old sucks - biggest social activity is at Dr.s office.
  13. Belle sorry you not feeling well. Jan - great health news. You are great at staying the same better than gaining. Hopeful - you keep me motivated. Just - I hope you get back on track - that’s the hardest part getting into a good routine and sticking with it. Good morning. Sorry not posting. Too embarrassed to say sweet binging has continued - it’s out of control. Put on more lbs. hopefully things will improve - life issues getting resolved. 1. finalized the 50% cruise offer- next year Feb on a Florida River cruise - October a Nashville to Chattanooga River cruise. 2. We’ve had crazy storms for past two weeks. One lost power for 6 hours - I had a generac generator installed last fall yay🤩. Then last Tuesday storm with 75mph winds blew over my back fence. (Coincidentally have a friend staying at my house who has experience and is replacing the fence). 3. Walking is an issue. Only tolerating under a mile. Combination of fractured pelvis and added weight. Still want to try just drinking Glucerna 4-5 x day (no excuses I have unlimited $3 coupons )
  14. Belle I hope your feeling better. still not getting on scale. For some reason the dog and I are not tolerating the heat. Jazzper just wants to walk to the end of 13 house cul de sac to do his business in the morning and doesn’t last more than 15-20 minutes in the evening. I’m the same I’m lucky if I walk .5 - 1 mile a day. I’m half way at controlling the sweets. Going to just try and limit to 4 /180 cal meal replacement drink for a few days. To get into the swing of things. Blood pressure is a bit higher than so working on that.
  15. Good morning Belle, Jan, Hopeful. I haven’t weighed still not on track. My walking tolerance has declined to abt 1/4 mile. I know the bones have healed and just remind myself the orthopedist stated it could take 3-6minths to be pain free. i also am not tolerating the heat (mosquitoes are also horrible)
  16. Another observation. Most of the problem have been on the oldest ships. Possible Not doing regular preventative maintainence but fixing as things break until new ships replace the oldest ships.
  17. Good morning. Never ending walking challenge back down to about 1/2 mile, then I get aches and pains. My friend is having a good time on my free cruise.
  18. I won’t go into full details of a few issues incurred on ACL - situations that required changes in plans. 1. If there are mechanical issues that require all passengers to stay in a hotel overnight A. Take all your luggage with you in case it turns into major repair ACL pays for hotel Otherwise will incur a return bus trip to ship (in my case it was a 6 hour round trip ) 2. Expect the unexpected. Itineraries can change, excursions cancelled etc. ACL works Hard to make trips wonderful experiences - they are good with alternative plans. 3. I always bring antiseptic wipes and wipe down surfaces — the 2 hour turn around doesn’t give the housekeepers time to wipe every surface you may touch.
  19. Hopeful - I can sympathize with your lightheaded episodes. I was having dizzy spells also known as vertigo - which many times doesn’t have a specific cause. Once prescribed meclizine 3x day for 10 days. I decided to continue it twice a day (it is over the counter Dramamine is the same thing).
  20. Good morning. Belle thanks for the start of a good week. i haven’t weighed was bad all week. Have still been on a sugar binge. BUT finally good news. Saw PCP on Monday for annual. Discussed what a bad year I’ve had. I like her I can be honest, told about sugar binging. Lab drawn - checking white count , sodium ,A1C. She was t concerned about sugar binging knows I’ll get back on track when better would start me on Jardience if A1C elevated. Sodium and white counts still just a few numbers below lo normal range(normal for me). The most surprising was my A1C was 5.6 which is normal —I’ve decided I can’t be a diabetic with normal numbers. I’m in such a good mood. This is the first day of my Chesapeake bay cruise- that was free and I’m not on, a friend took my son’s cabin but no other takers. My pelvis is better but not well enough for plane travel or walking more than 0.5 miles — not meant to happen. ill try and get back to eating properly.
  21. Belle I enjoyed your suggestions. I’m lucky I do the same whether traveling solo or a group. Have a cabin to myself. I’m an early riser so walk the decks starting with mine do 2-3 laps take stairs up a flight and continue the same until the lido deck. Eat light breakfast. —- my biggest problem is nothing tastes right so never satisfied. I’m finally feeling more like myself since the “fall”.( ended up with a broken sacrum) Retired all the walkers, canes, etc. no further anxiety/PTSD. My endurance is really lo. Lucky if I can walk 1/4 - 1/2 mile at a time. I’m slowly increasing the distance. Today is the first day I feel I have control on my eating. Will weigh on Thursday which will determine how much I need to lose expect it to be around 30-40lbs since my eating has been out of control for months. My March American Cruise Line, cruise was suspended after one day. Compensation packet included a free cruise which had to be taken before end of May. Since neither my son or I would be able to cruise in that time frame — I was able to negotiate and give the cruise to 2 dog parks friends which makes be happy. We can also take a cruise at 50% off before end of 2025.
  22. Good morning everyone. I’ve been working on my physical and mental health for the past few weeks. It’s a slow recovery. Will not be able to get back to my loved walks for several months. Don’t ask for details. I had a bad fall and broke my sacrum- thankfully not a hip - I spend most of time in bed. I am able to take Jazzper for 1/4 mile walks 3 times a day. I can walk with a walker - I just can’t sit in a chair/recliner for very long. Completely lost appetite wasn’t eating enough. My daily goal is to remain positive, don’t let anxiety get the best of me. BE STRONG. I’m blessed with friends on this site and my dog park community.
  23. I’m having a rough time. Trying to get Ct of pelvis, lots of pain getting no up and down. I’m nauseated but trying to eat. At this time meals consist of glucerna, uncrustables and chicken ramen. Know I have to eat to heal. Dog park friends consist of many. Jazzper is well taken care of.
  24. Hopeful glad to hear you are holding steady. I think everyone else is cruising. My hip hurts more today - the shock has worn off. Luckily I picked up some tramadol( will only take a few days ) on our last western Caribbean cruise.
  25. No time to weigh in . Have had a bad week. Monday early am went to er for severe vertigo. Then yesterday new woman at dog park became confrontational punched me broke my nose and caused to fall and thankfully only bruised my hip and surrounding structures. Im trying to be positive (told by constable to not discuss my the case) im still trying to stay on track. My son will be gone for several weeks. Will stay away from dog park this week it’s spring break alot of new people and kids.
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