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Posts posted by IMKTDQT810

  1. I keep seeing commercials for different products but not sure what works and what does not. I got a free sample from Sephora that worked a bit (Glam Glow)...but it is 60.00 for the package of 6 applications. That is too steep for this gal!

    Background on me- I don't wear make up...maybe eyeliner when we go out to dinner, but nothing for daily wear. I have worn glasses for over 20 years and last year started wearing contacts 24/7. I never noticed my dark circles while wearing the glassed but now....I look horrible with those dark circles.

    What would you recommend and why?

  2. I am browsing on the Shore Excursion site for Freeport.

    DS (9) has never snorkeled in the ocean (only practiced once in a pool and it went so-so) and we were thinking of our first stop (Grand Turk) we do a snorkel Ex. but then I saw they offer a semi-submarine that he might enjoy more. The next day is HMC and we have our own snorkel stuff that he can play around and snorkel there (for free).

    Freeport is our last port and even thought DH said he didn't want to do excursions at every port and Freeport was going to be a "ship day" and shop at the pier only I wanted to know what folks thought about the snorkel excursions that Carnival offered at this port? Just in case we change our minds after going to HMC and DS wants to snorkel one last time. Thanks!!

  3. I know there is a different thread right now on what to "wear" in these rooms. But I have never gone to either and didn't know what the difference was. Also, WHEN to you find yourself using them? Do you go to the pool and then stop by here before heading back to your room to change? And how long are you supposed to be in the rooms for? I know with a jacuzzi they post a time limit....is there one for these also and how do you know when your time is up?

    I'll be on the Pride and pulled out my "ship layout" from the catalog and see both types of room listed.


  4. I just came across this thread and I'm loving reading everything!!


    Does anyone have any lanyards they don't use anymore? I was looking for 3 of the jewel (or fancy type) for the gals and then 3 plain for the guys. I was going to spend the $ to get the guys NFL ones thinking they will use them...but I don't want to put down the 8 bucks per lanyard and not knowing if they will ever be used.


    Thanks in advance!!

  5. Great..thank you for the info...it sounds like fun!! DS is normally in bed by 8pm on school nights and can stay up late on weekends. That still ends around 11 pm for him....but heck, something is better then nothing when you're on a cruise and having fun!!!

  6. I made up the newer screen name so I could use it for the May Cruise...but someone didn't like my dot com screen name.....so it's still me =-)


    So, long story short the paperwork she thought she needed she does not have. I am booked for May (yes, I have a DS, age 9) so it will be me, DH and DS. I booked at 9b and am beside myself that we even got that category.


    I'm going to stop stressing about my sister. When I spoke to her last she was going to give her ex until this wed to please sign the consent to travel and paperwork to get passports. She is prepared to go to court on Thursday morning to file a motion to the court to travel. So...I'm done stressing, I'm looking into planning and just "hope" everything works out and she can travel with us.

  7. Thanks to all who replied!!

    It sounds like they smell nice....I'm not big on over powering scents, so this sounds like a good deal. We will be staying at a hotel the night prior and I plan on bringing one of "those hotel soaps" with me rather then packing a big bar. And yeah, still my own conditioner as planned.


    And metal note to me: yellowish is shampoo and greenish is body wash...CHECK!!

  8. I would like to see the 9-11 Camp Schedule!! We are going in May with my 9 year old...his first cruise. I am interested also in knowing (if you get time to jot down) those "camp parties" that stated there was a "fee" for it....but no clue WHAT it is, when it is and what the "fee" is. Thanks!!


    BTW- I'm with you and the kids out of school. In Jan they only went 5 days TOTAL due to cold, snow and the 6 days out of school for the water HCMC crisis here in Charleston,WV. Even last week they only went a few days and that was with 2 hour delays. They have not had a full week of school since before winter break on Dec 9th...call THAT crazy!!

  9. Welcome back and congrats on getting a free TA cruise!!!


    Sounds like you had a great time. Just wondered when you were docked in Baltimore & Freeport was your side of the ship towards land or water. Just wondered if I would be getting a chance to "people watch" at any point. We are doing E. Carb in May in a 9B so plan to enjoy the balcony...I have never been in a balcony cabin before and excited to use it!!!

