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Everything posted by newbie1900

  1. Thanks for checking again. Not available to me. I logged in and not the same price or obc. I've been circling this cruise for a while now. Would definitely book at that price.
  2. I dont see this on my end. Are you on the princess site?
  3. If I remember correctly there were a few reports on a YouTube cruise channel. The ship was from San Francisco (I think) going up to Canada. Like I say, if it was a widespread issue I think there would be more news about it happening. But even the rumor of it makes me concerned.
  4. Yes, I’ve read the same info and I want to trust it. But there have been reports of people being denied. I think if it was really an issue we would have heard a lot more cases of this happening. But it makes me worry. I can’t reschedule my test to one that falls within the 72 hours. I may just do the online proctor test to ease my mind.
  5. This is what I'm so worried about. I called princess and they assured 3 days for my specific cruise. But you know how dependable that is! The language there distinguishes embarking than for just stopping by. But I the heard the same rumor.
  6. You mean embarking from Canada right? If it's leaving and returning seattle, it's still 3 days.
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