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Denise T

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Everything posted by Denise T

  1. Happy Thursday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Sunny and warm today. Checked in for my cruise and printed all boarding documents and luggage tags. 20 days to go. I will probably begin the packing process after by nephew's wedding on Saturday. This is the hard part for me. I tend to overpack and I will be away for almost 2 weeks. The cruise is 10 days, and we will be in a few days before and after the cruise. Keeping an eye on the weather as well. This should be an interesting challenge. Happy Anniversary to @mamaofami! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  2. Boarding documents and luggage tags printed. I will begin packing after by nephew's wedding on Saturday. 20 days to go!
  3. Thanks for the tips. I am already planning for the fact that even though I am in an aft facing balcony, it will probably be smaller than the balcony cabin we had on the Pearl. We will make the storage work. We also use packing cubes which come in handy.
  4. Happy Wednesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Expecting rain today. Here it is dark out. Fancy will not be happy. All checked in for my cruise! In three weeks, I will be boarding the NCL Sky for 10 days cruising from Quebec. All that is left is the packing and I am working on that. The official packing will start after my nephew's wedding. Everything else is ready unless there are last minute flight changes. Today, I am grading five classes of assignments so wish me luck there. Luckily since I work from home, I can lay done if needed. Sometimes reading essays from these students causes a rather large headache. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  5. I can't wait to follow your adventures. There can never be too many lives. It allows for different perspectives. I am so sorry for the loss of your kitty and your wife's loss of her job. Life has been stressful. Let's go on this cruise and have the time of our lives!
  6. 22 days out. Check in is tomorrow. For each cruise I create a binder with all my important information in it such as the itinerary, hotel reservations, flight reservations, shore excursion info, etc. Well, that task is complete! I am now creating a packing list for about 14 days. Let's see how this goes.
  7. Happy Tuesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Tomorrow is check in day for my cruise. Boy, do I need it. I had a disgruntled graduate student tell me that my expectations are too high for the class. This is the clinical mental health counseling program. My expectations actually have been lowered. I expect students to write in complete sentences and research using the library and not Google. Clinical mental health counseling relies heavily on research. These are adults and so many cannot write complete sentences and put paragraphs together correctly. Most days I end up with a huge headache after grading papers. What can you do. All set for my nephew's wedding. That will be such a fun day. Nothing much planned except for the usual class work. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  8. Update on the dissertation. My committee chair says first draft looks good, no editing needed as of now. I am waiting for my methodologist to review the results section to see if any edits needed. If not edits, then goes through Form and Style review and I then schedule my oral defense. Almost done!
  9. Yes, I did. I went with simple and comfortable. It is an outdoor wedding and reception and the bride recommended no heels.
  10. Happy Monday. Thanks for the daily and fleet reports. What a weekend. I got my flu and Covid shots on Sunday. Yesterday I spent the day with a low-grade fever as my body was busy making those antibodies. Feeling somewhat better this morning but the dang allergies are not present. This week my nephew gets married on Saturday. It will be a wonderful occasion for the family to get together. It seemed over the past several years we were getting together for funerals. Wednesday, I get to check in for my cruise. Everything is all set, and the Canada Air pilots agreed to a contract so there will not be a work stoppage. I guess I can actually begin the packing process. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  11. Check in on Wednesday. For anyone interested the Sky makes her appearance in Saguenay. I will be watching on the port cam on Youtube. Saguenay port cam
  12. Happy Sunday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Today I am off to church and then home to finish grading assignments. My arm is extremely sore from the flu shot. The COVID shot arm is fine. This coming Saturday, my nephew is getting married. I am so excited for him and his bride. I only wish that his mom, my oldest sister and his uncle, my oldest brother were here to see him. I know they are with him in spirit. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  13. She and the cats board at our vet hospital. They take such good care of her. She doesn't particular like it, but they love her because she is so well behaved. She will get lots of love and attention.