  10. Yep, they are divorced and he is not even acknowledging her e-mails to 1- fill out paperwork to get the kids passports or 2- at least getting the paperwork signed for legal consent to take them on the cruise. Kids are 14 & 17 but she doesn't want to book until she knows she has that paperwork in hand.

    Carnival can deny boarding if you don't have your proper documentation to board. Since she is divorced with a name change and he is on their birth certificates (since she can't get them passports) she wants to make sure she will not lose her $ and denied boarding.

  11. I thought if you had a lower category cabin booked and many more larger cabins were available that Carnival would try to upsell you for less to go up a category cabin so it will open up new bookings for the lower category...no matter how you booked. Was I incorrect in understanding that?

    I didn't realize that going through a TA would take away all perks like upsells & maybe free upgrades. Do they at least contact the TA regarding such requests to pass on to their clients? Just wondered.

  12. I was reading over some material and it had everything about "Night owl" times and rates then it said that they have a "Late night party" (fees apply) and and I was wondering on a 7 night cruise when does this take place, how much is it and what it's all about. DS will be 9 at the time. Thanks!!

  13. Great, thank you for the info.


    She would be driving and I already have a hotel booked that will accommodate all 6 of us. I did that on purpose to cover my basis!


    I have been non-stop trying to help her get info to make it easy for her Ex to just sign and be done with it...but nope, he's not going to make it easy. She thinks he will drag this out and they won't be going. I'm hoping, for once, she is wrong....but who knows. I'm done stressing over it!

  14. I'm trying to figure out the internet pricing. Do I plan on being attached to the internet...nope, not at those prices. But I do own an business that is online and I do need to check on it daily (log on real fast and maybe reply to an e-mail or two).

    So I'm trying to figure out while in any of the ports can I be on the ship and use wifi from land? That would cut out about 3 days work of work I don't have to pay for.

    Just wondering...thanks!!!

  15. I'm taking a step back and going to stop stressing on hoping that my sister and kids get to come on the cruise with us. Long story short she is planning on going to court next week to file a motion to take the kids on the cruise. We sail in 4 months and the motion alone will prolly take 1 month, if not longer knowing her ex.

    So, I'm going to stop trying to stress and hoping it all works out she will book in enough time to make the trip. If not, all her hard work is for nothing. She doesn't care where she is as long as they are on board and was going to book an inside guarantee.

    So, how close to sailing did you book and what type of category was still open TO book?


  16. Hi Radio,


    Thank you for the great review & pictures!!

    One question I have while you are in Freeport. DH wants to make this port a "ship day" other then going to the few shops by the pier. He doesn't want to feel like doing an excursion at every port and this port (Out of our itinerary) is the least appealing to me. So I just wanted your personal take on this port. We will have DS (9) with us, so spending the day at Senor Frogs won't be happening. Can you post any on board specials (take a pic of the times) so we know what to expect as a perk for staying ship side at this port? Thanks!!

  17. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has to be go-go-go while away. This will be the first sailing that I will ever been staying in a balcony. So yes, I want to enjoy that (since I don't know when I will get one again). But we (all 3 of us) are up by 6-7 am everyday...weekend or not we are up and awake. So I know we will have alot of time that we can enjoy the ship, more over then someone who sleeps and relaxes that way.

    I can't tell you the last time I had a book in my hands that I knew I was planning on sitting and reading. Heck, the one I have now I will grab and read the same page over and over and just can't get into it. So I just can't mellow like that....

    When we went to Disney 2 years ago it drove DH bonkers that I had to pick the restaurants 6 months ahead of time and pick what park we did what day. He voted for one day as a "resort day" and even that....I had us going to the park for a ride while we passed it on the monorail.

    Thanks for all the suggestions and comments on this thread...i enjoy reading and knowing I'm not the only one out there and even when stay on the ship in port I'll still be okay!!

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