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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. The remainder of ours will be stored in our outdoor cupboard. Also know as 'The Wheelie Bin'😁 Avril
  2. Good morning everyone from a dull, and miserable corner of South Yorkshire. It's pouring down and very dark and windy here at a the moment, unfortunately it's forecast for the rest of the week too😒 I shall cheer myself up by sorting out the seeds and planning the gardenand greenhouse for spring. I think many of us, myself included, will be taking a leaf out of Josy's book and clearing out the remainder of Christmas and begining a more healthier diet. I spent some time yesterday revising a new menu and I'm currently waiting for my first 'healthy' Asda delivery this month😁 Have a good day everyone whatever the weather. Keep warm and dry.x Avril
  3. Morning everyone and I hope you all had a lovely Christmas Day. Clear skies and sunshine today, but bloomin' nippy out, we had a frost overnight. Well, all over for another year, just clearing up and lazing about for me today. The traditional bubble and squeak, pork pie, cold cuts and pickles, aka known as leftovers, for us. Luverly 😋 Have good day everyone wherever you are and whatever youre up to.🥂 Avril
  4. A difficult time for you. Have a lovely dinner with your sister and neices and best wishes for a peaceful 2024. Avril
  5. Good morning everyone, and a very Merry Christmas🎅🛷🎁 Overcast and damp here this morning, but mild. We will be having a fairly quiet day today. It was busy yesterday with dinner for the family and exchanging of presents, so were looking forward to a more relaxing day with christmas dinner for just four of us. @grapau27 I hope Sarah had a lovely birthday. @Dorset cruise fan @mercury7289 I hope you're both feeling better soon and take care. @Josy1953 Wishing you and your family a peaceful christmas. I hope Santa has been kind to everyone, because I know you've all been good and deserve to be spoilt. Enjoy your day all wherever you are and whatever you're up to😉🥂 Avril x
  6. I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope you recover quickly, No need to cancel the fun, simply delay it until later. Take care, Avril
  7. Before I sit down to our Christmas Eve Dinner and a few😁 glasses of wine, I thought I would post our christmas wishes now while I'm still coherent☺️ To all my dear CC friends, the occasional posters and the lurkers Frank and I wish each and every one you a Very Happy Christmas🥂🎄 Eat,drink and be merry, for tomorrow we....... can do it all over again🍗🥂 With our very best wishes Avril & Frank xx
  8. Do you know you've left some incriminating evidence Freddie? Don't worry, mums the word🤫😉 Avril
  9. I don't know. Joe told me and I thought he was joking so I asked Mr Google and sure enough , most are closed but some in certain areas will be open for a few hours. Possibly motorway services as you say. 😏 Avril
  10. Well of course you are Graham. The most important job of all, and of course you must sample them to make sure they are perfect for the feast. Hic... excuse me🥴 Avril
  11. There are some McDonald's restaurants opening on Christmas Day🙄 Avril
  12. You'll be on the naughty step zap if you use four letter words like that😲 Avril
  13. My youngest grandson will be 27 on Christmas Day, so that's another one for your list. Avril
  14. I have to admit that we're better off being retired, but we had to plan for it. It also helps not having any travel costs either☺️ Avril
  15. My mistake Phil, it's almost 14 years so I'll have to wait a little longer for my clock😁 Avril
  16. Congratulations. Enjoy it and have fun. You'll wonder how you ever found the time for work. Avril
  17. Almost 14 years for us Phil and it's still good. The best job we've ever had☺️ Avril
  18. Oh, so you have 13 going 30 year old too. Interesting aren't they?😁 Avril
  19. Our eldest daughter only puts a christmas tree up because of her grandchildren visiting. She likes to make the house festive for them. Maybe a tree could lift your spirits a little? but as kalos says, do what you feel is best for you. x Avril
  20. Wise words Sharon. Have a lovely Christmas and I hope 2024 is a much better year for you. Avril
  21. Speaking as a person who often falls over...... I concur. Sadly though, no-one laughs😁 Avril
  22. I'm so sorry to hear that Graham. My condolences to you all. Avril
  23. Littlewoods. The older store in the 60's where you could buy fresh meat, bacon, cheeses and various cooked sliced meats, ham etc. Barnsley had a great store that was always busy. Avril
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