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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. And then some!! Wowzz had a grand time with him. I remember that he couldn't keep his story straight from one post to the next, and his theories about the virus, it's origins, cure and preventative measures were astounding. He was in USA if irc. He was fun.🤣 Avril
  2. Thank you Phil, I'll have a look through their holidays. Always a good idea to get my ducks in a row, I never know when Frank might suddenly decide on a few days away.🤞 We've used Alfa holidays from Barnsley before but they pick up at Woodall services now, and Shearings only do limited holidays and dates from Barmsley. Have a lovely time.x Avril
  3. Have great time Phil and Mrs YP. Do you mind me asking what company you use that leaves from Barnsley? Avril
  4. @kalos Frank is still doing well thank you kalos. He's quite happy gardening and he's even started doing his woodcarving again. He's had 2 blood tests and a scan since being discharged and they're pleased with his results. I'm hoping that he'll soon feel confident enough to risk some time away. You know kalos, he has always led a very active life, he was still practising his karate katas for excersise at 71, and had no health problems at all, so for this to come out of the blue at age 78 was a big shock and it has really frightened him. It has only been 7 months so I think it's best to let him come to terms with it in his own good time and wait until he mentions having a holiday. Avril
  5. @Dermotsgirl I hope your husbands remaining tests results are all good. It's natural to worry about 'what ifs', I did it with Frank, but try not to worry about something that hasn't yet happened. I know it isn't easy, but for your own sake, please try. Avril
  6. I remember you Janny, not just from this thread but also some of the others. I know you were posting well before I joined CC, because I used to see your posts when I was also a lurker and about to take out first cruise in 2010. I'm hoping that Frank can soon feel confident enough to cruise again, but....... we shall see, I certainly do miss it. We were begining to research some itineraries last year with a view to try a cruise this October or November, but his sudden unexpected hf over the new year has put paid to that. It's given his confidence a bit of a knock. With any luck there's always 2025.🤞 Avril
  7. One or two posting on this thread aren't likely to cruise again due to health concerns etc, but can still offer some invaluable advice due to their many years of cruising. Avril
  8. No they weren't Phil, but this thread is an example of how a group of people of all ages and walks of life who have never met, can come together to help each other through a period in time when the whole world was going crazy, and the best part is, there's a happy ending.☺️ Avril
  9. I'm onto page 36 now and I came across a long forgotten friend of ours. Does anyone remember the lovely ROGER?😁 Avril
  10. There's no way I will do it in one day that's for sure, but I'll keep reading through them each day until I get up to date. I'm seeing posters who don't post anymore and keep thinking 'Oh I remember him or her, I wonder how they are now' Wowzz of course, but also @Manx buoy @bobupandown and @mercury7289for instance. It's an interesting read and seems, I don't know, 'different' somehow when reading it as a number of days all at once instead of a single day at a time, if you understand what I mean. It's like reading the story of a large extended family coping through a crisis, which of course it was. Happy reading. Avril
  11. Morning everyone. It's shaping up to be a nice day here. I've been up since 4.10am, no clue why, just 'one of those nights' I suppose😏. I was scrolling through the threads, but couldn't find much to interest me, and for some reason began looking through this thread from page1. I'm up to page 29 now, and it's been fascinating reading them all again, seeing how we all came together, first as a support group, then as virtual friends and our optimism at the begining of lockdown. I shall keep reading until I catch up to today, goodness knows how long it will take. Have a good day everyone.x Avril
  12. So sad to hear of the passing of Ray Reardon. A remarkable snooker legend and a true gentleman. R.I.P Dracula. Avril
  13. If I had a choice between black pudding and octopus , I'd choose the octopus every time. Just between me and you bro,🤫 I have eaten octopus and enjoyed it.😉 The problem is, most places don't know how cook it and you have tastless rubber bands on your plate but............nothing could get me to eat black pudding bro, how ever it was cooked😬 Sis
  14. Oh, so just like black pudding only softer? Yum🤢 Sis
  15. Many years ago, when we were spending Christmas with my sister, bil and family,my nephew had bought tickets to go to the Boxing day match between Stockport at home to Barnsley. We were in the stands surrounded by Stockport supporters and Paul said 'Aunt Avril if in the unlikely event that Barnsley score, please don't cheer' Cheeky monkey! Well they did score, I jumped up cheering and clapping, and the fans around us began laughing and clapping with me. That was the last game we ever went to. It's sad how things are now. Avril
  16. Much better now thank you. Still the occasional blips, but altogether okay. I think it must be a combination of doing my daily Thai Chi exercises again, not just when I can be bothered, getting off my sorry bum and doing something and a couple of cups of Hibiscus tea on an afternoon. I'm feeling more relaxed now too, so thank you for the tip. Avril
  17. Sadly, as with most things nowadays, everything is just 'big business' Avril
  18. But well worth it. Two years ago my our daughter was the only witness to a very serious and life changing assault and had to attend court. She was obviously very nervous and a little worried, but as she said later, she felt pleased that she could give the poor man some justice. Avril
  19. Now you're drifting back to the days when there was the word 'Sportsmanship' when people enjoyed the friendly rivalry of the sport. We now have violence and segregation of fans. Such a shame. Avril
  20. I think we've already paid in advance.😬 Avril
  21. A statement from the Palce said Catherine will be at the men's finals. Avril
  22. Good morning all. A bit of a drizzly morning here at the moment, but it looks a though it may brighten up later. Ok, here's something for all you football aficionados. I've not watched football for quite a while now, ever since they began playing for Oscars instead of trophies. However I do keep an eye on the England games and I have a question. Who honestly believes that England shouldn't have been awarded a penalty? The argument being that there was a handball by Saka in the penalty area before the foul that resulted in the penalty. Now, I've watched that over and over again and I see the ball hitting Saka's upper arm/shoulder/chest area, NOT the hand, and he was trying to avoid the ball hitting him. Do the Dutch have a genuine complaint? I don't think they do, we won fair and square, or is it just sour grapes (or should I say hard cheese) from a team that thought they were better than England. One final question. Don't the rules state that an accidental handball is not a foul? something like that, or am I confused with something else. Avril
  23. I used to leave mine on sleep too until my grandson told me that's the worst thing to do. I should shut it down every night to give the software time to sort itself and do any upgrades, otherwise it gets clogged up with rubbish, slow down and will eventually ''spazz out'' his words😏 I also had a habit of leaving it on charge, even though it was fully charged, which I'm told is a big no no and the fastest way to ruin the battery. So now I do as I'm told😇 Avril
  24. I think finally getting off my bum, doing a little exercise and stopping feeling so sorry for myself did the trick. One of my BP meds is Indapamide so I don't think a natural deuretic would be wise. My favourite tea is Chrysanthemum,but it's a pain to prepare. I tried looking for bags, but no joy. Avril
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