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Everything posted by Paddypuss

  1. Rain rain go away, is this a childhood rhyme can't quite remember
  2. Beautiful pussy cat, our previous cat cost a fortune even with insurance, but eventually died.
  3. Love cats , have a rescue older cat at present. Recently visited a rome cat sanctuary, very well looked after cats
  4. Yes have posted previously only one or two posts though, I am sure it was you adawn who said paddypuss reminded you of a name.
  5. Good morning everyone. I am one of the "lurkers", love reading everyone's posts. How about cruises and cats I am a cat fan. Dogs are Ok, wouldn't have one though. We have similar family problem to graham's and it is very upsetting, but have to cope with it. I love cruises holidays days away love staying g in hotels
  6. I am alurker, I enjoy reading about everyday life and realise that some of the recent news is heartbreaking, but wish everyone a peaceful happy Christmas and New year.
  7. Yes from a comedy, but extremely moving and sad nonetheless
  8. Found eden on apex and beyond to be beautiful to look at, but boring music from most of the acts, the chairs outside Eden are uncomfortable they are a fashion look over comfort. It gets very busy at times people crowding in Front to watch acrobats , blocking view of people sitting.
  9. Recent cruises on apex and beyond, apart from the acrobats who were excellent, the guest singers guitarists playing around the bars were awful, dull, monotonous singing and playing.
  10. Complete mixture of styles. onour recent beyond meditteranean cruise, a few people dressed really nice few bow ties and nice long / short dresses and some people dressed as if they were doing the gardening
  11. We have 4 grandchildren but they are all young, don't think we will see great grandchildren. Blessed with children and great grandchildren though. Even if they are hard work sometimes and expensive
  12. We have our grandson 3 days this week, planning some bowling, ice skating, third day say just lazing about. Weather too wet for picnics though may get a long walk in. Do like planning days out, can only plan so manyholidays,unfortunately
  13. Kalos , only a sadness that reminds us of lost pets we loved ,also a reminder that we have a great capacity for love and compassion
  14. When I was little no expensive days out , don't remember going for days out with granny. There seems to be numerous soft play areas laser guns big attractions with fairgrounds etc, to spend a very large amount of money.We went local baths with jam sandwiches.
  15. Took grandchildren on day out yesterday, love watching them play , then out for lunch. Lovely day but so expensive
  16. I don't know how I managed full time shifts children house and garden. Now I'm retired I spend a lot of time now planning and going on holidays, do have hobbies as well.
  17. I love watching gymnastics, and have actually taken up ice skating at 70
  18. am I the only person who thinks tennis is watching paint dry.
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