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Everything posted by LATTELOVE

  1. Yeap, we do the same when washing our bathing suits. Always hang them on the balcony chairs, it dries pretty quick and we don't have to pack stincky, wet pieces of clothing. Too bad you had such bad experience with your excursion, not what was expected by using Royal's excursions.
  2. Congratulations!! Happy 31st wedding anniversary. May God bless you with many more. Enjoy beautiful Aruba today.
  3. Yes, yes, following for sure. Been on Harmony 3 times already, one of our favorite class ships. Looking forward to your reviews and photos. Thank you for taking your time to share with us all. Enjoy Disney with your family!
  4. No worries. I was too excited to have found it right at the time when it was leaving. So happy I did. Just wished I was on that cruise too. 🙂
  5. WOW!! You have an amazing suite. I love, love that bedroom on the second floor, you can see the ocean from your bed, how cool is that. Enjoy it to the fullest!
  6. Wow! So nice to be there already. Do suite people get to check in early?? Our last cruise in May the earliest we could check in was 11:30.
  7. Wonderful reviews and photos, thanks again. Looking forward to your next reviews. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
  8. Thank you for taking your time to do this. The photos and posts were fantastic. We really enjoyed it. Safe travels home.
  9. So far the food and presentation looks so scrumptious!! Much better than Royal Caribbean. They need to send some of their chefs to train with NCL's
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