  14. Happy Saturday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Going to be hot for the next few days. Back to summer. Today I will be running errands. Picking up prescriptions and getting my flu and COVID shots. 25 days until the cruise so I starting to get stuff ready. Next Saturday is my nephew's wedding which I am looking forward to. I just need to get shoes. Yesterday was busy but I had a great massage after my chiropractor appointment. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  15. 26 days out! I should be able to check in in next Wednesday, 9/18. I upload the new NCL app. Not sure what to make of it yet. The old one was not the best. Wouldn't it be great if the new app could do stuff like the Princess medallions, like open your door when you have had a little too much celebration at the bar. I don't see that happening. Anyway, tomorrow getting my COVID and flu shot. My doctor said to get them at least 2 weeks prior to sailing. Gathering all of my travel documents and getting organized. Once I check in to the cruise, I will start the packing process. I am watching the Quebec City port cam on YouTube. Right now, there are three ships in and it looks beautiful with everything lit up. Apparently, there is a music festival going on. Must have been pretty crowded in Quebec today. There were originally four ships, but the NCL Gem left. Won't be long now.
  16. Happy Friday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Chocolate. Nothing else needs to be said. It is an important part of the five main food groups which I guess makes it the 6th food group. Important non-the-less. Early start today. Just back from having bloodwork taken. Then chiropractor, massage, and I scheduled a live class for my internship students. Hopefully I can nap. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  17. They had their opinion; you all have yours. It does not mean that either opinion is wrong, they are totally different experiences. Why invalidate someone's experience because it is not the same as yours? If you don't like YouTube vloggers great. Others do like them. I have no intention of sailing on the Epic because I do not like large cruise ships. Others love the Epic. Does that make me wrong and some of you will attack me for that? The great thing about cruising is that there is a cruise line and a cruise ship for everyone. I have followed Ben and David since the pandemic after I decided to book my very first cruise. I have followed lots of YouTube vloggers as well. I will be vlogging on my next cruise in a few weeks. I don't agree with everything these vloggers say but they have the right to their opinion. Take it as a grain of salt, acknowledge their right to have that opinion, and move on. Life is way too short.
  18. Happy Thursday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. I have discovered that it is harder to get up in the morning Sunrise is getting later, and my body does not like that. Fancy does not get out of bed until noon. Wish I had her schedule. Today is grading assignments in 5 classes. I struggle with this because I get bored easily reading the topic over and over. Oh well. The life of an adjunct. No word yet about my dissertation. I have a meeting with my committee chair and hope to get feedback then. Waiting for my methodologist's feedback. I dislike waiting. NCL has a new app. Not sure what it will entail once onboard in 27 days. I did like HAL's. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  19. Happy Wednesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. This is truly a day we will never forget. I still remember getting ready for work when something caught my eye of the television, and I stopped to look. It took a while for my brain to comprehend. Not a whole lot planned for today except the usual class work and clients. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with those who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  20. Happy Tuesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Another chilly morning. I love this time of year. As a counselor, I work with teens and am assessing for suicide regularly. I am gathering a list of the drink of the days so that I can try many of them on my cruise in 29 days. I have to use that drink package you know. One of the hazards of working at home is that I am easily distracted. As i was grading papers yesterday, I felt that I needed to wash all of the pet bedding, the curtains, and the blankets and furniture covers in the living room. This happens a lot. Maybe I am subconsciously avoiding grading essays. Anyway, time to refocus. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  21. If there is something weird on the ship, I will let you know. I am thinking that the biggest thing that may be a challenge compared to the Pearl might be the cabin size and the storage. But I will report what I see. So, do not worry, I will bring you the good and the bad and all the tea in between. Yes, restaurants are booked. Cagney's is on embarkation day. I have heard from some that service has been slow so we shall see. I am usually not in a hurry and plan to make good use of my beverage package, if you know what I mean. ☺️La Cucina on the Pearl was okay, not spectacular. We never ate Le Bistro so that will be new for us. We will be exploring the food at the ports so I will be taking lots of pictures. Lots of people complain about the food. I am not a foodie and unless it is so bad, I am sure the food will be okay. 9 days until check in!
  22. Let me know if you have specific questions about the Sky, aft facing balconies (not in a suite) or any of the ports. I am flying on two days before embarkation. Staying at the Auberge Sainte Pierre which is very close to the port. I am going to be posting lots of pictures depending on the quality of the Internet. If there is anything specific you want to know, I can find out for you. Itinerary is as follows:
  23. I am charging the cameras up. Between the phone, digital camera and GoPro, I should get some great shots.
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