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Everything posted by groundloop

  1. I and my family caught Covid on a cruise a couple of weeks ago. My wife and I are both vaxxed and double boosted and for us it was definitely worse than any cold or flu and I'm still not totally over it. I hear that modified boosters should be available soon which should help. For those who are unvaxxed it's just as bad as ever, with the saving grace being that doctors and hospitals have gotten better at treating it. That's not surprising. While not technically the correct way to approach it I think I'd have taken some test kits and if positive self isolate in my cabin.
  2. Excuse all the rookie questions..... despite having over a dozen cruises under my belt this is my first time on HAL. Our daughter is cruising with us and has her own cabin (Eurodam out of Seattle in June). We were given a boarding time of 1:00 and she has 2:20. Is it possible for her to board with us, or will we have to wait and board at 2:20 with her?
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