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Denise T

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Everything posted by Denise T

  1. Happy Monday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Happy Canada Day! After heavy rain and thunderstorms yesterday, high will be about 78 with sun and a cool breeze. This weather I can take. The grass has already greened up in places. Nothing out of the ordinary planned today. Grading assignments and seeing clients. 100 days to go until my cruise! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  2. Happy Sunday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. We had rain last night! Thunderstorms to be exact. The grass is starting to green up. We may have some more today. Today I am relaxing a little. Writing up my dissertation and then a family Zoom call. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  3. Happy Saturday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Hi in the 80s today and partly cloudy. Supposedly we should get some rain here and there this weekend, but I am not holding my breath. Keeping my eyes on the outdoor plants to help them survive. Grocery shopping and then a Zoom call with a friend. My back is a bit soar today, so I intend to rest. My massage yesterday got cancelled and rescheduled for next Friday. Oh well. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  4. Happy Friday! Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Not as hot today. Highs in the 80s with sun. I will have to water the vegetables today. I also have a massage scheduled for today which I desperately need. Getting all of my grading done today so that I can focus on completing my dissertation this weekend. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  5. Happy Thursday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Well, I got a little rain last night. It seems like I am in a little pocket where it doesn't rain a lot. All of the communities around us had wild and rainy weather. Well, at least I will not have to water the plants today. It will be hot and humid today in the low 80s with sun. I will be busy today with my classes and clients. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  6. Good Wednesday morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. A hot one today in the 90s again. We may get rain later this evening, but I am not holding my breath as it always seems to rain around me. We shall see. I lost my cucumber plant to the heat. Nothing exciting happening today. Working on grading assignments for most of this day. There are 105 days until my cruise but who's counting. Happy birthday to @mamaofami. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  7. Thank you for your review. I will be sailing on the Sky in October from Quebec. I have been on the Pearl. I like smaller ships. On the Pearl, my sister and I loved the Great Outdoors for breakfast. How did you like your cabin? My sister and I will be in an aft balcony.
  8. Happy Tuesday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. A wonderful day yesterday as the temperature was only in the 80s. Strong winds kept things cooler. Heading into the upper 80s today with no rain in sight. Vegetable plants seem to be holding on. May have lost a few herbs to the heat. Have not needed to cut the grass as it stopped growing due to the heat. Fancy enjoyed the cooler weather yesterday so much that she had the zoomies for a good 10 minutes. Workwise, today, grading assignments. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy trip.
  9. Happy Monday. Start of a new week. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Getting a little relief today as high only in the low 80s. I was hoping for thunderstorms yesterday, but they never came. They popped up all around my community, but we never saw any. Go some work done in the garden. The plants are suffering so my sister and I created some shade for them. We homesteaders have to improvise sometimes. I am finding the best time to get outdoor work done is in the evening. Of course I strained my wrist a little and will be wearing a brace today as I have a lot of computer work to do today. Oh, and I don't want to appear as if I was counting down the days, but there are only 107 days left until I sail Canada/New England. Happy birthday to @Sharon in AZ and to @StLouisCruisers DD. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  10. Happy Sunday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Another hot one today. 92 and hopefully some rain this evening. These days I like hiding in the house. Nothing much planned for today. May go out for dinner depending on how I feel. Happy birthday to @rafinmd! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  11. Happy Saturday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. We continue to bake here. Maybe getting up to 99 degrees today. We need rain! Working hard to keep my outdoor plants watered. I think today, after grocery shopping, I will hide in the air conditioning inside. Too hot to do much. Fancy loves going out to lay in the sun so I have to keep an eye on her. Oh,109 days until my cruise. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all her are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  12. Happy Friday. Thanks for the daily and fleet reports. Another scorcher today. Sunny and 94. We need rain and none in sight for the foreseeable future. Trying to keep the outside plants watered and alive. Early start today with chiropractor and dentist. Now I am home and will relax for a while before finishing up paperwork. That cruise in October is looking mighty good. Only 110 days away. Got the official invitation to my nephews wedding in September. So excited for him. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  13. Happy Thursday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Settling in for a long heat wave. Highs in the 90s today. I had planted an herb garden but most of the plants did not make it with this heat. I have been trying to keep them watered. The grass has gone dormant. The electric company is warning about possible power outages. Staying inside is the thing to do. We are in need of rain as well. Welcome to summer. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  14. Happy Wednesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. The heat wave continues today. 90 and blazing sun today. I think I will stay in the air conditioning today. Got a little overheated yesterday just watering the plants. I will be focusing on my classes today. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  15. Happy Tuesday everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. It is hot here. We are beginning a very long heat wave. Expecting 90 today and temperatures in the 90s well into next Thursday. I have to keep an eye on Fancy because she loves laying in the sun, I have to make her come in. I will also be watering the plants almost every day. I dislike summer very much. I have a meeting, a client, grading of assignments and finishing the results section of my dissertation. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating, Have a safe and healthy day.
  16. Made it. There is Eurodam. My ship for next year to Alaska.
  17. Good Monday morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. It will be a hot one today. Blazing sun as we head into a heat wave. A week of temperatures in the 90s. Looks like I will be watering the garden quite frequently. Getting back on track after traveling last week. Ended two classes so grading final assignments will take most of my day. The system has been down for one of the universities and I cannot access the classroom there. A new class starts today. I am seeing larger class sizes. No increase in pay though. Oh well. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  18. Good Sunday morning. Thanks for the daily and fleet reports. Happy Father's Day! Heading into a bit of a heat wave this week. Highs in the upper 80s and 90s. Looks like summer showed up early. Yesterday I washed all the curtains, living room furniture covers, and bedding. Today I will finish with the garden. My family will have a little get together via Zoom this afternoon. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  19. Happy Saturday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Sunny and 81 today. I will be working in the garden today. Visited Ketchikan May 2023. We were on Nieuw Amsterdam and it was rainy.  Bon Voyage to @Himself Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
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